View Full Version : What a great community Kiwi Biker is!

9th June 2010, 20:30
I had a wee crisis tonight - #2 TroglodyteMutantSpawn's new bed was delivered, and due to 3rd-world QA, two of the bolt holes where the frame attaches to the bed head were untapped. :angry:
So...what to do... what to do....

[insert light bulb icon here]
I contacted a fellow KBer - someone I'd only met once, who I knew lived somewheres on the North Shore, who'd done a lot of work on his bike, and possibly... maybe... had some thread taps.
Yup, he did! Not only did Renegade Master have some, but he even tapped the threads for me while I waited and bored him with various biking waffle.
So this is a public thank-you Scott: you're a bona fide Top Bloke! :niceone:

This does, however, put a dent in my "No good deed goes unpunished" theory. Most of my past good deeds have resulted in lots of shit coming my way, so it's nice to have some of the good stuff. :yes:
It also made me realise I need to stop being such a Loner Biker Dude and socialise more, get to know more of you Top Blokes and Blokesses.:blink:

9th June 2010, 20:34
'Onya RM

Yeah Viffer, get to know them around ya dude....

Bling sent, it is indeed a good community mostly

9th June 2010, 20:37
RM just wants to get into your pants.

You have been warned.

The Stranger
9th June 2010, 20:38
FFS he does you a good deed and you ruin his carefully crafted reputation.

It's alright RM, I still think you're a cunt.

9th June 2010, 21:09
But have you actually tried screwing the bolts in yet?

9th June 2010, 21:19
Not only did Renegade Master have some, but he even tapped the threads for me while I waited and bored him with various biking waffle.
So this is a public thank-you Scott: you're a bona fide Top Bloke! :niceone:

Geeze, dont blow his cover...Dear oh dear the 2nd most bad assed (sic?) kiwibiker who is also a mod you should PM with your troubles does not need building up. No siree Bob!

It also made me realise I need to stop being such a Loner Biker Dude and socialise more, get to know more of you Top Blokes and Blokesses.:blink:

There is apparently going to be something of a do in a couple of weeks when I manage to tic over the hill of another 0 year. Be lovely to see you and your lovely lady up this way :yes:

There is an outside chance RM will be here, there will be free beer, I think, maybe, must ask Maha :yes:

9th June 2010, 21:29
We love you RM

9th June 2010, 21:31
We love you RM

We do...?????

9th June 2010, 21:33

Good one mate - however reading your post I did have a strange mental image of him with his pants around his ankles tapping it in ...... note to self - must get more sleep.

9th June 2010, 21:39
We do...?????

Don't be a hater! :hug:

9th June 2010, 21:44
But have you actually tried screwing the bolts in yet?

Yeah.... he probably tapped them as a left hand Whitworth or something.....

10th June 2010, 18:15
But have you actually tried screwing the bolts in yet?
He test-fitted them for me while I was there, and the bed's all assembled and test-slept in.

There is apparently going to be something of a do in a couple of weeks when I manage to tic over the hill of another 0 year. Be lovely to see you and your lovely lady up this way :yes:
I'd love to come! :yes:
Unfortunately, I expect to be recuperating. :(
I'm scheduled to have my erl pump overhauled either next Friday or the following Thursday.

Yeah.... he probably tapped them as a left hand Whitworth or something.....
See above - actually 8mm with 1.5mm thread. Perfect!

While I'm blathering on here (but I'll probably start another thread as well) - this reminded me of another forum I'm on, where they have a "Pay It Forward" forum, for people to pass on bike bits (gear, spare parts, etc.) that they no longer need and are offering to fellow bikers who have a need. I think (having donated lots of spare gear to noobies) that this is a great idea for Kiwi Biker, as is a forum for people who need a hand with fixing stuff or who can give a hand helping out with various things. I'm a bit of a dab handyman with a variety of things, so don't mind helping out other people who are less handy or who don't have the right tools.

10th June 2010, 18:42
Chur bro! 'Tis an awesome community a'ight!