View Full Version : Super large bike gear

28th September 2010, 09:45
I'm trying to find some bike gear that will fit me but aren't having any luck and was wondering if someone can recommend a brand in NZ that comes in super big sizes?

I purchased a 1tonne 4XL jacket which was too tight across the shoulders and some 5XL pants but they were too tight in the crotch :(

I was recommended DriRider but have been reading mixed reviews about them

28th September 2010, 09:51
sounds like you'll have to get custom.

28th September 2010, 10:00
I'm trying to find some bike gear that will fit me but aren't having any luck and was wondering if someone can recommend a brand in NZ that comes in super big sizes?

I purchased a 1tonne 4XL jacket which was too tight across the shoulders and some 5XL pants but they were too tight in the crotch :(

I was recommended DriRider but have been reading mixed reviews about them

As said custom you could try http://www.qmoto.co.nz/ for a measure up or www.celtic-leathers.com/ everything will depend on your budget but I am sure either one will accomadate your needs

28th September 2010, 11:23
I was recommended DriRider but have been reading mixed reviews about them

Dri-Rider do jackets up to 6XL. I have a 6XL black Climate Control jacket in stock at $149 (less than half the RRP - which makes it great value for money) if you're interested.

28th September 2010, 11:45
I'm trying to find some bike gear that will fit me but aren't having any luck and was wondering if someone can recommend a brand in NZ that comes in super big sizes?

I purchased a 1tonne 4XL jacket which was too tight across the shoulders and some 5XL pants but they were too tight in the crotch :(

I was recommended DriRider but have been reading mixed reviews about them

How tall are you man?


28th September 2010, 11:49
I have the same issues

I found rick at

to very helpful (he has some jackets up to 11xl)
But what worked for me was he had them made for my size in jacket, pants and kevlar jeans
Just had to wait a few weeks for them to arrive

28th September 2010, 12:22
How tall are you man?


1m90, around 120kg

Big Dave
28th September 2010, 13:29
125 and 195 and I can buy off the rack at motomail.
Revit is Dutch designed and some of those lads have bellies too.

28th September 2010, 13:45
thanks for the advice guys, what about wide fitting boots, need to be 14ish

28th September 2010, 13:57
1m90, around 120kg

Easy, I can kit you out with top quality kit with all the big brand bells n whistles and more for less.
Come see us anytime !

28th September 2010, 20:49
Also check the sizing for the different brands, I found the dri rider stuff to be smaller than others of the "same" size, I had a 5xl Strada Giro jacket which seemed to fit ok round my girth, and now have a Leoshi which is the same actual size (6xl from memory) Pants were an issue and had to get 6xl from the local suzuki shop but have a set of 44" rhinos coming from rick @ lifestyle. The 6xl dri rider pants did not appear as large as the 4xl of the brand i bought (cant find the brand on them but cordura with armour).
Try different shops and find a good one who may get a size in for you to try (or cater to the "fuller figured gent).

29th September 2010, 16:23
If you are wanting textile, the Neo Mugello jackets go up to 7XL and pants up to 9XL.

If you are wanting leather then I'm sure Quasi will look after you!