View Full Version : Mobil Station at Thames opposite the KFC

6th February 2012, 18:08
I went to assist a fellow biker who had broken down at the gas station there today. He had just filled up but couldn't start the bike afterwards.

After no luck sorting the bike out I went inside and told the owner that the guy had just filled up his bike there, it wouldn't start and I had been working on it. He said he was aware of the situation but wouldn't let me use the toilet when I asked to.

He then told me to use the public toilets down the road which, as it turned out, were locked. I was gobsmacked by his attitude and promptly went and fuelled up at BP! Has anyone else had any problems with that particular Mobil station?

6th February 2012, 18:12
So it was a customer toilet .... ??? KFC was across the road, why didn't you go there ???

Or do THEY only let customers use theirs TOO ... ???

6th February 2012, 18:18
So it was a customer toilet .... ??? KFC was across the road, why didn't you go there ???

Or do THEY only let customers use theirs TOO ... ???

Are you only a customer if you are purchasing at that moment. I am regular customer of the local gas stop, I would expect to be able to use the toilet if I wasnt purchasing anything at the time, or I would become someone elses customer.

6th February 2012, 18:19
KFC was across the road, why didn't you go there ???

KFC toilets? Enter at your own risk!! :sick:

6th February 2012, 18:21
KFC toilets? Enter at your own risk!! :sick:

I would have pee'd against the diesel pump ... and waved at the camera ...:msn-wink:

6th February 2012, 18:23
I would have pee'd against the diesel pump ... and waved at the camera ...:msn-wink:

Oh the joys of having a penis!

6th February 2012, 18:27
Are you only a customer if you are purchasing at that moment. I am regular customer of the local gas stop, I would expect to be able to use the toilet if I wasnt purchasing anything at the time, or I would become someone elses customer.

That is the decision by the attendant in charge ... at the time ...

Obviously the OP was NOT known to that attendant ... (or didn't like him)

6th February 2012, 18:30
Oh the joys of having a penis!

Enjoy the pleasures ... of NOT having one ... :msn-wink:

6th February 2012, 18:41
So it was a customer toilet .... ??? KFC was across the road, why didn't you go there ???

Or do THEY only let customers use theirs TOO ... ???

Because I wasn't at KFC ...??? I was at Mobil...???

The question was about anyone else having a problem with that particular Mobil!!!

Refer to Bassmatts sensible reply if in doubt about customer relations.

6th February 2012, 18:43
That is the decision by the attendant in charge ... at the time ...

Obviously the OP was NOT known to that attendant ... (or didn't like him)

Treat everyone as a potential customer perhaps? I bet the OP never becomes one now.

6th February 2012, 18:48
I dont ask, I just use.
Refusal often offends.

6th February 2012, 18:52
Geezzzz, Id hate to think what you call a major problem!, I CANT TAKE A PISS:violin:

6th February 2012, 18:52
Because I wasn't at KFC ...??? I was at Mobil...???

The question was about anyone else having a problem with that particular Mobil!!!

Refer to Bassmatts sensible reply if in doubt about customer relations.

If YOU had bought anything (even a packet of PK chewing gum) ... you WOULD have been a customer ...

But you didn't buy anything ... did you ???

6th February 2012, 18:53
Thames is renowned for the "Wild West" attitude of several of it's service stations.

Beware Thames fuel trap

A traveller warns unwary Aucklanders against the "Thames spiderweb ... ALL the petrol stations open are charging $2.14 per litre for regular. I scarpered ... to good old Aucklander-friendly Ngatea to totally fill up at Shell/Zen at regular Auckland price of $2.07 a litre for regular."

TV3 did a piece on it not long ago too, Here (http://www.3news.co.nz/The-real-price-of-petrol-down-the-road/tabid/817/articleID/212956/Default.aspx)

The Caltex is worse than the Mobil for price-gouging, at one stange he was charging more than $1 above RRP for fags (the prick). I think all the locals use the BP on the south side of town.

Don't stop in Cambridge if you don't like paying to piss. I parted with 50 cents there the other day and if the boys room wasn't so full of paying punters at the time I would have pissed all over the floor.

6th February 2012, 18:54
Geezzzz, Id hate to think what you call a major problem!, I CANT TAKE A PISS:violin:

Probably sit's down to pee ... :shifty:

6th February 2012, 18:56
Treat everyone as a potential customer perhaps? I bet the OP never becomes one now.

And I'm sure they'll miss him ... :whocares:

6th February 2012, 19:02
If YOU had bought anything (even a packet of PK chewing gum) ... you WOULD have been a customer ...

But you didn't buy anything ... did you ???

Why do YOU......always post like that....????

6th February 2012, 19:05
Thames is renowned for the "Wild West" attitude of several of it's service stations.

TV3 did a piece on it not long ago too, Here (http://www.3news.co.nz/The-real-price-of-petrol-down-the-road/tabid/817/articleID/212956/Default.aspx)

The Caltex is worse than the Mobil for price-gouging, at one stange he was charging more than $1 above RRP for fags (the prick). I think all the locals use the BP on the south side of town.

Don't stop in Cambridge if you don't like paying to piss. I parted with 50 cents there the other day and if the boys room wasn't so full of paying punters at the time I would have pissed all over the floor.

Thanks for the useful info. FJ Rider will be along shortly to catch up with the actual topic.

6th February 2012, 19:08
Why do YOU......always post like that....????

Because ... I CAN ... !!!

