View Full Version : Brainiacs

27th April 2010, 16:58
If you have mysky, or like watching tv at 3ish am, check it out its bloody funny and at same time its informative. You can actually run around on the top of custard! and they blow up more stuff than mythbusters (whose experiments are extremely flawed).

27th April 2010, 17:00
Is it on every 3am?

one fast tl1ooo
27th April 2010, 17:02
That is the time i finsh work tonite.. mite watch it ..

27th April 2010, 17:05
, or like watching tv at 3ish am

If you are watching TV at 3ish am - it really should be porn.

27th April 2010, 17:11
If you have mysky, or like watching tv at 3ish am, check it out its bloody funny and at same time its informative. You can actually run around on the top of custard! and they blow up more stuff than mythbusters (whose experiments are extremely flawed).

what channel

27th April 2010, 20:20
ok, its starts between 3-3.30am on channel 2, its gonna be on in the morning and its 1 hr. so about 3.20am til 4.30am.
its got sum english comedian that runs the show, but be warned he likes gas.

27th April 2010, 21:37
I got a day off tomorrow so why not?

Cheers for the info Mudfart.

27th April 2010, 22:07
Do any of the Englishies remember "GET STUFFED"...

If you are watching TV at 3ish am - it really should be porn.

Not what you're thinkin though...

27th April 2010, 22:26
i was in the UK in 98-2000, and the guy on brainiacs was from a comedy duo, who were the modern morecome and wise, or maybe it is the guy from morecome and wise, i forget, those were some crazy years.
And i was too busy getting some danish crumpet.

28th April 2010, 01:30
i was in the UK in 98-2000, and the guy on brainiacs was from a comedy duo, who were the modern morecome and wise, or maybe it is the guy from morecome and wise, i forget, those were some crazy years.
And i was too busy getting some danish crumpet.

I thought Brainiacs was a UK kids scientific tv series hosted by the short bloke off top gear (Hammond) and a contestant off big brother UK (can't remember his name) from about 10 years ago. Entertaining series by all means but isn't it also on on a Saturday morning - on terrestrial TV in NZ?

28th April 2010, 18:13
nah, it was on this morning. adult humour all the way, hot chicks scantily clad etc....