View Full Version : PM backs Smith...

7th April 2010, 13:41
Yet more money down the pan and into the pockets of thems clever folk...

"Prime Minister John Key says the use of taxpayer funds to pay National MP Nick Smith's legal bills is fine, but he would be open to such information being made public."

That's nice on both counts.... I'm really starting to warm to this fulla...

"Dr Smith is fighting a defamation case against him by timber preservative company Osmose. He said his legal costs totalled about $270,000, but would not confirm how much was taxpayer funded."

Gives him time to pay some back then...


7th April 2010, 13:46
Yet more money down the pan and into the pockets of thems clever folk...

By "clever folk" I assume you mean lawyers?

7th April 2010, 13:55
By "clever folk" I assume you mean lawyers?

they're certainly part of it... arguing to keep the case "alive" can't hurt I guess...

7th April 2010, 15:04
If I remember correctly Smith made his statements while in opposition. I'm not too sure if Key was the leader of the Nat's at the time or not. I'm not too sure on this but I think there is a special fund for this sort of thing.

Either way no bigge for me.

I'm more concerned about both Smith and Hides abuse of power with the sacking of Ecan.


7th April 2010, 15:12
If I remember correctly Smith made his statements while in opposition. I'm not too sure if Key was the leader of the Nat's at the time or not. I'm not too sure on this but I think there is a special fund for this sort of thing.

Either way no bigge for me.

I'm more concerned about both Smith and Hides abuse of power with the sacking of Ecan.


Alright, who are you and what have you done with Skyryder?

7th April 2010, 15:15
If I remember correctly Smith made his statements while in opposition. I'm not too sure if Key was the leader of the Nat's at the time or not. I'm not too sure on this but I think there is a special fund for this sort of thing.

Either way no bigge for me.

I'm more concerned about both Smith and Hides abuse of power with the sacking of Ecan.


A special fund? What, as in for sloooooow people... if so I don't think he qualifies (irrespective of how he looks)... I don't care if they're in power or not... MPs/Ministers should not have their defence paid unless the charges laid are against the government... failing that they should be subject to the same personal costs as everyone else IMHO... so many things that need fixing, so little time...

7th April 2010, 15:19
I'm more concerned about both Smith and Hides abuse of power with the sacking of Ecan.

Personally, I'm more concerned with how much laundered chinese currency you have to bung three labour ministers to get NZ citizenship...

7th April 2010, 15:23
A special fund? What, as in for sloooooow people... if so I don't think he qualifies (irrespective of how he looks)... I don't care if they're in power or not... MPs/Ministers should not have their defence paid unless the charges laid are against the government... failing that they should be subject to the same personal costs as everyone else IMHO... so many things that need fixing, so little time...

In the interests of Democracy and Justice, any politician, of any ilk should be defended from civil action that may gag them.

7th April 2010, 16:00
The fund is secret and is for Ministers only, not ordinary MPs.

7th April 2010, 16:02
In the interests of Democracy and Justice, any politician, of any ilk should be defended from civil action that may gag them.

Gag them? This isn't a gag scenario... Why should they be defended at all... I would have thought in the interests of Democracy and Justice a politician should be hung if they are found using public money to fight their own battles (or for their own gain)...

Smith said something about treated wood and got called a cunt for it... no more, no less... why should we pay for his defence? Would your company pay for you to fight your legal battles? surely politicians aren't that untouchable? and if they are, and they think they are, something needs to be done or life will continue up until the day that some fuckwit politician removes the financial system one day and the "underclass" rips itself to pieces and all under the guise of population control (couldn't resist, but something like that WILL happen)... frivolously spending money like this IS NOT IN THE COUNTRY'S BEST INTEREST... sorry I woke you, you can go back to sleep now.

7th April 2010, 16:05
It is not just the defence money, if Nix Myth loses he could have to pay up to $0.5M in defamation.

7th April 2010, 16:09
It is not just the defence money, if Nix Myth loses he could have to pay up to $0.5M in defamation.

I saw that too... but being true to form, he's hoping for an early settlement, which usually means they'll get half of what they asked for (sounds vaguely familiar :rofl:)

7th April 2010, 16:47
... sorry I woke you, you can go back to sleep now.

So you admit your posts are boring, then?

7th April 2010, 17:25
Alright, who are you and what have you done with Skyryder?

Now if he is found guilty then I expect him to cough up out of his own poket not ours. Still the same ol' me.


7th April 2010, 18:33
So you admit your posts are boring, then?

I would have gone with repetitive, but hey, each to their own... I just got to thinking, as a curmudgeon, you must have seen your freedoms slowly eroded away over the last, say 20 years... and a whole raft of new legislation come in, the cost of living to shoot through the roof, the politicians prancing about without a care in the world and playing fast and loose with the public finances to the tune of ??? million... money that could go to much MUCH better uses... and wondered why you were so mute over the issue. Desensitised perhaps? just happy with your lot? fuck 'em we aren't here for long anyway, why make it easier for the next generation? but, like i say... sorry i woke you with yet another repetitive post...

7th April 2010, 22:46
I would have gone with repetitive, but hey, each to their own... I just got to thinking, as a curmudgeon, you must have seen your freedoms slowly eroded away over the last, say 20 years... and a whole raft of new legislation come in, the cost of living to shoot through the roof, the politicians prancing about without a care in the world and playing fast and loose with the public finances to the tune of ??? million... money that could go to much MUCH better uses... and wondered why you were so mute over the issue. Desensitised perhaps? just happy with your lot? fuck 'em we aren't here for long anyway, why make it easier for the next generation? but, like i say... sorry i woke you with yet another repetitive post...

Au contraire - as I said earlier I would say that the use of tax payers money to pay MP's court costs is a guarantee of freedom, not a limitation. If I was sued by a client at work, I would expect my employer to pay.

Imagine the scenario where Winston Peters sued the Chairman of a Select Committee and the MP in question had to fund his own defense. Basically an MP wouldn't be able to say anything outside the debating chamber for fear of being sued and the financial ramifications of even a successful outcome.

7th April 2010, 23:01
I saw that too... but being true to form, he's hoping for an early settlement, which usually means they'll get half of what they asked for (sounds vaguely familiar :rofl:)Actually I think it is $26M

7th April 2010, 23:03
I hope the smug fuck loses.....
If he does, then shouldnt he lose his job?
Im sure his cronies will look after him,....a seat on the water commission maybe or maybe the pay is better in mining.

8th April 2010, 10:21
Au contraire - as I said earlier I would say that the use of tax payers money to pay MP's court costs is a guarantee of freedom, not a limitation. If I was sued by a client at work, I would expect my employer to pay.

Imagine the scenario where Winston Peters sued the Chairman of a Select Committee and the MP in question had to fund his own defense. Basically an MP wouldn't be able to say anything outside the debating chamber for fear of being sued and the financial ramifications of even a successful outcome.

Tough at the top eh! I guess that's why they get paid the big bucks... must be danger money for when they step out into the big bad world and aren't "untouchable" any more... but on the brightside they'll still be getting their MP benefits...

In this case I actually agree with what Smith said... but he should not be using public money to defend HIMSELF and HIS opinions, HE WASN'T PART OF A SITTING GOVERNMENT AT THE TIME... this case is Company v Individual v Individual... not Company v Employer...

8th April 2010, 10:26
I hope the smug fuck loses.....
If he does, then shouldnt he lose his job?
Im sure his cronies will look after him,....a seat on the water commission maybe or maybe the pay is better in mining.

He won't lose, or at least i'd be surprised if he did. He asked very valid questions and, by the sounds of things, damaged the "reputation" of a company, one of its products and potentially future revenue... the fact that these guys are seeking compensation for a "dodgy" product is ludicrous on its own...

But I still maintain that he should not receive any public money, JUST because he's an MP...

8th April 2010, 10:50
Tough at the top eh! I guess that's why they get paid the big bucks... must be danger money for when they step out into the big bad world and aren't "untouchable" any more... but on the brightside they'll still be getting their MP benefits...

In this case I actually agree with what Smith said... but he should not be using public money to defend HIMSELF and HIS opinions, HE WASN'T PART OF A SITTING GOVERNMENT AT THE TIME... this case is Company v Individual v Individual... not Company v Employer...

1. They aren't paid big bucks.
2. I didn't differentiate between Govt. or Opposition MP's. They should all be free to go about their business without the threat of legal action.

8th April 2010, 10:55
1. They aren't paid big bucks.
2. I didn't differentiate between Govt. or Opposition MP's. They should all be free to go about their business without the threat of legal action.But the shit that sprouts out of their traps should be true, and be backed up with facts.

8th April 2010, 11:13
1. They aren't paid big bucks.
2. I didn't differentiate between Govt. or Opposition MP's. They should all be free to go about their business without the threat of legal action.

1. Yes they are in comparison to the rest of the country... Don't forget to add the "benefits" package... free everything by the looks of it.
2. I know you didn't... but the case in the OP is Company v Individual v Individual... IT'S AGAINST THE INDIVIDUAL, not whom they represent... must just be business as usual for yourself :)... Like I said before, tis tough at the top... that's part of the job... get over it... and watch your mouth like every other person has to do in their job...

they're politicians fer fucks sake... they should be used to "playing the game by now"... No? if not... perhaps they should lose their job for being such a poor "representative" of their people...

8th April 2010, 11:27
1. Yes they are in comparison to the rest of the country... Don't forget to add the "benefits" package... free everything by the looks of it.
2. I know you didn't... but the case in the OP is Company v Individual v Individual... IT'S AGAINST THE INDIVIDUAL, not whom they represent... must just be business as usual for yourself :)... Like I said before, tis tough at the top... that's part of the job... get over it... and watch your mouth like every other person has to do in their job...

they're politicians fer fucks sake... they should be used to "playing the game by now"... No? if not... perhaps they should lose their job for being such a poor "representative" of their people...

In general, for their qualifications, their pay and perks are very poor. This may be why we miss out on the best and brightest.

They will certainly lose their jobs if they fuck up, however I'm not sure that the electorate agrees with you in the case on Mr. Smith. The beauty of democracy is that you can rant all you like on line, but when it comes down to it - you only have one vote like the rest of us.

8th April 2010, 11:41
In general, for their qualifications, their pay and perks are very poor. This may be why we miss out on the best and brightest.

They will certainly lose their jobs if they fuck up, however I'm not sure that the electorate agrees with you in the case on Mr. Smith. The beauty of democracy is that you can rant all you like on line, but when it comes down to it - you only have one vote like the rest of us.

For their qualifications??? what qualifications? tertiary? experience? what? and once you've been an MP you're then covered for life by the sounds of things... pretty fuckin good perk in my eyes... money for nothing... tshhh yeah.

True, I only have one vote the same as everyone else... but when those votes are combined... "you only have one vote like the rest of us" are you saying that votes aren't powerful? SCREAMS "social conditioning" to me...

The fact that I may well be alone in my own conviction, says more about you than it does about me.