View Full Version : Jerusalem UFO 28-01-11 TFH?

3rd February 2011, 18:51
Fact or fiction?



3rd February 2011, 19:07
Pretty impressive. The speed that the UFO departed was amazing.


3rd February 2011, 19:14
...thats probably the only ufo vid I've seen that makes me wonder, 'what the fuck was that'...

3rd February 2011, 19:16
...thats probably the only ufo vid I've seen that makes me wonder, 'what the fuck was that'...

indeed, assuming it was in the original video and not added afterwards. The 'landing' action certainly implies some governing intelligence.

3rd February 2011, 19:17
Nothing to see here... move along people... move along...


3rd February 2011, 19:18
I started both vids running and paused them when they stopped descending. I then started both palying again and the up direction was within my mouse move click type time.


3rd February 2011, 19:22
Jesus? :shit:

Crazy Steve
3rd February 2011, 19:26
I think when they do come we are all FCKD ! ! !

If they have ships that can move like that they will fck us up in no time ! !

Crazy Steve.

3rd February 2011, 19:27
Jesus? :shit:

:killingme ... I wondered how long it would take someone... got nae bling to give

3rd February 2011, 19:32
It was the precision drop that got me at first. Dunno what height it drops from, but it stops on a dime...

3rd February 2011, 19:33
It was the precision drop that got me at first. Dunno what height it drops from, but it stops on a dime...

fuck yeh, we gotta shoot that fucker down and steal its brakes, imagine the increase in motorcycle safety if we could stop like that!

3rd February 2011, 19:35
I think when they do come we are all FCKD ! ! !

If they have ships that can move like that they will fck us up in no time ! !

Crazy Steve.

But they will all die cos of our natural bacteria. Or we will play music till their heads explode.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ndChcyOAEcs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Or we could upload a computer virus to their mothership.
Don't worry, it's all under control :innocent:

Crazy Steve
3rd February 2011, 19:35
Anyone see the recent movie with Nichole Cage in it..

Because CW's story about the Solar flare and this space ship is both in the movie...

Ummmmmmm :shutup:

Crazy Steve.

3rd February 2011, 19:42
Would be interesting to know the G forces involved in the 'take off.' And what sort of 'being' could stand the G's involved. The other thing two vids captured the same event this makes less than probable of the vids being doctored.


3rd February 2011, 19:44
fuck yeh, we gotta shoot that fucker down and steal its brakes, imagine the increase in motorcycle safety if we could stop like that!

:killingme ... yeah... safety... that's what I was thinking about :shifty: t'would make filtering fun :)

3rd February 2011, 19:47
But they will all die cos of our natural bacteria. Or we will play music till their heads explode.

Or we could upload a computer virus to their mothership.
Don't worry, it's all under control :innocent:

had my lighter out for that one oooo ooooooo ooo ooo ooooooooooo

Anyone see the recent movie with Nichole Cage in it..

Knowing :yes:

3rd February 2011, 19:51
But they will all die cos of our natural bacteria. Or we will play music till their heads explode.

Or we could upload a computer virus to their mothership.
Don't worry, it's all under control :innocent:

That vid :violin: might have something to do with the rarety of UFO sightings. Like who in their right mind would want to converse with that? :blink::blink:


3rd February 2011, 19:51
Would be interesting to know the G forces involved in the 'take off.' And what sort of 'being' could stand the G's involved. The other thing two vids captured the same event this makes less than probable of the vids being doctored.


that's why I posted it... it is, for me as a skeptic, pretty good evidence that we are not alone.

3rd February 2011, 19:58
Ball lightning is my guess. Large concentrated charge surrounding something (ice ball?) drops down to a highly concentrated point charge on Earth. Note the pointy bit on the dome. Dome experiences a charge inversion (by induction) ball hovers over point. Dome gets massive charge increase, like charges repel and charged ice ball shoots up into space, charge dissipates and hence disappears.

If it was an alien craft we have to ask ourselves why after having traveled through space do they put on a 60second fireworks show for some American tourists? After a long journey I like to crack open a beer, put my feet up and watch some telly

3rd February 2011, 20:09
that's why I posted it... it is, for me as a skeptic, pretty good evidence that we are not alone.

I’ve been a believer ever since way back.

