View Full Version : Geek help please

22nd February 2011, 08:02
I use Firefox and today the browser page doesn't show the file/edit/history/favourites/etc normally just under the blue bar at the very top of the screen. Obviously something has gone skuwhiff - I have no idea what - can it be fixed? I could delete FF and redownload/install, but then I lose my long list of oh-so-important favourites...

22nd February 2011, 08:05
TRy right clicking on another part of the toolbar section (address bar, refresh/home buttons, links etc) and "check" the "Menu Bar" entry in the drop down. Doesn't work in the "Tab" bar

22nd February 2011, 08:09
Thank you from the heart of my bottom...

Big Dave
22nd February 2011, 09:17
You should export your favourites and save the file as a backup too.