View Full Version : Why do you kill them?

15th April 2010, 10:06
You have a pet - dog, cat, horse...etc

You LOVE your pet - dog, cat, horse...etc

It is a part of your family, and has been for years.

Your pet gets old, starts to have health issues assosiated with old age - cant see very well, doesnt move all that fast...etc

Instead of looking after pet as you would for any other member of the family, you take your pet to the vet and are having it "put down". You KILL your pet - the one you "LOVE" - dog, cat, horse...etc.

How can you kill a live creature that you love ? WHY ?

15th April 2010, 10:11
Because you don't want to see it suffer and if you leave it living you risk being charged with cruelty to an animal.
You'd do the same for some person you love, if you were allowed to...

15th April 2010, 10:12
Because you don't want to see it suffer and if you leave it living you risk being charged with cruelty to an animal.
You'd do the same for some person you love, if you were allowed to...

+1 to that.

15th April 2010, 10:17
We all know instances of people who have died a long painful death because we aren't allowed to help them on their way. It is cruel to both them and their families.
When my aging pussy gets to that stage, I will certainly be taking her to the vet. I doubt very much that she will last another winter, the cold will get to her and she is not an inside cat.

15th April 2010, 10:22
I had my dog "put down" so she wouldn't have to suffer any longer. When you come home and your dog just lays there looking at you, no spark left in her eyes, she's in pain and there's nothing any vet can do to make her better again, its the only humane thing to do.
When my Grandmother was into her nineties, all she ever asked for was a knock on the head. We all knew she'd had enough and wanted it to be over. Took her three years to die slowly. Bloody awful thing for her and her family to go through.

15th April 2010, 10:25
The bastard ate my homework.

15th April 2010, 10:27
Have you seen "Million Dollar Baby"?

Go figure.

15th April 2010, 10:30
I had to have an old cat of mine put to sleep a few years ago, it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. The cat had kidney disease and was n steriods and other drugs to keep him as well as he could get. He basically only slept and ate. I had toddlers who LOVED him. He would get himself settled in a sunny spot for a sleep and one of the kids would pick him up, or pat him as only a loving toddler can. he did not get a moments peace. I used to put him on my bed and close the door on him for some peace. He just pissed all over my bedroom as he could not get out :pinch: The drugs would keep him well for about a month and them he would go down hill again. Had I not had the kids I may have kept going with him for a bit longer, but it was cruel to him in the end.

15th April 2010, 10:38
Because my cat of 18 years didnt understand why he couldn't make it outside anymore. Didn't know that all the pills and injections were to help him.

To keep him alive any longer would have been cruel and more for us than him. His quality of life had gone.

Big Dave
15th April 2010, 10:45
The bastard ate my homework.

Aldus, see me after class.

15th April 2010, 10:55
The bastard ate my homework.

I had a goat that ate anything, literally. I told the kids to stay away from Max, one time he ate a birthday party favour from some kids hand and I had to pacify said kid who was in tears. We were growing flowers at the time and one day the kids cleared the mail complete with a consigment of seeds I had ordered in for a trial crop. They were expensive and I had waited a long time to source them. Yepper you guessed it, the friggen goat had a good attempt at eating them along with the other mail, pity it did not suceed in eatnig the bills and the foil sealed package of seeds proved to bit a bit difficult to tear into, a few seeds crushed was the only damage. I never killed the goat over it, though I was tempted to murder the child :dodge:

15th April 2010, 10:58
Because you don't want to see it suffer and if you leave it living you risk being charged with cruelty to an animal.
You'd do the same for some person you love, if you were allowed to...
+10, that is the way it is.

15th April 2010, 10:59
Yeah 'cos keeping them alive on drugs etc for our pleasure and entertainment is sooo much more desirable.

15th April 2010, 11:16
.. Instead of looking after pet as you would for any other member of the family, you take your pet to the vet and are having it "put down". You KILL your pet - the one you "LOVE" - dog, cat, horse...etc.

How can you kill a live creature that you love ? WHY ?

Because you love them. Sometimes love means rising above selfishness and realising the final gift your love can give is the gift of release

Master, pity Thy Servant! He is deaf and three parts blind.
He cannot catch Thy Commandments. He cannot read Thy Mind.
Oh, leave him not to his loneliness; nor make him that kitten's scorn.
He hath had no other God than Thee since the year that he was born.

Lord, look down on Thy Servant! Bad things have come to pass.
There is no heat in the midday sun, nor health in the wayside grass.
His bones are full of an old disease -- his torments run and increase.
Lord, make haste with Thy Lightnings and grant him a quick release!

You are young, when you are old you will understand

And, I would do the same for a person I loved, were it not for the law. And I wish that those whop love me could do the same for me.

15th April 2010, 11:17
You have a pet - dog, cat, horse...etc

You LOVE your pet - dog, cat, horse...etc

It is a part of your family, and has been for years.

Your pet gets old, starts to have health issues assosiated with old age - cant see very well, doesnt move all that fast...etc

Instead of looking after pet as you would for any other member of the family, you take your pet to the vet and are having it "put down". You KILL your pet - the one you "LOVE" - dog, cat, horse...etc.

How can you kill a live creature that you love ? WHY ?

I would respectfully suggest that you get some more life experience before you make statements like this in such a pejorative manner.

I had my dog put to sleep.
I held her in my arms and watched her eyes change as the pain went away.
I cried like a baby for my friend of fifteen years.

15th April 2010, 11:32
Because you don't want to see it suffer and if you leave it living you risk being charged with cruelty to an animal.
You'd do the same for some person you love, if you were allowed to...

+2 to that.
Why do we seek medical help for our children when they are sick? Why do we have operations? Same thing, we see a need/suffering and in this instance we are able to do something about it for them.

15th April 2010, 11:33
Plus they fight back less than people.

15th April 2010, 11:37
I killed my pet cockrel because he started crowing at about 5 every morning. The neighbours still don't like me.

15th April 2010, 11:40
wot MSTRS sed

15th April 2010, 11:46
Because you don't want to see it suffer and if you leave it living you risk being charged with cruelty to an animal.
You'd do the same for some person you love, if you were allowed to...

I look at it the other way
keeping a pet or a person alive who is suffering without realistic hope is just plain selfish

15th April 2010, 11:53
I killed one of my Budgies as a kid. Had a secondhand cage and the latch to keep the door open was broken. I felt sorry for the two Budgies being stuck in a cage all day, so I tied a bit of string to the door to keep it open so they could fly around my room while I was at school. Came home to a dead little Snowie, he was hanging upside down with the string wrapped around his little leg. I cried my heart out! I placed him in a wooden box that I had made at Woodwork, dug a hole in the back yard and buried him. :weep:

15th April 2010, 11:54
Because you don't want to see it suffer and if you leave it living you risk being charged with cruelty to an animal.
You'd do the same for some person you love, if you were allowed to...

Wot he said
And it still sux.
Sometimes ya gotta do wot ya gotta do

15th April 2010, 11:55
What about when its some fixable (but expensive) problem...

15th April 2010, 12:04
What about when its some fixable (but expensive) problem...

Yeap had that unfortunate experience! Had a Golden Retriever, he was getting old. Became sick, started coughing up this slimy watery like substance, very lethargic and sad. Bundled him up in the car and took him to the vets. Vet said he had water around his heart, there was medication - very expensive, but can't be sure it would work. I was in Gisborne at the time, no job, looking after my father who was on a sickness benefit and going through Radiotherapy. We could not afford the medication, and so it was decided to put Khan down. I couldn’t stay in the room while the vet injected him - I wish like hell I could take that back!!

15th April 2010, 12:09
What about when its some fixable (but expensive) problem...

Good point.
That is when 'your' financial reality dictates what you must do. Which really does suck, if you're skint...

15th April 2010, 12:11
I killed my pet cockrel because he started crowing at about 5 every morning. The neighbours still don't like me.

I have five pet cockrels the neighbours do not like but I am not going to kill any of 'them' untill they stop their BOOM BOOM boxes and driving around at two in the morning like Hoons..

15th April 2010, 12:11
What about when its some fixable (but expensive) problem...
Is it long term fixable or just a patch that will keep the animal alive for a bit longer? And for whose benefit?
I've spent serious money on dogs that had back problems inherent in the breed, hoping that it would work. It didn't.
one of the hardest things I've ever done was to have them euthanised, even though I know it was a release from pain for them.
Keeping them alive wasn't doing them any favours, it would have just been selfish on my part.
over 10 years ago, I still miss the little shits every day

15th April 2010, 12:15
What about when its some fixable (but expensive) problem...

OLD age is Old age your body is shutting down that is the time bugs like to attack us all, if young and fixable then that would be another decision.

15th April 2010, 12:28
because they taste good.

15th April 2010, 12:35
They can't charge me with beastiality if there's no animal!

Dead pets don't speak.....


Gone Burger
15th April 2010, 12:51
I was hangin out with my beautiful white german shepherd the other day. He is only 4, but I got very emoional thinking I would probably only have another 5 or so years with him. Just the thought broke my heart. I know that when he is old, unwell and unhappy, it's going to be the hardest decision of my life what to do about it.

It seems like such an unfair decision. But I guess, when the time comes, you know in your heart what the right decision is, for the right reasons. My dogs are my absolute world. Have never owned on before these 2, and already feel heavy about them aging. They are my babies.

15th April 2010, 12:55
What a dumb question TOTO.

15th April 2010, 12:57
I let mine die of old age in agony!

15th April 2010, 13:07
What a dumb question TOTO.

Good point. What would Dorathy have done?

Okey Dokey
15th April 2010, 13:24
After years of vet nursing, I have been present when many beloved pets were euthanised. Pet owners agonise about making the decision. The selfish choice is to ignore your pet's pain and misery, to put off making the hard call about euthanasia. Owners who put the pet's quality of life first, before there own needs for their old friend to stay around a bit longer, don't deserve to have a guilt trip put on them.

I can't remember a single case of anyone putting a pet to sleep because of failing sight, or stiff joints, toto. Most cases involve painful conditions where there is no ability to cure, such as invasive cancers. Or horrific "hit by car" injuries where survival will be measured in agonising minutes, and a lethal injection ends the suffering.

15th April 2010, 13:27
I killed one of my Budgies as a kid. Had a secondhand cage and the latch to keep the door open was broken. I felt sorry for the two Budgies being stuck in a cage all day, so I tied a bit of string to the door to keep it open so they could fly around my room while I was at school. Came home to a dead little Snowie, he was hanging upside down with the string wrapped around his little leg. I cried my heart out! I placed him in a wooden box that I had made at Woodwork, dug a hole in the back yard and buried him. :weep:

Oh that is terrible, string/rope and animals is never a good idea. Some neighbours of mine had sheep that were no respecters of fences. The neighbours thought it a good idea to put rope around the worst offenders necks and tether them to the fence in the paddocks. I got up one morning to the sight of a sheep hanging by its neck just outside my kitchen window. It had slipped down a bit of a drop off and hug itself :pinch:

Hopeful Bastard
15th April 2010, 13:29
A joke i always think about when putting animals down...

On the first day, God created the dog and said: Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years.'
The dog said: 'That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I'll give you back the other ten?'
So God agreed.
On the second day, God created the monkey and said: Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh. For this, I'll give you a 20 year life span.'
The monkey said: 'Monkey tricks for 20 years? That's a pretty long time to perform. How about I give you back 10 like the dog did?'
And God agreed.
On the third day, God created the cow and said: You must go into the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer's family. For this, I will give you a life span of 60 years.'
The cow said: 'That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for 60 years. How about twenty and I'll give back the other forty?'
And God agreed again.
On the fourth day, God created man and said: Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life. For this, I'll give you 20 years.'
But man said: 'Only twenty years? Could you possibly give me my 20, the 40 the cow gave back, the 10 the monkey gave back, and the 10 the dog gave back, that makes 80, okay?'
Okay,' said God, 'You asked for it.'
So that is why for our first 20 years we eat, sleep, play and enjoy ourselves. For the next 40 years we slave in the sun to support our family. For the next 10 years we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren. And for the last 10 years we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.
Life has now been explained to you.

But yes. I miss a muched loved Pappilion.. Cute litte critter he was.. But one day he just lost his marbles.. Barking at random times of the night, Pissing all over the place, Would get lost in the house he had been living in for 18 or so years etc etc.. We eventually locked him up to one place in the lounge with a wooden floor so we could easily clean up after him.. But Age just got the better of him and we had to put him down. Mum held onto him and we all cried like a pack of babies who hadnt been fed yet.. :'( One of the Sadest dies of our lives.. Had him cremated and he is now in my Woodwork box i made to an absolute top standard with his Winter jacket folded up and placed over the ashes..

Man this shit isnt on.. Everybody Hurts by REM is playing on the radio.. Almost had a tear in meh eye writing that!

Big Dave
15th April 2010, 13:30
humane |(h)yoōˈmān|
1 having or showing compassion or benevolence : regulations ensuring the humane treatment of animals.
• inflicting the minimum of pain : humane methods of killing.
humanely adverb
humaneness noun
ORIGIN late Middle English : the earlier form of human , restricted to the senses above in the 18th cent.

the humane treatment of animals compassionate, kind, considerate, understanding, sympathetic, tolerant; lenient, forbearing, forgiving, merciful, mild, gentle, tender, clement, benign, humanitarian, benevolent, charitable; warmhearted, tenderhearted, softhearted. antonym cruel.

15th April 2010, 13:30
Oh that is terrible, string/rope and animals is never a good idea.

Yes it was a hard lesson to learn, I was a 10yr old animal killer :cry:

15th April 2010, 13:33
What about when its some fixable (but expensive) problem...

What about if the same amount of health care funding was available to pets? So then they're pretty much in the same boat as us. The only difference would be the legality of putting them down and maybe it would be slightly easier putting them down as opposed to a human.

One of our dogs needs injections for it's shoddy hips (1/mth $25 each) or a hip replacement. If it was funded, I'd replace the hips. But the injections lube him up enough.

What a dumb question TOTO.

Personally I don't actually think it's a dumb question. I think if money was no object, let's face it, less pets would be put down. For old aged pets, if pain killers were affordable for pets (the same as humans) more pets would be live out there lives more "naturally".

I've had to put down a dog. She was running around the day I put her down. Which was both good and bad. Good because she had a good last day, but bad because it made me think twice whether I should have done it or not. She was pretty much losing the plot and incontinent among a long list of other things. But on her good days she acted like a puppy and ran around with the others like a nutta. So tough when you have to hold them down and look into their eyes to say goodbye. They know something is up.

In a perfect would it wouldn't have to happen and I would very much prefer it that way.

15th April 2010, 13:36
Because you don't want to see it suffer and if you leave it living you risk being charged with cruelty to an animal.
You'd do the same for some person you love, if you were allowed to...

That makes sence.

Have you seen "Million Dollar Baby"?


Because you love them. Sometimes love means rising above selfishness and realising the final gift your love can give is the gift of release

You are young, when you are old you will understand

Yep, I can understand that.

I would respectfully suggest that you get some more life experience before you make statements like this in such a pejorative manner.

You are most probably correct. Reading the serious answers to my question, does in fact make sence. My prejorative manner reflects my dissaproval of taking a life of a live creature I suppose.

What about when its some fixable (but expensive) problem...

A valid point, hadn't taught about that.

OLD age is Old age your body is shutting down that is the time bugs like to attack us all, if young and fixable then that would be another decision.

You see, with hmans we can communicate exactly what we feel. If a person is in pain they can let others know. How can we be sure that animal is in pain however ? What if the dogy likes sitting in his corner coz he is had enough of chasing sticks all his life. How can I be sure that I would be doing the right thing by putting him down ?

because they taste good.

You are holding the whole class back

They can't charge me with beastiality if there's no animal!

Dead pets don't speak.....


You and nodrog in the corner...

What a dumb question TOTO.

What score do I get - 8.5/10 ?

15th April 2010, 13:36
After years of vet nursing, I have been present when many beloved pets were euthanised. Pet owners agonise about making the decision. The selfish choice is to ignore your pet's pain and misery, to put off making the hard call about euthanasia. Owners who put the pet's quality of life first, before there own needs for their old friend to stay around a bit longer, don't deserve to have a guilt trip put on them.

