View Full Version : My bike doesn't like the wet...

25th May 2010, 21:53
Just got home on the river formally known as the State Highway 1.

My bikes electricals have been playing up lately - coinciding with the rains. It runs out of electrical power and won't start so I crash start it and it runs rough with the needle on the tachometer wobbling all over the place. I charged the battery up last night and by the time I got to work the headlight and instruments had dimmed to nothing.

This evening I left work and my starter was working fine, engine turning over but not staring. So I crash started it and went to the gym. 2 hours later I am on my way home and the bike started first time. I get to just past the Johnsonville off-ramp and suddenly my instruments and headlight begin dimming to nothing again! Just when the surface water is at its deepest, rain is at its heaviest and visibility is at its lowest! Carry on for a k or so and suddenly my engine looses half its power! Feels like only one cylinder is firing. I limp along like this - going at 80 with full throttle on 3rd gear.

Finally coming up to Porirua in a last ditch effort to get some light (it is past 9pm now) I switch on the high-beams. WHOOSH!!! The engine power is restored and the bike lurches forward! The instrument panel suddenly shines brightly! The high-beam blares forth! The bike is back to normal.

What's going on? Is something screwed up in my electrical system or does my bike just not like the rain?

25th May 2010, 22:00
Check for loose or corroded battery terminal or loose fuse.

25th May 2010, 22:06
It appears not.....Doesn't take much to have an earth fault with faulty connections and lots of water so when you have time go through and cheak all your plug connections and rub some vasilene around them(helps keep out excess water) also look for any wires that are expose that have been rubbing against the frame which is not uncommon in older bikes causing your battery to be drained of power

and get your battery tested

25th May 2010, 22:12
I used to have the same problem on my ZXR250

I fixed it by spraying heaps of silicone over all electrical parts and leads. Here's the product I used http://www.google.co.nz/search?q=crc+808

Spray it all around your dials, wiring and especially in your case, spark plug wells, ignition coils and sparkplug leads. I think you've got to be careful about getting it on your tyres but I think it's safe for paint and plastic.

One good coat and it's been sweet for 6 months including today's huge downpour.

25th May 2010, 22:26
Cheers for the great suggestions dudes! I will spray all my wiring and such tomorrow and do a more detailed inspection of all the electrical business in the weekend.