View Full Version : Entertaining "heathen-type" ideas...

Str8 Jacket
12th August 2011, 17:00
I will be starting a new job next month which will require me to work 8-5. I have no problems with the hours but I have a problem with riding in traffic at those hours. I currently work 6.30-3 (by choice) to avoid traffic. Don't get me wrong, I have had my full for years and have ridden to work everyday for years, I am just over having to watch out for every other road users every move and dodging idiots that try and kill me everyday!
I am getting paid a bit more so I am thinking about getting the train to work every day rather than riding and paying rego, maintenance etc. The FXR will be stripped down to a bucket racer only.
Unfortunately I don't have a car licence and still need to run errands etc. I am thinking about getting a scooter but I am kind of scared of them. The thought of having my knees knock together etc whilst riding just seems wrong. But this seems like the best idea $$ wise (rego costs etc) and I am seriously considering it.

Anyone got a 50cc that they wanna lend me for a couple of hours to try it out? Probably be best if it wasn't a 2 smoker!! :facepalm:

12th August 2011, 17:22
Heathen indeed.


12th August 2011, 17:33
You weren't kidding about "heathen-type" ideas were ya?

Frankly, scooters scare the snot out of me - those dinky wheels and as you say, the knees knocking together. Why not go for a smaller bike? 125 or 250. At least the wheels are "proper."

Str8 Jacket
12th August 2011, 17:41
You weren't kidding about "heathen-type" ideas were ya?

Frankly, scooters scare the snot out of me - those dinky wheels and as you say, the knees knocking together. Why not go for a smaller bike? 125 or 250. At least the wheels are "proper."

It's all about saving $$ (for a house). A scooter or 50cc is the cheapest of the rego costs and no WOF costs...

12th August 2011, 17:45
At least on a scooter .... you wont need all that bulky riding gear. No jacket or pants.... :done:

Shit ... you could even wear a skirt ... <_<

12th August 2011, 17:46
The thought of having my knees knock together etc whilst riding just seems wrong.

It'll be even worse if you have to wear a skirt to work Hels!

Seriously, does an FXR150 really cost that much to run?

12th August 2011, 17:48
I actually enjoy riding with the mobile chicanes out there. It doesn't take long to get used to them. However my bike has eight times more cc than yours so that may help...

12th August 2011, 17:49
It's all about saving $$ (for a house). A scooter or 50cc is the cheapest of the rego costs and no WOF costs...

Well, yes, there is that...

I recently traded down my housing so I could keep the bike...

Str8 Jacket
12th August 2011, 17:51
It'll be even worse if you have to wear a skirt to work Hels!

Seriously, does an FXR150 really cost that much to run?

I don't even own ONE skirt! :shake:

The FXR was always my interim bike while I paid off my debt. The FXR is way to scary to ride in the extreme wind and was way to slow and uncomfortable for anything near or over an hour of riding and try and overtake on it....!!!
Also, it needs much TLC and was always destined to become a 'bucket racer only' bike and then I was always going to look for a GB400/500 once debt was paid. TBH - I am kind of over riding on the roads. Prefer to keep it to the track, cause that's much safer *tui* :facepalm:

12th August 2011, 17:53
I don't even own ONE skirt! :shake:

more's the pity...

Paul in NZ
12th August 2011, 17:55
I heard that there was motorcycle parking in the basement hels

Mental Trousers
12th August 2011, 17:56
When I was at Uni many, many moons ago I had a scooter for a short while. Talk about farken dangerous. I was absolutely certain that should I die on 2 wheels it'd be on a scooter in a car park. They are so unbelievably manoeuvrable it's impossible to ride the things slowly (throttles like a light switch too) so I'd do the same speed in the car parks that I would on the road. Problem is, full throttle in a car park is way too fast, but full throttle on the road was too slow.

Other people will tell you they're fine. I'd say have a blast on one and see what you think.

Str8 Jacket
12th August 2011, 17:58
I heard that there was motorcycle parking in the basement hels
Still on the lookout for a GB..... Oh yeah, wanna help me restore it? (then I can buy a cheapy) :laugh:

When I was at Uni many, many moons ago I had a scooter for a short while. Talk about farken dangerous. I was absolutely certain that should I die on 2 wheels it'd be on a scooter in a car park. They are so unbelievably manoeuvrable it's impossible to ride the things slowly (throttles like a light switch too) so I'd do the same speed in the car parks that I would on the road. Problem is, full throttle in a car park is way too fast, but full throttle on the road was too slow.

Other people will tell you they're fine. I'd say have a blast on one and see what you think.

hmmm, still not convinced. They look like the devil!