I can't remember a single case of anyone putting a pet to sleep because of failing sight, or stiff joints, toto. Most cases involve painful conditions where there is no ability to cure, such as invasive cancers. Or horrific "hit by car" injuries where survival will be measured in agonising minutes, and a lethal injection ends the suffering.
I'm still feeling a bit guilty about Spotty. She had what was suspected as cancer. I didn't have the heart to have her euthanased. She died in the house.... hopefully where she knew she was safe. I just hope she didn't suffer. It's a VERY hard call to make

Okey Dokey
15th April 2010, 13:40
I'm still feeling a bit guilty about Spotty. She had what was suspected as cancer. I didn't have the heart to have her euthanased. She died in the house.... hopefully where she knew she was safe. I just hope she didn't suffer. It's a VERY hard call to make

Don't make yourself feel bad about it! She had that security of her place and your love. You were caring for her. It is impossible to discuss a particular case on the internet, but you would have been aware of her condition, and maybe she died before you needed to make that choice.

And it IS a hard call.

15th April 2010, 13:56
What score do I get - 8.5/10 ?

10/10 for either trolling or asking such a stupid question.

15th April 2010, 13:58
cows with guns

15th April 2010, 14:05
Well it cost me thirty bucks to fix my budgie
When the little blighter only cost me five
And the bludger wakes me early in the morning,
It's got me puzzled how he survives.

One night I'll feed him to the tom cat.
Instead of worrying about him when we go away.
No-one wants to feed a shitty budgie,
When everyone's on holiday

Big Dave
15th April 2010, 14:22
Bad cow pun.

15th April 2010, 14:26
Mmmm, bits of cow in bun.

15th April 2010, 14:34
cows with guns

Bad cow pun.

Much cow dung

15th April 2010, 15:20
A little story (I will cry during this :weep:)
When I was about 10, friends of the family gave me one of their old station hacks (horse) called Suzy. She was about 18 and no good for farm work anymore and I had been on and on at my mum for years about getting a horse of my own (I had to prove I could care for my own horse by working school holidays at the local RDA (which I loved BTW)). Anyway, old Suze was a faithful friend and bombproof, yet still had enough life in her to do a decent buck now and again and eat dad's roses.
Anyway I had Suzy for about 5 years before she started to really go down hill and I couldn't ride her anymore. She'd had a hard life on the farm, her teeth were bad and she starting to have trouble eating, no matter how much hard feed and suppliments we gave her and she was getting really skinny and looking quite sick and generally miserable. We got the vet out to see her and he suggested the kindest thing to do for my old mate was to have her put down. My heart broke and at 15 I agonised over the decision that I had to make about my friend for weeks. Finally I decided I couldn't bare seeing her like that any more and the kindest thing for her would be to let her go.
Now comes the bit that rips my heart out even now thinking about it..... I told my dad my decision and he arranged for my cousin to bring his drain digger out home to dig the hole and after I said my last goodbye to Suzy and gave her a sugar lump I was taken off to my Aunts until the deed was done. Naively I thought my dad would get the vet out to give her an injection to put her to sleep, but it wasn't until I got home and went to see where they'd buried her that I saw the blood around the freshly filled in grave of my pony that I realised something was up.
I asked dad what had happened, why all the blood? My brother blurted out that that's what happens when you shoot something!! :crybaby: I know that if you hit an animal in the right spot with a bullet it kills them quickly, but I felt decieved and couldn't help wondering if whoever had fired the gun had made sure they had killed her cleanly and she hadn't suffered. My poor pony. Enough to say I never forgave my dad for not getting the vet to put my friend down properly and how I wanted it to be done to be sure she died quickly and cleanly.
Anyway, that's not a happy story, but when I had to have my chinchilla put down I made sure I held her until the vet checked that her heart had stopped beating to try and make up for not being there for Suzy.

15th April 2010, 15:38
Because you don't want to see it suffer and if you leave it living you risk being charged with cruelty to an animal.
You'd do the same for some person you love, if you were allowed to...

we put our last cat down because it was absolutely riddled with cancer...i think the tolerance to pain etc is well above what we humans can tolerate.By the time we realised something was wrong(besides being a bit slow and not eating quite as much(previous vet visit)) it was too late.Quality of life = zero

15th April 2010, 16:03
Wut? Whos got a pet cow??

15th April 2010, 16:09
My prejorative manner reflects my dissaproval of taking a life of a live creature I suppose.

What are you, a bloody vegan?

15th April 2010, 16:42
What are you, a bloody vegan?

Bloody Vegan... Shouldn't that be in the oxymoron thread? If you know what I mean.

15th April 2010, 16:44
Bad cow pun. Ummm

Much cow dung Cows and guns

Doin my head in i tell ya
It's a waiting game, you wait with clenched hands for the day to come ! It's like, will it be today ? No ! Then the next day you look in the back yard with loving eyes and think tommorow the suffering will be over, i cant wait any longer !

Here is a short vid of her in the back yard ! Excuse the beginning

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/tHCmZmqZLWc&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/tHCmZmqZLWc&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

15th April 2010, 16:54

Cows and guns

Doin my head in i tell ya
It's a waiting game, you wait with clenched hands for the day to come ! It's like, will it be today ? No ! Then the next day you look in the back yard with loving eyes and think tommorow the suffering will be over, i cant wait any longer !

Here is a short vid of her in the back yard ! Excuse the beginning

LOL! Fantastic. Your an evil sounding man.

15th April 2010, 17:17
i dont know how you can complain when society treats its animal pets better than our fellow man. our old people are lockedup in homes and forgotten about, while we lead our selfish and busy lives, an old lady walking down the street just had her face smashed in by a full beer bottle deliberately thrown at her from a moving car, i saw an 80+ y.o woman with a zimmerframe and hunched back being challenged, or "stepped out" to a fight from a knuckle dragging "crip" gangsta in ngaruwhahia, whilst backed up and egged on by his 6-7 homies, all aged in their teens.
There definately needs to be a town in NZ reserved for where old people can go to live in safety and peace.
Fuck the animals, we eat most of em.

15th April 2010, 17:25
I've got pet insurance, 100% cover and costs $17 a month, even includes vet visits.

Kindly inform yourself before putting the needle in your pet crying "I'm sorry, I just can't afford you." You shouldn't have gotten a pet in the first place.

As to why we put down our animals? Have you seen any old folks homes or hospices for animals? Any animals with crutches and wheelchairs around? The only humane, sane, and most of all, logical approach is to end your companion's suffering. You can't shift them to an Old Pet's Home when they become senile and deprecated. I'm reiterating other posts here but the fact of the matter is it is because you love them, that it would be pure selfishness to keep them around if they were in so much pain and suffering that being put down is an option.

Hopeful Bastard
15th April 2010, 18:42
Aww what a cute little Vegie patch you have Sinnie!

The Pastor
15th April 2010, 19:09
I don't kill my pets, i kill my neighbours pets.

Big Dave
15th April 2010, 19:22
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/HpkmtweNQ-U&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/HpkmtweNQ-U&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

15th April 2010, 19:34
I've done that for two loved pets. A cat with a broken back and a lab who got arthritic and had heart problems leading to continual shortness of breath. I had tears in my eyes for both as they slipped away after the injection but I have no doubt I did the right thing. I watched my step-father passing away for four years and he finally got really bad but still had to linger in a hospital bed on death's door for two weeks before he finally got the release he prayed for. That was a month ago. We were close with an unspoken understanding of things and I was scared that he was going to ask me to quietly put a pillow over his face. Scared because I would have had to say no and by saying no, extend his misery.
The question should not be "how can we kill loved pets?" but "why can't we assist loved family members to end their suffering".

Big Col
15th April 2010, 20:02
Im not a vegetarian, but a lot of the things I eat were once vegetarians. Sinnie I can help you when the waiting is over.

15th April 2010, 20:09
If vegetarians love animals so much, how come they eat their food?

15th April 2010, 21:55
If most cats and dogs were put down, many other animals would not suffer, and 'pets' and the whole industry behind 'pets' would be exposed for the fundamentally unethical place it occupies in our lives....

15th April 2010, 22:02
If most cats and dogs were put down, many other animals would not suffer, and 'pets' and the whole industry behind 'pets' would be exposed for the fundamentally unethical place it occupies in our lives....

and if we let off all the nukes there would be no more suffering either (well after a little while anyway), but that ain't exactly a solution, suffering is a natural part of life. I'm not sure how owning pets is unethical, beneficial for both owners and pets as far as I can see it, and their prey too, as the already get fed.

We've had a few dogs put down on my parents farm, they just wear out so to speak, kinder to put em down, if i ever get to a similar state I'd wanna be put down too.

