View Full Version : Love the ladies...

10th January 2011, 16:28
The police came to my door last night holding a picture of my wife.
"Is this your wife sir?" said the officer.
"Yes it is" I replied.
"I'm afraid it looks like she's been in a car accident" said the Officer...
"Thats a bit harsh" I said, "she has a lovely personality"

A girl asks her doctor how many calories are there in sperm. Doctor replies
"Believe me dear, if you swallow, no one will care how fat you are"

My wife told me last night that she is fed up with me pushing her around and
talking behind her back ... Ungrateful bitch, she's in a bloody wheel chair for goodness sake

What's the difference between Iron Man and Iron Woman?
One is a male superhero, the other is an instruction

Last night I got so drunk that when I got to the bottom of the stairs, I
took off my shoes, coat, top, trousers and underwear.
Then I crept upstairs very quietly, so as not to wake the kids or my other
half. It was only when I got to the very top I realised I was still on the
bus home.

The government has announced that for the new school curriculum, boys are
going to study the workings of the female mind.
The lessons, however, will be changed on an hourly basis