I can remember as a kid seven to eight years old looking up at the sky and seeing about ten pin pricks of light darting all over the sky. I must have watched this for about ten minutes before going inside. They must have been high up as the lights were not much brighter than the stars. These lights would dart across the sky and stop dead in their tracks then move to another position and stay stationary before moving again. The speed was fast but not that fast that I lost sight of them. Being so young I just thought they were natural so never said anything to anyone and forgot about them. Years later when the UFO became the phenomena that they are today did I realize what I had seen. To this day I still look up at the stars on occasions………in hope.

3rd February 2011, 20:19
It's a Hoax, go to the other youtube vids and look through them..some pretty good reasoning going on..

3rd February 2011, 20:24
It's a Hoax, go to the other youtube vids and look through them..some pretty good reasoning going on..

heh... I watched the Hoax's, but they were fake :shifty:

3rd February 2011, 20:37
I’ve been a believer ever since way back.

I can remember as a kid seven to eight years old looking up at the sky and seeing about ten pin pricks of light darting all over the sky. I must have watched this for about ten minutes before going inside. They must have been high up as the lights were not much brighter than the stars. These lights would dart across the sky and stop dead in their tracks then move to another position and stay stationary before moving again. The speed was fast but not that fast that I lost sight of them. Being so young I just thought they were natural so never said anything to anyone and forgot about them. Years later when the UFO became the phenomena that they are today did I realize what I had seen. To this day I still look up at the stars on occasions………in hope.

Time to prove my cuckooness. I have seen a ball of light like the one in the close up vid, 8 feet from my face. About the size of a basketball and not completely spherical, but wavey like the close up. I was lying in my bed, about 7/8 years of age and just about to go to sleep, the landing light (what we called the upstairs hall light) was on, but my bedroom light was off. It was about 3/4 feet off the ground and glided into my room parallel with my bed. Not sure how long I looked at it for, really not sure, but enough to get a good look at it... then, according to my mum and dad, I let out a yell (it dissaperad out of the back wall) that had my mum and dad bolting up the stairs expecting me to be lying in a pool of blood. Meh, I'm still not sure how to write that one off.

3rd February 2011, 20:38
Why is there a flash just before the "launch" in the 2nd video, but not the first one?

3rd February 2011, 20:41
Why is there a flash just before the "launch" in the 2nd video, but not the first one?

We (me and work mate) assumed light polution and the buildings blocking the flash... it as the light looks like it comes from the ground.

3rd February 2011, 20:49
Why is there a flash just before the "launch" in the 2nd video, but not the first one?

although just wathced it backa few times and there are 2 flashes?. One large less bright flash, then inside that one a small bright piercing light, although it kinda looks like it travels from behind the guys on the hill towards the light... keep replaying at 54 seconds

3rd February 2011, 20:53
A spooky moment (heh)... I started a thread in jokes and humour today titled "Have you seen the light" :rofl:... Q twighlight zone music ha ha haaaaaa

3rd February 2011, 21:00
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/da/Jerusalem_night_7088.JPG Here's your video background


3rd February 2011, 21:02

3rd February 2011, 21:03
A spooky moment (heh)... I started a thread in jokes and humour today titled "Have you seen the light" :rofl:... Q twighlight zone music ha ha haaaaaa

to be clear, I'm not bashing you man, I've seen things in the night sky I can't explain either, but I just reckon this is fake

3rd February 2011, 21:18
to be clear, I'm not bashing you man, I've seen things in the night sky I can't explain either, but I just reckon this is fake

:rofl:... like I said, I'm still a skeptic even given my own experiences :)

Until one of the green, grey, blue whatever the "things" are stands in front of me and says "Hi", or something to that affect, I can't truly "believe" in UFO's either, although this is a good one and has more than 1 source.

However. Night time, tall crane, elastic, ball of light, winched down to preset height, release... springs (no pun intended) to mind :)

4th February 2011, 06:20
The first question that comes to my mind is the authenticity of the video. It's easy to add effects afterwards, and people do all sorts of things just to get some attention.

4th February 2011, 06:58
Given that this originates from a well known hoaxer, the answer is clear... nup, no aliens today :no:

If that's all it takes for you to wonder otherwise, you're a total fucking fruit cake.

4th February 2011, 08:23
....glad thats all sussed now...next please...

