View Full Version : I'm Off to Holland on Thursday

23rd July 2005, 20:30
Well as the title suggests i'm off to Holland on This Thursday. it was very short notice but I have to go because my aunty who is very sick has been told she has only 2 months to live. I shall be away for two weeks and will also be doing touristy stuff like going to musems and... going to see Ben Townley and Josh Coppins race in Belgium.
So yeah I though i better share that with all you guys, It hs been hard for all our family with this news and especially me but life is tough i guess.
I would like to put in here a big thanks to my girlfriend for all the support because she has been very helpful and is keeping me going in this hard time.

All The Best,

23rd July 2005, 20:57
Sorry to hear about your aunty, but I hope you have a good time anyway.

23rd July 2005, 21:02
just remember, it doesnt matter how much straw you use - clogs just arent comfortable. Hope you have an interesting time over in the old country.

27th July 2005, 22:05
just remember, it doesnt matter how much straw you use - clogs just arent comfortable. Hope you have an interesting time over in the old country.

I never was going to put on clogs but thanks anyway.

Cya all in 2 weeks time!

27th July 2005, 22:13
hey Dan, sorry to hear about your Aunty, hope all goes as well as can be expected, call me when you get back,say gidday to Ben and Josh for me.


29th July 2005, 02:57
Hey guys just me checking in. I'm currenlty in the depature lounge waiting to do the second leg of my flight from singapore to amsterdam. hope you are all well and i will update soon with the results from the MX.
all the best,