View Full Version : McIiver & Veitch... well bugger!

15th August 2011, 16:27
Yes I do expect posts from the Ducati knockers....

But anyway I owe a big thanks to McIvor and Vietch for great helping hand out of a tight spot.
Last friday night 5,30 pmish, I was cruising through the Lake Mahinerangi area between Lawarence and Dunedin when I came across 1 km of new very sharp gravel and the inevitable hapened, a 50mm long 1.5cm diameter when through the near new rear tire and left a 2.5cm gash straight through the tread.....beyond the ability of my tire repair gear.

I left the bike at a friendly farmer and was given a lift into Dunedin by another farmer. Sat Morning I rolled up to McIver and Veitch, who arranged to run me up to pick up the bike. Back in Duners the bike was washed and Pirelli Scorpian Tire replaced. The offending stone was inside the tire.

The service was freindly and helpful and the price was very reasonable....and so far I am happy with the Michelin pilot road 3.

Thanks Bill244737244737

15th August 2011, 16:30
I love threads that say positive stuff about bike shops.They always gave me good service when I lived in Dunners too.

15th August 2011, 16:32
Going the extra mile in the deep south, well done that bike shop!
PR3's are a dream :love:

15th August 2011, 17:46
I love threads that say positive stuff about bike shops.They always gave me good service when I lived in Dunners too.

We were going through on the way back from the Burt last year, mate had a minor malfunction and needed some asssistance these guys were great, nice!!

15th August 2011, 18:02
Yes I do expect posts from the Ducati knockers...

Top tip: Do not do a Google image search (with safesearch off) for "Ducati Knockers" looking for an amusing pic to add to this thread.


15th August 2011, 18:14
...they helped me when i got in the shit down that way, with a smile...

15th August 2011, 18:34
Top tip: Do not do a Google image search (with safesearch off) for "Ducati Knockers" looking for an amusing pic to add to this thread.


Fucking ...EEEEEEKKK!

15th August 2011, 19:25
Top tip: Do not do a Google image search (with safesearch off) for "Ducati Knockers" looking for an amusing pic to add to this thread.

Wow! Wouldn't want a blow out in one of those at speed either.

15th August 2011, 19:28
I must add to the other comments and say that I have never had nothing but good service from the team at Mciver and Veitch. One of the best bike shops around NZ!

15th August 2011, 20:20
Top tip: Do not do a Google image search (with safesearch off) for "Ducati Knockers" looking for an amusing pic to add to this thread.


thanks for that - that was the best search by far that i have done all week :)

NSFW http://tinyurl.com/3g9ef3h