15th April 2010, 22:05
If vegetarians love animals so much, how come they eat their food?

Exactly, better to eat them, as that supports the industry, which then giveth life to more animals!

15th April 2010, 22:11
You have a pet - dog, cat, horse...etc

You LOVE your pet - dog, cat, horse...etc

It is a part of your family, and has been for years.

Your pet gets old, starts to have health issues assosiated with old age - cant see very well, doesnt move all that fast...etc

Instead of looking after pet as you would for any other member of the family, you take your pet to the vet and are having it "put down". You KILL your pet - the one you "LOVE" - dog, cat, horse...etc.

How can you kill a live creature that you love ? WHY ?

Is the animal living for you or for itself? You can't bear to put it down? That sounds like you are putting your priorities over the animal's. Our labrador had cancer and was in obvious pain. I was there for her death. It was one of the worst experiences I've had. She couldn't tell me to end it, but it was all in her eyes in the last days of her life. She wanted it, and I didn't.

Some people should be put down and there is nothing physically wrong with them.

15th April 2010, 22:16
Oh dear this is a difficult thread. For many of us our pets are part of the household, members of the family. The fact they are granted shorter lives than us is both tragic and fortunate. Tragic in the sense we see them die. Fortunate in that they aren't tied to us while we go through all the myriad changes of human life.

Our best friend is a Siamese cat currently curled up in my bed with the electric blanket. All of my children love him and despite being scrawny and old, he enchants our visitors. He rides around in cars by choice and is an engaging animal. Anyway, he has feline AIDS (FIV) and at 15 has lived longer than anyone expected. I suspect this will be his last winter and I'm not looking forward to the drive to the vet. Nevertheless we love this cat and could not bear to see him in pain, incontinent, and confused so we won't prolong his life when the quality has faded into that dark night.

15th April 2010, 22:52
Something else ...

Why do you "de-sex" your pets ????????????

15th April 2010, 23:01
aaah - the night of the new moon during the autumnal equinox and the trolls come out to play.

15th April 2010, 23:16
I've got pet insurance, 100% cover and costs $17 a month, even includes vet visits.

Kindly inform yourself before putting the needle in your pet crying "I'm sorry, I just can't afford you." You shouldn't have gotten a pet in the first place.

As to why we put down our animals? Have you seen any old folks homes or hospices for animals? Any animals with crutches and wheelchairs around? The only humane, sane, and most of all, logical approach is to end your companion's suffering. You can't shift them to an Old Pet's Home when they become senile and deprecated. I'm reiterating other posts here but the fact of the matter is it is because you love them, that it would be pure selfishness to keep them around if they were in so much pain and suffering that being put down is an option.

Who does your pet insurance? ALL the ones i've looked at only part cover.....would like a 100% coverage pet insurance.

15th April 2010, 23:23
Its all been said above as to why we put our pets down. I have two dogs, and I certainly am not looking forward to the day when I will have to make the hard decision to end the suffering of either of my "fur kids". It is a decision many, if not all, owners do not take lightly. No one wakes up and thinks "ah fuck it, im gonna kill my dog for shits and giggles today". the majority of times it is because the animal has been sick for some time, and suffering greatly, and there is no other option other than letting them keep on suffering, and in pain. Animals cant tell us when they are sore, it takes truely "knowing" your animal to know when that time has come. The day i send my dogs over the rainbow bridge will be one of the hardest days of my life, i defiantely am NOT looking forward to it.

15th April 2010, 23:25
oh and Toto, why are you asking? Just outta curiosity? Or is it something you are having to consider?

16th April 2010, 00:12
Why do you "de-sex" your pets ????????????

It gets rid of the fingerprints.

16th April 2010, 00:34
It gets rid of the fingerprints.

I dont get it

16th April 2010, 11:25
He touched it. Get it?

I remember a farmer told me once, they cut out their genitals (testicles I think) to make them less angry. I'm not entirely sure but it had to do with something lessening their dominant behaviour among female animals. Correct me if I'm wrong.

16th April 2010, 12:48
Your pet gets old, starts to have health issues assosiated with old age - cant see very well, doesnt move all that fast...etc

Instead of looking after pet as you would for any other member of the family, you take your pet to the vet and are having it "put down". You KILL your pet - the one you "LOVE" - dog, cat, horse...etc.