4th February 2011, 09:37
I don’t know if these vids are faked or not. The only vid I could find used horizon angles and illusion as examples of the vid as a hoax. I did not find this very compelling as no mention was made of the light nor of the fact that the same object was filmed by at least two vid operators. I did come across some comments on the flash discrepancy where the ‘distant’ vid showed a flash but the close up vid did not. The explanation was that the brighter city lights ‘hid’ the flash. I don’t know the truth of this or not but it seems a reasonable explanation to explain the discrepancy between the two vids

As for the ball lightening explanation: since we so little about this phenomenon that may well be an explanation but then we know even less about UFO’s.

I tend to look at this issue from logical perspective. Our galaxy the Milky Way is about 100,000 light years across. Estimates of the number of stars vary from 200 billion stars and up to 400 billion. Even using the lower figure of 200 billion it seems illogical that we on earth are the only intelligent life forms in our own galaxy and I wont go into the number of other observable galaxies that may have spawned life.
It has taken man 6000 (start of recorded history) years for man to get to the moon. New measurements have confirmed the age of the universe as 13.75 billion years old, to within 170 million years.

6000 years compared to 13.7 billion years. Anyone who concludes that UFO’s do not exist must also believe that we are the only life form who have landed on another body (moon) in space. Only a fool would bet on such odds.

As for the diversity of life. We in our ignorance once believed that for life to develop here on earth life needed sunlight. Not so. The recent discovery of Black Smokers in both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans proved otherwise. Deep-sea hydrothermal vents support extraordinary ecosystems deep beneath the surface of the oceans. These ecosystems are the only communities on Earth whose immediate energy source is not sunlight. Life on Earth, and even possibly on other planets, may have formed in environments similar to these.
Of course it is a big leap from microbes, and lesser life forms than ourselves to leap into space but then mankind has done this so why not others?

I tend to believe that life in space is as diverse in the universe as it is here on earth. I see no reason to believe otherwise.


4th February 2011, 09:44
I see no reason to believe otherwise.Granted, but believing this particular evidence is like believing that Mickey Mouse is more than fiction.

4th February 2011, 10:08
A fourth vid has turned up.


Four vids filming the same thing a hoax?


4th February 2011, 10:13
It's bug-eyed monsters from outer space, innit...

4th February 2011, 10:28
Four vids filming the same thing a hoax?I'm not sure why that would surprise you?

4th February 2011, 10:32
I find it hard to believe a race/species would travel a mind-numbing distance to Earth then only make contact with a knuckle dragging moron (usually from the southern USA)

4th February 2011, 10:48
I'm not sure why that would surprise you?

Don't know why you think I'm surprised. Four vids of the same 'UFO'. I don't know if this is a hoax or not. But until i see some compelling evidence that that all four vids have been doctored, and that has not happened to date, I'll continue to believe that this is a UFO: an 'unidentified' flying object. And I stress unidentified which may of not be an alien craft.


4th February 2011, 11:10
Follow the trail, see what you find at the end. It's a rather well known UFO loving idiot unfortunately :(

4th February 2011, 11:30
Follow the trail, see what you find at the end. It's a rather well known UFO loving idiot unfortunately :(

A sixth has been posted. i don't understand the language but sounds like normal teenagers to me. They may have just tacked on part of a clip from another video and done a voice over. Possible. Then again they not have. i did come across another link that showed the definate posibility that one of the vids were faked but I lost the link will have another look.



4th February 2011, 11:46
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/l_zMaSPPdpQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


4th February 2011, 11:48
A sixth has been posted. i don't understand the language but sounds like normal teenagers to me. They may have just tacked on part of a clip from another video and done a voice over. Possible. Then again they not have. i did come across another link that showed the definate posibility that one of the vids were faked but I lost the link will have another look.


SkyryderNice, love ya man.

/edit: I'd laugh it were a viral ad campaign for Red Bull :laugh:

4th February 2011, 12:14
A fourth vid has turned up.


Four vids filming the same thing a hoax?


Unfortunately, human nature being what it is, we are never going to be able to truly trust what we see on video however compelling.

I like the fourth one because it seems to refute all the 'Hoax explanations' of the earlier ones i.e. Twinkling city lights and moving traffic are visible.

I am firmly planted on the fence with these things but much as I dislike the sheep that will believe anything they see or hear however ridiculous, I despise the 'experts' that dismiss anything and everything with explanations that are sometimes more ridiculous than the original story.

I would genuinely like for all these things to be true just to give the fooking self appointed 'experts' the fingers and sometimes when I look at the night sky and see strange things I can't identify I can think maybe, just maybe. Sadly I have to join the throngs of nay-sayers for now.... until it happens to me, for ultimately, in this world, I am the only one I can trust on these matters.

