View Full Version : RC211V Rep for $7000!

30th June 2005, 14:10
Don't know if this has been put up before by someone else or not but I just came across these in TM.

Pretty cool looking toys for not a LOT of money.

Check it out:



30th June 2005, 14:13
There is something wrong with those bikes - they have been on sale for many months......

30th June 2005, 15:28
wow really like the first one..
wish i had enough for a second bike - so can use it for everyday rough riding :)

30th June 2005, 15:55
nothing wrong with them it's just no-one wants to pay $7k for a vfr400....

30th June 2005, 16:03
i can see them being rather uncomfortable for around town riding. They do look very trick tho.

30th June 2005, 16:04
I saw the 2nd one in person at the Pairoua Street Races - the paintwork is not as flash as the photographs would have you believe.

1st July 2005, 08:44
My mate got some of those tyga fairings imported. They're only about a grand including lights and fittings. Someone is making a huge profit on these things. All up his RC211V telefonica rep only cost him 3 grand. He's had problems geting it certified though because of the front lights. Aparently they don't comply with NZ standars. If you want to bid on these bikes, I'd make sure they are reg'd and wof'd and that the new body work has been certified.

I agree that $7000 is a lot of money for a 15 year old NC30 considering what you pay for late model GSXR 1000's these days.



1st July 2005, 12:39

this ones a heap cheaper just need a lick of paint, and reg might be difficult, but come with orig lights and plastics as well


1st July 2005, 13:00
Ok, does anyone know where I can score myself some Movie star replica body kits for my CBR 400?? Help! Anyone got any contacts??

Edit: Just found out a few sites myself.


12th July 2005, 21:50
These $7K RCV reps look as if imported out of Thailand, check these out!!
Prices looked to be around $4300NZD delivered!!

12th July 2005, 21:54
I think Im going to save up and paint the bike in lucky strike kevin colors

12th July 2005, 21:58
These $7K RCV reps look as if imported out of Thailand, check these out!!
Prices looked to be around $4300NZD delivered!!

You serious :D - I'm definitely getting one if that is really the case when I get my full.

12th July 2005, 23:27
These $7K RCV reps look as if imported out of Thailand, check these out!!
Prices looked to be around $4300NZD delivered!!

Is this for real dude? It seems real reasonable for such trick looking bikes. Got any idea how complicated importing one to NZ would be?

12th July 2005, 23:46
Click on the link, about 1/3 of the way down is the Telefonica VFR, on the left are some details including price 125000 baht, go to http://www.xe.com/ucc/convert.cgi
convert baht to NZD $4376.52 even if it cost all up $1000 to VIN and reg etc still a good buy at $5500! Email them and ask them, if I was looking for a 400 I'd certainly be making enquiries (but I'm not). The yellow Max replica looks the same as the one advertised locally. Or you could just buy the kits and modify your own bikes?