View Full Version : Road Cops on TV3 (4 July)

4th July 2011, 19:42
dumbarse maori kid he can hardly string a few words together and evildooer on triumph 675s with 9k of fines

4th July 2011, 19:50
So which one was the cop Jim?

4th July 2011, 19:50
Mmm, it's a repeat.

IIRC, there was much discussion of those two when it first aired.

4th July 2011, 19:51
Mmm, it's a repeat.

IIRC, there was much discussion of those two when it first aired.

okay didnt realise it was a repeat

4th July 2011, 20:00
okay didnt realise it was a repeat

Do you want mates like his?

4th July 2011, 20:29
Do you want mates like his?

you have to wonder if he paid them back the 9k

4th July 2011, 20:40
Mmm, it's a repeat.

IIRC, there was much discussion of those two when it first aired.

I know, but how the hell are we going to keep this site going if we dont "get stuck in" to these conversations.

I never saw it tonight. What happened? In fact I dont belive I saw it last time it aired? I dont watch a lot of TV. Can you provide a link?

Not you Mully, I dont want any link you would provide :shutup:

4th July 2011, 20:40
Do you want mates like his?

What happened???????????????

4th July 2011, 20:48
you have to wonder if he paid them back the 9k

You would also wonder how stoopid he was to 'earn' $9,000+ worth of fines...

4th July 2011, 20:54
You would also wonder how stoopid he was to 'earn' $9,000+ worth of fines...

Was he not pulled over initially for "wrong class of licence" ... ??? bike registered in HIS name ... with all those existing fines ...

Stoopid may just cover it ...

4th July 2011, 21:05
Not you Mully, I dont want any link you would provide :shutup:

Well, don't click on this then:


Don't do it. I'm watching....

5th July 2011, 10:27
no-one should be allowed to rack up so much in fines. It becomes a figure that becomes too big to pay, so why bother?

The authorities should set a limit (e.g. $2000) before action is taken...

5th July 2011, 11:24
no-one should be allowed to rack up so much in fines. It becomes a figure that becomes too big to pay, so why bother?

The authorities should set a limit (e.g. $2000) before action is taken...

Like confiscating the bike to sell and pay their fines..? :yes:

5th July 2011, 12:28
Jeez you fallas are a bunch of hard asses! The police should never have the power to come to your house and take your bike because of fines. Community work or loss of license for those that don't pay is fair enough, but you can easily break the law and get tickets on anything with wheels these days. All confiscation will do is create even more animosity toward police.
What if I had a bike worth $1000 and my fines totaled $5000? would you take my bike and then make me pay the rest?
I think that if you haven't setup at least a time payment by the time you receive your final notice, you get suspended or comminity work for a period of time long enough to pay the lot off.

5th July 2011, 12:43
The police should never have the power to come to your house and take your bike because of fines.Quite right, waste of police resources, they should have a dept just for this.

Community work or loss of license for those that don't pay is fair enoughBut achieves nothing :no:

but you can easily break the law and get tickets on anything with wheels these daysNothing has changed then.

All confiscation will do is create even more animosity toward police.Only from fuckwits who don't pay their fines, so no nothing has changes their either.

What if I had a bike worth $1000 and my fines totaled $5000? would you take my bike and then make me pay the rest?No, I would take your TV/Stereo/PlayStation as well. If after all that it's still not enough, then yes.

I think that if you haven't setup at least a time payment by the time you receive your final notice, you get suspended or comminity work for a period of time long enough to pay the lot off.If you haven't setup a payment schedule by that stage, you're a defaulter and unlikely to pay in any case.

These people get plenty of warnings, and thus deserve all they get.

5th July 2011, 13:09
Quite right, waste of police resources, they should have a dept just for this.

But achieves nothing :no:

Nothing has changed then.

Only from fuckwits who don't pay their fines, so no nothing has changes their either.

No, I would take your TV/Stereo/PlayStation as well. If after all that it's still not enough, then yes.

If you haven't setup a payment schedule by that stage, you're a defaulter and unlikely to pay in any case.

These people get plenty of warnings, and thus deserve all they get. do what they do in the uk,if you have fines owing example,no insurance ,speeding, parking fines etc i think you have 28 days to pay then in the case as it should be here car gets taken and crushed no problems then .

5th July 2011, 14:26
Yea fuck it. Just give them the power to do anything they like, take whatever they like, whenever they like. Pretty soon they will have the power to just knock on your door, and tell ya to bend over so they can literally fuck you in the arse.
You guys can lay down and be raped by the government but I realized a long time ago you don't actually have too. Words speak volumes.
Stand over tactics work in the gang world very well, but the people who we look to protect us should not use them.
"You didn't pay your fines so I'm taking all your shit, and if you don't let me in I'll ruff you up and lock you in a cage"
All seems a bit primitive if you ask me.

5th July 2011, 14:37
Yea fuck it. Just give them the power to do anything they like, take whatever they like, whenever they like. Pretty soon they will have the power to just knock on your door, and tell ya to bend over so they can literally fuck you in the arse.
You guys can lay down and be raped by the government but I realized a long time ago you don't actually have too. Words speak volumes.
Stand over tactics work in the gang world very well, but the people who we look to protect us should not use them.
"You didn't pay your fines so I'm taking all your shit, and if you don't let me in I'll ruff you up and lock you in a cage"
All seems a bit primitive if you ask me.

Two simple answers... Don't break the law, or if you do, pay the consequences. Problem solved.

Failing that, remove yourself from society so you don't have to play by the rules. ie: go and live on your own island somewhere.

5th July 2011, 14:43
Two simple answers... Don't break the law, or if you do, pay the consequences. Problem solved.

Failing that, remove yourself from society so you don't have to play by the rules. ie: go and live on your own island somewhere.

:rofl: .. we were living on our own islands .. and then you buggas sailed over the horizon with your rules and laws and crap ...

Hei aha. Te Ao hurihuri.

5th July 2011, 14:49
Yea fuck it. Just give them the power to do anything they like, take whatever they like, whenever they like.Why would I do that? I just pay my fines as I earn them. I give them power to do nothing.

Stand over tactics work in the gang world very wellI have no problem with them shooting gang members on sight either. Whether they have broken the law or not. Bang bang another dead gang member :violin:

5th July 2011, 14:51
:rofl: .. we were living on our own islands .. and then you buggas sailed over the horizon with your rules and laws and crap ...Mmmm, at least we didn't kill you all off like what happened to the poor old Moriori :bye:

5th July 2011, 14:54
:rofl: .. we were living on our own islands .. and then you buggas sailed over the horizon with your rules and laws and crap ...

Hei aha. Te Ao hurihuri.

Your ancestors had some pretty strict laws of their own with a lot harsher punishments for those who broke them. Not only that, they were constantly at war with each other. Tribal divisions were a real obstacle to progress and had not the British been accepted you'd be under French rule.

Regardless, you live in a society and you either live by the rules of the society or pay the price. That hasn't changed since Man appeared on this planet.

5th July 2011, 15:17
Mmmm, at least we didn't kill you all off like what happened to the poor old Moriori :bye:

Not true .. there were never Moriori on the mainland. And it wasn't until post-contact that Ngati Mutunga and mates invaded the Chathams and wiped out most of them there. And they were no my tipuna.

Your ancestors had some pretty strict laws of their own with a lot harsher punishments for those who broke them.

True ... but if you didn't like the laws there was plenty of room to go off and form your own hapu ... plenty did.

Not only that, they were constantly at war with each other.

Never constant warfare - a British fiction. Certainly there was war .. but constant war? No ... had to at least take time out to plant the criops as there were no standing armies.

Tribal divisions were a real obstacle to progress

What makes you say that? Europe had plenty of divisions - still has - but stil progressed. Division is not the obstacle to progress you think it is. There are plenty - but division and warfare has been shown to help progress ... the BETTER side wins ...

and had not the British been accepted you'd be under French rule.

French rule? Not true. A British fiction

Regardless, you live in a society and you either live by the rules of the society or pay the price. That hasn't changed since Man appeared on this planet.

I agree ... to a certain extent. And by the way . "He aha. Te Ao hurihuri" basically means "Whatever - the world changes".

Jeez - crack a joke and look where it gets you - serious bullshit .

5th July 2011, 15:26
Not true .. there were never Moriori on the mainland.I dunno, you Maoris always wanting to divide the country :innocent:

5th July 2011, 15:32
...Jeez - crack a joke and look where it gets you - serious bullshit .

Sorry, didn't mean to sound so serious...:rockon:

5th July 2011, 16:31
Given the 675 riders history of unpaid fines, I was surprised that he was stopped waiting for the cops. 9k fines+quick bike+side roads...I really would have thought someone like that would have disappeared. Good on him for stopping though.

5th July 2011, 16:35
How the fuck does a thread on a cop show turn to Maori/British/French banter? This place is awesome.

That guy on the 675 has some pretty good mates though, what's the bet he sells the bike?

5th July 2011, 16:38
How the fuck does a thread on a cop show turn to Maori/British/French banter? This place is awesome.

That guy on the 675 has some pretty good mates though, what's the bet he sells the bike?

Then the little ratbag could afford to pay his fucking fines!

5th July 2011, 16:42
Then the little ratbag could afford to pay his fucking fines!

Even I can manage to pay the fines I get...two in the last three years, not bad.

5th July 2011, 16:43
:rofl: .. we were living on our own islands .. and then you buggas sailed over the horizon with your rules and laws and crap ...

Hei aha. Te Ao hurihuri.

Foo, you want our moto bikes and road but don't want our laws,?

Choice bro, I'll go for that, we'll show those honky bastards, WE'LL be the ones that decide what side or the road to ride on eh...:blink:

5th July 2011, 16:46
Well, don't click on this then:


Don't do it. I'm watching....

Humph. :angry: Every time I try this replay shit, I get to see up to about the first break and then it bloody resets to the start. How the %$^#! do I get to see the whole thing?

5th July 2011, 16:48
Foo, you want our moto bikes and road but don't want our laws,?

Choice bro, I'll go for that, we'll show those honky bastards, WE'LL be the ones that decide what side or the road to ride on eh...:blink:

I used to ride down the middle ...

5th July 2011, 18:25
Two simple answers... Don't break the law, or if you do, pay the consequences. Problem solved.

Failing that, remove yourself from society so you don't have to play by the rules. ie: go and live on your own island somewhere.

Hard not to break the laws these days as they change the road code every year and there's probably a few laws you've never even heard about, like the guy who's missus got a ticket for willfully getting on the back of his bike while he's a restricted driver (http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php/139381-Demerit-points-for-the-pillion) or should I say "Guy who's missus was butt raped by officer coz he felt like it"
I would love to remove myself from our socslaverty and prison warden government, but the rest of the world is screwed as well.
Jeez people can't even agree that land is just land (EARTH) and who owns the Earth? Not us, not you and not them. :shutup:

5th July 2011, 18:40
Hard not to break the laws these days as they change the road code every year and there's probably a few laws you've never even heard about

damm giggity! I guarantee there's not a single person on here that does not break the law & most will be on a regular basis regardless of wether or not they know it :yes:. "speed's" not the only law despite how much our Govt would like us to think it is. As for "the law is the law" & "do the crime, do the time" idiots I'm sure they'd change they're tune quick fast if the PIG's started inforcing all our laws :yes:

5th July 2011, 19:01
Hell yea! if police took all laws seriously and enforced them to the letter, I know I'd be pissed!!
But I'd say most on hear like the butt raping too much, so would just say to people like me "Shut up and lube up, or leave the country."

5th July 2011, 19:01
I think that if you haven't setup at least a time payment by the time you receive your final notice, you get suspended or comminity work for a period of time long enough to pay the lot off.

Nah they should come and take whatever the fuck they want to the value of the fines owing, if you're that much of a dickhead that you don't pay up in a timely manner then you deserve anything they can throw at you

Community work? yeah sure worked out at an hourly rate equal to the minimum wage until it's paid in full

It's pretty easy to avoid being fined and anyone who racks up thousands is a fucking slow learner

5th July 2011, 19:07
You would also wonder how stoopid he was to 'earn' $9,000+ worth of fines...

In a previous lifetime I used to mentor for Business in the Community and was a NZ budget advisor.

One of my clients had over $20K of fines, and this winner was allowing his mother to pay them off out of her meagre pay each week :shit:

I was totally shocked. His explanation? She wants to, to help me out. Problem was, he continued to add to his fines (no WOF/Rego, speeding, driving while disqualified etc) and thought it perfectly ok, because his Mummy was paying. No respect for her, the law or the cops/courts.

I blame her! Let the little shit learn a consequence FFS!

5th July 2011, 19:11
Foo, you want our moto bikes and road but don't want our laws,?

You can't design motorcycles if you haven't invented the wheel

5th July 2011, 19:14
In a previous lifetime I used to mentor for Business in the Community and was a NZ budget advisor.

One of my clients had over $20K of fines, and this winner was allowing his mother to pay them off out of her meagre pay each week :shit:

I was totally shocked. His explanation? She wants to, to help me out. Problem was, he continued to add to his fines (no WOF/Rego, speeding, driving while disqualified etc) and thought it perfectly ok, because his Mummy was paying. No respect for her, the law or the cops/courts.

I blame her! Let the little shit learn a consequence FFS!

Much like the kid who wrote off his WRX, (bought for him by his parents, of course...), at high speed. What did his parents do? Why, they immediately bought him another one to replace it... :bye:

Police were not impressed... :facepalm:

5th July 2011, 19:17
In a previous lifetime I used to mentor for Business in the Community and was a NZ budget advisor.

One of my clients had over $20K of fines, and this winner was allowing his mother to pay them off out of her meagre pay each week :shit:

I was totally shocked. His explanation? She wants to, to help me out. Problem was, he continued to add to his fines (no WOF/Rego, speeding, driving while disqualified etc) and thought it perfectly ok, because his Mummy was paying. No respect for her, the law or the cops/courts.

I blame her! Let the little shit learn a consequence FFS!

Yes make him pay and let society benefit from his mistake by way of free labor.
How many government funded projects could use the free expertise of some builder/painter/electrician etc who owes a couple of grand in fines. We would be better off like that instead of selling his bike for half its worth to pay some gooberment debt

5th July 2011, 19:20
Yes make him pay and let society benefit from his mistake

Mistake? once or twice might be a mistake, by the time you rack up 2-3K + it's just stupidity

5th July 2011, 19:34
Yes make him pay and let society benefit from his mistake by way of free labor.
How many government funded projects could use the free expertise of some builder/painter/electrician etc who owes a couple of grand in fines. We would be better off like that instead of selling his bike for half its worth to pay some gooberment debt

a) most of these "world owes me a living" drop-kicks have no expertise in anything other than obtaining their WINZ.
b) until we re-legalise corporal punishment, we can't force anybody to work, never mind quality work that's actually worthwhile.
c) "we" (as in the collective masses of builders/painters/electrician etc who WORK and pay fines) are much better off buying the drop-kick's bike at half it's worth thank you very much
d) "we" are also much safer when these (mostly uninsured) drop-kicks are not sharing the road with us.

5th July 2011, 19:48
There are lots of stupid people out there, I am one of them.
In my life time I could have bought a cop car with the amount I've had.
All paid up now but just goes to show how affective they really are. I'll tell ya what though, when I'd go to wanganui court for something, my biggest fear was getting Periodic detention. That shit sux arse! which is why I see it being affective, hence my fine free status.
Take my bike and I'll just get another one, then when ya turn your lights on I wont stop, in fear of it happening again.

5th July 2011, 19:52
Cry cry cry just pay the fucking fines and there's no problem....

5th July 2011, 20:20
Yes make him pay and let society benefit from his mistake by way of free labor.
How many government funded projects could use the free expertise of some builder/painter/electrician etc who owes a couple of grand in fines. We would be better off like that instead of selling his bike for half its worth to pay some gooberment debt

The biggest benefit to society would be not to have the likes of him on the road.

5th July 2011, 20:38
There are lots of stupid people out there, I am one of them.Obviously

All paid up now but just goes to show how affective they really areJust goes to show are dumb you are more like

5th July 2011, 21:43
Just goes to show are dumb you are more like

Yes I already said that :facepalm:
Its so nice to meet perfect people such as yourself. (actually no, you sound like a right cum swapper)
All I'm saying is the system obviously doesn't work now, and if ya take some guys vehicle off him, he can go get another one.
Make him work on government funded community projects, and I think you'll get your money faster.
For example your not paying a professional painter to paint a bus stop shelter $30 an hour for a job anyone, even Kickaha could do for free.
These projects already exist and all you need to do is have people register their organization with the courts. They know what we do for a living as the police ask that on routine stops so the courts can assign you to work according to your occupation.
Anyway Waaa Waaaa Waaaaaa FTW!!!

5th July 2011, 22:06
$30 a hr, not likely

5th July 2011, 22:24
All I'm saying is the system obviously doesn't work now,

It doesn't work now because of a lack of enforcement and the fact they let wankers rack up that much in fines, I'm sure even the dumbest cunt will work out once he's had his 2nd, 3rd or even 4th vehicle confiscated he/she will work out they aren't going to win this one

5th July 2011, 22:24
FFS!! I said "for example"

For example your not paying a professional painter to paint a bus stop shelter $30 an hour.....

6th July 2011, 08:53
For example your not paying a professional painter to paint a bus stop shelter $30 an hour for a job anyone, even Kickaha could do for free.

If the scheme wasn't such a crock of shit I'd partly be in a agreement.

A fellow KBer who I shall not name left myself and a few other KBers open mouthed when he told us he'd amassed fines of around $15,000. The court then gave him community service in an old folks home. He smirked when he told us about spending days chatting away to old people in a nice warm building drinking cups of tea and eating cakes.
We also worked out that dividing his fine by the hours worked meant he was effectively being paid over $200 per hour.

6th July 2011, 12:54
If the scheme wasn't such a crock of shit I'd partly be in a agreement.

A fellow KBer who I shall not name left myself and a few other KBers open mouthed when he told us he'd amassed fines of around $15,000. The court then gave him community service in an old folks home. He smirked when he told us about spending days chatting away to old people in a nice warm building drinking cups of tea and eating cakes.
We also worked out that dividing his fine by the hours worked meant he was effectively being paid over $200 per hour.

Yes, that is no form of punishment.
I was thinking more along the lines of laboring work that community groups already have in place, like building a local park etc. You make the fine defaulter do all the shit kicker jobs that nobody can be bothered with like scrubbing off graffiti or pushing and loading wheelbarrows all day. That way instead of the courts getting all the money to spend on shit, you clean up the community for free and people learn a lesson.
I did PD once years ago for disqualified driving, and thats what made me move from wanganui. Nothing like working with some Black Power members to deter you from law breaking. Well that and I had to sell everything I owned to pay my fines so I could leave the country.
I agree that community service is all shit as I received 30Hours when I was 16. I never did it and never heard anything else about it after my court date. The sad thing is, the offense was drink driving. Just goes to show how much the courts care about reforming society....Fuck all! all they care about is getting their money.
Like I said I was young and dumb when I was younger, so keep the abuse to a minimum

By the way, all this would be for people who don't pay fines and if they procrastinate on any total above say $2000 ( you can get a $2000 fine in one stop)

6th July 2011, 13:22
Read an interesting piece on the whole traffic fines issue. The author proposed that to effectively reach people you need to inconvenience them, immediately. Put simply, if you put your hand in the fire but don't feel the burn until 3 months later you won't make the connection between the two, however if you get burnt immediately you won't stick your hand back in.

He suggested therefore that 'impounding' the vehicle for a period of time, say for 2hrs for failing to wear your seatbelt, to 24hrs for a minor speeding offence. The driver immediately makes the connection between offence and consequence, and will more than likely adjust their behaviour accordingly, rather than receiving a fine 20 days later and having another month to pay.

Only two problems with this, the first and unfortunately the easier of the two to overcome, is the actual application of the penalty. The second, and the one that will ensure something like this never happens, is the loss of revenue to the government.

6th July 2011, 13:29
Read an interesting piece on the whole traffic fines issue. The author proposed that to effectively reach people you need to inconvenience them, immediately. Put simply, if you put your hand in the fire but don't feel the burn until 3 moths later you won't make the connection between the two, however if you get burnt immediately you won't stick your hand back in.

He suggested therefore that 'impounding' the vehicle for a period of time, say for 2hrs for failing to wear your seatbelt, to 24hrs for a minor speeding offence. The driver immediately makes the connection between offence and consequence, and will more than likely adjust their behaviour accordingly, rather than receiving a fine 20 days later and having another month to pay.

Only two problems with this, the first and unfortunately the easier of the two to overcome, is the actual application of the penalty. The second, and the one that will ensure something like this never happens, is the loss of revenue to the government.

you can see your failure scenario in action in the reliance on speed cameras and increasing fines/demerits. When the cop pulls you over you are instantly inconvenienced so the co-relation bit is satisfied, no need to escalate to impounding the vehicle as this will only result in justifiable anger. With the speed camera you are allowed to continue at your chosen speed and get he fine sometime later, providing your survive the journey, if you fail to survive the estate will get fine and you certainly wont learn anything.

6th July 2011, 13:37
you can see your failure scenario in action in the reliance on speed cameras and increasing fines/demerits. When the cop pulls you over you are instantly inconvenienced so the co-relation bit is satisfied, no need to escalate to impounding the vehicle as this will only result in justifiable anger. With the speed camera you are allowed to continue at your chosen speed and get he fine sometime later, providing your survive the journey, if you fail to survive the estate will get fine and you certainly wont learn anything.

Getting pulled over for 5 minutes and receiving a piece of paper you shove in your glovebox is hardly inconvenient. Losing the use of your car for the next 2hrs most certainly will be. And justifiable anger? The use of the public roading system is not a right, it is a privilege, one that comes with conditions.

6th July 2011, 13:44
Getting pulled over for 5 minutes and receiving a piece of paper you shove in your glovebox is hardly inconvenient. Losing the use of your car for the next 2hrs most certainly will be. And justifiable anger? The use of the public roading system is not a right, it is a privilege, one that comes with conditions.

You take my property I kick your head in. Stopping me if even only 5 minutes is an inconvenience and upsets my day, you have stolen anything from me and have reinforced the idea that the road use is not a right. You don't and should not have the right to attributively take my stuff.

6th July 2011, 14:11
oneofsix you still sound like a fucwit ,man up if you screw up you pay for it simple ,yes the police should have the power to take your car/bike and if needs be impound it for 24 hours ,see how you like that there are consequences for fucking up riding on the road is a privilage not a right.

6th July 2011, 14:15
oneofsix you seem to forget that riding on the road is a privillage not a right ,and if your stupid enough it smack someone either police or whoevers doingb their job you should be locked up throw away the key impound you bike and leave you there to rot ,the roads would be safer without you on them.

6th July 2011, 14:23
oneofsix you seem to forget that riding on the road is a privillage not a right ,and if your stupid enough it smack someone either police or whoevers doingb their job you should be locked up throw away the key impound you bike and leave you there to rot ,the roads would be safer without you on them.

insane by name insane by nature. Police should NOT have the power to punish, we have courts for that. Thsi was establish but at the time of the magna carta

6th July 2011, 14:31
You take my property I kick your head in. Stopping me if even only 5 minutes is an inconvenience and upsets my day, you have stolen anything from me and have reinforced the idea that the road use is not a right. You don't and should not have the right to attributively take my stuff.

Calm down man, I'm not taking anything of yours.

insane by name insane by nature. Police should NOT have the power to punish, we have courts for that. Thsi was establish but at the time of the magna carta


6th July 2011, 14:36
Calm down man, I'm not taking anything of yours.
no you ain't, that was just an over the top example of the sort of attitude that would result


what isn't? the fact that we have a half reasonable police force balanced by the courts or the fact that the world isn't the way you personally want it.

6th July 2011, 14:37

thats probably a better way to say it :yes:

6th July 2011, 14:41
You take my property I kick your head in. Stopping me if even only 5 minutes is an inconvenience and upsets my day, you have stolen anything from me and have reinforced the idea that the road use is not a right. You don't and should not have the right to attributively take my stuff.

Bro, you need to chill out just a tad.

The theory OAB suggests is actually quite interesting. Personally, it is the demerit points that put me off much more than the cash. Taking my car or bike away or clamping it for 2 hours on the side of the road would certainly piss me off and thus is more likely to cause a behavioural change. I really don't like the idea at all, but I can see that it would work.

6th July 2011, 14:42
[QUOTE=oneofsix;1130102306]no you ain't, that was just an over the top example of the sort of attitude that would result

I actually agree that this sort of attitude would probably be something the cops have to deal with a lot if they were to try seize, lock down people vehicles.

6th July 2011, 14:44
Bro, you need to chill out just a tad.

The theory OAB suggests is actually quite interesting. Personally, it is the demerit points that put me off much more than the cash. Taking my car or bike away or clamping it for 2 hours on the side of the road would certainly piss me off and thus is more likely to cause a behavioural change. I really don't like the idea at all, but I can see that it would work.

but that comes back to my original point of why the cop stop is more effective than cameras. You don't need to impound. I think the theory has taken the current lack of results so assumed they had to escalate. Journey interruptious in normally enough and avoid escalation from both sides. Remember action and reaction applies to more than physical forces.

6th July 2011, 14:48
Police should NOT have the power to punish, we have courts for that. Thsi was establish but at the time of the magna carta


thats probably a better way to say it :yes:

There's probably a better question - what do you want the courts to do? Because punishing people does not/is not reducing crime ...

6th July 2011, 14:56
There's probably a better question - what do you want the courts to do? Because punishing people does not/is not reducing crime ...

Start punishing the guilty, rather than the innocent as we currently do that would make a good start then we can work from there :yes:

6th July 2011, 14:59
Start punishing the guilty, rather than the innocent as we currently do that would make a good start then we can work from there :yes:

I'm completely in the dark about what you mean ???? How do we punish the innocent? Except for those few cases of a mistaken verdict ...

6th July 2011, 14:59
There's probably a better question - what do you want the courts to do? Because punishing people does not/is not reducing crime ...

interesting question. I especially like the phrase "punishing people does not/is not reducing crime" cause punishment is what has been suggested but enforced by police and not courts. If punishment isn't working who enforces it is irrelevant to its effectiveness in reducing crime and if the police do the enforcement then you also lose the balance. If punishment becomes too harsh for the crime it also becomes irrelevant, just as it does when it is too soft. Is speeding a crime? It breaks the law but we seem to already have different levels of crime. If I rip you off via a financial scam then its not seen as much of a crime if a crime at all providing I'm a stock broker, real estate agent etc. If I break into your house and take your money, even if via an unlocked door or something so no damage is done then you lose the same but it is seen as a crime. Attitude and education as well as punishment. Don't forget the carrot before applying the stick.

6th July 2011, 15:02
I'm completely in the dark about what you mean ???? How do we punish the innocent? Except for those few cases of a mistaken verdict ...

not directly, but we do. Obviously if your asking that question you've never been a victim??? or just one of the rare few who actually got justice

6th July 2011, 15:25
with fuckwits like you on the road it makes me wonder if youll ever learn ,you speed pay the fine no bleating about it and yes consficate cars/bikes whatever it takes to teach cunts like you a lesson.

I did learn you dumb ass! If you actually know how to read, you would have seen that all my fines are paid up and I've only had 3 speeding fines since 2004
I'm only voicing my opinion, the same as you with this stupid PM you have sent me. Now why don't ya voice it in public and make a contribution to the conversation instead of hiding behind a PM.
I have experienced allot of situations with the police and therefore I will share my experiences and thoughts with those that might want to read them. If you don't like that then don't read my posts.

I think the fines do work to an extent, it's just too easy to let them build up.
which is why I was talking about fines defaulters.
But I think the temporary clamp idea would work very well. Clamp my car/bike for two hours and ya have me pissed and thinking about what I have done. Take my car/bike and sell/crush it and you'll have me very pissed, you'll probably have to arrest me (waste of resources) and I'll be plotting to Molotov the police station due to being so angry (I would never actually Molotov a police station but hopefully you see my point)


6th July 2011, 15:47
not directly, but we do. Obviously if your asking that question you've never been a victim??? or just one of the rare few who actually got justice

See .. I don't look to the courts for justice - I take my own ... just no-one's pissed me off that much for oh - since the 1970s ..

6th July 2011, 16:45
no you ain't, that was just an over the top example of the sort of attitude that would result

And then you'd get arrested. No problem there. You know the rules, if you can't play by them or accept the consequences of breaking them then it's your problem, not anyone else's. I'm guessing you're the type who thinks they are hard done by when you get a ticket.

what isn't? the fact that we have a half reasonable police force balanced by the courts or the fact that the world isn't the way you personally want it.

Read a little slower. It may help with your comprehension skills, and that in turn might help with your blood pressure. The current system doesn't work, have a look at how much is in outstanding fines for traffic offences. Do you think these people have learnt anything, other than they can keep on driving with their current habits stockpiling fines that they, if we are lucky, pay off at $10 a week. Taking vehicles off angry people who think it's their god-given right to drive how they like on public roads could only be a good thing.

6th July 2011, 17:55
You take my property I kick your head in. Stopping me if even only 5 minutes is an inconvenience and upsets my day, you have stolen anything from me and have reinforced the idea that the road use is not a right. You don't and should not have the right to attributively take my stuff.

Meh, it happens toding-a-lings all the time.

Disqualified driving
Driving while suspended
Driving while forbidden
Sustained loss of traction

The list goes on...

Do them and your car/bike gets plucked from under your sorry arse for 28 DAYS = not just two hours....

Just in case somebody on KB didn't know...:whistle:

6th July 2011, 18:23
Meh, it happens toding-a-lings all the time.

Disqualified driving
Driving while suspended
Driving while forbidden
Sustained loss of traction

The list goes on...

Do them and your car/bike gets plucked from under your sorry arse for 28 DAYS = not just two hours....

Just in case somebody on KB didn't know...:whistle:

The clamping idea has merit, just until the fines are paid, mind you... :innocent:

Of course, there must be a limit to the amount racked up first. :yes:

6th July 2011, 18:43
Nothing to do with the standard instant loss of vehicle for being a dummy.
More to do with procrastinators like I was who let their fines keep growing to an unplayable amount.
And none of this 28 day letter then 28 day warning letter then 28 day red letter. Just one warning is all anyone should need and then CLAMP! all your neighbors know your a procrastinating speeding reckless law breaker.
And it should remain clamped until you have setup a time payment or something.
But I still think PD or community project laboring should be in there somewhere too
Ya just cant beat free labor.

6th July 2011, 19:39
But I still think PD or community project laboring should be in there somewhere too
Ya just cant beat free labor.

they need to bring back the residential pd, that really fucks ya weekend up

7th July 2011, 00:35
daniel i think i finally see your point well said. if you speed and get caught how bouts fine on the spot payable immediatley or your wheels are gone for a minimum 28 days no if buts or maybes, time payments can be stopped quite easy so that wouldnt work as well.btw the names david.