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12th May 2010, 19:51
Ed's wife just called to say that Ed had a car accident this morning in Auckland.
Ed has a smashed Lower Vertebra (L1)
He is in Ward 7 at Auckland Hospital.
I have spoken to him, I did here a small laugh but I fear its the drugs.


Big Dave
12th May 2010, 19:56
Man. Biker getting hurt in car is the ultimate pisser. Pass on best if opportunity arises. Ask him who am I going to pick on now?

12th May 2010, 19:56
Dear God, I am so sorry to hear this - please pass on my regards and wishes for a speedy recovery :(

12th May 2010, 19:57

12th May 2010, 19:58
Pass on my best would ya... sounds like the timing could have been better... in fact give him a kiss, hand him his speedos and tell him I want my pic :) hope he mends quickly and it wasn't all drug...

12th May 2010, 19:59
Hard luck Edbear. Get well soon

12th May 2010, 20:02
let him know our thoughts are with him. get well soon ed

12th May 2010, 20:14
Man. Biker getting hurt in car is the ultimate pisser. Pass on best if opportunity arises. Ask him who am I going to pick on now?

I made him laugh...

He did some sort of pain filled grunt if that helps :innocent:

Doncha hate it when this happens.

He is min 4 months (according to the Docs) away from working again. New business, he is face of, not good.

12th May 2010, 20:17
Bloody hell. Thats very sucky news indeed. Get well soon Edbear when you eventually get around to reading this :love:

If there is anything Mrs Edbear needs to help her through I am just up the road. I can mow a lawn if I really have to. :blink:

12th May 2010, 20:18
Someone pass along my best and tell him there are better ways of being better than Fatt MAx

12th May 2010, 20:28
Tell him that I hope his god takes good care of him.

12th May 2010, 20:35
That sux. All the best for a speedy recovery Edbear!

Gone Burger
12th May 2010, 20:46
Very sorry to hear this. I'm sure you will pass on all our best wishes Maha.

Get well soon Edbear, we are all thinking of you.

12th May 2010, 20:58
Get well soon Ed! :hug:

12th May 2010, 20:59
Best wishes, fast recovery and regards.


12th May 2010, 21:07
Oh dear! Not good... Speedy recovery Ed. Time and unforeseen occurance can happen to any one of us. All the best to Jill over this time too.

12th May 2010, 21:09
Ed's wife just called to say that Ed had a car accident this morning in Auckland.
Ed has a smashed Lower Vertebra (L1)
He is in Ward 7 at Auckland Hospital.
I have spoken to him, I did here a small laugh but I fear its the drugs.


Take a joke book with you next time you visit him.

12th May 2010, 21:10
Well that's crappy news! I hope you have a speedy and uneventful recovery, Ed.

12th May 2010, 21:12
Bugger, not good and hope Eds is able to laugh without the drugs.

Fatt Max
12th May 2010, 21:14
Bloody hell.......!!

He had only posted a get well message to me 48hrs ago, the poor bugger.

Maha, please pass on my best wishes to Ed for a speedy recovery. If there is anything me or Mrs Max can do then let me know.

Shite luck, hes a diamond that bloke........

Thanks for keeping us in the loop mate

12th May 2010, 21:28
Such sad news. Glad to hear he is ok, despite the supposed recovery time.

My thoughts are with you Edbear

Please pass on my thoughts too Maha, when you next see him.

<img src="http://www.funmunch.com/graphics/get_well_soon/graphics/get_well_soon_4.gif" />

one fast tl1ooo
12th May 2010, 21:35
Get well soon mr edbear...

12th May 2010, 21:44
Tell him that I hope his god takes good care of him.

Cheeky bugger.

Best wishes to Ed. Back injury=not nice.

12th May 2010, 21:48
Sad to hear that. All the best and get better quickly :)

13th May 2010, 06:01
ouch, speedy recovery Ed

13th May 2010, 06:31
Sorry to hear Ed, give him a hug for... no, um a slap on the... no ummm tell him hey !
Sounds like bad timing too (not that anytime is good) with a new business to get off the ground !

13th May 2010, 06:41
best wishes for fast recovery. hope to see panther face around asap.

13th May 2010, 07:49
Sad news!
Pass on our good wishes to him.

13th May 2010, 08:11
Ed's wife just called to say that Ed had a car accident this morning in Auckland.

Geez not good! I will contact him directly. Considering he usually rides to work I am glad he was in the car this time around.

13th May 2010, 08:24
Owch. Timely reminder to my family to be doubly careful out there. Shit happens, so expect it.


13th May 2010, 08:36
Such a shocking bit of news.
Best wishes for a speedy, and complete, recovery.

13th May 2010, 09:44
Oh no not our Edbear!...Wishes and hugs for a speedy recovery

13th May 2010, 09:46
Bloody hell Ed - I thought you would have known better - tisk tisk.

All the best for a speedy and recovery dude.

13th May 2010, 10:35
Get well soon! :)

13th May 2010, 10:53
Bugger ! Not good news :-(
Get well soon, Edbear....


13th May 2010, 11:03
Bugger. Get well soon!

Bloody cars, eh?:ar15:

13th May 2010, 11:45
Fuck, Owww!

Poor Mr Bear.

Would be grateful if someone visiting could convey my condolences and wishes for a speedy recovery...

13th May 2010, 11:55
At first I thought :shit: "self employed plumber" ! What terrible bad luck! :buggerd:

But then I thought.......ACC.......:yes:......all will be taken care of, he has paid out millions to them over the years! :mellow:

What sacrifice Ed, this will be a great opportunity for us to see how ACC really works for the self employed who have to make a claim. :sick:

Get well soon Ed and thank you for making the effort to promote the benefits of ACC, you make me feel so humble!

Your fellow motorcyclists will be following your case very closely and will be prepared to eat copious amounts of humble pie at the end of the day too! :yes:

My friend Nick Smith sends his best wishes also. :shifty: Cheers, John.

Seriously though Ed, what a bummer, hope you get well quickly, best wishes from the oldriders!

13th May 2010, 11:57
Sorry to hear that Edbear,

Keep that up and our ACC fees will go up for our cars to lol

Take care dude 4 months is a long time so hope it aint to bad for you, at least its winter eh

13th May 2010, 15:34
Add Aunti Ratti's bestest wishes to the list for Ed and MrsEd.

13th May 2010, 15:38
Send my regards.
and tell him to live it up - here is the checklist for when they ask him:
Drugs - Yes
Student Nurse Care - FUCK YES!
Surprisingly I had a speedy recovery.
There has to be a silver lining.

13th May 2010, 15:47
Add Aunti Ratti's bestest wishes to the list for Ed and MrsEd.

Yes I will be reading out a list when I see him on Saturday...
Spoke to Jill earlier, she has been unable to see him today (well she'll be there now) beacuse visiting is from 3pm tp 8pm!
She wanted to get in sooner but they said no....nice eh?

Thanks for the kind messages People, Im sure Ed's face will smile.

13th May 2010, 16:39
Wish Edy bear all the best! :)

13th May 2010, 17:56
Bugger,Give him all the best from downunder mate.

14th May 2010, 08:15
Yes I will be reading out a list when I see him on Saturday...
Spoke to Jill earlier, she has been unable to see him today (well she'll be there now) beacuse visiting is from 3pm tp 8pm!
She wanted to get in sooner but they said no....nice eh?

Thanks for the kind messages People, Im sure Ed's face will smile.

I heard back from Jill last night. Poor Ed still on oxygen mask and in lots of pain understandably, so can't talk. Dissappointing to see the hospital stopping her from being there outside visiting hours. Usually spouses can access them anytime, especially if they need care.

14th May 2010, 08:20
Yes I will be reading out a list when I see him on Saturday...

Hey mate, Give him and his Mrs my regards and best wishes.

14th May 2010, 11:21
Hang in there Ed, all will be good in the end..

Gone Burger
14th May 2010, 11:27
I heard back from Jill last night. Poor Ed still on oxygen mask and in lots of pain understandably, so can't talk. Dissappointing to see the hospital stopping her from being there outside visiting hours. Usually spouses can access them anytime, especially if they need care.

That is not good news at all. Jill must be beside herself not being able to be with him the whole time. Sounds like it's going to be a slow recovery. Thinking of him. Hope they are making him as comfortable as possible.

14th May 2010, 11:43
I heard back from Jill last night. Poor Ed still on oxygen mask and in lots of pain understandably, so can't talk. Dissappointing to see the hospital stopping her from being there outside visiting hours. Usually spouses can access them anytime, especially if they need care.

Yeah, when I was in hospital my family could come in anytime. The girls were wonderful, showering Mommy :o (well I was too friggen sick to manage myself at the time). I think I will have to give Jill an injection of Mom attitude :D

14th May 2010, 15:28
Ah bugger, top bloke, all the best for a speedy recovery Edbear from the Martybabes. x x

14th May 2010, 16:56
At first I thought :shit: "self employed plumber" ! What terrible bad luck! :buggerd:

But then I thought.......ACC.......:yes:......all will be taken care of, he has paid out millions to them over the years! :mellow:

What sacrifice Ed, this will be a great opportunity for us to see how ACC really works for the self employed who have to make a claim. :sick:

Get well soon Ed and thank you for making the effort to promote the benefits of ACC, you make me feel so humble!

Your fellow motorcyclists will be following your case very closely and will be prepared to eat copious amounts of humble pie at the end of the day too! :yes:

My friend Nick Smith sends his best wishes also. :shifty: Cheers, John.

Seriously though Ed, what a bummer, hope you get well quickly, best wishes from the oldriders!

Dad had to claim ACC at one stage - self-employed. They took the last 6 months? earnings into account and he got paid out less than $100 per week. Not sure of the amount any more, but remember it was a joke and he explained to me how they'd come up with that ridiculous amount. He made more than that a day usually.

best wishes Ed, and definitely not good timing for you. Hope things work out, I saw how excited you were about the new company finally being up & running (almost), and now this. You've also got a fantastic wife there supporting you. (no, you've not met me, I've just read your thread about the business).

15th May 2010, 08:14
That is not good news at all. Jill must be beside herself not being able to be with him the whole time. Sounds like it's going to be a slow recovery. Thinking of him. Hope they are making him as comfortable as possible.

Yes there is not much point in being beside yourself when you want to be beside someone else.

15th May 2010, 08:16
Yeah, when I was in hospital my family could come in anytime. The girls were wonderful, showering Mommy :o (well I was too friggen sick to manage myself at the time). I think I will have to give Jill an injection of Mom attitude :D

Sounds like the nurse used to work for ACC.... deny deny deny.

15th May 2010, 08:20
Oh dear...what a buggar. I do hope he will be ok, poor Mrs Ed...pass on gidday from me.

speedy recovery Mr Edbear, I'm missing your pearls of wisdom.

15th May 2010, 15:19
Went to see Ed today...
Ward 75.
With what hes been through, its fair to say that hes seen better days for sure.
The painkillers have control of his alertness bless em'.
The torso brace/amour looks uncomfortable.
Anne got the stand fan going on him while we were there, and the wet face cloth on his forehead.
I read out the names of the well wishers, had to do it quietly incase the lady nextdoor thought I was reading out a Mafia Hit List....:shifty:

There was an article in the Herald about the crash, shows a pic of the vehicle, they had to cut the roof off to get him out. The Vehicle was on its side.

