View Full Version : Could never figure out why until now...

The Singing Chef
28th April 2011, 17:54
And they call us sheep shaggers

28th April 2011, 17:55
Bloody Auusies!...thats an Abo.

28th April 2011, 17:59
yea thats a fuckin abo, cunts come over here stealin our sheep

The Singing Chef
28th April 2011, 18:08
This is what it should say intsead haha

28th April 2011, 18:18
what the hell that sheep stole a Abo and a bike

28th April 2011, 20:31
i expected to see the caption:

Fucking Abos!
Aussie sheeps' favorite passtime since 1781

28th April 2011, 20:39
hahahha I learned to ride a manual bike on that model.

The fluff was usually on the back though.

28th April 2011, 21:04
It's kiwi's like this that really don't help our reputation:gob:

:facepalm:Only someone from Auckland could confuse that bloke with a Kiwi.:facepalm: