View Full Version : Wax ear plugs? Don't.

23rd February 2012, 14:12
Just thought I'd share my experiences with moldable wax ear-plugs. I had trouble getting the cheap foam plugs to stay in my ears, so I got on Trademe and found the 'perfect seal' wax type. They are a mix of lanolin fibre and beeswax. I bought those and was very impressed with the fit and noise reduction, but I had trouble getting them to come out of my ears in one piece. I tried off the shelf ear irrigating solutions to dissolve the broken off pieces, but that never worked, and my attempt to clean them out with cotton buds just pushed them further in. The other day I went for a swim and got water stuck in my ears. My right ear blocked up completely and I finally had to go to the doctor today and had my ears syringed. You wouldn't believe the size pieces of wax that had got all the way up to my eardrums. I'm now having to get used to all the extra sounds I can now hear that I had no idea I was missing.

I'm going to make a point of going to Rotorua to get some Plugz for Lugz.

That's my 2c worth of experience.


23rd February 2012, 14:16
I know I shouldn't laugh but the visual I got when reading it made me....:killingme
Are those the ones that were adverised on here not so long ago where you make them yourself?

george formby
23rd February 2012, 14:19
Could be a brand thing. I have used a pink waxy blu tacky brand from the chemist for years with no issues. Just the opposite, when i pull them out the goo in my ears comes out too. They are good enough that I could sleep next to the engine room of a fishing boat no worries.

george formby
23rd February 2012, 14:20
I know I shouldn't laugh but the visual I got when reading it made me....:killingme
Are those the ones that were adverised on here not so long ago where you make them yourself?
Minimum 30% belly button lint?

23rd February 2012, 14:20
Just thought I'd share my experiences with moldable wax ear-plugs. I had trouble getting the cheap foam plugs to stay in my ears, so I got on Trademe and found the 'perfect seal' wax type. They are a mix of lanolin fibre and beeswax. I bought those and was very impressed with the fit and noise reduction, but I had trouble getting them to come out of my ears in one piece. I tried off the shelf ear irrigating solutions to dissolve the broken off pieces, but that never worked, and my attempt to clean them out with cotton buds just pushed them further in. The other day I went for a swim and got water stuck in my ears. My right ear blocked up completely and I finally had to go to the doctor today and had my ears syringed. You wouldn't believe the size pieces of wax that had got all the way up to my eardrums. I'm now having to get used to all the extra sounds I can now hear that I had no idea I was missing.

I'm going to make a point of going to Rotorua to get some Plugz for Lugz.

That's my 2c worth of experience.


I found "Kiwi Plugs (http://www.kiwiplugs.co.nz/index.html) on the net a lil while back & you can even buy a kit to do at home, any thoughts on these?

23rd February 2012, 14:24
2% acetic acid in 70% spirit is a good eardrop mix that can help dissolve waxy gunk out of your ears. Also good for otitis externa ("swimmer's ear").

Easy to make up yourself if you have your own still.

23rd February 2012, 14:30
I know I shouldn't laugh but the visual I got when reading it made me....:killingme
Are those the ones that were adverised on here not so long ago where you make them yourself?

You imagine the look on the poor buggers face when he realises he only pulled out half an earplug too? :lol:

Think those might have been the kiwiplugs ones?

I found "Kiwi Plugs (http://www.kiwiplugs.co.nz/index.html) on the net a lil while back & you can even buy a kit to do at home, any thoughts on these?

The kits looks exactly like the procedure he did when I got mine made by him, and they are brilliant.

Paul in NZ
23rd February 2012, 14:50
You wouldn't believe the size pieces of wax that had got all the way up to my eardrums.


Ohhhh yes I would....


btw - popthatzit.com is the best site on the net.....

23rd February 2012, 15:08
You imagine the look on the poor buggers face when he realises he only pulled out half an earplug too? :lol:

....that and, the more he tried the more crap he had stuck in his ear canal...must be the humidity :cool:

23rd February 2012, 15:50
2% acetic acid in 70% spirit is a good eardrop mix that can help dissolve waxy gunk out of your ears. Also good for otitis externa ("swimmer's ear").

Easy to make up yourself if you have your own still.

Or you could just go to the chemist and purchase some "Vosol" ;)

george formby
23rd February 2012, 16:00
Or you could just go to the chemist and purchase some "Vosol" ;)

Good quality, cold pressed extra virginal olive oil. I used to suffer from ears filling up with crud & the doctor recommended it. Works a treat & adds a unique flavour to salad dressings.

23rd February 2012, 17:40
I had a pair of those wax ear plugs. Never had any issues with them, but I lost them. Now I use the 3M Skull Screws. I've never looked back since I bought those, and I can comfortably cruise at 200kmh without excessive wind noise. On a race track of course. :killingme

23rd February 2012, 20:18
Good quality, cold pressed extra virginal olive oil. I used to suffer from ears filling up with crud & the doctor recommended it. Works a treat & adds a unique flavour to salad dressings.

I take it, you use it on the salad after flushing out the ears??/ :weep:

23rd February 2012, 20:40
Plugz for lugz are awesome. Got some at Paeroa the other day, wore them while marshaling at the hair pin. They worked a treat. :2thumbsup

24th February 2012, 06:44
Plugz for lugz are awesome. Got some at Paeroa the other day, wore them while marshaling at the hair pin. They worked a treat. :2thumbsup

Yeah I was thinking about doing that as well but I ran out of time & i was looking after the 2 ronnies ( Don & Don ) .

What were they worth anyway >?

24th February 2012, 07:38
Yeah I was thinking about doing that as well but I ran out of time & i was looking after the 2 ronnies ( Don & Don ) .

What were they worth anyway >?

$80. They will be at the Hampton Downs Superbikes Championships 17 - 18 March.

24th February 2012, 07:59
$80. They will be at the Hampton Downs Superbikes Championships 17 - 18 March.

Sounds like that could be me then :yes:

24th February 2012, 09:51
Plugz4Lugz get a :2thumbsup from me. Used them for about 4 years now and never looked back.
I managed to lose one and Sue was quite prepared to give me a good deal to replace the single.
Over the years I've used a number of products prior to getting my plugz set and couldn't believe the difference the molded plugs made.

I've used them for riding, on the plane back to the UK, and recently whilst using a chainsaw. Wouldn't be without them now.

24th February 2012, 12:59
Bit more response on this thread than I expected.

For the avoidance of confusion, here is a link to the ones I bought.



24th February 2012, 16:37
Bit more response on this thread than I expected.

For the avoidance of confusion, here is a link to the ones I bought.


Just don't leave these out in the sun. I did and finished up with a flat blob in the case, Once melted they were good only for throwing out.

24th February 2012, 19:38
Bit more response on this thread than I expected.

For the avoidance of confusion, here is a link to the ones I bought.


b.And they are good. God knows how you managed to get half of it stuck in your ear.

25th February 2012, 08:55
And they are good. God knows how you managed to get half of it stuck in your ear.

Well, I do have narrow ear canals... I should probably have stated that from the start. But the plugs just always seemed to leave some residue behind. And then evidently a couple of times when I pulled them out they would snap off and leave a larger chunk in there, too deep for me to reach.

I tried the olive oil trick. Went to bed with a couple of ears full of the stuff. It might have worked on regular earwax, but it won't do anything with beeswax.

25th February 2012, 09:54
Ohhhh yes I would....


btw - popthatzit.com is the best site on the net.....

Dude that site.. Why..

25th February 2012, 12:42
:wings::2thumbsup. Plugz 4 Lugz get a big thumbs up from me too. 3 Years use here. And excellent after sales service too. They fixed one of my missus plugs up, no charge to her. Great people to deal with.