15th May 2010, 15:27
Get him well enough to be on KB, he missed already....

And I hope he has a 100% recovery.:yes:

15th May 2010, 16:06
He was saying they thought he might be sent home middle next week. Hope he feels shed loads better by then, he did not look anything like fit for home today that is for certain.

15th May 2010, 17:22
Went to see Ed today...
Ward 75.
With what hes been through, its fair to say that hes seen better days for sure.
The painkillers have control of his alertness bless em'.
The torso brace/amour looks uncomfortable.
Anne got the stand fan going on him while we were there, and the wet face cloth on his forehead.
I read out the names of the well wishers, had to do it quietly incase the lady nextdoor thought I was reading out a Mafia Hit List....:shifty:

There was an article in the Herald about the crash, shows a pic of the vehicle, the had to cut the roof off to get him out. The Vehicle was on its side.

Hey that sounds like serious shit, I underestimated his predicament from the opening descriptions, hell Ed get well soon man, god speed! :yes:

15th May 2010, 17:25

Hope you get back to 100% fella, take care.

15th May 2010, 17:28
Hey that sounds like serious shit, I underestimated his predicament from the opening descriptions, hell Ed get well soon man, god speed! :yes:

He did open his eyes a couple of times John When we got there, he was asleep but the bloke opposite said he responds to voices (hell dont we all?....:shifty:) so I spoke to him. He had the oxygen mask on all the time, very slurred speach but like I said, drugs, and what hes been through? understandable.

15th May 2010, 17:31
Oh dear! That is no good at all!! All the best wishes Ed for a full recovery.

Thank you to those who are visiting him and for the updates. It's much appreciated!

15th May 2010, 17:39
Oh dear! That is no good at all!! All the best wishes Ed for a full recovery.

Thank you to those who are visiting him and for the updates. It's much appreciated!

I made him laugh :pinch: Told him with friends like us and all that. He said laughing is actually not too bad so that was all good. He was very hot when we arrived, so I went into full scale nursey mode, cold cloths to forehead and fan on low. Good to see him chill out :D

15th May 2010, 19:45
There was an article in the Herald about the crash, shows a pic of the vehicle, the had to cut the roof off to get him out. The Vehicle was on its side.

Did he take on a train?

15th May 2010, 20:07
I made him laugh :pinch: Told him with friends like us and all that. He said laughing is actually not too bad so that was all good. He was very hot when we arrived, so I went into full scale nursey mode, cold cloths to forehead and fan on low. Good to see him chill out :D

Good to see you guys, even just as drive by. I went with kids to see my wife mum, she is wery sick.
Very nice of you two to do visit him !:niceone:

15th May 2010, 20:11
Good to see you guys, even just as drive by. I went with kids to see my wife mum, she is wery sick.
Very nice of you two to do visit him !:niceone:

You had your phone off! We were about to turn into the hospital and Mark asked if that was you. That is some brood of babies you have DIN! Lovely looking family. Sorry to hear your Mother in law is not well, hope she gets better soon :yes:

15th May 2010, 21:18
Just read this thread now. What crap news. Hope you heal up quick with minimal disruption to your busy life.

16th May 2010, 10:41
Thanks for the updates, M & M.
I hope you gave him our best wishes.

cc rider
19th May 2010, 02:01
Get well soon Mr Fuzzybear :hug:

if ya have to be on ya back, bugger that you can't enjoy it mate :innocent:

:love: from KBland

Mom, is there some way for us to send cards & half eaten boxes of chocolates to Ed?

19th May 2010, 07:18
Get well soon Mr Fuzzybear :hug:

if ya have to be on ya back, bugger that you can't enjoy it mate :innocent:

:love: from KBland

Mom, is there some way for us to send cards & half eaten boxes of chocolates to Ed?

Send them to Ed Smith Ward 75 Auckland City Hospital he loves chocolates :lol:

19th May 2010, 07:18
I made him laugh :pinch: Told him with friends like us and all that. He said laughing is actually not too bad so that was all good. He was very hot when we arrived, so I went into full scale nursey mode, cold cloths to forehead and fan on low. Good to see him chill out :D

Any idea how much longer he will be in hospital Mom?

19th May 2010, 16:30
Ed went into Critical Care on Saturday afternoon, after Anne and myself left, he went downhill pretty quickly.
But the good news is, he is out of Critical Care and has even taken a few steps.....:wari:
Jill said he has been sitting up as well so thats sounds promising. :Punk:
Way to go Ed.

19th May 2010, 16:34
I'm glad you added the good news to that post , Maha.

Onward and upward young Ed, one step at a time....thinking of you, dude!

19th May 2010, 16:40
Ed went into Critical Care on Saturday afternoon, after Anne and myself left, he went downhill pretty quickly.
But the good news is, he is out of Critical Care and has even taken a few steps.....:wari:
Jill said he has been sitting up as well so thats sounds promising. :Punk:
Way to go Ed.

Talk about heart in my mouth when I started to read this and like yungatart I'm glad there is good news too..

Gone Burger
19th May 2010, 17:03
Talk about heart in my mouth when I started to read this and like yungatart I'm glad there is good news too..

That sure made me hold my breath too.

Well done Ed - small steps (excuse the pun). We are all supporting you. Sounds like some pretty great progress though.

19th May 2010, 18:38
Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Mr E Bear! Hope that you are comfortable and being well looked after.

19th May 2010, 18:47
Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Mr E Bear! Hope that you are comfortable and being well looked after.

Just got a great pic sent from Jills phone of Ed, with a smile, trying to send it to our email so I can post it.

19th May 2010, 23:24
Stick with it Ed, hope it's all going well for you!

cc rider
19th May 2010, 23:28
Send them to Ed Smith Ward 75 Auckland City Hospital he loves chocolates :lol:Nice one Anne.... best go buy another box of chocies... I had to make sure these ones taste yummy :innocent: ... like you lot wouldn't have too :shifty:

Just got a great pic sent from Jills phone of Ed, with a smile, trying to send it to our email so I can post it.Awesome news Mark. Pleae start with the good news next time... we all had a lil heart in mouth moment there :)
So now we just need Ed to have a mob we can all send happy smile pics to... he can guess who's who then :rofl:

20th May 2010, 07:16
Nice one Anne.... best go buy another box of chocies... I had to make sure these ones taste yummy :innocent: ... like you lot wouldn't have too :shifty:

Awesome news Mark. Pleae start with the good news next time... we all had a lil heart in mouth moment there :)
So now we just need Ed to have a mob we can all send happy smile pics to... he can guess who's who then :rofl:

Yeah sorry about that, good news 1st, got it!
Couldn't load the pic, we did try, but it shows Ed with a great smile and one thumb up, he also needs a shave....:shifty:

20th May 2010, 08:05
A message from Ed.

"Please tell everyone how much I appreciate the huge amount of support and texts and emails I've received. I got up today and walked a bit and sat in a chair"

So that is good, he is sort of mobile, the recovery begins :D

20th May 2010, 16:39
good stuff, next step is to use the toilet on his own...that'll be a relief

er, sorry about the really bad pun Ed.

cc rider
20th May 2010, 17:41
... he also needs a shave....:shifty:He is a bear! :p

21st May 2010, 10:38
Oh shite and utter crap...I just found this thread....hate to find out about news like these.

Get better quick Ed :hug:

24th May 2010, 22:20
I have just got my laptop set up in here and have been catching up on the 647 new messages! This is only a brief post, I'll post again tomorrow, but I've read through the thread and had a good laugh! I am touched by all the sentiments and you have alll given me a real lift.

It was touch and go for a few days when my lungs decided to shut down and I was in ICU being fussed over. But despite their best efforts I came through. :innocent:

I've posted a few pics of my little problem...

I may be let home on Friday but I'll need some looking after, we'll see how good ACC is then. :yes:

Diagnosis is a burst fracture and compression of the L1 vertebrae with a couple of bits of bone floating around. However they say it is stable and not requiring surgery and after 6 weeks I should be out of the brace and after 4mths fairly well healed up.

I spun out at 45km/h and to avoid oncoming traffic, over-corrected and spun it back toward the curb. A biker had crashed 20min earlier on same corner breaking his leg. Cops said oil on the road and in wet being off-camber and uphill wasn't much I could do. Huge surprise!

24th May 2010, 22:25
Good news!


24th May 2010, 22:30
You certainly gave me a big worry my friend when we came to visit. You were so not a well bunny. It was so lovely to get that pic of the thumbs up. Dont rush to get well either.

cc rider
24th May 2010, 22:38
:wavey: Ed

You looking good mate.. is nice to see your :D face


ps... chocolates on the way. Vital for recovery ;)

24th May 2010, 22:42
Bet the shave felt good Ed?
Did ya get your legs done at the same time?

25th May 2010, 07:54
I love that sexy nightwear! Lol!
Heal well, my friend.:hug:

25th May 2010, 08:22
Bet the shave felt good Ed?
Did ya get your legs done at the same time?

By the time the poor shaver hacked its way through 10 days growth it was about stuffed!

I love that sexy nightwear! Lol!
Heal well, my friend.:hug:

You should see the undies they gave me... Well, maybe not...

:wavey: Ed

You looking good mate.. is nice to see your :D face


ps... chocolates on the way. Vital for recovery ;)

Hand delivered?

You certainly gave me a big worry my friend when we came to visit. You were so not a well bunny. It was so lovely to get that pic of the thumbs up. Dont rush to get well either.

What? And leave all these lovely nurses..?

Good news!


Once again, by strength and cunning, (or sheer fluke...), Ed beats off death... Gettin' quite good at this now...

Gone Burger
25th May 2010, 09:22
It's all good news Ed. Thanks for updating us all yourself - much better to be getting this news from you. Enjoy the lovely nurses whilst you can ;)

25th May 2010, 09:57
Bloody hell Ed, I didn't appreciate just how sick you were, until I saw those last two photos! :lol:

Looks like it's beyond any medical miracle to fix that!

Good to see your on the mend. Cheers, John.

25th May 2010, 09:59
It's all good news Ed. Thanks for updating us all yourself - much better to be getting this news from you. Enjoy the lovely nurses whilst you can ;)

I've always said that Nurses are the nearest thing we've got to Angels on Earth! They are fabulous and should be regularly recognised for the job they do! (Some of them are rather cute, too...:innocent:)

At my age and when you've been in hospital as many times as I have, you don't worry about little things like dignity anymore. I can pick that up at the door when I leave...:shifty:

I'm just very grateful I'm here to write about it! I'm sitting by the window on the 7th floor, looking out at the beautiful sunshine! It's a very good day! :sunny:

25th May 2010, 10:02
Bloody hell Ed, I didn't appreciate just how sick you were, until I saw those last two photos! :lol:

Looks like it's beyond any medical miracle to fix that!

Good to see your on the mend. Cheers, John.

:laugh: :bleh: :doctor:

25th May 2010, 10:03
I hope you have a full ... if not speedy, recovery my friend .. :yes:

25th May 2010, 14:57
You got chocolates didn't you Ed.
If you know what I mean.

25th May 2010, 15:12
You got chocolates didn't you Ed.
If you know what I mean.

News travels fast, if you know what I mean...!

I had the pleasure of a visit from Fat Max! He brought a box of choccies and a funny card! Turns out he works nearby. He's as funny in person as he is online! A lift for me for sure!

One thing that really did upset me, was that they had to cut off my clothes and I was wearing my favourite red Havoc racing t-shirt! :bye:

A plus, is that I've lost a bit of weight after trying for months... :yes:

25th May 2010, 15:14
Combination of hospital food (shudder) and chasing nurses eh?

25th May 2010, 15:16
So what are the two words?
And Roses no less, yeah FM is one out of the box aint he?
Did he sing for ya?

25th May 2010, 15:26
Combination of hospital food (shudder) and chasing nurses eh?

Nah, no food, just a Saline drip for a week. Funny thing was I didn't want food either, best crash diet ever! (If you'll pardon the pun...:innocent:) And the nurses come to you in here, don't need to chase them just press the little magic green button... :yes:

So what are the two words?
And Roses no less, yeah FM is one out of the box aint he?
Did he sing for ya?

Of course the two words are, "Bend over!" :shutup:

No he didn't sing, we were too busy cracking funnies! Have to ask him next time. Unfortunately his finger is still bandaged so the guitar is out for a bit.

25th May 2010, 17:10
Great so see you on the mend Mr Bear :yes:

25th May 2010, 17:19
I'm so pleased to be reading your posts...glad to see you alive and smiling. All the best for a speedy recovery.

Fatt Max
25th May 2010, 17:40
Good to see you today mate,

Oh and dont you worry, I wont tell anyone that you are hiding a load of porno mags up your nightie and telling everyone its some kind of medicall splint......secret is safe with me bruvver.....

BTW, the little blond nurse who was running between your ward and ward 73 was wearing a thong today........

Enjoy the chocs, it's not easy robbing hospital shops these days

Take care

25th May 2010, 19:47
Great so see you on the mend Mr Bear :yes:

I'm so pleased to be reading your posts...glad to see you alive and smiling. All the best for a speedy recovery.

Thanks Ladies! I do hope to be home on Friday. I impressed the Physio's today by walking the length of my room without crutches. Hurt but! :blink:

Good to see you today mate,

Oh and dont you worry, I wont tell anyone that you are hiding a load of porno mags up your nightie and telling everyone its some kind of medicall splint......secret is safe with me bruvver.....

BTW, the little blond nurse who was running between your ward and ward 73 was wearing a thong today........

Enjoy the chocs, it's not easy robbing hospital shops these days

Take care

LOL!!! I rest my case!

Wifey stole the box of choccies this evening, but I did manage to grab a couple. Still, I reckon she deserves it more than me, poor thing! :love:

My cuteThai nurse told me off twice yesterday for overdoing it, she's a sweety, you could fold her up and put her in your pocket!

Was great to meet you in person FM!

26th May 2010, 09:32
even without choccies, FM is nice...

You dont look nearly as bearish as I thought you might.
Pleased to hear you're on the mend, slowly and sensibly does it tho eh? or Ratti will ride up to AK and deal with you.

26th May 2010, 09:39
Have only just seen this thread Ed. Glad to hear you are recovering. :sunny:

26th May 2010, 10:32
even without choccies, FM is nice...

You dont look nearly as bearish as I thought you might.
Pleased to hear you're on the mend, slowly and sensibly does it tho eh? or Ratti will ride up to AK and deal with you.


Have only just seen this thread Ed. Glad to hear you are recovering. :sunny:

Thankee muchee!

26th May 2010, 10:38
Hope the recovery is super rapid.

26th May 2010, 15:20
even without choccies, FM is nice...

You dont look nearly as bearish as I thought you might.
Pleased to hear you're on the mend, slowly and sensibly does it tho eh? or Ratti will ride up to AK and deal with you.

Hes not the Grizzly kind, more of a Yogi.

26th May 2010, 16:59
you laugh Ed?
watch me...

More of a yogi? then why does he need a bike, couldnt he just levitate everywhere?

26th May 2010, 17:18
Hes not the Grizzly kind, more of a Yogi.

LOL!!! Hadn't considered that type of bear... I was grizzly while trapped in the van and in pain, but I guess I'm more Yogi Bear now. :yes:

you laugh Ed?
watch me...

More of a yogi? then why does he need a bike, couldnt he just levitate everywhere?

Hee hee! :msn-wink:

Levitating could be helpful at times, but there is something about riding a bike... :scooter:

26th May 2010, 17:20
Hope the recovery is super rapid.

Thanks mate! Just gotta be careful not to overdo it and set myself back.

26th May 2010, 17:22
Hey Edbear - I see you're on line. How are you feeling today? Still looking like you're coming out on Frdiay????? :sunny:

26th May 2010, 17:23
Have only just seen this thread Ed. Glad to hear you are recovering. :sunny:

I should continue to recover well, just as long as I don't upset Ratti and she comes up to deal with me... :shutup:

26th May 2010, 17:27
Hey Edbear - I see you're on line. How are you feeling today? Still looking like you're coming out on Frdiay????? :sunny:

Doncha luv the English language..? :innocent:

At this stage I should be, though my wife warns me not to expect the same treatment at home... I'm being spoiled rotten in here... :shifty:

26th May 2010, 17:35
Doncha luv the English language..? :innocent:

At this stage I should be, though my wife warns me not to expect the same treatment at home... I'm being spoiled rotten in here... :shifty:

Spoilt or not - isn't that part of what you're allowed when you're sick

26th May 2010, 17:50
Good to see you tippy tapping away Edbear and you sound in high spirit all things being considered. Take it easy.

26th May 2010, 18:05
Spoilt or not - isn't that part of what you're allowed when you're sick

Oh, of course! She did say she was missing me, but I think it was in reference to her having to make her own coffee in the morning now... :blink:

Actually it will seem rather strange to go home to a role reversal. I'm so used to looking after her. There's something about bringing her her coffee in the morning, and looking down at her face before waking her up, then seeing that sleepy smile... :love:

This is the longest we've spent apart for about as far back as I can remember. :bye:

Do you think I'm missing her a wee bit..?

26th May 2010, 18:37
You will be home soon enough, dont be impatient you. I know how wonderful it is to have a morning coffee made for me, mind you I have to get up for it...

Hmmmmmmm, new regime alert :blip:

26th May 2010, 18:46
Good to see you tippy tapping away Edbear and you sound in high spirit all things being considered. Take it easy.

Yup! Irrepressible, me! :sunny: Mind you I was a bit repressed by the pain today when doing my daily walk. Wasn't expecting it to hurt so much. Keeps me real...

You will be home soon enough, dont be impatient you. I know how wonderful it is to have a morning coffee made for me, mind you I have to get up for it...

Hmmmmmmm, new regime alert :blip:

Yeah, on the one hand I want to get home, but on the other, I'll miss the fussing and the attention... Nothing seems too much trouble, I might as well be royalty the way I'm treated! :cool:

26th May 2010, 19:24
Yup! Irrepressible, me! :sunny: Mind you I was a bit repressed by the pain today when doing my daily walk. Wasn't expecting it to hurt so much. Keeps me real...

Yeah, on the one hand I want to get home, but on the other, I'll miss the fussing and the attention... Nothing seems too much trouble, I might as well be royalty the way I'm treated! :cool:

Omg..Edbear...is it really you...*pinch*

So glad to see you back with us young fella...we missed ya!...You take heaps of care and heal quick ok....

Love from us in Wellywood:love:

26th May 2010, 19:54
Oh, it's so good to see you are back here Ed! :D :D

Here's hoping you get out on Friday...

Sounds like it's going to be quite a while before you are out on your bike again, huh?

27th May 2010, 06:58
The important thing is that you will be on the mend and who brings who the coffee is irrelevant in the strong relationship you share with your wife. I think she will as happy to have you home as you will be to actually be home again :yes:

27th May 2010, 08:48
Omg..Edbear...is it really you...*pinch*

So glad to see you back with us young fella...we missed ya!...You take heaps of care and heal quick ok....

Love from us in Wellywood:love:

Thanks Foxee! You can't keep good man down, eh? Or is it you can't kill weeds..? :sunny:

Oh, it's so good to see you are back here Ed! :D :D

Here's hoping you get out on Friday...

Sounds like it's going to be quite a while before you are out on your bike again, huh?

Thanks BC! Yup, home tomorrow! It will be some time, they say about 4 months to heal, so I've put the bike on TM :sick: as we could do with the money right now. This has been a bit of a setback businesswise, though things are starting to pick up again since I got the laptop in here.

The important thing is that you will be on the mend and who brings who the coffee is irrelevant in the strong relationship you share with your wife. I think she will as happy to have you home as you will be to actually be home again :yes:

Yeah, I told her I missed her boobies... :innocent:

Fatt Max
27th May 2010, 10:48
Good news on the homecoming me old mate.

Now, dont worry too much about missing the nurses. I am quite happy to squeeze into a little medical two piece and bring you drugs if that will make you feel better. Honest, it's a free service and the Police say that it's ok as long as I dont go near any rest homes, schools or KFC's.

Home is the best place to get on the mend me old son, and we will find you and hassle the crap out of you in your very own drum. You have your lap top so there is no escaping the volumes of drivel that we will post on here.

You look after yourself mate, take care and get well. I am off to Briscoes to get Mrs Max that fecking replacement tupperware dish she keeps moaning about. Just ti top it off I might fill it with 2 week old spaggy bol and put it under her pillow....

Stay easy peasey lemon squeezy......

27th May 2010, 12:35
Hospital care is brilliant. My hubby spent two weeks in Ward1 here in Welly. He missed me terribly in spite of the excellent care. It was so nice to have him home again. FM is right, no place like it. And you never know, your sweetheart might bring you coffee if yu promise to be good and do what you are told.

I'd take FM up on his offer of nursing care...the thought of him in a teeny 2 piece is enough to speed anyones recovery. I'd offer my services for the same reason if I lived closer. Be thankful I don't- the sight would truly terrify you.

Bugger about the business, but it is only a setback not a complete halt. There is always a way - always.

27th May 2010, 14:33
Good news on the homecoming me old mate.

Now, dont worry too much about missing the nurses. I am quite happy to squeeze into a little medical two piece and bring you drugs if that will make you feel better. Honest, it's a free service and the Police say that it's ok as long as I dont go near any rest homes, schools or KFC's.

Home is the best place to get on the mend me old son, and we will find you and hassle the crap out of you in your very own drum. You have your lap top so there is no escaping the volumes of drivel that we will post on here.

You look after yourself mate, take care and get well. I am off to Briscoes to get Mrs Max that fecking replacement tupperware dish she keeps moaning about. Just ti top it off I might fill it with 2 week old spaggy bol and put it under her pillow....

Stay easy peasey lemon squeezy......

:gob: :shit: :blink:

Hospital care is brilliant. My hubby spent two weeks in Ward1 here in Welly. He missed me terribly in spite of the excellent care. It was so nice to have him home again. FM is right, no place like it. And you never know, your sweetheart might bring you coffee if yu promise to be good and do what you are told.

I'd take FM up on his offer of nursing care...the thought of him in a teeny 2 piece is enough to speed anyones recovery. I'd offer my services for the same reason if I lived closer. Be thankful I don't- the sight would truly terrify you.

Bugger about the business, but it is only a setback not a complete halt. There is always a way - always.

As much as I really appreciate the offers... :shutup:

Never mind, I'm getting back into biznizz more each day and I'm sure we'll pick up again. Just a good thing I work online and can operate from pretty much anywhere.

Fatt Max
27th May 2010, 14:35
Well mate, the offer is there.

Now, bite down on this wooden spoon please, this wont hurt a bit........

28th May 2010, 09:50
Got my discharge papers this morning! ACC called my wife this morning and they're getting lots of help organised for me today. Chased up the Insurance co. yesterday about the van so hope to get a result soon.

Slept well again last night, and Physio has had me doing stairs as we've got 4 steps up from the garage into the house - no probs, they are very pleased with my progress. So all going smoothly I should be home later this morning, hopefully...

Gone Burger
28th May 2010, 10:18
Got my discharge papers this morning! ACC called my wife this morning and they're getting lots of help organised for me today. Chased up the Insurance co. yesterday about the van so hope to get a result soon.

Slept well again last night, and Physio has had me doing stairs as we've got 4 steps up from the garage into the house - no probs, they are very pleased with my progress. So all going smoothly I should be home later this morning, hopefully...

Today is a very good day Ed. Talk about progress - woo hoo!

I hope that that day continues to go as planned at that you do get home to be looked after by your wonderful wife. You'll be able to relax and take it easy at home, or progress with anything that still need to be dealt with.

Great news! Looking forward to hearing from you when you are settled in.

28th May 2010, 10:32
Today is a very good day Ed. Talk about progress - woo hoo!

I hope that that day continues to go as planned at that you do get home to be looked after by your wonderful wife. You'll be able to relax and take it easy at home, or progress with anything that still need to be dealt with.

Great news! Looking forward to hearing from you when you are settled in.

Yeah, she was funny last night when the nurse was showing her how to put my brace on. She works in child care and reckoned I was just another baby to look after! :yes:

ACC so far seem good, they'll have someone in each day and get me all the support I need by the sounds of it. I guess there's no disputing a broken back, really.

28th May 2010, 10:42
Yeah, she was funny last night when the nurse was showing her how to put my brace on. She works in child care and reckoned I was just another baby to look after! :yes:

ACC so far seem good, they'll have someone in each day and get me all the support I need by the sounds of it. I guess there's no disputing a broken back, really.

NO, and now is a good time to get a bathroom renovation ED :dodge: You are going to need rails and the like :D

Seriously though, it is good to hear you are heading home. Once you are on the mend the best place for you is home.

Tell Jill to drive carefully :lol:

28th May 2010, 13:01
NO, and now is a good time to get a bathroom renovation ED :dodge: You are going to need rails and the like :D

Seriously though, it is good to hear you are heading home. Once you are on the mend the best place for you is home.

Tell Jill to drive carefully :lol:

She was a good chauffeur! I'm home and she's just making me a coffee... :love: So if you're quick, it's still be hot... :yes:

28th May 2010, 13:57

Fatt Max
28th May 2010, 15:59
Great news to hear you are home me old trout n toolbox.

Right then, I'll just pack my leather pants, latex gloves, bubble bath, toilet brush, 2kg roll of black pudding and a feather duster and I will be there in an hour.

By the way, do you prefer dark or white chocolate? Your choice depends on what colour stockings I wear.

Shall I ring when I get there or just creep around the back door?



28th May 2010, 16:03
So glad you are home, Edbear!
I am sure you will get wonderful care from your wife...'tis the love that makes all the difference! :yes:

Remember that you are still recuperating...these things take time, so no rushing it, you hear!

28th May 2010, 18:25
Great news to hear you are home me old trout n toolbox.

Right then, I'll just pack my leather pants, latex gloves, bubble bath, toilet brush, 2kg roll of black pudding and a feather duster and I will be there in an hour.

By the way, do you prefer dark or white chocolate? Your choice depends on what colour stockings I wear.

Shall I ring when I get there or just creep around the back door?



:gob: Heeeellllpppp!!!!! :shit:

So glad you are home, Edbear!
I am sure you will get wonderful care from your wife...'tis the love that makes all the difference! :yes:

Remember that you are still recuperating...these things take time, so no rushing it, you hear!

Darn it! It's been nearly 3 weeks already... :innocent:

Oh, or do you mean getting up and about...? :shutup:

28th May 2010, 18:59
:woohoo: you have made it home........ I am sure you will enjoy the pampering, and you have already made it worthwhile for your wife, as you have [as you have said] beaten it 5 times already. Go Edbear! :Punk::Punk::Punk::Punk:

29th May 2010, 09:19
:woohoo: you have made it home........ I am sure you will enjoy the pampering, and you have already made it worthwhile for your wife, as you have [as you have said] beaten it 5 times already. Go Edbear! :Punk::Punk::Punk::Punk:

I admit to being a wee bit apprehensive about leaving hospital, I felt safe there with all the care and attention I was getting, but I wanted to be home and felt better the closer we got to our place.

I was shaken up more than I care to admit by the accident, not just for me but for the real fright I gave my family and friends. A good friend called around yesterday, (rides a nicely modified GSX1400), and told me that when he and his wife came to the hospital my wife broke down as I had just been rushed to ICU with lung failure. I feel bad for what I've put my family through, even knowing it was a genuine accident that I couldn't do anyting about and no-one blames me in any way.

My son said he was very glad he'd come home from Aus a couple of weeks before because he didn't know how he'd have coped being so far away.

I do treasure my family, my wife and I look forward to our 33rd Anniversay this coming Oct. and I just turned 52 on Thursday, (yep we were that young when we got married...) She's my best friend and my life.

Once again, I want to express my appreciation to all of you for your support and kind words, it does make a difference and means a lot to both if us!

29th May 2010, 10:22
I admit to being a wee bit apprehensive about leaving hospital, I felt safe there with all the care and attention I was getting, but I wanted to be home and felt better the closer we got to our place.

I was shaken up more than I care to admit by the accident, not just for me but for the real fright I gave my family and friends. A good friend called around yesterday, (rides a nicely modified GSX1400), and told me that when he and his wife came to the hospital my wife broke down as I had just been rushed to ICU with lung failure. I feel bad for what I've put my family through, even knowing it was a genuine accident that I couldn't do anyting about and no-one blames me in any way.

My son said he was very glad he'd come home from Aus a couple of weeks before because he didn't know how he'd have coped being so far away.

I do treasure my family, my wife and I look forward to our 33rd Anniversay this coming Oct. and I just turned 52 on Thursday, (yep we were that young when we got married...) She's my best friend and my life.

Once again, I want to express my appreciation to all of you for your support and kind words, it does make a difference and means a lot to both if us!

That brought tears to my eyes. Family is a very special thing alright, and to know you have the right person by your side is even more so. Life hurls us lots of trials, and don't go blaming yourself Ed, you're still with us all :hug:

29th May 2010, 11:12
me too, i just couldn't find the right words.....so Ed, ditto from me.

29th May 2010, 13:53
I hope you are doing okay, I just read what you said about your family and wife - what a lovely thing to read. It is very hard to watch your man in pain after a bike crash (especially if you have to cry in private because you promised you wouldn't cry)

Fatt Max
29th May 2010, 14:58
I hope you are doing okay, I just read what you said about your family and wife - what a lovely thing to read. It is very hard to watch your man in pain after a bike crash (especially if you have to cry in private because you promised you wouldn't cry)

My missus laughed at me when I was in hospital after my bin. Her only concern was th $8 tupperware dish that I had under the seat containing my lunch........love never dies, eh....

Lovely words Ed, very moving mate. You can see they have touched a few people and rightly so.

Now, I dont seem to have an answer to my 'chocolate' question so I'll pack both pairs of stockings and throw in an additional rubber duck.

What number are you again?

Gone Burger
29th May 2010, 15:09
I do treasure my family, my wife and I look forward to our 33rd Anniversary this coming Oct. and I just turned 52 on Thursday, (yep we were that young when we got married...) She's my best friend and my life.

Ed, that is a very inspiring thing to read, and makes me believe that true love and happiness does exist. That gives me (and I'm sure a lot of the other ladies reading this) so much hope that that person for each of us can be found. Might be worth the wait from what I'm hearing ;)

Happy Birthday for last Thursday. I guess going home on Friday would have been a wonderful way to celebrate it. And a happy anniversary to you both in advance. To hear how you speak of your wife Ed really is just magic, and gives me warm fuzzies! Looking forward to meeting her someday soon! (oh, and you, hehe!)

29th May 2010, 15:13
That brought tears to my eyes. Family is a very special thing alright, and to know you have the right person by your side is even more so. Life hurls us lots of trials, and don't go blaming yourself Ed, you're still with us all :hug:

me too, i just couldn't find the right words.....so Ed, ditto from me.

I hope you are doing okay, I just read what you said about your family and wife - what a lovely thing to read. It is very hard to watch your man in pain after a bike crash (especially if you have to cry in private because you promised you wouldn't cry)

Yeah, they've all just gone to the movies and left me babysitting the dogs! LOL!!! Man it's quiet!

Fortunately no-one promised they wouldn't cry and I know there was a bit of that when I was in ICU. I was so out of it and hallucinating I was cracking them up with my nonsensical ravings as well, so they were torn between anxiety and hilarity!

Never take your loved ones for granted you can lose them so easily. Having foiled death five times now, I'd like to retire while I'm ahead, :innocent: I think I've had a go at most ways of kicking the bucket and my family needs a break from ambulances and hospitals and those phone calls... :blink:

29th May 2010, 15:17
My missus laughed at me when I was in hospital after my bin. Her only concern was th $8 tupperware dish that I had under the seat containing my lunch........love never dies, eh....

Lovely words Ed, very moving mate. You can see they have touched a few people and rightly so.

Now, I dont seem to have an answer to my 'chocolate' question so I'll pack both pairs of stockings and throw in an additional rubber duck.

What number are you again?

42... :innocent: And I hope you replaced that tupperware dish you inconsiderate male you...

29th May 2010, 15:31
Ed, that is a very inspiring thing to read, and makes me believe that true love and happiness does exist. That gives me (and I'm sure a lot of the other ladies reading this) so much hope that that person for each of us can be found. Might be worth the wait from what I'm hearing ;)

Happy Birthday for last Thursday. I guess going home on Friday would have been a wonderful way to celebrate it. And a happy anniversary to you both in advance. To hear how you speak of your wife Ed really is just magic, and gives me warm fuzzies! Looking forward to meeting her someday soon! (oh, and you, hehe!)

After 16 days in hospital, looking at her last night gave me "warm fuzzies" too... :love: Damn broken backs...! :bye:

I have to say that our marriage hasn't always been bliss, as with all relationships there are ups and downs and a lot of giving and forgiving, but if you're committed to each other and remember why you got married and work hard on yourself, marriage can be the greatest thing ever. Besides, we're too old and tired to start again, the thought of having to train up another woman... :shutup:

Make sure you know what you want in a mate and don't settle for second best just because you may think you'll miss the boat. And don't ignore warning signs that he may not be all he appears to be while he's trying to impress you. I sound like a Grandpa! :shifty:

29th May 2010, 17:31
Ed, that is a very inspiring thing to read, and makes me believe that true love and happiness does exist. That gives me (and I'm sure a lot of the other ladies reading this) so much hope that that person for each of us can be found. Might be worth the wait from what I'm hearing

Took me until I was 35 to find my man and then I had to convince him that he wasn't too old for me (he is 9 years older)

30th May 2010, 11:23
Took me until I was 35 to find my man and then I had to convince him that he wasn't too old for me (he is 9 years older)

How'd you convince him..?

30th May 2010, 13:38
How'd you convince him..?

I think I told him to get over it and not to be a dick.

I didn't give him a chance to get away...... I knew the first time I saw him that this was going to be something really major.
I knew the second day that i would marry him, and I have never wanted to marry any one before.
He was the first guy I had met that was hot and a great guy - never found any one before that was both combined.
Poor buggar never stood a chance.........

Gone Burger
30th May 2010, 14:16
I think I told him to get over it and not to be a dick.

I didn't give him a chance to get away...... I knew the first time I saw him that this was going to be something really major.
I knew the second day that i would marry him, and I have never wanted to marry any one before.
He was the first guy I had met that was hot and a great guy - never found any one before that was both combined.
Poor buggar never stood a chance.........

Hahaha good girl Kitty - THAT'S what we like to here. And still good to know that it can happen. mmmm that might be a long wait for me though til im 35 :) - Still, the best things in life are worth waiting for. And what is it with us girls and older men? hehe - seems that many of us are all the same ;)

30th May 2010, 17:13
Took me until I was 35 to find my man and then I had to convince him that he wasn't too old for me (he is 9 years older)
That's nothing. My father-in-law was more'n 10 years older than my mother-in-law, and my second sister is 12 years older than her husband.

Anyway, Ed - congratulations on turning 52, and on making it home safely. Good to hear you're on the mend, and I hope your convalescence is quick and trouble free.

31st May 2010, 10:52
I think I told him to get over it and not to be a dick.

I didn't give him a chance to get away...... I knew the first time I saw him that this was going to be something really major.
I knew the second day that i would marry him, and I have never wanted to marry any one before.
He was the first guy I had met that was hot and a great guy - never found any one before that was both combined.
Poor buggar never stood a chance.........

LOL!!! Sounds like it! He obviously agreed with you. Funny how it goes, I first saw Jill across the room, cliche I know but it was genuinely the old "eyes across the crowded room" moment. I still can't explain it, but it seemed there was just something about her and later to find she had the same "moment" was wierd, but here we are and more in love than ever.

That's nothing. My father-in-law was more'n 10 years older than my mother-in-law, and my second sister is 12 years older than her husband.

Anyway, Ed - congratulations on turning 52, and on making it home safely. Good to hear you're on the mend, and I hope your convalescence is quick and trouble free.

Thanks mate! Was touch and go to reach the day for while there. I do have to be a bit patient as it was a bad break, but the drugs are good and I'm getting spoiled. First day for my ACC home help and turns out the carer is my youngest daughter's first boss! Small world!

Getting lots of visitors which is great and even getting some work done - advantages of an internet based business...

31st May 2010, 15:30
LOL!!! Sounds like it! He obviously agreed with you. Funny how it goes, I first saw Jill across the room, cliche I know but it was genuinely the old "eyes across the crowded room" moment. I still can't explain it, but it seemed there was just something about her and later to find she had the same "moment" was wierd, but here we are and more in love than ever .

I asked my husband when he knew he wanted to marry me and his answer was "I don't know!" in an exasperated voice. What a romantic......
I am sure your wife is very happy to have you home.

31st May 2010, 15:47
I asked my husband when he knew he wanted to marry me and his answer was "I don't know!" in an exasperated voice. What a romantic......
I am sure your wife is very happy to have you home.

LOL!!! Ah, memories... I can remember sittng in the driveway in the car at my parent's and we were talking, and I wanted to ask her to marry me. You know that awkward feeling, nervous and making nonsense small talk while frantically thinking how to say it..?

We had casually mentioned getting married once and I'd said I thought about 25 was the right age and she'd said 21 was for her, so eventually, when I ran out of silly small talk, I said, (I can clearly remember), "You know when you said you'd like to get married at about 21?" She said "Yes..." her eyes down. I said, "Well, will you marry me when you're 21?" She slowly smiled and said softly, "I'll marry you anytime..."

When we finally went inside, my Mum was fussing in the kitchen pretending to be doing dishes or something, (at 11pm..?) We sat down and I hesitantly said, "Mum, ahhh, Jill and I are going to get married." The greatest Mum in the world, simply said, "Oh, I could have told you that!"

31st May 2010, 15:49
Worse still Ed is when you turn the interior light on and shes fallen asleep (thats never happened to me though:shifty:)

31st May 2010, 16:22
Worse still Ed is when you turn the interior light on and shes fallen asleep (thats never happened to me though:shifty:)

Ha ha! Me neither, mind you we're not as young as we were, so it could still happen. She has growled at me once for falling asleep while she was talking to me and snoring. It was late and I was tired...

31st May 2010, 16:48
you and your wife are cute, I hope when I have been married that long (32 years was it?) that I as much in love as you guys - but I will be a hell of a lot older than you guys - started late! Does your wife ride or pillion? Or both? lol

31st May 2010, 17:30
you and your wife are cute, I hope when I have been married that long (32 years was it?) that I as much in love as you guys - but I will be a hell of a lot older than you guys - started late! Does your wife ride or pillion? Or both? lol
LOL!!! That's exactly what our daughters say about us!

Yeah we were far too young! But I have no regrets and am very grateful to have someone like Jill now. You know, I stop and think at times when I look at her and see her love and I wonder why me? To think that someone loves you for who you are when you're conscious of your own faults and failings, it's humbling.

She likes to pillion and she's the best pillion I've ever had on the back, completely relaxed and trusting and moves with the bike. I guess after so many years she's comfortable with me. I think she'd like to ride, but is nervous.

31st May 2010, 18:00
oh sigh, came in late to this thread, only read the last two pages and its truely inspirational and heart warming to read this wonderful love story. Congrats Mr & Mrs Edbear for taking the time and energy to keep going through the bad times. Its all to easy to walk away from a problem, its all about commitment, love and care to tackle a problem, hang in there, and reap the benefits with a lifetime together. Well done you two and anyone else who has hung in there together, through good and bad.

Gone Burger
31st May 2010, 18:18
oh sigh, came in late to this thread, only read the last two pages and its truely inspirational and heart warming to read this wonderful love story. Congrats Mr & Mrs Edbear for taking the time and energy to keep going through the bad times. Its all to easy to walk away from a problem, its all about commitment, love and care to tackle a problem, hang in there, and reap the benefits with a lifetime together. Well done you two and anyone else who has hung in there together, through good and bad.

Couldn't have put it better myself Quasi. Well said!

Ed - you truely inspire me.

31st May 2010, 18:27
You'll make me blush! I'm not special, and we have had our ups and downs but we made it through them somehow. We are very happy now and enjoying each other's company. We've been through a lot together and as a family but no more I'm sure than many others.

I hadn't thought of this as a love story, but I guess it is in a way.

31st May 2010, 18:54
LOL!!! That's exactly what our daughters say about us!

Yeah we were far too young! But I have no regrets and am very grateful to have someone like Jill now. You know, I stop and think at times when I look at her and see her love and I wonder why me? To think that someone loves you for who you are when you're conscious of your own faults and failings, it's humbling.

She likes to pillion and she's the best pillion I've ever had on the back, completely relaxed and trusting and moves with the bike. I guess after so many years she's comfortable with me. I think she'd like to ride, but is nervous.
I know exactly what you mean, and could say almost exactly the same thing about me and my wife (including the pillioning bit, although sadly she's spent little time on the back). We've been together 32 years too, and married nearly 28. I don't think we married too young though - I realised I didn't want anybody else, so there seemed no point in delaying it too long once that realisation sunk in.

1st June 2010, 08:22
Imarried nearly 28. I don't think we married too young though - I realised I didn't want anybody else, so there seemed no point in delaying it too long once that realisation sunk in.
Well put. We are the same, 28yrs on and happy as, and just become grandparents. Nothing wrong with starting young if you know what you want. We've done a few hard yards but the rewards for hangin in there are great.

and Edbear, (just found this thread), all the best for the recovery

1st June 2010, 10:04
I know exactly what you mean, and could say almost exactly the same thing about me and my wife (including the pillioning bit, although sadly she's spent little time on the back). We've been together 32 years too, and married nearly 28. I don't think we married too young though - I realised I didn't want anybody else, so there seemed no point in delaying it too long once that realisation sunk in.

Well put. We are the same, 28yrs on and happy as, and just become grandparents. Nothing wrong with starting young if you know what you want. We've done a few hard yards but the rewards for hangin in there are great.

and Edbear, (just found this thread), all the best for the recovery

Thanks guys and congratulations! I think it's only after you've been married for as long as we have that you really begin to appreciate what a good marriage can be. Our only, (so far), Grandson is now 4 and an absolute delight! To see the bond between him and his parents and to see my daughter with him is very special indeed.

For me, too, I didn't just "fall in love" with Jill, I felt I wanted to take care of her and give her a life she would probably never have had. She came from a difficult background, and while I won't go into details, I saw in her, qualities that deserved a chance to come out. She deserved a good life and a chance to be who I knew she could be, As I said there was just something about her aside from the fact that she was quite attractive and I was committed to her almost immediately.

To see her blossom and grow over the years and become such a wonderful person is something there is no price for. Certainly I have had to mature and change as well but we have grown together when you hear of so many who grow apart which is sad.

1st June 2010, 17:40
So, how are you doing today, Ed? Still recovering well, I hope.

1st June 2010, 18:01
So, how are you doing today, Ed? Still recovering well, I hope.

Not bad, mate. Been rather nauseous last couple of days, though. Could be the Tramadol. I've lost 7kg! Cool, eh?

1st June 2010, 18:05
ask Doc for anti nausea tabs. No need to feel sick and they work a treat.

er...pssst, dont tell anyone, but the ones my hubby had while he was on chemo work great for hangovers!

1st June 2010, 18:12
ask Doc for anti nausea tabs. No need to feel sick and they work a treat.

er...pssst, dont tell anyone, but the ones my hubby had while he was on chemo work great for hangovers!

It'll be our secret... :shutup:

Fatt Max
1st June 2010, 19:22
Hey Ed, hope you are ok over there,

Loved your posts mate, great stuff

Ratti is right about the anti nausea tabs. I use them during Shortland Street, Desperate Housewives and Country Calander. They are also very handy when watching the MOther-in-law eat porridge, but I'll leave that mental picture in your mind, eh

Take care, I'll pop over with some 150% Russian KY and a wire brush later this week

Missing you already


1st June 2010, 19:33
Not bad, mate. Been rather nauseous last couple of days, though. Could be the Tramadol. I've lost 7kg! Cool, eh?
Yeah! I could do with losing 5kg; I'm hoping being sawn down the middle will help with that... :shit:
Exercise doesn't seem to help much, as it makes me hungrier.

2nd June 2010, 08:12
Hey Ed, hope you are ok over there,

Loved your posts mate, great stuff

Ratti is right about the anti nausea tabs. I use them during Shortland Street, Desperate Housewives and Country Calander. They are also very handy when watching the MOther-in-law eat porridge, but I'll leave that mental picture in your mind, eh

Take care, I'll pop over with some 150% Russian KY and a wire brush later this week

Missing you already


A WIRE brush..???!!! :gob: You do remember the address, don't you? No.1 the Beehive, Wellington...? :yes:

Yeah! I could do with losing 5kg; I'm hoping being sawn down the middle will help with that... :shit:
Exercise doesn't seem to help much, as it makes me hungrier.

I tried that back in '81 and it definitely helped, got a big zipper down the tummy to show for it though, so it doesn't do a lot for your bikini line... :bye:

When's the op?

2nd June 2010, 08:19
Not bad, mate. Been rather nauseous last couple of days, though. Could be the Tramadol. I've lost 7kg! Cool, eh?

Tramadol is the shizz though, and yes it will most likely be something to do with feeling sick. Get some more pills to help, see if you can rattle.

2nd June 2010, 08:24
Tramadol is the shizz though, and yes it will most likely be something to do with feeling sick. Get some more pills to help, see if you can rattle.

I've been rattling well! I've cut down to two a day from four as the pain is well controlled, still using Panadol but only twice a day as well. You're right, Tramadol is great stuff! Just finished the anti-biotic for an infection and see the Doc Friday for a checkup so will see if I can stop one of the BP meds as well - I'm on three at the mo.

2nd June 2010, 09:29
does the Tramadol make you paranoid? It did with me..... I lay in the hospital bed waiting, waiting, (for what I don't know but was terrified all the same). Just make sure all these painkillers don't make you constipated.

2nd June 2010, 10:01
does the Tramadol make you paranoid? It did with me..... I lay in the hospital bed waiting, waiting, (for what I don't know but was terrified all the same). Just make sure all these painkillers don't make you constipated.

I'm not paranoid, I KNOW they're out to get me and I've taken appropritate precautions... :shifty:

PS. Don't ring the doorbell when you visit it's booby trapped...:shutup:

Sorry it had that effect on you, must have been rather unpleasant. But bodily functions are returning to normal, :innocent: and all's progressing well.

I do get quite tired though so if I don't respond immediately here I'm probably in bed.

Fatt Max
2nd June 2010, 20:33
I was given Panadol suppositories when I was in hospital. No matter how many glasses of water I drunl, I could not swallow them for love nor money. For all the good they did me I might as well have shoved them up my arse

3rd June 2010, 07:33
I was given Panadol suppositories when I was in hospital. No matter how many glasses of water I drunl, I could not swallow them for love nor money. For all the good they did me I might as well have shoved them up my arse

You're a sick man FM... Funny as, but sick... :first:

3rd June 2010, 07:53
Not bad, mate. Been rather nauseous last couple of days, though. Could be the Tramadol. I've lost 7kg! Cool, eh?

My fav druf for nausea is maxilon ... works great and quick ... wouldn't take tramadol unless I was paid an awesome amount of money for the trip to the other planet I would be on ;)

3rd June 2010, 08:02
My fav druf for nausea is maxilon ... works great and quick ... wouldn't take tramadol unless I was paid an awesome amount of money for the trip to the other planet I would be on ;)

Yeah, I'll check with the Doc tomorrow but meantime I've cut down from 2 x twice daily to 1 x twice daily and I'm not so bad this morning.

Drugs affect people differently and the only side effect I've noticed otherwise are really wierd dreams... :blink:

I also have balance problems and ACC are funding a medic alarm for me in case I fall over when no-one's here, which is comforting. Amazing device! The nice lady who installed it was able to go right through to the garage at the opposite end of the house to the kitchen where the unit is set up and they could here her calling out from there! So it doesn't matter where in the entire house I am, I can press the button and they can hear me!

Free ambulance for everyone in the house at the time as well. I can even answer the phone with it!

3rd June 2010, 08:06
Bloody awesome ... you are well set up ....

I know my side effects from tramadol are at the extreme end .. but it doesn't stop them offering me it as a jab for migrain ... when I refuse and say this is the treatment I want .. i.e. Voltarin jab and maxilon jab they soon realise that I know what I am talking about.

3rd June 2010, 08:17
Bloody awesome ... you are well set up ....

I know my side effects from tramadol are at the extreme end .. but it doesn't stop them offering me it as a jab for migrain ... when I refuse and say this is the treatment I want .. i.e. Voltarin jab and maxilon jab they soon realise that I know what I am talking about.

I used to have to inject myself in the leg every few days for Migraines and I think it was with Immigran..? The pain was horrendous and felt like someone had driven an axe into my head! A very low point in my life. I'm very thankful that I no longer get them, so you've got my full sympathies!

I have to say that in my case, ACC has been great so far! A bit slow and my case manager, while being a lovely person, really is a bit lost and doesn't seem to know a lot, so the lady who brought the alarm around did most of their work for them to speed it up...

3rd June 2010, 08:20
At least you are being looked after by ACC, thank goodness for that!
I am glad to hear you are improving each day.
Tramadol was very effective pain relief for me too, and I was lucky not to have any more side effects than if I had taken Panadol.

3rd June 2010, 08:24
I was lucky not to have any more side effects than if I had taken Panadol.

It gives you the wicked spins if you are not careful, also makes your eyeballs revolve in your head inducing a stomach turning effect, mind you if you can get past that, the effects are quite nice, a bit of a disconnected feeling and best of all - no pain.

3rd June 2010, 08:27
I was taking Tramadol when I first met you guys at the Busa Petes...I'm sure I was the only one there that was completely normal:gob:

3rd June 2010, 08:29
At least you are being looked after by ACC, thank goodness for that!
I am glad to hear you are improving each day.
Tramadol was very effective pain relief for me too, and I was lucky not to have any more side effects than if I had taken Panadol.

I really can't get over just how well I'm being treated! I'm not used to being fussed over! I'm usually the one helping, and to find oneself in the position of needing the help and feeling so helpless is a bit unnerving.

I've been bowled over by all the messages of support and love I've received from so many people, too, including the amazing response from so many KB'rs! Thanks again so very much!

I take Panadol in addition to the Tramadol so the pain level is very muted and rarely a problem.

3rd June 2010, 08:30
I was taking Tramadol when I first met you guys at the Busa Petes...I'm sure I was the only one there that was completely normal:gob:

Define normal :weird:

3rd June 2010, 09:37
It gives you the wicked spins if you are not careful, also makes your eyeballs revolve in your head inducing a stomach turning effect, mind you if you can get past that, the effects are quite nice, a bit of a disconnected feeling and best of all - no pain.

Yup, but fairly mild in my case. Very effective at pain relief for sure.

I was taking Tramadol when I first met you guys at the Busa Petes...I'm sure I was the only one there that was completely normal:gob:

Define normal :weird:

LOL!!! Beat me to it! Someone said to me they're sure I'll be back to normal in no time. I said, "Thanks, I've never been normal before...!" :shifty:

3rd June 2010, 10:16
Define normal :weird:

The same state of weirdness as everyone else ...

3rd June 2010, 15:03
The same state of weirdness as everyone else ...

Exxccuuse me! My weirdness is completely different to anyone else's!

3rd June 2010, 15:06
Exxccuuse me! My weirdness is completely different to anyone else's!

My apology ... I stand corrected ... :innocent:

3rd June 2010, 17:12
Exxccuuse me! My weirdness is completely different to anyone else's!

Perzackery! Like everyone else, we are unique :yes:

3rd June 2010, 17:14
Exxccuuse me! My weirdness is completely different to anyone else's!

I read that twice now and still got 'wilderness'.......:killingme

My wilderness is completely different to anyone else's!

3rd June 2010, 17:19
I read that twice now and still got 'wilderness'.......

My wilderness is completely different to anyone else's!

Well, if you're talking about mentality, you could still have a point...:yes:

(I shouldn't, but I can't resist... the correct grammar is "different from". Something may be similar to, bit is different from. Sorry for being a pedant... :shutup:)

3rd June 2010, 17:31
Well, if you're talking about mentality, you could still have a point...:yes:

(I shouldn't, but I can't resist... the correct grammar is "different from". Something may be similar to, bit is different from. Sorry for being a pedant... :shutup:)

no you're not Ed..you're bloody famous for being a pedant. But you're so nice with it that we let you off. Unlike another pedant I can think of.

3rd June 2010, 17:36
no you're not Ed..you're bloody famous for being a pedant. But you're so nice with it that we let you off. Unlike another pedant I can think of.

Awwww, shucks! :love:

3rd June 2010, 17:39
Awwww, shucks! :love:

Ya back,good to see,hope all is well fella.

3rd June 2010, 17:39
But at least it proves you are really on the mend!

3rd June 2010, 17:47
Ya back,good to see,hope all is well fella.

Thanks mate! Pretty much everything is good but my back. I'm getting very tired during the day and am often in bed by 6 or 7pm, had enough of the brace by then, too. I can't even sit up in bed without it on, so not terribly convenient.

Still I count my blessings! I'm alive to complain about it! :yes:

My caregiver gave me a gentle back massage this morning and man it was good! Didn't want her to stop... :love:

Got a Doctor's appointment in the morning, and go back to hospital on 20th June, (or about then), for a further x-ray and check up.

3rd June 2010, 17:49
But at least it proves you are really on the mend!

Yeah, my wife reckons I'm far too frisky for my own good at the mo... :shifty:

3rd June 2010, 17:53
Sounds like your in good hands mate,as you say at least your here eh,heal quick and all the best,been suffering a bit myself this last week,had the teeth pulled and new fitted straight up,taking some getting use to i can tell ya,not to mention i look like an ice cream sandwhich every time i open my gob:shutup:

3rd June 2010, 17:55
Sounds like your in good hands mate,as you say at least your here eh,heal quick and all the best,been suffering a bit myself this last week,had the teeth pulled and new fitted straight up,taking some getting use to i can tell ya,not to mention i look like an ice cream sandwhich every time i open my gob:shutup:

Hey, I forgot about your op! How'd it go? Able to eat anything much yet?

3rd June 2010, 17:56
PS. Pics would be good...

3rd June 2010, 17:59
Hey, I forgot about your op! How'd it go? Able to eat anything much yet?

Been living on Mashed potato and vege soup mate,to be honest when theres nobody around i pull the bottom ones out and chow down on real food but reality is its only delaying the inevitable really,had a few ulcers and with the dentures on top they give me hell but there slowly coming right,another few weeks and should be sweet.Very glad ive done it and wished i had years ago.

3rd June 2010, 18:04
Been living on Mashed potato and vege soup mate,to be honest when theres nobody around i pull the bottom ones out and chow down on real food but reality is its only delaying the inevitable really,had a few ulcers and with the dentures on top they give me hell but there slowly coming right,another few weeks and should be sweet.Very glad ive done it and wished i had years ago.

After what you've put up with for so long, you probably won't know yourself once it's all healed up! Good on yer!

3rd June 2010, 18:10
PS. Pics would be good... :shifty:Here ya go mate,err they look better in the mouth:shit::sick::killingme

3rd June 2010, 18:12
LOL!!! What a beautiful smile you have, mate!

3rd June 2010, 18:15
LOL!!! What a beautiful smile you have, mate! Ya reckon,every time i smile at the dog he runs outside:killingme:killingmeThinking that pic might make a great new Avatar:shifty:

3rd June 2010, 18:20
Actually,the more i look at that pic it reminds me of this bar maid i got a lift home with one night when i was 18,she was 44. I was shearing down in Wyndham:shit:We ended up parked up in some remote spot and :shutup::sick:young dumb and........

3rd June 2010, 19:23
Ya reckon,every time i smile at the dog he runs outside:killingme:killingmeThinking that pic might make a great new Avatar:shifty:

do it!

Actually,the more i look at that pic it reminds me of this bar maid i got a lift home with one night when i was 18,she was 44. I was shearing down in Wyndham:shit:We ended up parked up in some remote spot and :shutup::sick:young dumb and........


3rd June 2010, 19:34
do it!


Yea at first,a little unlucky when her husband tried to stab me in the pub loo a few nights later.then a week or 2 later tried to run me over but only ended up taking the door of my mates car.:blink:Persistent if nothing else.

3rd June 2010, 19:35
oops, misjudgment on your part. NEVER carry on with married people. asking for trouble that is.

3rd June 2010, 19:38
oops, misjudgment on your part. NEVER carry on with married people. asking for trouble that is.

Yea yea but at 18 eh,hence the young dumb blah blah.

5th June 2010, 19:09
oops, misjudgment on your part. NEVER carry on with married people. asking for trouble that is.

Unless they're married to you, of course... :msn-wink:

Took a trip into Panmure yesterday to visit family but it was too much, too soon and I suffered a bit for it last night and today. It was a bit strange going past the crash site for the first time since the accident and sobering as well.

I'm glad it's not mid-summer though, wearing the body brace is a nuisance and would be horribly sweaty in the heat.

Friends called in for lunch the other day and cooked me up a feed of mushrooms! :love: I love mushrooms but Jill can't stand them so I only usually have them when we go out for a meal.

I'm still getting pampered though and look forward to my shower and back massage each morning... (Where's the smiley for pleasure..?) I could get used to this kind of treatment. :yes:

9th June 2010, 20:49
heya Edbear hope ya feeling a heap better, only just read about it :Oops:

:shifty:Here ya go mate,err they look better in the mouth:shit::sick::killingme

helenoftroy's look better :laugh:

9th June 2010, 20:54
I'm still getting pampered though and look forward to my shower and back massage each morning... (Where's the smiley for pleasure..?)

:drool: :drool: :drool:

9th June 2010, 21:09
:drool: :drool: :drool:

Almost... I'm thinking a combination of: :love: :shifty: :msn-wink: :)

The muscles each side of the fractured vertebrae get tense and sore and a shower and gentle massage is bliss! :love:

I get reminded just how bad it is - I thought I could sit up in bed to eat breakfast but very quickly found it wasn't such a good idea... Not allowed more than 15 degrees without the brace on.

Using the crutches I can walk from lounge to bathroom and back but very sore by then even with such a substantial brace on. :bye:

10th June 2010, 09:10
Ouch! Heal up soon Ed....

On another note, my bro snapped his ankle on his dirtbike on Saturday and is laid up at home too. Gah! His Mrs ain't too happy as he owns his own business too and lost a major contract..... Ooops!

10th June 2010, 09:57
Ouch! Heal up soon Ed....

On another note, my bro snapped his ankle on his dirtbike on Saturday and is laid up at home too. Gah! His Mrs ain't too happy as he owns his own business too and lost a major contract..... Ooops!

Ouch! That's the trouble with being self-employed, you have to consider the risk to your business. At least I can work from home on the laptop having an internet based business. I'd be in the same boat as your brother otherwise! Plus I have something to do every day that keeps me occupied and feeling useful.

I'm going to ask ACC if they can give me more hours for my caregiver as after two weeks nothing has improved enough to cut her hours down, but I've only got 16 hours left to cover the next 4 weeks. I go in on the 23rd for the followup x-ray so should have some idea of progress then. I've lost a lot of weight and the 2-piece brace is now overlapping so far the velcro straps are almost too long. They may have to make me a smaller one!

10th June 2010, 13:36
Ouch! That's the trouble with being self-employed, you have to consider the risk to your business. At least I can work from home on the laptop having an internet based business. I'd be in the same boat as your brother otherwise! Plus I have something to do every day that keeps me occupied and feeling useful.

I'm going to ask ACC if they can give me more hours for my caregiver as after two weeks nothing has improved enough to cut her hours down, but I've only got 16 hours left to cover the next 4 weeks. I go in on the 23rd for the followup x-ray so should have some idea of progress then. I've lost a lot of weight and the 2-piece brace is now overlapping so far the velcro straps are almost too long. They may have to make me a smaller one!

Self employed YES it can cause big drama's.

I started my Buisness in 2004, and have Never paid myself a dollar, as I put it all back into the buisness for now. The trouble this caused me with my accident in 2007 was amazing really

Not paying mysely anything, also meant that ACC had no need to pay me either!

So NO income for me for neally 2.5 years, things have been tough, but I can finally see the light again.

My Wife has been the kingpin in re building my life, thanks Honey.

10th June 2010, 13:56
Self employed YES it can cause big drama's.

I started my Buisness in 2004, and have Never paid myself a dollar, as I put it all back into the buisness for now. The trouble this caused me with my accident in 2007 was amazing really

Not paying mysely anything, also meant that ACC had no need to pay me either!

So NO income for me for neally 2.5 years, things have been tough, but I can finally see the light again.

My Wife has been the kingpin in re building my life, thanks Honey.

The saying goes that neccessity is the mother of invention and without the "safety net" of Govt. support, in this case ACC, you were forced to find a way to support yourselves. I admire what you and your wife have achieved by your sacrifice and hard work! :niceone:

I too, am grateful to my wife while I have been investing so much time, effort and money into getting my business up and running. She has been the main earner and has gone without a lot to keep ourselves solvent. She is being a wonderful support to me now, too, uncomplaining and caring for me with :love:

I'm not sure what I'll get from ACC as regards income compensation if anything yet so I await their judgement.

11th June 2010, 08:50
Quite frankly I think ACC sucks! For the amount self employed people pay in levies, when we need to use some of those levies, ACC may as well not exist!!

Anyone who is self-employed and manages to survive financially after an accident deserves much respect. My bro is a concrete layer... I just hope he sorts something out. It's great you are able to work from home Ed, but I bet that you aren't able to do anywhere near the hours you could before your accident. And that is where ACC need to pick up the tab. Whether you paid yourself a wage or not. I know that for years we haven't paid ourselves a wage and I know many employers who don't either. They put their money back into their businesses and pay their staff (oh, and the IRD! and ACC!!), leaving little for themselves. The system is so unjust.......

11th June 2010, 11:06
Quite frankly I think ACC sucks! For the amount self employed people pay in levies, when we need to use some of those levies, ACC may as well not exist!!

Anyone who is self-employed and manages to survive financially after an accident deserves much respect. My bro is a concrete layer... I just hope he sorts something out. It's great you are able to work from home Ed, but I bet that you aren't able to do anywhere near the hours you could before your accident. And that is where ACC need to pick up the tab. Whether you paid yourself a wage or not. I know that for years we haven't paid ourselves a wage and I know many employers who don't either. They put their money back into their businesses and pay their staff (oh, and the IRD! and ACC!!), leaving little for themselves. The system is so unjust.......

That's the problem with ACC is that when working out income compensation the rule is a very simple 80% of income. When self-employed we try to minimize our earnings for tax purposes and rely on the business covering most expenses. ACC have been fantastic in every other way and we should be grateful we don't have the US system here. Imagine having to pay ambulance, fire service, 16 days in hospital with all that involved... All if us would need to have expensive private insurance.

I'll have to wait and see what I get, though. It has been advantageous to be able to work from home even though as you say, I can't do as much, it has meant I can make some sales and keep the business alive by answering the phone and emails and it gives me something to do so I feel a bit useful.

The accident is going to change a lot of things and I think the outcome will be very positive. As long as I don't stuff things up by trying to progress too quickly.

11th June 2010, 13:42
Just got a nice letter from the Police. They have completed their investigations into the accident and have found that the road conditions at the time were the biggest contributing factor and that no further action will be taken. In other words I'm not going to be charged with careless driving causing and accident.

Very pleasing and vindicates my own explanation that it was a genuine accident over which I had no control.

11th June 2010, 15:07
Fantastic Ed, But I wondered why our phone call was cut off so abruptly that day..... Just Kidding.

11th June 2010, 15:14
Fantastic Ed, But I wondered why our phone call was cut off so abruptly that day..... Just Kidding.

Yeah I thought, "There goes my phone!" as it fell to the floor as the van rolled, damn near burned myself when I dropped the coffee and I can't find my shaver anywhere..! :innocent:

23rd June 2010, 16:26
Well I had my appointment at Greenlane today.

Unfortunately the news wasn't good. The Doc who did the x-ray came out and said, "You really did a job on that, didn't you..?

The specialist said, and showed us on the x-rays and CT scans, that the bone has compacted further and I am now borderline for an operation. One big problem is that I have Osteoporosis so the bones are soft and it's not healing and is getting further out of alignment. If I do have to have the op it'll be a major one as they'll have to go through front and back.

He tested my feeling and reflexes in my legs and said if I get any numbness I have to Ambo straight to Emergency. Fortunately ACC are paying for my monitor which includes free Ambulance if I need one.

So I'm resting more, going slower and Jill's just got home from the Pharmacy with a Calcium plus supplement for bones. I'm hoping that with extra rest and the Calcium I may avoid an operation. Faint hope, but I really don't want to go under the knife if I can avoid it. My poor darling was in tears when he spoke about the operation.

Still, I'm alive and it could have been worse, so chin up, eh?

23rd June 2010, 16:32
Not the best news eh Ed?
Everything crossed here for ya mate.
You be sure to sing out if theres anything, and I mean anything, we can do.

The operation sounds the pits to be honest but look, you have your faith/family and most importantly....life.

23rd June 2010, 16:41
crap. Yes there could be worse news, trust me on this one. It's not what I would wish on anyone tho.

Where's my magic wand when someone needs it?

23rd June 2010, 16:55
Not the best news eh Ed?
Everything crossed here for ya mate.
You be sure to sing out if theres anything, and I mean anything, we can do.

The operation sounds the pits to be honest but look, you have your faith/family and most importantly....life.

crap. Yes there could be worse news, trust me on this one. It's not what I would wish on anyone tho.

Where's my magic wand when someone needs it?

Thanks, I do count my blessings esp my wife. And friends have rallied around and are providing evening meals for us so Jill doesn't have to come home from work tired and still cook dinner. I'm really being spoiled rotten and don't deserve the level of love, care and support I'm getting, but it sure makes a difference!

I believe that every situation has a positive side and while my situation sucks somewhat, there have been some good things come out of it. It has brought out the very best in many friends and our family is even closer now. My attitude and approach to work has changed for the better and did I mention I've lost a lot of weight...? :msn-wink:

23rd June 2010, 16:58
Thanks, I do count my blessings esp my wife. And friends have rallied around and are providing evening meals for us so Jill doesn't have to come home from work tired and still cook dinner. I'm really being spoiled rotten and don't deserve the level of love, care and support I'm getting, but it sure makes a difference!

I believe that every situation has a positive side and while my situation sucks somewhat, there have been some good things come out of it. It has brought out the very best in many friends and our family is even closer now. My attitude and approach to work has changed for the better and did I mention I've lost a lot of weight...? :msn-wink:

Thats a lot of positives there Ed...:yes:

Annes gone out, whats for tea?:shifty:

23rd June 2010, 17:03
That is not such good news, Ed...pm sent!

Gone Burger
23rd June 2010, 17:04
Hey Mr. Ed. I was about to text you too to see how the appointment went today.

Sorry to hear of what the doctors told you. But as you say, there is still hope that you may be able to heal and avoid the operation. Sounds like a biggie, and a rather scary one at that. So we are all crossing our fingers for you and the best possible outcome from this situation. It seems that only time will tell on this one and I can imagine it must be very testing having to just wait it out, see how you heal. But it could have been much worse, and you seem to have such wonderful support and love around you. You do deserve it, and we will all be so happy to see you get through this in the long run.

So my friend, it's back to feet up, and lapping up the love, help and attention you are receiving. You have a wonderful attitude, and it's lovely to hear of someone who appreciates what they do have, in a world that seems too self absorbed most days to notice.

23rd June 2010, 17:05
Thats a lot of positives there Ed...:yes:

Annes gone out, whats for tea?:shifty:

Not sure, it'll be a surprise. Monday was steak and Guiness pie, with a whole can of Guiness in it... :innocent:

23rd June 2010, 17:31
Oh Eddy Bear....

That's not good news at all...we all have our fingers and toes crossed for you here and will send you positive thoughts each day.

The upside is (although I hate this has happened to you) we are still reading your posts and watching your progress.

Take care young man!

23rd June 2010, 17:39
Well that sucks Ed! Rest, rest and more rest for you. My ex's Mother had a fracture that would not heal, we ended up getting a silica and shark cartlidge supplement from the health food shop for her, the bone did eventually mend, albeit slowly. Vitamin C is also good for healing.

I know you will take the advice of your specialist and have that surgery if you need to have it, no point in risking further unrepairable damage afterall.

Love to you and Jill, lets hope that you are about to turn a corner in the healing process and the next visit to the specialist will confirm you are getting better.

23rd June 2010, 17:40
Oh Eddy Bear....

That's not good news at all...we all have our fingers and toes crossed for you here and will send you positive thoughts each day.

The upside is (although I hate this has happened to you) we are still reading your posts and watching your progress.

Take care young man!

I like the young man bit... :sunny: And I'll try to annoy everyone by continuing to post nonsense on KB for as long as I can. As long as I can see and type I can work and play, eh? :yes:

23rd June 2010, 17:46
Well that sucks Ed! Rest, rest and more rest for you. My ex's Mother had a fracture that would not heal, we ended up getting a silica and shark cartlidge supplement from the health food shop for her, the bone did eventually mend, albeit slowly. Vitamin C is also good for healing.

I know you will take the advice of your specialist and have that surgery if you need to have it, no point in risking further unrepairable damage afterall.

Love to you and Jill, lets hope that you are about to turn a corner in the healing process and the next visit to the specialist will confirm you are getting better.

Thanks love, I have to see the surgeon next week to see what he thinks. Don't know what day yet, but it's not looking too positive. Meantime we're looking up what we can do to help bone healing and there are a few supplements we can take. The calcium tablets Jill got today include most things we've learned about. Jill talked to the Chemist who was up to play with the natural stuff, so it's got Vit. D3 etc. It's a complete bone care supplement from Clinicians.

23rd June 2010, 17:54
Easy for me to say but 'chin-up' - try and keep a positive outlook, things could be worse - like you could be a KB moderator.....!!!

23rd June 2010, 17:55
Thanks love, I have to see the surgeon next week to see what he thinks. Don't know what day yet, but it's not looking too positive. Meantime we're looking up what we can do to help bone healing and there are a few supplements we can take. The calcium tablets Jill got today include most things we've learned about. Jill talked to the Chemist who was up to play with the natural stuff, so it's got Vit. D3 etc. It's a complete bone care supplement from Clinicians.

Yeah, take as much of that sort of thing as you can, wont hurt, may even help. I really hope you wont need surgery Ed, but better that than a permanent injury.
Still you skinny thang, keep looking for the positive. I am sending you both an enormous dollop of happy, radiant, healing love. It better work!

23rd June 2010, 18:21
Easy for me to say but 'chin-up' - try and keep a positive outlook, things could be worse - like you could be a KB moderator.....!!!

Heaven forbid, mate! :gob: (Did I mention I'm getting spoiled every day with a pretty nurse giving me a nice massage...:love:)

Yeah, take as much of that sort of thing as you can, wont hurt, may even help. I really hope you wont need surgery Ed, but better that than a permanent injury.
Still you skinny thang, keep looking for the positive. I am sending you both an enormous dollop of happy, radiant, healing love. It better work!

LOL!!! Jill cracked me up last night. As we snuggled up in bed, she said, "It feels funny not having your tummy to put my arm around anymore...!" :laugh:

They're going to make me another brace as this one is too big now!

23rd June 2010, 23:31
LOL!!! Jill cracked me up last night. As we snuggled up in bed, she said, "It feels funny not having your tummy to put my arm around anymore...!" :laugh:

So, are you trying to tell us the accident has left you a bit gutless! :shit: Sounds like serious shit to me! :yes:

Did you take the red or the blue pill? :shifty: The blue pill should fix it! :mellow: Well, for a little while anyway. :blink: Cheers, John.

24th June 2010, 07:14
So, are you trying to tell us the accident has left you a bit gutless! :shit: Sounds like serious shit to me! :yes:

Did you take the red or the blue pill? :shifty: The blue pill should fix it! :mellow: Well, for a little while anyway. :blink: Cheers, John.

Yup! Still want to lose a few more kilos, if I can get under 90kg I'll be stoked! :yes:

The best pills I've got are the wee blue and white ones... They're goood...:shifty:

30th June 2010, 15:43
Good news today! Surgeon says he's not going to operate and I just have to be patient and wait.

So another 6 weeks in the brace then another x-ray. Frustrating how slow it is, but the Osteo isn't helping of course.

Got my new ACC Case Manager in Albany and she's even better than Loretta was! :sunny: She's really on to it and I'm finally going to get paid, plus she's sending an Occupational Therapist to assess whether my current home help is enough and that I have all the equipment I need.

I can get a taxi anywhere I need to go and if my wife has to take me anywhere I can claim mileage.

I can go privately to see my surgeon rather than join the long queues at Greenlane.

I can't get over how well I'm being treated!

30th June 2010, 15:46
O young fella that is awesome news.....:)

This rate we will have you dancing on the tables at the next rally!!!!

Gone Burger
30th June 2010, 15:54
Good news today! Surgeon says he's not going to operate and I just have to be patient and wait.

So another 6 weeks in the brace then another x-ray. Frustrating how slow it is, but the Osteo isn't helping of course.

Got my new ACC Case Manager in Albany and she's even better than Loretta was! :sunny: She's really on to it and I'm finally going to get paid, plus she's sending an Occupational Therapist to assess whether my current home help is enough and that I have all the equipment I need.

I can get a taxi anywhere I need to go and if my wife has to take me anywhere I can claim mileage.

I can go privately to see my surgeon rather than join the long queues at Greenlane.

I can't get over how well I'm being treated!

Woo hoo Ed - thats great news today *does a little dance* :banana:

And its great to hear the support you are getting from ACC. I wouldn't expect anything less, but it very re-assuring to know the help that you need is on hand - financially and with home help too.

See, you just weren't ready to depart with that brace were you? ;)
No operation *does another little dance* :wari:

30th June 2010, 17:23
O young fella that is awesome news.....:)

This rate we will have you dancing on the tables at the next rally!!!!

LOL!!! I think if I got up on tables to dance, my wife would shoot me! She's had enough of my antics for a while... :wacko:

Woo hoo Ed - thats great news today *does a little dance* :banana:

And its great to hear the support you are getting from ACC. I wouldn't expect anything less, but it very re-assuring to know the help that you need is on hand - financially and with home help too.

See, you just weren't ready to depart with that brace were you? ;)
No operation *does another little dance* :wari:

I'm getting quite "attached" to the brace, really.... NOT! Still it does mean I can sit up and get out of bed, so there is a benefit. Glad I don't have to wear it in bed, though, that would suck big time! Can't do anything with it on... :whistle:

30th June 2010, 17:42
LOL!!! I think if I got up on tables to dance, my wife would shoot me! She's had enough of my antics for a while... :wacko:
I'm getting quite "attached" to the brace, really.... NOT! Still it does mean I can sit up and get out of bed, so there is a benefit. Glad I don't have to wear it in bed, though, that would suck big time! Can't do anything with it on... :whistle:

She would not be the only one to have a pot shot at you either :lol:

You must need a new and improved one by now surely? Brace that is, Mr Skinnypants. Have you never heard the expression lie back and take it like a man :innocent:

I am delighted that you dont need surgery Ed, it must be a huge relief for you and your family too. Slowly, slowly is your path.

30th June 2010, 18:02
She would not be the only one to have a pot shot at you either :lol:

You must need a new and improved one by now surely? Brace that is, Mr Skinnypants. Have you never heard the expression lie back and take it like a man :innocent:

I am delighted that you dont need surgery Ed, it must be a huge relief for you and your family too. Slowly, slowly is your path.

LOL!!! Well, I do tell her I'm at her mercy, and to be gentle with me and slowly it is...:innocent:

They checked my brace and it has a wee bit more to go before it needs to be altered yet. So I hope to lose a bit more weight yet. Jill held up a pair of my trou this morning and I couldn't believe how wide they were!!!! :shit: I could just about fit me and her in them!

We were so relieved today about the op, we were both stressing out about it.

I've got a lady coming in the morning to assess whether I have enough home help and equipment and may get more hours yet.

30th June 2010, 18:04
I've got a lady coming in the morning to assess whether I have enough home help and equipment and may get more hours yet.

Make sure you take everything you are entitled to Ed. Sometimes we try to be brave and strong and coping, and it is the wrong thing to be doing. Keep up the good healing, may the rest of your recovery be slow and steady and completely unremarkable.