12th August 2011, 18:36
Hey Hels, would it be feasible to start your job and see if you could car pool with a work mate? That would save money on the train. The errands, are they while you're in town or getting groceries etc?

Str8 Jacket
12th August 2011, 18:43
Hey Hels, would it be feasible to start your job and see if you could car pool with a work mate? That would save money on the train. The errands, are they while you're in town or getting groceries etc?

Yeah, you could be right. It's just "oh I am hungry, damnit we ran out of beer" type errands really... you know how it is! ;)

12th August 2011, 18:58
Yeah, you could be right. It's just "oh I am hungry, damnit we ran out of beer" type errands really... you know how it is! ;)

Ahh indeed I do.
Taxi a couple of times a month or so from yours to town would still be cheaper than WOF, regs, insurance etc, no? Spose scootering from yours to town (Hutt) to get emergency beer wouldn't be too scary either.

Str8 Jacket
12th August 2011, 19:00
Ahh indeed I do.
Taxi a couple of times a month or so from yours to town would still be cheaper than WOF, regs, insurance etc, no?
Yes, and walking would be 30 mins return..... summer is coming up!

12th August 2011, 19:04
Hels, my suggestion is to have a rethink. The difference is minimal for rego. Okay, no warrant, but I'd rather pay the extra $30 a year, get a warrant and not ride a scooter.

I'm allowed to slag off scooters, I rode a 50cc for about a year, probably about 15km to work a day, not sure, and then a 250cc scooter for about 10 years. My boss, at one job, commented on the time difference between the 50 and 250 scooters - I'd leave home way early if I had to take the 50, just so I didn't get run over (then again, I refused to not use the motorway, as it would've added about half an hour onto the trip), so I'd sneak through before rush hour. On the 250, I was always late, as I'd leave at the last minute or later. (he was into bikes, which I didn't realise at the time)

I used to regularly fall off, as both scooters had stupid little wheels, and if there was a bit of mud or anything on the corner, down she'd go. The 250 was better than the 50, but still not brilliant. Funniest one was leaving home, my ex's brother lived with us, and he parked on the grass. I had to ride around his car, but one morning it was icy. I fell off in the driveway going 0 mile an hour, and had a week off work as I f'ed up my knee (yeah, I'm a precious princess, but I couldn't walk and I couldn't get to work). The boss asked me when I got back as to who's fault it was - mine or the car. Of course it was the car's. (not sure she was into bikes or anything, she was just a great boss).

Righto, I haven't had beer or wine or even rum, so maybe I should join you for a few, as I'm rambling more than enough.


13th August 2011, 08:42
Seeing as this is about saving money, it makes little sense to buy a scooter, the purchase cost alone would subsides the minimal extra costs of running the FXR. It sounds as though your real driving factor is wanting a bucket!

My advice is wait until the FXR fails a warrant for something that makes it truely un-economical to repair and then, but not before, consider the scooter route. The goal is to save money toward a house, not get yourself a bucket, that'll come later.

BTW how much have you calculated the scooter would save you a year over the FXR? How much were you willing to spend on a scooter? Through other means how much are you saving a month toward the house deposit?

I ask because if you save $10 per month ($120 per yr) by having a scooter instead of the FXR and the scooter would cost $600 to buy then you don't come out ahead for 5yrs of riding. If you are saving $300 per month then the additional $10 per month is insignificant.

I truely believe the scooter idea is a false economy. Of course this whole scenerio would change if the intention was to sell the FXR and buy a scooter and put the extra money from the sale toward the house deposit.

13th August 2011, 09:49
I think your've got a really bad idea there.
Firstly have you ever used the trains? not recommended, second fxr's are an awesome commuter bike cheap as shit to run & unlike a scooter won't piss off every-other road user, they're also capable of highway speeds & if you thought they were "scary" in high wind you definitely won't like a scooter in the wind especially considering there is no power left at their max (realistic) speed of 40-45km/h to get you out of trouble. Your best bet if you want a "true bucket" would just be to invest in another fxr 1 road, 1 bucket cost about as much as a scooter & gives way more options including the ability to take a trip outside lower hutt

13th August 2011, 13:19
It's all about saving $$ (for a house). A scooter or 50cc is the cheapest of the rego costs and no WOF costs...

That may well change with the (when) proposed law changes. Why not a Ginny? bloody cheap as chps to run, and can be picked up for the price of a scooter!

13th August 2011, 16:28
That may well change with the (when) proposed law changes. Why not a Ginny? bloody cheap as chps to run, and can be picked up for the price of a scooter!

You may find a GN250, being of an older style and large cc than Helen's FXR150, may in fact be more expensive to run.

Don't take the train Hels. It's not worth losing your new job due to their notorious unreliability.