View Full Version : Big thank you to the lady in the white car

11th June 2010, 15:18
Well, I was riding home this afternoon and pulled inyto a fruit and veggie place just south of Otaki. Got my stuff and pulled back onto the main road to go home. Got into Otaki and onto Riverbank Road when I noticed a car behind me franticly flashing its lights at me. Pulled over and got off bike. Lady said I had dropped my wallet on the road as I pulled out of the veggie place. she was behind me and followed me 2KM before she could attract my attention. Well I thanked her and scarpered back to the place and managed to reclaim my wallet, drivers licence and eftpos card...have lost another eftpos card but never mind, the important stuff was recovered looking a little worse for wear...

,,,She was a cute thing too :yes:

Thank you whoever you are...you rock!:Punk:

Bald Eagle
11th June 2010, 15:26
Lucky it wasn't your cell phone, they don't bounce to good, ask StoneY :lol:

red mermaid
11th June 2010, 15:30
Perhaps she thought you were cute as well, and thats why she made the effort!

11th June 2010, 15:40
Perhaps she thought you were cute as well, and thats why she made the effort!

I find that very hard to believe....lol

11th June 2010, 15:42
Perhaps she thought you were cute as well, and thats why she made the effort!

Well he was on a bike, that's always one attractive feature ;)

11th June 2010, 15:45
Well he was on a bike, that's always one attractive feature ;)

Damn, where do I find the single girls that think that way????

11th June 2010, 15:51
Well he was on a bike, that's always one attractive feature ;)
My phone number is .....damn, cant do that, wife will hit the roof

Damn, where do I find the single girls that think that way????
Just ask her lol

Gone Burger
11th June 2010, 16:08
Well, I was riding home this afternoon and pulled inyto a fruit and veggie place just south of Otaki. Got my stuff and pulled back onto the main road to go home. Got into Otaki and onto Riverbank Road when I noticed a car behind me franticly flashing its lights at me. Pulled over and got off bike. Lady said I had dropped my wallet on the road as I pulled out of the veggie place. she was behind me and followed me 2KM before she could attract my attention. Well I thanked her and scarpered back to the place and managed to reclaim my wallet, drivers licence and eftpos card...have lost another eftpos card but never mind, the important stuff was recovered looking a little worse for wear...

,,,She was a cute thing too :yes:

Thank you whoever you are...you rock!:Punk:

Good stuff! Nice to know some people will still make the effort to do a good deed.

I did this to a lady a few months back. Was following her in my car, she had her passenger window open and went around a corner. Her wallet went flying our the window onto the highway. She kept going. I managed to get the wallet off the road and catch up with her. I followed her flashing my lights a few times, gave a bit of a toot, but she refused to pull over. After about a 10 minute drive she ends up in her driveway and she still doesn't realise I'm there. Gave her the wallet and I got a very ungrateful thanks.

Gees, I had to laugh. She wasn't that cute either though!

11th June 2010, 17:40
,,,She was a cute thing too :yes::

photos, or it didn't happen

Old Steve
11th June 2010, 21:05
I remember standing in a car park in Sydney and a lady drove off having put her wallet on the roof while she opened the car door. Picked it up and traced her father, gave him a phone and my work details so someone could collect the wallet.

Next day the lady arrived at my work with morning tea for everyone and a big box of chocolates for me.

And I wasn't even a bikie then :yes:

11th June 2010, 21:18
Gave her the wallet and I got a very ungrateful thanks.
that's not very nice. experiences like that almost make you lose your good intentions for future times..

11th June 2010, 22:26
I'd gone shopping a few months back, needed gas, so went to the attached pumps, filled up. I'd taken the backpack off, put it by my backwheel (I'd bought way too much food and stuff), put my cards back in my jacket pocket, gloves on, etc etc and headed off, planning what I'd do after getting the warrant. Suddenly thought, hmm, the groceries seem really light. Oh crappola, head back hoping no one had run off with the pack.
As I'm riding up, I see a woman carrying the pack, but she was heading towards the supermarket. She spots me, all I could do was laugh at myself and thank her profusely.
There are definitely some decent humans left, and some of us dofuses to make the world go round hahaha.

12th June 2010, 06:26
I left my wallet (full of money, about a weeks wages) on the counter in a service station, and wandered back to the car - these young maori guys chased me so they could give it back to me. I was so lucky they did as I was on holiday and would have been stuffed wiithout it. I felt like such a dick but I made a huge fuss thanking them as they didn't know me, and it would have been so easy for them not to give it back to me.

I chased a guy that dropped a wad of large notes (hundreds of dollars) and he didn't even say thanks when I gave it to him - makes me wish I had kept it.

12th June 2010, 07:03
that's not very nice. experiences like that almost make you lose your good intentions for future times..

Helping people is reward itself. Positive reactions are indeed nice, but if you let the ungrateful ones get you down and stop you doing the right thing, then we all lose.

12th June 2010, 08:37
Helping people is reward itself. Positive reactions are indeed nice, but if you let the ungrateful ones get you down and stop you doing the right thing, then we all lose.

Yes, you have to do it - because one day someone will do something good for you.

12th June 2010, 09:07
Was walking along the footpath on way back from the shop after buying some lunch and this dude with a hoody about 20ish was riding his pushbike towards me and dropped his Playstation Game in front of me so I picked it up and gave it back to this dude, didnt even say thanks so I told him " could at least say thanks ", he didnt say a word!!!
Come to think of it he may have stolen the bike and playstation, he was that dodgy.:angry:
That is my pet hate, some real LOSERS OUT THERE!!!

Gone Burger
12th June 2010, 14:08
Helping people is reward itself. Positive reactions are indeed nice, but if you let the ungrateful ones get you down and stop you doing the right thing, then we all lose.

So very true. Whilst she wasn't very greatful, her reaction gave me a bit of a chuckle, and I did feel rather pleased with myself still that I had gone to the effort. Wasn't much effort at all actually.

I think the world needs people to just do small things like that to make it even a slightly better place.