How can you kill a live creature that you love ? WHY ?

Because last time I checked a cat/dog/goldfish/horse can't turn to you and say "I'm in immense pain" and also because veterinary bills are rather expensive - my last dog was going to need $5000 of surgery and there was still a good chance that it wouldn't 'fix' her health problems. She'd been through three weeks of pain and couldn't hold down food or water. Are you suggesting that we we're better off doping her up on pain killers and having her on an IV drip in a cage for the rest of her life? We did the best thing we could given the diagnosis and "put her down" - administered euthanasia.

It's not like we beat the shit out of her til she stopped breathing. She was given an injection and experienced no extra pain to stop her from enduring the rest of her life in intense pain.

16th April 2010, 14:12
This is why we do it Toto:

The Last Battle
If it should be that I grow frail and weak,

And pain should keep me from my sleep,

Then will you do what must be done,

For this, the last battle, can't be won.

You will be sad I understand,

But don't let grief then stay your hand,

For on this day, more than the rest,

Your love and friendship must stand the test.

We have had so many happy years,

You wouldn't want me to suffer so.

When the time comes, please, let me go.

Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,

Only, stay with me till the end

And hold me firm and speak to me,

Until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time you will agree,

It is a kindness you do to me.

Although my tail its last has waved,

From pain and suffering I have been saved.

Don't grieve that it must be you,

Who has to decide this thing to do;

We've been so close,we two, these years,

Don't let your heart hold any tears.

Author Unknown

Don't judge until you've had to make the impossible decision to do it yourself. I sent my most beloved Boxer to the Rainbow Bridge five years ago this very day. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life, but it was clear to me given his congestive heart failure that it was also the kindest thing to do. I stayed with him for over an hour before the end, talking to him and reminiscing, telling him how much I loved him and all about the fun things we'd done together. It was the last thing I could do for him in life to show my care and respect. He died with his best friend at his side with dignity, and I had a chance to say goodbye.

RIP Spencer ADX CDX - I still shed tears for you even now.

16th April 2010, 14:20
It's not like we beat the shit out of her til she stopped breathing......

lucky she cooked the fuckin eggs then.

16th April 2010, 14:42
I dont get it

That much was obvious from your first post. Until you have owned a pet that becomes part of the familiy you won't get it. Once you do you will.

ynot slow
16th April 2010, 20:58
Fact of life,if the animal is in pain it usually costs less to inject than repair.Dad had an alsation,he managed to run it over with tractor(was winter and ground really soft)dog yelped and limped but later in the arvo was running fine,they had a vet out to a horse and she said the dog was fine,albeit tractor shy lol.

Also the reality is with animals it does come down to cost of treatment,and the quality of life for it,shame humans are not treated with dignity if terminally ill.

20th April 2010, 14:13
You have a pet - dog, cat, horse...etc

How can you kill a live creature that you love ? WHY ?

FYI, I know of someone who has paid $5,000 to save his dog. Hope that helps.

20th April 2010, 14:19
FYI, I know of someone who has paid $5,000 to save his dog. Hope that helps.

I know someone who is considering a similar thing, dog has buggered back hips, apparently they can rotate the whole pelvis so the hip of one leg is more central, and the other leg will just be along for the ride, sounds a bit strange, and it may well be kinder to put her down, what do you guys reckon?

20th April 2010, 15:37
Our cat is a bit of a hunter and was watching the neighbors hens.

Neighbor comes out and boots it halfway across his lawn.

$1000 to fix broken pelvis, cheap at the fact that I also broke said neighbors nose and jaw.
I lost the plot at seeing him do what he did.

Cat is young and I couldn't see the point in putting her down. I would and have only put pets down when
there is really no other option (dog having non-stop epelictic fits)

at the end of the day no animal owner wishes to put to sleep a valued member of the family.


20th April 2010, 15:39
Yeah, so put the neighbor down.

20th April 2010, 23:38
I know someone who is considering a similar thing, dog has buggered back hips, apparently they can rotate the whole pelvis so the hip of one leg is more central, and the other leg will just be along for the ride, sounds a bit strange, and it may well be kinder to put her down, what do you guys reckon?

Have you ever seen John Cleese and the Ministry of Silly Walks ?