View Full Version : Double doughnut revenue trap!

28th February 2011, 08:32
I don't know about you but I'd rather give my spare cash to the poor folk of Christchurch than contribute to the already overflowing coffers of the Police doughnut fund.

So be warned,North Taranaki SH3 this morning is blessed with two speed traps on the same stretch of road, heading into New Plymouth you may or may not spot a money for old rope entrapment van. About 2k further on on the other side of the road under a shady tree sits another police cash register .

I can only assume that the thinking is, if you spot the first one you may think you're safe form the grasping hands of the treasury for a while and then you'll run into trap number two hidden very well around a bend just up the road.

A bit like a Wilde beast evading the Lion attack then running straight into the mouth of a crocodile sitting in the river.

All well and good for the Government/Police revenue raising incentive and if you ain't speeding you don't pay, yada yada yada.

I'm just totally sick of over subscribed money gatherers hidden on good safe stretches of roads that are light on traffic, hazards, buildings or junctions, not so much as a Farm gate or a Pukeko to worry about.

Up the road lies a sleepy little village in a fifty zone with junctions, school kids, shops, library, old peoples homes, every man and his uncle wazzes through there at 60/70/80 ks but in three years I've seen not one 'safety' camera, not freekin one, 20 near misses a week but not one single effort to stop the idiots from trying to wipe out the population of the village.

Safety Cameras my arse, blatant propaganda and fund raising. Cameras should be saving lives not just sucking money out of pockets,

28th February 2011, 09:07
Same-old, same-old....

And you told the local authorities about the 'sleepy little village' where the 'near misses' are happening?

Good boy.

28th February 2011, 09:30
Same-old, same-old....

And you told the local authorities about the 'sleepy little village' where the 'near misses' are happening?

Good boy.

These be the authorities that are the highly trained (at our expense) experts in traffic hazards and they can't spot the dangers of the village for themselves? :doh:
But they can spot straight clear road for revenue gathering. :niceone:

28th February 2011, 10:11
Same-old, same-old....

And you told the local authorities about the 'sleepy little village' where the 'near misses' are happening?

Good boy.

Shoulda told them the local bakery was doing a special on doughnuts.That would have got a swift reaction.:bleh:

28th February 2011, 10:25
Shoulda told them the local bakery was doing a special on doughnuts.That would have got a swift reaction.:bleh:

Don't say that the :Police: will end up double parking / u turning outside ... think of the potential carnage...:innocent::whistle:

28th February 2011, 10:40
Same-old, same-old....

And you told the local authorities about the 'sleepy little village' where the 'near misses' are happening?

Good boy.

Heaven forfend that the great unwashed dare have an opinion on the irreproachable perfect ones eh scummy, I for one think the Police do a thankless and sound job for the community, on the whole. This practice of easy money dressed up as road safety is morally reprehensible though mate.

If you can't see that then I suggest you're so used to being on the defensive foot for your guys that it doesn't matter what the argument is, if you perceive the fickle finger of criticism pointed at the Police you automatically go into 'blah blah blah cry me a river mode". How about a reasoned response for once and drop the patronising.

I'd hazard a guess that I've seen and dealt with more carnage on the road than a country bobbie could dream of in three life times, working with and alongside some great coppers. I know full well what road safety is my friend and this ain't it...you know it too.

PS. myself and several residents have reported the traffic situation in the village, it's being 'looked into' but thanks for the advice anyway 'Good Boy'

These be the authorities that are the highly trained (at our expense) experts in traffic hazards and they can't spot the dangers of the village for themselves? :doh:
But they can spot straight clear road for revenue gathering. :niceone:

As witnessed above, They are always right, no room for maneuver, no room for criticism, they are right and we are just good or naughty boys.

28th February 2011, 11:05
If you can't see that then I suggest you're so used to being on the defensive foot for your guys that it doesn't matter what the argument is, if you perceive the fickle finger of criticism pointed at the Police you automatically go into 'blah blah blah cry me a river mode". How about a reasoned response for once and drop the patronising.

PS. myself and several residents have reported the traffic situation in the village, it's being 'looked into' but thanks for the advice anyway 'Good Boy'

As witnessed above, They are always right, no room for maneuver, no room for criticism, they are right and we are just good or naughty boys.

Nah, more it's too often there's a whinge but when I ask a few pertinent questions (I'm talking face to face here) the person complaining mentions important things such as 'the sleepy little village etc' but the only person they've mentioned it to is ME. (And it wasn't me that issued the ticket)

Yet somehow they want 'something' done.

So I offer (without sarcasm!) advice on how they can do something postive and also tell them the more that do the same the more likely 'something' will be done.

AND the majority say "Oh yeah, you're right, I never thought of it like that, I'll do what you reckon I should do, ta"

And both of us part in a more positive mood.

And ya know, I HAVE seen the above work and things HAVE changed. (Not EVERY time I admit....)

But then I live in another part of the country.

OH, my :rolleyes: is for those who have been speeding yet feel need to whinge on KB about it....

28th February 2011, 11:51
Nah, more it's too often there's a whinge but when I ask a few pertinent questions (I'm talking face to face here) the person complaining mentions important things such as 'the sleepy little village etc' but the only person they've mentioned it to is ME. (And it wasn't me that issued the ticket)

Yet somehow they want 'something' done.

So I offer (without sarcasm!) advice on how they can do something postive and also tell them the more that do the same the more likely 'something' will be done.

AND the majority say "Oh yeah, you're right, I never thought of it like that, I'll do what you reckon I should do, ta"

And both of us part in a more positive mood.

And ya know, I HAVE seen the above work and things HAVE changed. (Not EVERY time I admit....)

But then I live in another part of the country.

OH, my :rolleyes: is for those who have been speeding yet feel need to whinge on KB about it....

Ah, took the wind out of my sails there reverting to the decent scummy :bleh:

For the record, I've not had a speeding ticket in 36 years on the road (touch wood) so it ain't sour grapes or whinging about getting a slap on the wrist.

It is about.... constantly seeing REO speedwagons on what I perceive to be relatively safe sections of highway where some poor sod that's been stuck behind a tractor for fifteen minutes whacks it up to 115k in desperation to get by and gets fleeced for his trouble, whilst on any given day driving through town will turn up umpteen cases of lousy and or illegal driving that nobody ever seems to give a toss about.

There are places hereabouts where you could sit and write tickets all day till writers cramp sets in, I know them, presumably the local bobbies know them, why do they not sit there attempting to calm the daily carnage.

They don't even have to ticket the knobs if they don't want, just film the chaos, it's eye watering what 'intelligent' people are capable of as you know.

I just cannot see how it benefits any one dishing out fines for a few speedy overtaking manoeuvres out on the open road when crass stupidity and illegal idiotic driving goes un-policed in our towns and villages. Surely one of those two speed traps this morning, 2k apart on the same road, would have been better positioned at death junction just up the road.

That's all I'm saying Mr Scummy, I can't explain it, if it ain't solely for money making, can you, just an honest question from a perplexed citizen with no particular axe to grind.

28th February 2011, 12:10
For the record, I've not had a speeding ticket in 36 years on the road (touch wood) so it ain't sour grapes or whinging about getting a slap on the wrist.

It is about.... constantly seeing REO speedwagons on what I perceive to be relatively safe sections of highway where some poor sod that's been stuck behind a tractor for fifteen minutes whacks it up to 115k in desperation to get by and gets fleeced for his trouble, whilst on any given day driving through town will turn up umpteen cases of lousy and or illegal driving that nobody ever seems to give a toss about.

There are places hereabouts where you could sit and write tickets all day till writers cramp sets in, I know them, presumably the local bobbies know them, why do they not sit there attempting to calm the daily carnage.

They don't even have to ticket the knobs if they don't want, just film the chaos, it's eye watering what 'intelligent' people are capable of as you know.

I just cannot see how it benefits any one dishing out fines for a few speedy overtaking manoeuvres out on the open road when crass stupidity and illegal idiotic driving goes un-policed in our towns and villages. Surely one of those two speed traps this morning, 2k apart on the same road, would have been better positioned at death junction just up the road.

That's all I'm saying Mr Scummy, I can't explain it, if it ain't solely for money making, can you, just an honest question from a perplexed citizen with no particular axe to grind.

Similarly I think it would be more in the "Road Safety" interest to be ticketing some of the "dumb passing manouvers" or "Half the safe following distance" drivers over long weekends than the 105 speed limit enforcement.

28th February 2011, 12:37
Similarly I think it would be more in the "Road Safety" interest to be ticketing some of the "dumb passing manouvers" or "Half the safe following distance" drivers over long weekends than the 105 speed limit enforcement.

Couldn't agree more.

I distinctly remember following a twat that was centimetres from the guy in front, all over the back of him, on the shoulder, across the centre line. thinking to myself if I was a copper.... before too long we passed a boy in blue with a radar gun and this numpty is still kissing number pates with the guy in front and....nothing, we all passed him about 95 sweet as, on past the pursuity fella further down the road, waiting for the blue and reds to engage...nothing, wasn't speeding therefore literally not on the radar.

He finally got past and shot into town's fifty zone at about 120ish. I'm well aware that the Policepersons can't be every where but it's high time the emphasis was switched from the rich pickings of highway speeders to policing the dangerous reckless idiots that cause mayhem and death on our roads.

Right. I'm off my soap box, back to work.

28th February 2011, 12:51
Similarly I think it would be more in the "Road Safety" interest to be ticketing some of the "dumb passing manouvers" or "Half the safe following distance" drivers over long weekends than the 105 speed limit enforcement.

Cops DO (well I do) ticket (or summons to Court) for those offences - but a camera van can't.

(BTW: Those cameras seem to have a lower 'tolerance', no discretion and don't discriminate, cops in 'work' cars get speeding tickets from them too...and unless they're on an urgent job and can PROVE it they pay up, just like everybody else)

28th February 2011, 13:01
Cops DO (well I do) ticket (or summons to Court) for those offences - but a camera van can't.

(BTW: Those cameras seem to have a lower 'tolerance', no discretion and don't discriminate, cops in 'work' cars get speeding tickets from them too...and unless they're on an urgent job and can PROVE it they pay up, just like everybody else)

Can't complain with any of that Mr Scumdog, just doesn't seem to happen nearly often enough.

28th February 2011, 17:31
I don't know about you but I'd rather give my spare cash to the poor folk of Christchurch than contribute to the already overflowing coffers of the Police doughnut fund.

slow down Rossi.

I rode Whangas to Palmy last week. If you speed on those roads you're a fucking idiot. I saw more cops there than in the other 820kms I did in the day and a half of riding.

And to 'already overflowing coffers of the Police doughnut fund'??? lose the emotion and get a grip - it goes to the consolidated fund and is now helping pay for the CD emergency and lost wages in Chch anyway.

28th February 2011, 17:50
Cops DO (well I do) ticket (or summons to Court) for those offences - but a camera van can't.

(BTW: Those cameras seem to have a lower 'tolerance', no discretion and don't discriminate, cops in 'work' cars get speeding tickets from them too...and unless they're on an urgent job and can PROVE it they pay up, just like everybody else)

ill second this. 58ks in a 50 zone. going down bond street. (a sodding big hill). Revenue gathering. this and the we dont have time to come to you regarding your car that has been broken into, mulitple times = fed up me.

28th February 2011, 19:05
slow down Rossi.

I rode Whangas to Palmy last week. If you speed on those roads you're a fucking idiot. I saw more cops there than in the other 820kms I did in the day and a half of riding.

And to 'already overflowing coffers of the Police doughnut fund'??? lose the emotion and get a grip - it goes to the consolidated fund and is now helping pay for the CD emergency and lost wages in Chch anyway.

What what and what??

I'll try again eh, I wasn't speeding, I haven't had a speeding ticket in 36 years of riding , reasonable then to surmise, I wasn't riding or speeding from Whangas to Palmy and am therefore not a fucking idiot.
I have donated a considerable amount of money (by my standards) to the people of Christchurch and would much rather do that of my own volition than pay a fine to do it. Are you seriously suggesting we should deliberately get caught speeding because the money will go to a deserving cause?

And finally..lose what emotion? I was pointing out that there was a double speed trap on sh3 and suggesting you might not wan't to get caught by it but instead donate the money to the CH CH appeal and wondering why two speed traps 2k apart,were deemed necessary on an open highway. I would have thought one of them would have done more good elsewhere.

I think maybe you got caught up in my flippant terminology there Marty and missed my point.

red mermaid
1st March 2011, 14:18
2 things....

Do you think the residents of that area may have complained about the speed of vehicles?

What is the crash history of that piece of road, or are you just whinging from a position of ignorance?

1st March 2011, 15:34
2 things....

Do you think the residents of that area may have complained about the speed of vehicles?

What is the crash history of that piece of road, or are you just whinging from a position of ignorance?

3 Things:

1. There are no residents in that area, it is as I said an open piece of state highway for maybe 10k!

2. Crash history for that empty piece of road would be about erm..none a year! Can't confirm that but I've commuted it every day for a year and not seen one incident.

3. The only ignorant person around here is one that doesn't have the decency to read and absorb what was originally posted. This is where I live, I know the area the roads and the villages very well and I'm telling you in particular, that I think two speed traps on the same quiet non residential stretch of road is overkill when the village up the road, victim to multiple incidents a year goes largely, if not completely un-policed.

That is my opinion, it is not whinging nor born of ignorance, unlike your post, clearly you know my area better than I, cool trick from the Manawatu.

1st March 2011, 16:05
Double doughnut revenue trap! (http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php/135217-Double-doughnut-revenue-trap%21)

Just a double rainbow... pffft

red mermaid
1st March 2011, 16:46
Sh 3 approaching Egmont Village.

And just because you drive it every now and then does not acquaint you with the crash history of the road.

3 Things:

1. There are no residents in that area, it is as I said an open piece of state highway for maybe 10k!

2. Crash history for that empty piece of road would be about erm..none a year! Can't confirm that but I've commuted it every day for a year and not seen one incident.

3. The only ignorant person around here is one that doesn't have the decency to read and absorb what was originally posted. This is where I live, I know the area the roads and the villages very well and I'm telling you in particular, that I think two speed traps on the same quiet non residential stretch of road is overkill when the village up the road, victim to multiple incidents a year goes largely, if not completely un-policed.

That is my opinion, it is not whinging nor born of ignorance, unlike your post, clearly you know my area better than I, cool trick from the Manawatu.

1st March 2011, 17:01
Wrong piece of road! He stated north....

1st March 2011, 17:16
Yep. He's nothing if not short in the comprehension department.

1st March 2011, 17:47
And just because you drive it every now and then does not acquaint you with the crash history of the road.

I'm clearly better acquainted with the road and it's history than you, considering you don't even know where it is :weird:

Seriously, do you have reading or comprehension difficulties, you seem unable to grasp the meaning or pertinence of anything that's written.

See if you can comprehend this... On the advice of others and after clear evidence of your inability to answer or comprehend a simple statement of fact or question, I have put you on my ignore list.

This means: do not trouble your tiny, under-worked, blinkered mind trying to come up with a reply to anything, because I, and I suspect many others will not be reading your ill informed, arrogant, defensive, evasive drivel.

If you are or were, as I suspect, a serving police officer, you do your colleagues and the force a major disservice displaying your low intellect and bigotry on line.

red mermaid
1st March 2011, 19:17
The location is really irrelevant.

You make assumptions about the history of a piece of road and then when you have no facts resort to personal attack.

Stick to the facts...what is the crash history of the road?

What do residents of the area think?

And these are just 2 of many factors that proper research takes into account.

Of course, you will now not read this as you seem to be able to engage in debate when someone suggests a view different to yours.

1st March 2011, 19:51
The location is really irrelevant. YOU MADE IT RELEVANT!

You make assumptions about the history of a piece of road and then when you have no facts resort to personal attack. AND YOU DID NOT EVEN KNOWING WHERE IT WAS?

Stick to the facts...what is the crash history of the road? DRIBBLE

What do residents of the area think? .......

And these are just 2 of many factors that proper research takes into account. EXSPERT (a spurt is a drip under pressure)

Of course, you will now not read this as you seem to be able to engage in debate when someone suggests a view different to yours.

Say no more.

1st March 2011, 19:55
Same-old, same-old....

And you told the local authorities about the 'sleepy little village' where the 'near misses' are happening?

Good boy.

It should be pretty obvious - often when there is a nice straight stretch of road, muppets are driving at 90kmh in the 100kmh zone, then once they reach a small town which suddenly becomes a 50kmh zone they cruise through at 70kmh. It happens in most small villages.

I bet the police would have an early Christmas if they took note of that more often and sat on the side of the road in an unmarked patrol car with instant on radar.

James Deuce
1st March 2011, 20:27
Say no more.

You watch. He won't shut up.

1st March 2011, 22:38

ynot slow
3rd March 2011, 19:10
Have driven and ridden the roads norf of New Plymouth or Waitara heaps of times,and since they put detour through Urenui each time going through there it amazes me no major prangs,cars heading south to New Plymouth come round a right hander and basically in town,well garage on left lol.Heaps of traffic hit the garage well over 50km.Similar to cars heading north to dorkland have enough time to slow,in the old days the road north had a few turns to slow traffic down.