View Full Version : Honda Riders Club

15th August 2011, 13:38
Got this message from the Honda Riders club...

Hi all,

Please note that the Honda Riders Club offices will close permanently on 15 August 2011. For those of you who wish to keep in contact with Robyn and myself please note our new contact details:

Rob: Mobile 0274303068
Home Office 073785380
Email: the2robs@xtra.co.nz

Robyn: Mobile 0212424339
Email: robyn.edwards1@xtra.c o.nz

Address 64 Oak Drive
R 4
Taupo 3384

Thanks for all your support and all the very best .

Rob & Robyn

Does that mean the club is closed ? Would be a shame as they put on some nice events. Anyone know what is happening ?

15th August 2011, 19:32
id like to know too...

15th August 2011, 20:27
I got an email about 2 months back saying that the Honda Riders Club was no more.... suprised me as when we bought the Fury last year, I got free membership to the club, and up until then I had no contact at all.
Not once did I ever hear about any rides, meetings etc. If I had paid money to belong, I would have been really disappointed (the fees were quite a bit). Pretty useless club really....

15th August 2011, 21:13

15th August 2011, 21:14
Membership price was the cheapest breakdown service in the country.
Yes it has had the plug pulled by Blue Wing Honda (the importer).

15th August 2011, 21:57
I did a couple of their trackdays and nearly went on one of the MotoGP trips to Phillip Island. It was good, but presumably the geniuses at Blue Wing either don't see the value or arent shifting the units to make it viable. I wondered whether their parts are so expensive due to having to secretly equip an underground lair in a hollowed out volcano somewhere, plus run the riders club.

15th August 2011, 22:38
I got an email about 2 months back saying that the Honda Riders Club was no more.... suprised me as when we bought the Fury last year, I got free membership to the club, and up until then I had no contact at all.
Not once did I ever hear about any rides, meetings etc. If I had paid money to belong, I would have been really disappointed (the fees were quite a bit). Pretty useless club really....

Not true. There was a magazine, and a 24/7 breakdown service. I did a training day at Taupo, a trip around the South Island, and two trips to the Phillip Island Moto GP with the club. They also had a very good insurance scheme and they would let you leave your riding gear in their truck at race meetings.

You may have bought your bike about the time the skids were put under them.
I can't help feeling Bluewing have shot themselves in the foot

15th August 2011, 22:52
yeah i think HRC was great. Their events were really good days. One of their events i got to ride several new bikes. One was Arron Slights Fireblade and got a personal one 2 one coaching session from Fred Merkel.... One the best days of my biking life....Well supported by bluewing.

Even though I ride a Yamaha now I am/was still a member.... I hope they can keep something like it going.