View Full Version : To the Turd who cut my brake hose...

20th May 2010, 08:42
Now normally i dont post but someone has scratched my Piles and therefore im Having a rant ..

To the bastard who cut my break hose in one of the Wilson parkades in akl city...Hi Hope you had your 5 min of fun if this is how you get your jollies then you are one sick individual, luckily i checked before i rode and i am still standing today , but let this be a warning if i see someone fucking with a bike i will be forced to remove your teeth (and dental work in NZ is not cheap ) be it my bike or not and il happily face the consequences of my actions ...

20th May 2010, 08:45
Do Wilsons have security cameras?

That's some pretty serious shit.

20th May 2010, 08:53
+1. Check for CCTV footage.

20th May 2010, 08:54
Yeah man - that is seriously messed up. Mabey it was a gang member who has mistake you (or your bikes) identity for someone else.

on a not such a serious note look what happened when I loaded the page hilarious. Katman your a whore lol208297http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/images/BP-Brown/misc/pencil.png

20th May 2010, 08:55
Don't worry KM, it was his own fault. If he was watching the bike it wouldn't have happened.

20th May 2010, 09:01
you need to report it to police. they have people that gather this kind of intelligence, and yours may not be the first case.
you have a duty to do it coz the next person may be killed because of it.

20th May 2010, 09:03
Seriously doubt he'd read this thread but +3 on the cctv, deffinately needs an attitude adjustment !

Kiwi Graham
20th May 2010, 09:03
Get on the phone to the police mate they will get the camera footage not only from the car park but other areas if need be. This could be classed as attempted murder/man slaughter!!

20th May 2010, 09:06
This happened to my wifes car a while ago. Some sick fuck crawled under the front and cut what he thought was the brake hose but the dumb dick cut the ABS wire loom. We reported it and the police came out to our house and took details.

20th May 2010, 09:49
Which carpark?

20th May 2010, 10:02
yep I have made a complaint (police) and asked about Camera footage (Wilson) will see what comes of it.
Wilson Finance park Lower Albert Street off Durham Street West
(court is nearby but lets not let that cloud judgement)

20th May 2010, 10:08
This happened to my wifes car a while ago. Some sick fuck crawled under the front and cut what he thought was the brake hose but the dumb dick cut the ABS wire loom. We reported it and the police came out to our house and took details.

Wow, they took details?

20th May 2010, 10:35
Bad buzz mate. And FXDF hoses are hard to cut as they're not rubber!

20th May 2010, 11:10
Gotta be some rubber in there somewhere, otherwise the wheels can't go up and down! (yeah, I hate making HD hoses)

Crazy Steve
20th May 2010, 11:30
yep I have made a complaint (police) and asked about Camera footage (Wilson) will see what comes of it.
Wilson Finance park Lower Albert Street off Durham Street West
(court is nearby but lets not let that cloud judgement)

Yeah your right Court is near by, And I was at court that day so it must of been me ? ? ? And im slightly bleck so it diffentely me then aye ! ! !

Sorry I didnt mean to leave such a mess I just dont like fckin Harleys.....

Crazy Steve.

20th May 2010, 11:32
No rubber in FXDF brake hoses mate.

20th May 2010, 12:19
No rubber in FXDF brake hoses mate.

Does that mean no suspension either?

Spose I'm just ignorant but how does that work? Do the hoses bend?

20th May 2010, 12:26
No rubber in FXDF brake hoses mate.Only two things are possible then:
- It has no suspension
- Harley has finally moved on from it's typically retarded setup, and it has braided lines from the factory

20th May 2010, 12:30
Does that mean no suspension either?

Only two things are possible then:
- It has no suspension
- Harley has finally moved on from it's typically retarded setup, and it has braided lines from the factory

FXDF's along with a couple of other models now have hard nylon lines, that have a reinforced braided cover, then a plastic cover over that. Much like Triumph hoses.

20th May 2010, 13:12
Yeah your right Court is near by, And I was at court that day so it must of been me ? ? ? And im slightly bleck so it diffentely me then aye ! ! !

Sorry I didnt mean to leave such a mess I just dont like fckin Harleys.....

Crazy Steve.
Dude that aint even funny so what the fuck? This could have cost him his life!

20th May 2010, 13:17
so has anyone else had problems like this owning a harley, and parking it up? im curious coz i like all bikes and when i get my full, anythings possible. choices, choices...yum.