View Full Version : Dropped helmet

Furyos J
19th July 2011, 07:02
Hi all, i had a quick search on here, aqnd it seems if your helmet is dropped you are sopposed to buy a new one?
I was out on a job last nite (debt collector/document server) and came accross a guy who took exception to me doing my job. while him and his flatmate were trying standover tactics on me, he has taken a running boot at my helmet (sitting on the ground next to my bike) and he has kicked it down the road, its tumbled 10metres or so down the road. on inspection in the light there are a few light scratchs on the matt black vynl covering of the helmet.
I called the police at the time (as is procedure when i am threatened or assulted) who told me they didnt think my helmet would be damaged by rolling down the road, and not to worry about it. The went to the house to give the guys who threatened me a telling off, but i dont want any other action at this stage. The policeman said to call him if my helmet is damaged, and we can take it from there.
What do you guys think?

James Deuce
19th July 2011, 07:17
It's fucked. Get a new one. For it to be sufficiently damaged to need replacedment it doesn't have to have visible damage.

As for what the cop said, well pffft, it's not like his head ever has to go in it.

When it comes to helmets you have to be able to trust them. If in doubt, throw it out.

19th July 2011, 07:23
Have a look at this video...from about 7.15 onwards deals with "dropped" helmets. My own feeling is that the kick may have been more damaging than the rolling down the road.


19th July 2011, 07:53
Have a look at this video...from about 7.15 onwards deals with "dropped" helmets. My own feeling is that the kick may have been more damaging than the rolling down the road.


Now you have me worried I'm wearing the wrong sized bra - I mean helmet.
Well what the Arai man said went against what I had been told but makes sense.
Not sure how it helps the OP as a kick can be more damaging than a fall from a bike seat. Guess he will have to judge that one on being there on the night. If in doubt replace it. As J said even a 10 cent head is worth a $300 helmet

19th July 2011, 08:11
It's a bit of a tough one. I can understand you don't want to make a fuss if it is not warranted.

I guess for me I would weigh it up with some other factors. For example, helmets only have a lifetime of 5 years or so. So if the helmet was three years, and had a low energy impact like this, I'd probably write it off.

If the helmet was a low cost helmet, then I'd be tempted to write it off. You can explain to the Police the cost of getting the helmet tested exceeds the value of the helmet, and that helmets are only good for a single energy absorption - despite how it might look, and it has now had that single energy absorption.

On the balance, I'd be tempted to ring the Police back and say the helmet needs to be replaced.

Furyos J
19th July 2011, 08:44
Hey, thanks for the input guys.
the helmet is only 7 months old, but it is a "cheaper" helmet, only $140 or so. Ive rang a couple of bike shops and got mixed advice, one said if its a plastic one it should be fine, if its fibreglass its poked, another said anything thats taken a drop of 1metre or more should be replaced. Ive always thought i should have a better helmet, so i may just get a good name brand helmet out of my own pocket soon. Ive also contacted the companys lawyer to see my legal standing, as its a bit fuzzy because my bike was parked on his property (the end of his driveway) due to the road being a steep hill and the driveway was nice and flat, but according to the police on the night i may not be legaly entitled to park on his drive.
From the attending police attitude (they kind of rolled thier eyes when i explained the situation, almost like i was wasting thier time was the feeling i got) and the fact its only worth $140 and the guy who did the damage will just plead poverty, or that i provoked him, im probably better off to take the loss and pay for a new helmet myself :angry:
thanks for the input

19th July 2011, 11:45
Now you have me worried I'm wearing the wrong sized bra - I mean helmet.
Well what the Arai man said went against what I had been told but makes sense.
Not sure how it helps the OP as a kick can be more damaging than a fall from a bike seat. Guess he will have to judge that one on being there on the night. If in doubt replace it. As J said even a 10 cent head is worth a $300 helmet

My bra...errr helmet fits fine. I know this because herself said so...

I think it's all about how much energy the helmet had to absorb - which is what the Arai man was saying. It's also why I think the kick might be the
"kicker" as it were in the OP's case...

As the first reply said, "if in doubt, chuck it out."

19th July 2011, 14:13
If the kick took the helmet 10m down the road then it was probably enough to cause damage... The rolling post-kick would probably not do much (unless there were some big bounces).

For $140 it's probably not worth the time and effort to try to reclaim the cost, especially since the police don't feel like backing you up.

I think the best advice I can give is get a new helmet, and print off and keep with you the manufacturer's recommendations for helmet damage and replacement. That way, if you ever have this happen again, you can show them to the police on site...

19th July 2011, 14:50
I suggest that in future, don't show up on a fancy bike to collect debt ;)

Get yourself a little Toyota starlet, so you look like a poor dude who is just doing his job.

19th July 2011, 18:33
Cut the straps off it and get a new one. As others have said, why take a risk with your head?

19th July 2011, 18:48
Cut the straps off it and get a new one. As others have said, why take a risk with your head?

This. It's not going to protect you as well any more

19th July 2011, 18:53
You have contents insurance ... ??? If so claim ...

And ... send a bill for a NEW helmet to the "kicker" ... give it a week or so ... If they dont pay (betting they wont) ... then pass it on to Baycorp ... even if you DONT get paid, it will be an (another) unpaid account AGAINST their name ....

19th July 2011, 18:55
Go do your job and collect $140 off the man ;)

19th July 2011, 19:34
My helmet was hanging on the handlebar by the strap when dropped it picking it up. It hit the concrete floor and rolled out onto the gravel driveway. I replaced it, but then I just been looking at new ones that week so it wasn't a big deal.

James Deuce
19th July 2011, 19:42
My helmet was hanging on the handlebar by the strap when dropped it picking it up. It hit the concrete floor and rolled out onto the gravel driveway. I replaced it, but then I just been looking at new ones that week so it wasn't a big deal.

This is why you only ever put your helmet where it can't fall. You know, the ground.

19th July 2011, 19:44
This is why you only ever put your helmet where it can't fall. You know, the ground.

yeah, I learnt my lesson :yes:

19th July 2011, 19:48
If a helmet really is fucked after being dropped such a short distance I wouldn't have any faith in it protecting anyone's head in a crash

James Deuce
19th July 2011, 19:49
If a helmet really is fucked after being dropped such a short distance I wouldn't have any faith in it protecting anyone's head in a crash

They're a single use consumable, not a battleship.

19th July 2011, 19:54
exactly, they're fucked for a second impact, not during the first one

19th July 2011, 20:18
Apparently there's a lot of fear mongering about dropped helmets

What if you drop your helmet?
There is also a lot of fear mongering about dropped helmets.

This is a problem because no one can ever guarantee that a helmet has not sustained any damage in a drop. How many 'little' drops affect the helmet' s ability to protect the wearer in the event of that one major impact?

Manufacturers and safety authorities are bound to err on the side of caution and to advise that the helmet should be replaced if it has sustained an impact. This is because they cannot take the risk of saying 'that it is alright to re-use it after the drop'.

Use common sense
If you drop your helmet or it fell off your bike (stationary), then there would be little chance of damaging the outer shell or the inner shell which actually absorbs the energy on impact. However, if you throw your helmet against a wall or down the road in a fit of rage, then you could damage the outer shell and affected the helmet’s ability to protect you

19th July 2011, 20:21
What about when you come home from the pub stewed off your moose, put your helmet on, and your mate smacks you around the head with a cricket bat? DAMHIK dammit.

19th July 2011, 21:02
What about when you come home from the pub stewed off your moose, put your helmet on, and your mate smacks you around the head with a cricket bat? DAMHIK dammit.

THAT's just NOT cricket ... :innocent:

Furyos J
19th July 2011, 21:09
suggest that in future, don't show up on a fancy bike to collect debt

Get yourself a little Toyota starlet, so you look like a poor dude who is just doing his job.

yea, ive already got a beaten up POS ute that would do that job just fine. But on the bike is the only was to do this job and enjoy it! lssons lerned and im shure this situation wont happen again

You have contents insurance ... ??? If so claim ...

And ... send a bill for a NEW helmet to the "kicker" ... give it a week or so ... If they dont pay (betting they wont) ... then pass it on to Baycorp ... even if you DONT get paid, it will be an (another) unpaid account AGAINST their name ....

yes i have contents insurance, but the excess is more then the helmet. i do work for one of baycorps oponents, so would be easy to try to recover the $140, but the reality is the time needed, and paperwork to do, my time would be better spent earning cash to buy a good helmet

i will keep using the helmet in the short term, but will go for a ride to wellington motorcycles this week to look at better helmets and maybe put two away on laybuy or somthing, i think mine and my partners heads arer worth more then these $140 helmets we both wear :yes:

19th July 2011, 21:28
i think mine and my partners heads arer worth more then these $140 helmets we both wear :yes:

Do you both wear them at the same time?

You are a debt collector...I had to ask.

19th July 2011, 21:38
... but the reality is the time needed, and paperwork to do, my time would be better spent earning cash to buy a good helmet

The aim is not reinbursement for the helmet ... it is putting a blight on THEIR financial record ... FOR ALL TO SEE ... WHO LOOKS ...

Furyos J
20th July 2011, 06:39
Do you both wear them at the same time?

You are a debt collector...I had to ask.
yes.........when i pillion her into the CBD everymorn and back home every evening, we both wear helmets. we have the same model helmet, got a discount for buying two.
And debt collecting is only a part time job for extra $$, during the day i am self employed painter/plasterer

The aim is not reinbursement for the helmet ... it is putting a blight on THEIR financial record ... FOR ALL TO SEE ... WHO LOOKS ...

It would be a drop in the ocean on this one mate, the papers are for his bankrupcy anyway, thats why they are so agitated. But we will be looking into what can be done to get this guy in a bit more trouble.

schrodingers cat
20th July 2011, 07:27
This is why you only ever put your helmet where it can't fall. You know, the ground.

Where it can be mistaken for a football...

Return to start of thread.

James Deuce
20th July 2011, 08:24
Where it can be mistaken for a football...

Return to start of thread.

It will be mistaken for a football. Once. Take perp to get foot checked at Doc. Replace helmet.

Bear in mind that they're designed to take an impact with something in them. Their structural rigidity is helped by your skull.

Of more concern than small drops is sticking your helmet on your mirror or stuffing armoured gloves into the helmet. Damaging the inner shell is worse than the outer. The inner shell helps with the non-mushification of your brain on the inside of your skull.

20th July 2011, 08:54
It will be mistaken for a football. Once. Take perp to get foot checked at Doc. Replace helmet.

Bear in mind that they're designed to take an impact with something in them. Their structural rigidity is helped by your skull.

Of more concern than small drops is sticking your helmet on your mirror or stuffing armoured gloves into the helmet. Damaging the inner shell is worse than the outer. The inner shell helps with the non-mushification of your brain on the inside of your skull.

Yes, the EPS liner could easily be damaged by the pressure of a mirror :yes:

As for the structural rigidity, if the design is to minimise transmission of forces to your head, shouldn't it be designed to not matter whether there's something in there or not?

James Deuce
20th July 2011, 09:03
Yes, the EPS liner could easily be damaged by the pressure of a mirror :yes:

As for the structural rigidity, if the design is to minimise transmission of forces to your head, shouldn't it be designed to not matter whether there's something in there or not?

It disperses force around the shell and around the inner liner in a non-penetration blow. With nothing in it, the outer shell deforms more at the point of impact which prevents the force from radiating as much. It's designed to prevent the transmission of force in one spot and spread the load as much as possible. My carbon fibre helmet split in my last accident (http://waxingofflyrically.blogspot.com/2010/12/sunday-bloody-sunday.html) and the liner was compressed almost flat across the brow and around the left temple and ear zone.

20th July 2011, 09:04
Of more concern than small drops is sticking your helmet on your mirror or stuffing armoured gloves into the helmet. Damaging the inner shell is worse than the outer. The inner shell helps with the non-mushification of your brain on the inside of your skull.

Dammit!! I do that all the time. Put it on the mirror so it doesn't fall of the bike :shutup:

James Deuce
20th July 2011, 09:06
Dammit!! I do that all the time. Put it on the mirror so it doesn't fall of the bike :shutup:
Put it on the ground and keep it away from footballers.

20th July 2011, 09:34
I wonder if a bike cop would have given the same advice as those cops in the OP?

(e.g. if a bike cop had his or her helmet * kicked 10m down the road by some agro person who'd been pulled over; would that officer be getting a new helmet?

* I've never seen one take his or her helmet off; it's a hypothetical question...)

20th July 2011, 20:58
theres an idea, dont take helmet off then when opponent ,I mean complainant, tries to kick it you can just headbutt him :yes:

21st July 2011, 14:53
Does not matter if it was visibly damaged or not.

Does not even matter if it actually is damaged or not.

Someone, and you know who it is and where they live, kicked your helmet.

Therefore, they owe you a helmet. Period. End of story.

Whether it's worth your time to pursue that or not is your choice. I would suggest that if you don't do anything about it you're just being a pussy and enabling their dirty behaviour towards others possessions in the future.

It's not about money, it's about being as much of a cunt towards this person, and making their life as difficult as possible, as long you possibly can. They deserve nothing less.

Furyos J
21st July 2011, 15:48
if i were a pussy i wouldnt do this for a job. i am not persuing the money, but the matter is not over by any means

21st July 2011, 15:55
Go hard man, make him your bitch :yes:

The Singing Chef
23rd July 2011, 18:57
I use use Durex as my preffered brand for my helmet, also only good for one use.
But what are these straps you talk of Mom?