4th February 2011, 12:31
Unfortunately, human nature being what it is, we are never going to be able to truly trust what we see on video however compelling.

I like the fourth one because it seems to refute all the 'Hoax explanations' of the earlier ones i.e. Twinkling city lights and moving traffic are visible.

I am firmly planted on the fence with these things but much as I dislike the sheep that will believe anything they see or hear however ridiculous, I despise the 'experts' that dismiss anything and everything with explanations that are sometimes more ridiculous than the original story.

I would genuinely like for all these things to be true just to give the fooking self appointed 'experts' the fingers and sometimes when I look at the night sky and see strange things I can't identify I can think maybe, just maybe. Sadly I have to join the throngs of nay-sayers for now.... until it happens to me, for ultimately, in this world, I am the only one I can trust on these matters.

Yep hear what ya saying. But this was the kind of thinking that denied the earth going around the sun and believed that the earth was flat. From where we are that is exactly what it looks like and conventional wisdom for thousands of years believed this. There are nutters on both side of the fence. Somehow we have to cut through all the bullshit from both sides and if possible come to some kind of conclusion. Are we alone or not? I find it difficult to believe that we are. Logic just does not allow it but logic is not proof. For that we need to see with our own eyes. As you rightly say I'm the only one that I trust on these matters.


4th February 2011, 13:06
sometimes when I look at the night sky and see strange things I can't identify I can think maybe, just maybe

that would be the Banks's Mild kicking in:yes:

4th February 2011, 13:37
Definitely real. Looks like the same craft that abducted me back in 98. Mmmm still addicted to anal probes to this day :o. Don't knock it til you try it :lol:

4th February 2011, 14:46
Yep hear what ya saying. But this was the kind of thinking that denied the earth going around the sun and believed that the earth was flat. From where we are that is exactly what it looks like and conventional wisdom for thousands of years believed this. There are nutters on both side of the fence. Somehow we have to cut through all the bullshit from both sides and if possible come to some kind of conclusion. Are we alone or not? I find it difficult to believe that we are. Logic just does not allow it but logic is not proof. For that we need to see with our own eyes. As you rightly say I'm the only one that I trust on these matters.


Doesn't make much sense that we're alone I agree, it's a waste of a mighty big universe.
I would dearly like to believe that there are more intelligent beings out there, if we truly are the only custodians of the Earth and the skies we ain't doing terribly well thus far.
Mind you a culture obsessed with anal probes and cattle mutilation doesn't sound much more encouraging for the Universe eh.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3WZvlCwkYjE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

that would be the Banks's Mild kicking in:yes:

Oh I wish Dude. :drinkup:

4th February 2011, 15:26
Granted, but believing this particular evidence is like believing that Mickey Mouse is more than fiction.

Mickey isn't real..????? :gob:

4th February 2011, 17:12
still addicted to anal probes to this day :o. Don't knock it til you try it :lol:

OMG, you sick puppy. Get help.

4th February 2011, 17:50
it's not a UFO; it's the 2nd coming of Jeebus!

4th February 2011, 18:42
it's not a UFO; it's the 2nd coming of Jeebus!

Or the 'Hidden Iman.'


4th February 2011, 20:17
I'll continue to believe that this is a UFO: an 'unidentified' flying object. And I stress unidentified which may of not be an alien craft.

Well that's fair and to exaggerate the argument - if we step in something but don't know what it is why don't we don't immediately go "Oh my god I don't know what this is therefore it must be from outer space" Just because something is visually spectacular doesn't mean it comes from outer space.

One of my favourite points of discussion for the wonder of our world is the butterfly's wing http://www.nano.org.uk/news/images/imageO1255098001.jpg
Some Amazonian species are visible from 8Kms away but they themselves cannot perceive/detect 'colour' How freaky is that? But it's not extraordinary it just is!

Unexplained wonder is not out of this world. It is in this world just not explained (yet)

4th February 2011, 20:30
Well that's fair and to exaggerate the argument - if we step in something but don't know what it is why don't we don't immediately go "Oh my god I don't know what this is therefore it must be from outer space" Just because something is visually spectacular doesn't mean it comes from outer space.

One of my favourite points of discussion for the wonder of our world is the butterfly's wing http://www.nano.org.uk/news/images/imageO1255098001.jpg
Some Amazonian species are visible from 8Kms away but they themselves cannot perceive/detect 'colour' How freaky is that? But it's not extraordinary it just is!

Unexplained wonder is not out of this world. It is in this world just not explained (yet)

Bit like me, really...

4th February 2011, 20:37
Well that's fair and to exaggerate the argument - if we step in something but don't know what it is why don't we don't immediately go "Oh my god I don't know what this is therefore it must be from outer space" Just because something is visually spectacular doesn't mean it comes from outer space.

One of my favourite points of discussion for the wonder of our world is the butterfly's wing http://www.nano.org.uk/news/images/imageO1255098001.jpg
Some Amazonian species are visible from 8Kms away but they themselves cannot perceive/detect 'colour' How freaky is that? But it's not extraordinary it just is!

Unexplained wonder is not out of this world. It is in this world just not explained (yet)

After long discussion at a party one night where i advocated the possibility of life in the universe much along lines that I have posted on i was asked by a sceptic whether I believe or not. The smart arse thought he had me trapped. i simply stated that I was a fence sitter on the subject with my feet dangling over on the believers side. It's about the best that i can do. I saw somethig strange when I was a kid that left a strong impression on me. Hence the position of my feet.

Yes there is a lot of strange things in our world but that in no ways denies strange things in other worlds.


4th February 2011, 21:16
They're already here.

Supernintendo Paula Rose must be from another planet surely?

5th February 2011, 09:57
Yes there is a lot of strange things in our world but that in no ways denies strange things in other worlds.
Agreed. I also believe that it is extremely unlikely that there is not life somewhere out there. But do they visit us in 'UFOs'? I find the coincidence in time difficult to stomach. Here we are a few years after visiting the moon making space travel a reality to us. So now we create a greater being in the sky to explain that which we cannot. Hey didn't those religious types do that?

I do secretly hope however that Men in black is real :yes:

p.s. we need an alien emoticon

5th February 2011, 14:50
Mickey isn't real..????? :gob:Nah, I'm pretty sure he is... I'm sure I have a photo of me with him somewhere.....

So glad that it's the concept rather than this particular 'evidence' that people are open to.

5th February 2011, 14:54
I saw somethig strange when I was a kid that left a strong impression on me. Hence the position of my feet.

Yes there is a lot of strange things in our world but that in no ways denies strange things in other worlds.


wot he said...

Unfortunately, human nature being what it is, we are never going to be able to truly trust what we see on video however compelling.

I like the fourth one because it seems to refute all the 'Hoax explanations' of the earlier ones i.e. Twinkling city lights and moving traffic are visible.

in the 4th UFO video, it looks like the Winged Star/Disc/Globe - also known as Nibiru/Planet X


not that that means anything in particular, but it does look like Mayan/Somarian etc... depictions :) Perhaps Maitreya is here :)

5th February 2011, 21:23
I saw something exactly like this video below late last year around July/August before I moved to Aussie.


There were two of them moving slowly and silently across the sky. At first they were separated by about 50cm at arms length, then one caught up to the other, and they travelled from roughly East to West before dying out in the same way as this one does, by which time they would have been out over the Hauraki Gulf.

Had a friend there with me and it was freaky as fuck. Didn't know what to do or what to make of it. I called my friend who works at stardome and her boss just gave me the usual "its a satellite" - no I've seen heaps of those in my time, never this bright, and surely not able to reflect as much light. "It was a plane" - no I've lived next to an airbase my whole life and I know what aircraft look like at night, couldn't have been anything with afterburners as they slowed down while still glowing and the light was round, not focussed like an afterburner. Not to mention it was silent.

5th February 2011, 21:51
We (me a mate and his mate) were standing outside with on my birthday with my telescope last October looking at Venus. It was dusk, so bright enough to only be able to see the really bright stars, but not enough to satellite watch. A light, bigger than a satellite (our first throught), it moved in a straight like across the sky east to west. Silent, moving quickly(ish) and it loooked to be inside the atmoshpere... of course you write it off as a satellite.

I had been standing outside satellite watching :), approx 5 nights ago I saw the same light again, but to the right of the house... but it was dark out and the object looked bigger than a satellite (our first throught (my mother in law and wife)), it moved in a straight like across the sky east to west. Silent, moving quickly(ish) and it looked to be inside the atmoshpere... of course you write it off as a satellite. This one ended with a flash about 5 seconds after it disappeared... only I saw the flash. About 2 seconds later I saw a satellite crossing the sky and they bore no resemblance at all.

5th February 2011, 22:40
We (me a mate and his mate) were standing outside with on my birthday with my telescope last October looking at Venus. It was dusk, so bright enough to only be able to see the really bright stars, but not enough to satellite watch. A light, bigger than a satellite (our first throught), it moved in a straight like across the sky east to west. Silent, moving quickly(ish) and it loooked to be inside the atmoshpere... of course you write it off as a satellite.

I had been standing outside satellite watching :), approx 5 nights ago I saw the same light again, but to the right of the house... but it was dark out and the object looked bigger than a satellite (our first throught (my mother in law and wife)), it moved in a straight like across the sky east to west. Silent, moving quickly(ish) and it looked to be inside the atmoshpere... of course you write it off as a satellite. This one ended with a flash about 5 seconds after it disappeared... only I saw the flash. About 2 seconds later I saw a satellite crossing the sky and they bore no resemblance at all.

Probably Skylabe. I think it travels east/west.


6th February 2011, 00:20
Probably Skylabe. I think it travels east/west.


Hate to break it to you buddy, but skylab crashed and burned a long time ago. Even I knew that.


And as said, having witnessed numerous satellites in the past, these a far too bright, and probably 20-50 times larger to the naked eye than a satellite.

6th February 2011, 01:12
It is naturally exciting to think of an alien species visiting us. Unfortunately the odds are astronomically low.

The Universe is 13.5 billion years old. Now that is an easy number to type but it is an incomprehensible length of time. For example our solar system is 4 billion years old and may be the second or even third version since the Big Bang.

Yes, it is highly likely that life evolved elsewhere in the universe....but when? A billion years earlier than earth? If so they are probably long gone.

Earth is an insignificant speck on the edge of a common spiral galaxy 100,000 light years across.

For a space traveller to stumble across us just at this point in our development requires odds far beyond lotto.

6th February 2011, 08:05
For a space traveller to stumble across us just at this point in our development requires odds far beyond lotto.

fingers crossed it's my lucky weekend soon :)... i'll take a space travelling visit or the lotto ta, preferably the former (i reckon i'd get more "value" out of the visit) :yes:

6th February 2011, 16:41
For a space traveller to stumble across us just at this point in our development requires odds far beyond lotto.

Unlikely, but not entirely impossible.

And as they say - if it can happen, sooner or later it will.

6th February 2011, 16:54
For a space traveller to stumble across us just at this point in our development requires odds far beyond lotto.

Who says they just stumbled across us? maybe we are on an interesting planet they check up on often? or maybe they put us here!

6th February 2011, 17:40
Who says they just stumbled across us? maybe we are on an interesting planet they check up on often? or maybe they put us here!

There's some ancient Sumarian writings that say just that.

I'll see if I can find a link.



6th February 2011, 17:48
Who says they just stumbled across us? maybe we are on an interesting planet they check up on often? or maybe they put us here!



6th February 2011, 19:39
Hate to break it to you buddy, but skylab crashed and burned a long time ago. Even I knew that.


And as said, having witnessed numerous satellites in the past, these a far too bright, and probably 20-50 times larger to the naked eye than a satellite.

Yep had a feeling about that. If you can remember the date go to Calsky.com.

I'd look at space shuttle times if they match. Could have been an iriduim flare.

But then again it could have been the real thing. See my post 70

We are not the only ones who believe that we are not alone.


9th February 2011, 12:00
Were these guys 'Greys' or Nordic types?

I was abducted this past Saturday. They took me up to the mother ship and stuck needles in my eyeballs, probes into every orifice and implanted a foetus in my womb.
I tried to tell them I was a bloke and they were shoving the baby up my arse but they wouldn't listen.

After the little guys with big heads had finished, a Nordic alien gal came and did unspeakable things with my Wang. Did you know they have both male and female sexual organs and can fuck themselves?

Anyway, after drugging me up with some really good juice they dropped me off at home

10th February 2011, 08:29
Anyway, after drugging me up with some really good juice they dropped me off at home

How's the baby coming along?

10th February 2011, 20:04
Oh that was born 13 minutes later and they dissected it and used it's eyeballs for one of their kids

10th February 2011, 20:31
Swamp gas!!!!!!!!!!!

10th February 2011, 21:50
Oh that was born 13 minutes later and they dissected it and used it's eyeballs for one of their kids

I see... heartless little grey bastards... but better out than in though eh :shifty: