View Full Version : To the scrotum chin who stole my wallet...

4th June 2010, 17:47
If I ever catch up to you I'm gonna give you a beating so bad your face will resemble the slime that dribbles out your arse when you have the shits!

You've been warned.

Some bastard stole my backpack outta my car last night. It had a portable hard drive in it and my wallet along with some clothes. Because I've only just noticed I can't report it until Tuesday and will have no money until Tuesday either. :mad:

If anyone in Rangiora notices some fella walking round with an Iron Maiden wallet, please let me know. I wanna smack them over!

4th June 2010, 18:05
I feel for you mate.There is plenty of scum suckers out there willing to steal anything not nailed down.

4th June 2010, 18:14
Police stations in Christchurch aren't open weekends?

4th June 2010, 18:31
Banks aren't ....

4th June 2010, 18:34
Banks aren't ....

Really? Most Banks have at least one branch that's open on Saturday mornings in Auckland.

4th June 2010, 18:35
Police stations in Christchurch aren't open weekends?

I'm in Rangiora. No money means I can't get petrol. No petrol means I can't get to Christchurch.

4th June 2010, 20:57
Really? Most Banks have at least one branch that's open on Saturday mornings in Auckland.

He's NOT in Auckland ....

4th June 2010, 21:02
He's NOT in Auckland ....

Well at least somethings going his way.Sorry to hear of your plight fella,hopefully some good karma will come your way soon.

4th June 2010, 21:15
most banks have an 0800 number so you can cancel your eftpos/credit cards

4th June 2010, 21:25
What about transferring some cash via intarwebby banking, to you missus, mother or friend who lives in Rangiora? Sucks to be you if you have none of the above.

4th June 2010, 21:27
Cards are cancelled. Well the credit card anyway. And I'm drinking a nice Montana Pinot Gri so things sem pretty good at the moment.

No money means no food though. Guess I'll be on a liquid diet for the weekend!

4th June 2010, 21:39
What about transferring some cash via intarwebby banking, to you missus, mother or friend who lives in Rangiora? Sucks to be you if you have none of the above.

My brother offerred but I can improvise for the weekend. Besides it just means that my girlfriend is buying tomorrow night:p

I'm improvising on food...Tomato sauce soup anyone?

4th June 2010, 21:46
I lost my wallet a few days ago. Two of my cards ended up several K's away from each other and the others haven't surfaced at all, they have all been cancelled. I was advised to report it to plod just in case the other cards pop up somewhere.

Not the same has having them stolen but the intent of who ever found the wallet is the same, dodgy pricks!

4th June 2010, 21:48
Cards are cancelled. Well the credit card anyway. And I'm drinking a nice Montana Pinot Gri so things sem pretty good at the moment.

No money means no food though. Guess I'll be on a liquid diet for the weekend!

Not necessarily a bad thing.............