6th February 2012, 19:09
Thanks for the useful info. FJ Rider will be along shortly to catch up with the actual topic.

There was neither actual topic ... or problem.

6th February 2012, 19:17
Be like jackass and take a crap on the ground outside the door.

6th February 2012, 19:19
There was neither actual topic ... or problem.

Very carefully read and absorb the statement (at the bottom of all your posts) that starts with : "There has been...."

6th February 2012, 19:38
Very carefully read and absorb the statement (at the bottom of all your posts) that starts with : "There has been...."

Recognition of topic's (if they are only no more than a pathetic wimper ... as this thread started) can be difficult.

Recognition of a problem is simpler ... but problem solving seems not YOUR strong point ...

Well done for helping another motorcyclist though ...

6th February 2012, 19:47
Be like jackass and take a crap on the ground outside the door.

Better to do that in a gumboot specially set aside in the "Spill Response" kit :innocent:

6th February 2012, 20:07
Be like jackass and take a crap on the ground outside the door.


6th February 2012, 20:43
Treat everyone as a potential customer perhaps? I bet the OP never becomes one now.

Bang on! It's so easy to do but many people just don't get the concept.

I've been to that Mobil before when I've been in the area and things were fine but he's lost me as a customer now and it's BP's gain. Incidently, I bought other products apart from fuel at BP so it all adds up eventually.

From what I see on here others have voted with their feet as well. One day he'll probably wonder what it is that caused his customers to defect but it may be too late by then.

6th February 2012, 22:58
A biker site and a thread in the "General Biker Ravings" and everyone is worried re where one can take a piss. FFS, what about the biker with the non-starting bike? Any updates or do I have to ride up there tonight and help the poor sod???

7th February 2012, 08:30
Any updates or do I have to ride up there tonight and help the poor sod???

No point riding up there ... he has pissed his pants already. :msn-wink:

7th February 2012, 08:37
No point riding up there ... he has pissed his pants already. :msn-wink:

Don't think so. He was a customer (remember he bought petrol...) And any self respecting biker would piss on a cars tyre anyhow.

7th February 2012, 12:50
KFC toilets? Enter at your own risk!! :sick:

Cleaner than the chicken!:sick:

george formby
7th February 2012, 13:02
Thames is renowned for the "Wild West" attitude of several of it's service stations.

TV3 did a piece on it not long ago too, Here (http://www.3news.co.nz/The-real-price-of-petrol-down-the-road/tabid/817/articleID/212956/Default.aspx)

The Caltex is worse than the Mobil for price-gouging, at one stange he was charging more than $1 above RRP for fags (the prick). I think all the locals use the BP on the south side of town.

Don't stop in Cambridge if you don't like paying to piss. I parted with 50 cents there the other day and if the boys room wasn't so full of paying punters at the time I would have pissed all over the floor.

Precisely why I only let customers use my cludgy. The random drop ins for some strange reason always make a mess.

I can see the point of the garages policy, cleaning toilets as I do, but in this case definitely a bit of common sense would have gone a long way. I would have offered a pie or soft drink with that, sir?

7th February 2012, 13:14
Precisely why I only let customers use my cludgy. The random drop ins for some strange reason always make a mess.

I can see the point of the garages policy, cleaning toilets as I do, but in this case definitely a bit of common sense would have gone a long way. I would have offered a pie or soft drink with that, sir?

With public holiday/weekend staff usually casual staff ... mimimum $$$ paid in wages ... with strict "policy" instructions ...

A common "policy" throught the country. Difficult to avoid them all ... especially as you may NEED gas there ... sometime ...

Need often overides intention of avoidance ... funny that ... :laugh:

7th February 2012, 16:50
A biker site and a thread in the "General Biker Ravings" and everyone is worried re where one can take a piss. FFS, what about the biker with the non-starting bike? Any updates or do I have to ride up there tonight and help the poor sod???

Apologies, I should have mentioned when I went back later he had arranged for a mate to turn up with a trailer.

7th February 2012, 17:01
Cleaner than the chicken!:sick:

And likely better for you too.

7th February 2012, 19:46
Apologies, I should have mentioned when I went back later he had arranged for a mate to turn up with a trailer.

So what was this piece of technology that did not take lightly to having new petrol added? Perhaps he had filled her with disel???

8th February 2012, 08:47
Heh, reminds me of the time when TOTO organised a large group ride to Opononi for lunch. We stopped in Dargaville for a bit of eats and fuel. The first servo we went to, they wouldn't open the pumps to let us fuel up. Wanted us to pay for fuel first ... :weird: So we all buggered off to another one up the road and soon as they see us, they switch the pumps on. :niceone: Guess who got the all business and the extras (drinks and snacks) ...

Guess it depends on the staff! I know when I've ridden through the Coro at odd hours of the night, the usual servo I fuel up always switches on the taps without having to farf about with prepaying first!

8th February 2012, 11:58
I know when I've ridden through the Coro at odd hours of the night, the usual servo I fuel up always switches on the taps without having to farf about with prepaying first!
That's Caltex Thames, the only 24/7 station I know of in the area... except they don't seem to have such a good name in this thread... still, when you need gas, and they're the only ones who have it :laugh:

8th February 2012, 16:27
So what was this piece of technology that did not take lightly to having new petrol added? Perhaps he had filled her with disel???

Disel shisel my misel! It was definitely petrol that was added. The technological marvel in question was a BMW F650 and the problem appeared to be the fuel pump relay which in these models has a habit of shuffling off its mortal coil.