View Full Version : Pros and cons of nuclear, not as safe as houses?

25th June 2011, 10:34

25th June 2011, 10:55
Where i lived in the uk a nuclear train used to go past the house at about 2am. They tested the soil just outside the station and it was radioactive so the media asked the question "is the station leaking or is the train leaking".

I don't believe they ever got an answer.....

25th June 2011, 10:57
wonder what the outcome of that one's gonna be.

25th June 2011, 17:23
As I understand it, nuclear power is not as safe as houses - it never was and it will get worse as the established plants get older. Also, I doubt that the problems of decommissioning are even vaguely solved - deferred maybe, but not solved.
However, even allowing for Chernobyl, I believe that the thermal power industry has killed more people than the nuclear one (e.g. coal mining, air pollution etc) and if the "alarmists" are right about global warning, it will get worse before it gets better - if it ever does.
Stuffed either way, eh?
Somebody point out where I'm wrong - please.

25th June 2011, 18:11
Where i lived in the uk a nuclear train used to go past the house at about 2am. They tested the soil just outside the station and it was radioactive so the media asked the question "is the station leaking or is the train leaking".

I don't believe they ever got an answer.....

A nuclear train? Really?
But....was Scotty the Chief Engineer?

25th June 2011, 22:20
A nuclear train? Really?
But....was Scotty the Chief Engineer?

I cannie do it Cap'n, I JUST DON"T HAVE THE POWER :lol:

25th June 2011, 22:28
Nuclear Power is certainly as safe as some houses :yes:

Some houses however are not safe at all :no:

25th June 2011, 23:06
So... there's shit leaking into the ocean and out of 200,000 people drinking it for decades, 7 would be expected to get cancer from it.

I suspect the other 199,993 would be feeling pretty crook as well after drinking all that seawater.

Typical sensationalist irresponsible bullshit reporting from our friends in the media.

26th June 2011, 08:40
A nuclear train? Really?
But....was Scotty the Chief Engineer?

If it was an electric train then it probably was nuclear powered! :bleh:

But it carried nuclear waste from the power station to ship over to france or finland or some place not starting with f.

26th June 2011, 15:56
So... there's shit leaking into the ocean...
How do you mean?
From the recent Japan one, or the nuclear waste that was dumped into the deeper trenches of the Atlantic, many years ago.

Russian waters will not be "pristine" either...

27th June 2011, 00:05
How do you mean?
From the recent Japan one, or the nuclear waste that was dumped into the deeper trenches of the Atlantic, many years ago.

Russian waters will not be "pristine" either...

Neither - read the bullshit printed in the link in post #1

Brian d marge
27th June 2011, 03:37
Where i lived in the uk a nuclear train used to go past the house at about 2am. They tested the soil just outside the station and it was radioactive so the media asked the question "is the station leaking or is the train leaking".

I don't believe they ever got an answer.....

Was that the white train? used to come past my house ....

Living in Japan , and seeing the results as well as having a friend who worked as an Engineer at the Fukushima plant ...

Im all good with nuclear ,,,,, the odd stray errg ,,, nowt wrong with that


27th June 2011, 08:56
Neither - read the bullshit printed in the link in post #1
I thought that was taken for granted. US plants are not well maintained at all.

I was loaned a book, a few years ago, which was about nuclear safety around the globe. Chernobyl was top of the list (naturally) but it also identified many "issues" at US reactor sites.
One was the fact that a "regulation NBA basketball" was used to block a pipe in some part of a reactor. The sort of stuff that would put Homer Simpson and the Springfield Nuclear Plant to shame!

27th June 2011, 09:45
Aging, old-tech reactors are of course less safe as time goes on. The technology is how old, after all?

There are new, far better and safer designs out there, such as thorium reactors (http://energyfromthorium.com/about/). They are an angle not pursued in the cold war because they couldn't produce products suitable for nuclear weapons, and so were less interesting then.

27th June 2011, 10:02
Aging, old-tech reactors are of course less safe as time goes on. The technology is how old, after all?

There are new, far better and safer designs out there, such as thorium reactors (http://energyfromthorium.com/about/). They are an angle not pursued in the cold war because they couldn't produce products suitable for nuclear weapons, and so were less interesting then.

The power available is unlimited if only we could understand how to extract it safely. Thoughout the history of nuclear power, Man has yet to prove he can develop it safely and responsibly. Is it greed, or is it ignorance? The world is running out of space to store the waste and it is well proven that maintenance is a problem of budget over safety as well.

F5 Dave
27th June 2011, 11:55

Why is it that Germany is decomissioning all Nuclear plants over next few years? Is it because they are not happy about the safety? Or is it that easily mine-able uranium has pretty much been used up or at least will become uneconomical?

The new US lead Petrol wars? Keep quiet if you have any uranium at all.

I Said Quiet!:shutup:

27th June 2011, 12:52
The new US lead Petrol wars?
I thought leaded petrol was banned last century :woohoo:

F5 Dave
27th June 2011, 12:57
gee, it gets used in my race bikes:scratch: