View Full Version : Where in the world to go?

12th March 2011, 11:54
Carrying on from another post I did... (bout going to work for the motogp for my medical elective, who I very much doubt they would take me on for the whole 3 months)

So, any suggestions on where else I could go??
I'm thinking developing country (you get to see and do so much more)
Anyone been to some obscure place that blew their mind???

12th March 2011, 12:02
don't sell yourself short, and don't doubt.

if you want to do something, make it happen.

12th March 2011, 13:42
Gob-smacked me in so many ways. Worked there a decade ago; my organisation has recently been doing more up there.
Folks there doing their best with exceedingly limited resources.
NZ has a pretty fair (recent) history there.
And scenic as all get-out.

13th March 2011, 11:49
Carrying on from another post I did... (bout going to work for the motogp for my medical elective, who I very much doubt they would take me on for the whole 3 months)

So, any suggestions on where else I could go??
I'm thinking developing country (you get to see and do so much more)
Anyone been to some obscure place that blew their mind???

Went with my wife for her elective to Malta for the 3 months. It absolutely kicked arse.
It all depends what you want out of your elective...experience? then hit somewhere like New York, London etc. where they have busy ED departments or interesting specialist fields.
We chose Malta because we both had been working like dogs for a few years and wanted something different.
It was one of the best things either of us have done. My wife was working at most 3 or 4 hours a day in the main hospital and some days as little as an hour (because they know that elective students heading over there are kind of looking for a bit of a break as well).
The place is smallish (Size of greater Auckland maybe?) so 3 months gives you the right amount of time to become familiar with the country, see a lot, experience real life and living in the region etc.
The diving is amazing and I recommend it as well. Cheap flights every day to Italy, Ireland, Spain, UK, Germany etc. and the hospital was pretty good about giving her the time off she wanted.

13th March 2011, 11:57
Went with my wife for her elective to Malta for the 3 months. It absolutely kicked arse.
It all depends what you want out of your elective...experience? then hit somewhere like New York, London etc. where they have busy ED departments or interesting specialist fields.
We chose Malta because we both had been working like dogs for a few years and wanted something different.
It was one of the best things either of us have done. My wife was working at most 3 or 4 hours a day in the main hospital and some days as little as an hour (because they know that elective students heading over there are kind of looking for a bit of a break as well).
The place is smallish (Size of greater Auckland maybe?) so 3 months gives you the right amount of time to become familiar with the country, see a lot, experience real life and living in the region etc.
The diving is amazing and I recommend it as well. Cheap flights every day to Italy, Ireland, Spain, UK, Germany etc. and the hospital was pretty good about giving her the time off she wanted.

Also, the lifestyle is wicked...they put you up with other med students from around the world, so it gives you a cool network of like minded people to hang out with. If you are there over summer, there is a village/town party EVERY night where they put on shows with fireworks etc. and one village turns off their power and everything is candle lit. Absolutely beautiful.
History is amazing, given Malta's central geographical location, has everything from the oldest standing structures known to man through to forts etc from the knights of St John and towns that are hundreds of years old.
If you choose to head there, flick me a PM...I will hook you up with one of the doctors over there who used to head up their elective programme and still takes the time to hang out with elective students and show them around the place...including some wicked wine bars :D

Sounds like a rave I know...but really can't give the place enough props. Word of warning about it though, when we first got there the thoughts were along the lines of "what the f&ck have we done...where have we come to???" but once accustomed to the place, it is unbelievably awesome....IMO...do your own research :)

13th March 2011, 11:58
Sweet thanks for the good advice so far

I guess money is always going to come into it as well

13th March 2011, 11:59
japan might be good for experience right now

13th March 2011, 12:05
On / off shore oil rigs. Outback mining companys ... they pay good money ....

13th March 2011, 12:08
Sweet thanks for the good advice so far

I guess money is always going to come into it as well

For now maybe...but don't worry about that too much...it comes soon enough :). I remember when I was supporting my wife through med-school, it felt as though we had to watch our money all of the time and was part of the reason we chose Malta given it is one of the cheapest countries to live in in the EU.
Just my advice from our own experience...but once you get back from your elective, the work and study starts all over again for a few years depending on your specialty. Enjoy the elective, try not to worry about the money side too much (obviously within reason) because you WILL be earning good money not too long from now in a very stable industry but this particular opportunity will have passed you by. (Of course one always makes their own opportunities as they wish).

Either way, enjoy :)

13th March 2011, 12:09
On / off shore oil rigs. Outback mining companys ... they pay good money ....

It's a med-school elective, YOU pay THEM to work for them. Absurd...I know!

13th March 2011, 13:01
Carrying on from another post I did... (bout going to work for the motogp for my medical elective, who I very much doubt they would take me on for the whole 3 months)

So, any suggestions on where else I could go??
I'm thinking developing country (you get to see and do so much more)
Anyone been to some obscure place that blew their mind???

thought about attaching yourself to the Army and going to, say, Bamiyan? Not sure if it is possible but I may know someone you can ask.

13th March 2011, 17:30
thought about attaching yourself to the Army and going to, say, Bamiyan? Not sure if it is possible but I may know someone you can ask.

Handy for me I already work for them but I think I would prefer to do something separate from them because I'll be working with the for a while

And my elective isn't until sept next year so japan now isn't really on the cards as I'm in my big year for exams

13th March 2011, 17:32
For now maybe...but don't worry about that too much...it comes soon enough :). I remember when I was supporting my wife through med-school, it felt as though we had to watch our money all of the time and was part of the reason we chose Malta given it is one of the cheapest countries to live in in the EU.
Just my advice from our own experience...but once you get back from your elective, the work and study starts all over again for a few years depending on your specialty. Enjoy the elective, try not to worry about the money side too much (obviously within reason) because you WILL be earning good money not too long from now in a very stable industry but this particular opportunity will have passed you by. (Of course one always makes their own opportunities as they wish)

Either way, enjoy :)

Thanks for the great advice definitely one to think hard about

When did your wife graduate? And what has she specialized in?

13th March 2011, 21:23
Thanks for the great advice definitely one to think hard about

When did your wife graduate? And what has she specialized in?

Graduated 2006 (I think) top clinical student. She was tossing up between Paeds and GP and decided to go down the GP path for now as it is the most family friendly. She also has done the Paeds diploma in the meantime as she wants to focus on kids within primary care in the South Auckland region. Longer term, she is talking about going into Public Health to try and get the NZ health system operating more effectively and efficiently. She loves her work. Definitely went into it for the passion rather than the money.

13th March 2011, 21:30
isle of man of course!!

13th March 2011, 23:02
Go to South Africa. When I first moved to NZ it took me a while to understand why middle and upper class homes don't have burglar bars over every window, and why we're not all packing heat. That will blow your mind!

13th March 2011, 23:20
Go to South Africa. When I first moved to NZ it took me a while to understand why middle and upper class homes don't have burglar bars over every window, and why we're not all packing heat. That will blow your mind!

I have two family members who are doctors in SA, that is where I am originally from as well. HIV/Aids risk is no joke. Both have had to have multiple HIV/aids tests from needle pricks. Sure, you will experience things you have never seen before...but HIV/aids is no joke and a serious risk in health care in SA now SMOKEU.

14th March 2011, 10:58
isle of man of course!!

It's not on when I'm going unfortunately!

14th March 2011, 13:26
Oh by the way I don't think I'm not getting in with the clinica mobile, I sent them my cv and a video which they replied promptly too but couldn't give me an answer that early. I just don't think they would take me for the whole time if i do get to go. (I have to get in touch with them end of this year for confirmation of their answer)

Plus if it does turn to shit I need a back up

That and I think I want to spend some time in a developing country, I have 3 months. Though now I think bout it I wouldntvturn down the 3 months with clinica mobile

14th March 2011, 19:44
That and I think I want to spend some time in a developing country, I have 3 months. Though now I think bout it I wouldntvturn down the 3 months with clinica mobile

Just a thought......http://www.riders.org/

15th March 2011, 11:56
I have two family members who are doctors in SA, that is where I am originally from as well. HIV/Aids risk is no joke. Both have had to have multiple HIV/aids tests from needle pricks. Sure, you will experience things you have never seen before...but HIV/aids is no joke and a serious risk in health care in SA now SMOKEU.

What part of the mother land are you from? I'm from Cape Town.

15th March 2011, 12:27
Oh by the way I don't think I'm not getting in with the clinica mobile,

Stay away from Stoners wife. I saw her first.

White trash
15th March 2011, 12:37
Stay away from Stoners wife. I saw her first.

Race ya for her!

15th March 2011, 12:41
Race ya for her!

Long as it's not a running race...

15th March 2011, 19:42
What part of the mother land are you from? I'm from Cape Town.


Stay away from Stoners wife. I saw her first.

She is a peach ain't she??

White trash
15th March 2011, 19:44
She is a peach ain't she??

I could eat a peach for hours........................

15th March 2011, 19:51

She is a peach ain't she??

I could eat a peach for hours........................

My name might be Peter...but I prefer peaches by far.

15th March 2011, 21:22
Just a thought......http://www.riders.org/

Unfortunately I can't work for them, they don't employ foreign doctors

15th March 2011, 23:09
...biggest part of the world is in your head and it starts just outside the door..

17th March 2011, 07:08
...biggest part of the world is in your head and it starts just outside the door..

I find your mind grows and expands with experiences and what better way to get such rich experiences in such a short time? By visiting a different country with very different beliefs/culture

Anyway I'm thinking Malta and possibly Ghana, Kenya or Zanzibar.

17th March 2011, 07:45
Stay away from Stoners wife. I saw her first.

Is that bird his wife? Looks like his sister to me.


17th March 2011, 07:46
Is that bird his wife? Looks like his sister to me.


Either way...I still saw her first!

Bald Eagle
17th March 2011, 07:54
Anyone been to some obscure place that blew their mind???

I went to Invercargill once.

17th March 2011, 08:57
I find your mind grows and expands with experiences and what better way to get such rich experiences in such a short time? By visiting a different country with very different beliefs/culture

Anyway I'm thinking Malta and possibly Ghana, Kenya or Zanzibar.

A mate of mine just got back from 6 months in Uganda helping a group called Watoto. Basically helping young children and women who were forced into being child soldiers, bush 'wives' or simply just went through hell in the Northern Uganda war. There are many broken people in Uganda (some fuckin' horrific treatment perpetrated by the LRA (resistance rebels), 50% of the population (I think) is under 15 years old and there are many aid/hiv orphans and babies who are in dire need of someone to come and look after them and provide them health care. If Paeds is something you're interested in, this might be something for you to consider.
It obviously is a third world experience, however my mate who is a teacher (brother is ortho surgeon) and his wife came back raving about their experience having seen a desperate need amongst the people. The people themselves are amazing, fun and big hearted. They are planning to go back for longer.

Just another idea :rolleyes: