View Full Version : My poor fish

Riff Raff
22nd July 2005, 10:00
I couldn't feed my fish this morning, and I feel so bad because they were all waiting at the top of the tank when I switched the light on. They looked so upset when I had to put the food back in the container and walk away. I'm a bad fish mummy!! :no: But the top glass was frozen to the tank and I would have broken it if I tried to lift it. I'm tormented by guilt and don't know how I'm going to get through the day.

22nd July 2005, 10:01
how can fish look upset? They have 1 expression..
It's ok, I'm sure they'll be belly up by the time you get home.. Then you have cat food..

22nd July 2005, 10:05
Is 'frozen' the right word? Must be cold in your place!

Riff Raff
22nd July 2005, 10:06
how can fish look upset? They have 1 expression..
My fish are special!

It's ok, I'm sure they'll be belly up by the time you get home.. Then you have cat food..

My cats don't like frozen fish.

22nd July 2005, 10:08
hey Sue you doing 9 till 9 ?, I can swing by your place and feed them if you want ?

F/F :ride:

22nd July 2005, 10:08
You are an awful person Riff Raff :p

Would a hairdrier thaw it out?

22nd July 2005, 10:09
They're pathetic, innit?

We have a pond, with six (6) fish who are getting rather fat. If you even look like going near the pond, they all gather at TheOfficialFeedingSpot, and start chomping away at the surface. :weird:
Apparently, even though they've now learned about TheMagicalSustenanceThatFallsFromTheSky, that's about the limit of their intelligence, as their memory is too short to remember they've already eaten, and they (apparently) don't have a mechanism to tell them they're full, so you can keeping feeding them all day.

Still, they're purty to look at. :yes:

I had a friend at university that kept tropical fish. Every time one died, he pinned it by it's tail to the wall above the fish tank. Eventually there was quite a long line of mummified fish carcases. Grisly, but hard case too.

Riff Raff
22nd July 2005, 10:10
hey Sue you doing 9 till 9 ?, I can swing by your place and feed them if you want ?

F/F :ride:
I am - thanks for the offer. How you gonna get in tho, or shouldn't I ask?

Actually, on second thoughts, those fish haven't done anything for me lately, and one of them was inconsiderate enough to die recently (still haven't found the body), so they can have a day of fasting.

22nd July 2005, 10:15
I had a friend at university that kept tropical fish. Every time one died, he pinned it by it's tail to the wall above the fish tank. Eventually there was quite a long line of mummified fish carcases. Grisly, but hard case too.
And the purpose of this was?

22nd July 2005, 10:20
I am - thanks for the offer. How you gonna get in tho, or shouldn't I ask

section 28 Fire Service Act,
sub section 4, sub sub sections A) to N) and a bloody big Firemans Axe

then section 42/43 re liabilty waiver

22nd July 2005, 10:20
And the purpose of this was?
Purpose? Purpose? :confused:


I dunno.

It was just... sort of amusing. And in keeping with the general mentalness of the household, which included such happenings as Fizzo going for a walk to the shops to buy a paper. Dressed in his full SCUBA outfit... :weird:

Mind you, he was a Biology student, who ended up doing something to do with fish. Maybe it was research.

22nd July 2005, 10:23
It was just... sort of amusing.
Must of been a riot. Rotting fish carcasses are ha-larious aren't they?

22nd July 2005, 10:29
Must of been a riot. Rotting fish carcasses are ha-larious aren't they?

Especially inside a wall

22nd July 2005, 10:30
section 28 Fire Service Act,
sub section 4, sub sub sections A) to N) and a bloody big Firemans Axe

then section 42/43 re liabilty waiver
so really, it's a key to the city...

Riff Raff
22nd July 2005, 11:16
section 28 Fire Service Act,
sub section 4, sub sub sections A) to N) and a bloody big Firemans Axe

then section 42/43 re liabilty waiver
Ha ha. We've just been issued with ginourmous welding gloves and a tack hammer to stop us using oxygen bottles for window breakage purposes.

22nd July 2005, 11:16
poor lil fishies...

9 of our fish ate our 10th fish... it just went "poof" and was gone... so they didn't get dinner that night... because they ate thier friend :( bad fish...

Riff Raff
22nd July 2005, 11:17
And the purpose of this was?
One would assume it was to dissuade the other fish from rudely dying.

22nd July 2005, 11:40
what about bread crumbs in the tank - just a few to feed 'em while you find the real deal?

22nd July 2005, 11:45
One would assume it was to dissuade the other fish from rudely dying.
Good thought.
"Okay youse fishies. Lookee here - if yas don't wanna end up hangin by your tail from da wall, DON'T GET SICK! Got it?!? Now back to ya swimmin' and fightin' and suchlike, and NO MORE OF THAT DYIN' SHIT, OK?!?!?"

And it was pretty rude of them dying like that - Phil was a student, and they were blardy expensive. :yes:

And Alaralaralarumba: they was (mostly) fairly small fish, like neon tetras and the like. Maybe they did whiff a leeedle bit, but mostly they just sort of dried out and mummified.
I guess you just had to be there...

22nd July 2005, 11:55
Is 'frozen' the right word? Must be cold in your place!

it's fuckin Dorkland..:weird: . anything below 25c:cold: and the power co's cannot cope with the all the heaters turned on.....

22nd July 2005, 12:01
Ha ha. We've just been issued with ginourmous welding gloves and a tack hammer to stop us using oxygen bottles for window breakage purposes.

Shame they didn't really think about it...

A pair of gloves form AMPS or Colemans would have much more appropriate - knuckle protectors, a better fit etc...


F5 Dave
22nd July 2005, 12:07
They're pathetic, innit?
. . . :blink:

innit: pommy slang for 'isn't it'
'They're pathetic isn't it' -Nah still doesn't make sense.

. . . , that's about the limit of their intelligence, as their memory is too short to remember . . . . .
New studies have shown. . . no really! -was on that Robert Winston program, that fish do have long memories after all. Within reason of course. Still boring little F'ers though.

. . . , , and they (apparently) don't have a mechanism to tell them they're full, so you can keeping feeding them all day.
. . .
Have you not met a cat?

22nd July 2005, 12:11

innit: pommy slang for 'isn't it'
'They're pathetic isn't it' -Nah still doesn't make sense.


'Tis correct. "innit" = " Is it not so ?"

therefore, 'They're pathetic , is it not so'. Quite grammatically correct, though a Gallicism.

22nd July 2005, 12:14
section 28 Fire Service Act,
sub section 4, sub sub sections A) to N) and a bloody big Firemans Axe

then section 42/43 re liabilty waiver

LOL, Lucky I dont have fish to feed.

F5 Dave
22nd July 2005, 12:16
Innit can become Is it not?, but to stretch to 'Is it not so', why not add another few verses? Surely if the saying was Innits then I would agree.

Besides this horse is down & I ain't halfway stopped flogging.

22nd July 2005, 12:22
I am - thanks for the offer. How you gonna get in tho, or shouldn't I ask?

Actually, on second thoughts, those fish haven't done anything for me lately, and one of them was inconsiderate enough to die recently (still haven't found the body), so they can have a day of fasting.
Try looking behind where ever the tank is.
They're known to jump out of their tanks if they're hungry or the oxygen levels get too low.

22nd July 2005, 12:27
One would assume it was to dissuade the other fish from rudely dying.
Just proves how stupid fish are as they just kept dying...

One of my moms birds she keeps here just died and it's still in the cage. I'm hoping the other one will join it soon. Damn annoying noisy thing. Cat's gonna eat well one day...

22nd July 2005, 12:49
Especially inside a wall
Or curtain rods!

22nd July 2005, 12:53

Have you not met a cat?
Yeah!! Ours is (un) affectionately known as the stomach bag. Conned Mr Yungatart into giving her breakfast, then had the audacity to con me into doing the same. Baaah stomach bag!

Str8 Jacket
22nd July 2005, 13:27
Just proves how stupid fish are as they just kept dying...

Aww, that's a bit mean . . . . Fish only have a 20 second memory (or summit) so in theory it's kinda like having alzheimers (sp?) they just forgot . . .

22nd July 2005, 13:29
Aww, that's a bit mean . . . . Fish only have a 20 second memory (or summit) so in theory it's kinda like having alzheimers (sp?) they just forgot . . .

They forgot to stay alive ? :eek:

Str8 Jacket
22nd July 2005, 13:32
They forgot to stay alive ? :eek:

:rofl: :devil2:
I was refering to Waylander stating that the fish were hung on/in the wall to disuade them from dying but were to stoopid to take notice. (but I think you new that already) :yes:

22nd July 2005, 13:33
. Fish only have a 20 second memory (or summit) so in theory it's kinda like having alzheimers (sp?) they just forgot . . .

That means they get to meet new fish every day ( hello, who are you?...few minutes later...hello, who are you?....etc)

Paul in NZ
22nd July 2005, 13:39
Jeeze - Thats a relief.. I thought this was going to be another thread about WT

Str8 Jacket
22nd July 2005, 13:39
That means they get to meet new fish every day ( hello, who are you?...few minutes later...hello, who are you?....etc)

That's something that i've always wondered . . . .

22nd July 2005, 13:49
That means they get to meet new fish every day ( hello, who are you?...few minutes later...hello, who are you?....etc)

Be great if you were a good looking fish.

"hey babe - wanna swim over to my pad?"

2 mins later...

"hey babe - wanna swim over to my pad?"

2 mins later...

"hey babe - wanna swim over to my pad?"

2 mins later...
... etc...

3 hours later
TIRED... must sleep...

22nd July 2005, 14:34
Aww, that's a bit mean . . . . Fish only have a 20 second memory (or summit) so in theory it's kinda like having alzheimers (sp?) they just forgot . . .

Didn't catch the irony did ya lol.

22nd July 2005, 14:51
Those sold as "goldfish" have a short term memory of around 4 seconds - or about half that of a human - which is not bad for such a small beastie. Fish seem to also have the mechanism by which important data is shifted from short term to long term memory just as we have - if they did not, they would not learn about new threats and all fish would be easily caught and killed - by bigger fish, other natuarl predators fishermen etc.

Fish learn where the food comes into the tank - food supply is important so some time before the 4 seconds are up the info gets passed into long term storage and that pattern is reinforced each time they are fed.

Always giggle when people say "Hah hah, fish only have a four second short term memory" - I delight in saying "yep, half as long as yours"

Short term memory spans may well vary from species to species - but all would have a long term memory as well.

Riff Raff
22nd July 2005, 14:54
Jeeze - Thats a relief.. I thought this was going to be another thread about WTWell actually I think there is a connection. That fish disappeared at the same time as Mr WT moved in. Now I'm not one for starting rumours, but I was wondering if there was any similarity between WT and a certain infamous Troy McLure....

Lou Girardin
22nd July 2005, 14:55
That may be, but if I got a sharp chunk of metal through my lip while having a snack, I'd bloody carefully check any future snacks.

22nd July 2005, 15:06
Well actually I think there is a connection. That fish disappeared at the same time as Mr WT moved in. Now I'm not one for starting rumours, but I was wondering if there was any similarity between WT and a certain infamous Troy McLure....


I've never met the guy... but now (assuming what you say is true)... that's all I'm going to see think and hear when I do meet him :rofl:

"Hi - I'm Troy McLure and you might know me from such films as 'The day Grannie forgot to chose her incontinence pants'"

Thanks for that :Punk:


Riff Raff
22nd July 2005, 15:14

I've never met the guy... but now (assuming what you say is true)... that's all I'm going to see think and hear when I do meet him :rofl:

"Hi - I'm Troy McLure and you might know me from such films as 'The day Grannie forgot to chose her incontinence pants'"

Lol his will be, "Hi, I'm White Trash. You may remember me from such infamous incidents as the Windy Wellington Wheelie Woopsie."

22nd July 2005, 15:21
Lol his will be, "Hi, I'm White Trash. You may remember me from such infamous incidents as the Windy Wellington Wheelie Woopsie."
... and "Whatever Happened to Auntie Riff Raff's Fish?"

Riff Raff
22nd July 2005, 15:23
... and "Whatever Happened to Auntie Riff Raff's Fish?"
No that's a children's book. Hasn't made it to the big screen yet.

22nd July 2005, 15:41
No that's a children's book. Hasn't made it to the big screen yet.

hmmm - at the risk of portraying myself as a voyeuristic sicko... that presents one with a "home movies" kinda opportunity that I just don't want to take up. Even starring someone as famous as Troy McClure



22nd July 2005, 15:46
I am - thanks for the offer. How you gonna get in tho, or shouldn't I ask?

Actually, on second thoughts, those fish haven't done anything for me lately, and one of them was inconsiderate enough to die recently (still haven't found the body), so they can have a day of fasting.

Religious fish :devil2:

22nd July 2005, 17:57
I couldn't feed my fish this morning, and I feel so bad because they were all waiting at the top of the tank when I switched the light on. They looked so upset when I had to put the food back in the container and walk away. I'm a bad fish mummy!! :no: But the top glass was frozen to the tank and I would have broken it if I tried to lift it. I'm tormented by guilt and don't know how I'm going to get through the day.

mud boy has just told me to tell you to and i quote!!!

toughen up!!!:devil2:

22nd July 2005, 18:00
Religious fish :devil2:

Catholic fish. It's Friday so they're only allowed to eat fish. :devil2:

mud boy
22nd July 2005, 18:11
toughen up!!! :apumpin:

White trash
22nd July 2005, 18:16
"Show's over folks, nothing to see here."

"Hi! :D I'm Troy McLure, you may remember me from such inspirational films as "I went to Christchurch and kicked their arses!" and "I'm shit hot, you're not!" But today I'm going to talk to you about fish."

They swim, they eat, they shit, they're fine.

White trash
22nd July 2005, 21:20
And another thing.... why the fuck does fish food smell like fish? :weird:

22nd July 2005, 21:21
And another thing.... why the fuck does fish food smell like fish? :weird:

What d'you suppose the fish swimming around in the sea eat? (Apart from scuba divers and surfers, that is) :rofl:

22nd July 2005, 22:34
And another thing.... why the fuck does fish food smell like fish? :weird:

Theres only two things that smell like fish (and one of them is fish)

23rd July 2005, 23:04
To stop your pond from frezing drop your toster in it :devil2: