View Full Version : Cage drivers definitely getting dumber

7th March 2012, 17:20
I swear to god someone tried to knock me off my bike today on my way home, going down rosebank road where the lanes merge in to 1 just before the schools (all this is under 25km/h by the way) and i went around a car at about 15km/h and the cock sucker beeped his horn and closed the gap, probably about 100cm from my leg. SO.. next time i see you Mr. Red Vectra B Sedan with 2 young girls/kids in the back, i might just smash knock your mirror off. :tugger:

I would say a huge percentage of lights im waiting at, most of the time there will be someone running a red light, if its not that, its some dick pulling out from the side of the road without looking back, or some tart on a phone... really, what would that dude have done if he actually knocked me off? got mad at me because he was being a cock? (after he picked his tooth from my helmet anyway)

Sick of it, rant over

7th March 2012, 17:35
Went around a car?


btw... 100cm is a metre... that's plenty :lol:

7th March 2012, 17:38
Went around a car?


btw... 100cm is a metre... that's plenty :lol:

Ok, so lane goes from 2 into 1, im in the left lane, red vectra is in the same line in front of me, traffic slows to a near stop, i go slightly to the right (at about 10-15km/h basically jogging speed) and in between the red car on the left and the car on the right, the guy in the red car beeps his horn an proceeds to veer right into the middle of the lanes. that explain it?

7th March 2012, 17:39
Went around a car?


btw... 100cm is a metre... that's plenty :lol:

ah lol sorry i mean 10cm, probably not even that. if i hand moved my heel out it would have touched his wheel.

7th March 2012, 17:53
going down roscommon road I "merged" from the left lane into the right where it goes two into one. Some guy didnt like it and snuck up on the right and slowly pushed me over to the left.. at the time it was pissing down with rain, and I realised I was not going to be able to stop for the rapid approaching parked car on the shoulder..

Had to abandon the road, cross some wet soggy verge (sliding sideways) and then ride on the footpath a few hundred metres and get back into the traffic.

I used to be a bouncer,.. and I could see by the look in his eye that if I stopped it was going to be fisticuffs.. in my area, you never know what some dude is going to have in his pocket so I decided discretion was the better form of valour.

Not the easiest manoever on the Volusia I can tell you..

7th March 2012, 17:55
Remember that 1 in 100 people are complete fucking arseholes, without brains, and you'll be fine.

Plan b, get the rego and go make a formal complaint at the local popo station.

7th March 2012, 18:00
Remember that 1 in 100 people are complete fucking arseholes, without brains, and you'll be fine.

Plan b, get the rego and go make a formal complaint at the local popo station.

Yea i wish i did, but it was wet and i was trying to concentrate on not falling of while flipping the bird at the same time lol. next tim ill forget the finger and get the plate.

7th March 2012, 18:01
So you didn't get your knee down then?

7th March 2012, 18:04
So you didn't get your knee down then?

lol i tried!

7th March 2012, 18:11
Yea i wish i did, but it was wet and i was trying to concentrate on not falling of while flipping the bird at the same time lol. next tim ill forget the finger and get the plate.

Yep, get the plate if you can. I also tend to hold the horn button down for a suitable time, like throughout the entire incident. It sends a message and also gets potential witnesses attention as well.

7th March 2012, 18:13
Yep, get the plate if you can. I also tend to hold the horn button down for a suitable time, like throughout the entire incident. It sends a message and also gets potential witnesses attention as well.

Good point man, funny thing was i had my helmet cam on until it started raining 2 mins before it happened and decided to take it off (Just got the suction cup)

7th March 2012, 19:09
Almost got collected by a cop cutting a reasonably-blind corner into my lane at a roundabout-intersection on the way home today.
Man was I fucked off :lol:
Also had the exact same thing almost happen to me with no less than two ambulances on the wrong side of the road, cutting a corner blindly (while I was stationary) and coming to a literal chode-bits distance from my physical being.

I think I've had more serious close calls with emergency vehicles operating way outside of the safety ranges. Fuck drink drivers, boy racers and druggies. They may be doing their job, but that risk, man.

7th March 2012, 19:09
I had a twat in the "mean streets" of Northcote actually hit my leg once in similar circumstances. He had been stopped but closed the gap as I moved into it. So I stopped and got his attention (not rudely - I was assuming it was an oversight on his part) and he stopped again. I then continued and he went again while leaning on his horn, at which point I stopped and he kept going til he made contact the rear 3/4 area of the bike and my leg. I had too much adrenaline going to do anything other than to politely invite him to step out of his car, which he declined. Lights changed and I didn't fancy giving him a third bite at me, so I gave him the traditional salute and rode off in front of him. Didn't feel any pain until I found the good size bruise later that day.

Adrenaline is not good: I could have been paste if he had floored it while I was letting him know what I thought. If similar happens again I hope to (a) recognize the aggression and stay out of it but if I fail at that (b) to get his plate and maybe even a photo (on my phone) to go with it.

7th March 2012, 19:14
I had a twat in the "mean streets" of Northcote actually hit my leg once in similar circumstances. He had been stopped but closed the gap as I moved into it. So I stopped and got his attention (not rudely - I was assuming it was an oversight on his part) and he stopped again. I then continued and he went again while leaning on his horn, at which point I stopped and he kept going til he made contact the rear 3/4 area of the bike and my leg. I had too much adrenaline going to do anything other than to politely invite him to step out of his car, which he declined. Lights changed and I didn't fancy giving him a third bite at me, so I gave him the traditional salute and rode off in front of him. Didn't feel any pain until I found the good size bruise later that day.

Adrenaline is not good: I could have been paste if he had floored it while I was letting him know what I thought. If similar happens again I hope to (a) recognize the aggression and stay out of it but if I fail at that (b) to get his plate and maybe even a photo (on my phone) to go with it.

Very good advice.. i think people loose it these days and do stupid shit without thinking to much, i.e. give some nut case the fingers and he runs down a bike.

7th March 2012, 19:21
Ok, so lane goes from 2 into 1, im in the left lane, red vectra is in the same line in front of me, traffic slows to a near stop, i go slightly to the right (at about 10-15km/h basically jogging speed) and in between the red car on the left and the car on the right, the guy in the red car beeps his horn an proceeds to veer right into the middle of the lanes. that explain it?

That I believe is called lane-splitting. Some car drivers don't like that. And get quite aggresive.

7th March 2012, 19:22
That I believe is called lane-splitting. Some car drivers don't like that. And get quite aggresive.

Yea well, not against the law (could argue but when done safely and properly), so he can go :tugger: if he doesnt like sitting in the traffic maybe he should buy a bike also

7th March 2012, 19:26
That I believe is called lane-splitting. Some car drivers don't like that. And get quite aggresive.

Right where the 2 become 1 seems a dodgy place to do it, too. (Assuming I read that right; and the car might not have seen that as lane splitting, he'd have seen it as just a cheeky going-around him).

I see it sometimes where two lanes become one before the Terrace tunnel heading into Wellington in the mornings. See bikes split up to that point, and I wonder where they'll go if the cars do something "unexpected".

7th March 2012, 19:26
...if he doesnt like sitting in the traffic maybe he should buy a bike also

He may have decided to buy a car after many years of motorcycle riding simply because of the two small children (possibly girls) that you mentioned in the OP. Then again, he could have always just built a sidecar outfit for his GSXR, eh?.

7th March 2012, 19:29
Right where the 2 become 1 seems a dodgy place to do it, too. (Assuming I read that right; and the car might not have seen that as lane splitting, he'd have seen it as just a cheeky going-around him).

I see it sometimes where two lanes become one before the Terrace tunnel heading into Wellington in the mornings. See bikes split up to that point, and I wonder where they'll go if the cars do something "unexpected".

Just looking at google maps where i over took, there was about 40m left of the double lanes AND like i said traffic was JUST moving.

He may have decided to buy a car after many years of motorcycle riding simply because of the two small children (possibly girls) that you mentioned in the OP. Then again, he could have always just built a sidecar outfit for his GSXR.

Or he could have just been a grumpy dude because his 2 girls where being a pain in the ass... i know that feeling... but would still not pull in on a biker

7th March 2012, 19:30
Yea well, not against the law, so he can go :tugger: if he doesnt like sitting in the traffic maybe he should buy a bike also

Keep saying that as you lie on the tarmac .... bleeding ... next to your bike.

Being ... "in the right" ... is poor consolitation for a smashed body/bike.

If those drivers actions you never considered happening ... start considering them in the future.

You'll live longer.

7th March 2012, 19:32
Keep saying that as you lie on the tarmac .... bleeding ... next to your bike.

Being ... "in the right" ... is poor consolitation for a smashed body/bike.

If those drivers actions you never considered happening ... start considering them in the future.

You'll live longer.

wtf is with everyone, I was going less than 15km/h slower than running speed when i passed him, can i not just have a whine? :argh:

7th March 2012, 19:42
Right where the 2 become 1 seems a dodgy place to do it, too. (Assuming I read that right; and the car might not have seen that as lane splitting, he'd have seen it as just a cheeky going-around him).

Looking dodgy ... mmmmmmm a good reason to hang off a bit usually ...

I see it sometimes where two lanes become one before the Terrace tunnel heading into Wellington in the mornings. See bikes split up to that point, and I wonder where they'll go if the cars do something "unexpected".

The confidence of some riders (often those that just got their 6F ... :rolleyes:) blinds them a little. :rolleyes:

The obvious "What if's" given little thought ... :scratch:

7th March 2012, 19:43
wtf is with everyone, I was going less than 15km/h slower than running speed when i passed him, can i not just have a whine? :argh:

Hero to zero .... :whistle:

7th March 2012, 19:46
lol cant be bothered, its harder than talking to my wife

7th March 2012, 19:47
wtf is with everyone, can i not just have a whine? :argh:

Of course you can. Don't expect everyone to share your point of view and you'll be fine :lol:

Where's Katman?

7th March 2012, 19:57
Someone call?

7th March 2012, 20:00
Someone call?

Yeah. Someone here just wants to have a whinge :rolleyes:


7th March 2012, 20:06
Of course you can. Don't expect everyone to share your point of view and you'll be fine :lol:

He IS free to share it ... regardless of how stupid or dangerous some may see it.

Everyone however ... may not always agree with his point of view.

7th March 2012, 20:24
I had a twat in the "mean streets" of Northcote actually hit my leg once in similar circumstances. He had been stopped but closed the gap as I moved into it. So I stopped and got his attention (not rudely - I was assuming it was an oversight on his part) and he stopped again. I then continued and he went again while leaning on his horn, at which point I stopped and he kept going til he made contact the rear 3/4 area of the bike and my leg. I had too much adrenaline going to do anything other than to politely invite him to step out of his car, which he declined. Lights changed and I didn't fancy giving him a third bite at me, so I gave him the traditional salute and rode off in front of him. Didn't feel any pain until I found the good size bruise later that day.

Adrenaline is not good: I could have been paste if he had floored it while I was letting him know what I thought. If similar happens again I hope to (a) recognize the aggression and stay out of it but if I fail at that (b) to get his plate and maybe even a photo (on my phone) to go with it.

Unfortunately Chasio the SMIDSY syndrome is a large part of motorcycling and I think a good burst of the horn works.

I've had a few "near hits" and found when badly driven vehicles "get a blast" they wake up and do something about evading the potential accident and some have even apologised. Also, I've had other drivers pull up and say "I saw the whole thing mate".

Too much adrenaline can get you into trouble I'm sure but I don't know if you'd have time to get the phone/camera out in reality.

7th March 2012, 20:51
Ok, so lane goes from 2 into 1, im in the left lane, red vectra is in the same line in front of me, traffic slows to a near stop, i go slightly to the right (at about 10-15km/h basically jogging speed) and in between the red car on the left and the car on the right, the guy in the red car beeps his horn an proceeds to veer right into the middle of the lanes. that explain it?
Find a safer place to split... that has to be one of the more dangerous places... and you gained a whole 2 places with unnecessary risk.... Not worth it.

Someone call?
10 minutes... you're slacking :spanking:

7th March 2012, 20:58
Unfortunately Chasio the SMIDSY syndrome is a large part of motorcycling and I think a good burst of the horn works.

I've had a few "near hits" and found when badly driven vehicles "get a blast" they wake up and do something about evading the potential accident and some have even apologised. Also, I've had other drivers pull up and say "I saw the whole thing mate".

Too much adrenaline can get you into trouble I'm sure but I don't know if you'd have time to get the phone/camera out in reality.

This was no SMIDSY: it was deliberate aggression and he was the one leaning on the horn as he drove at me. But yes, (b) is most likely dreaming so I am focusing on (a). It seems a far better strategy anyway: prevention is better than cure.

7th March 2012, 21:27
I have noticed with a loud black bike very few drivers seem to want to get into your way & infact most of the time try to get out of the way. much better than when I had a little quiet bike

7th March 2012, 21:34
splitting is one thing but when you go past and take a place in the queue thats the same as pushing in.Most people will tolerate a certain ammount of that but there is a limit.

7th March 2012, 22:00
splitting is one thing but when you go past and take a place in the queue thats the same as pushing in.Most people will tolerate a certain ammount of that but there is a limit.

Its not pushing in, i had to go round him cause he was blocking the way through so i could cruse down the line to the lights.

7th March 2012, 22:05
Its not pushing in, i had to go round him cause he was blocking the way through so i could cruse down the line to the lights.

What makes you so important ... with the need to be first ???

7th March 2012, 22:09
Its not pushing in,



7th March 2012, 22:11
splitting is one thing but when you go past and take a place in the queue thats the same as pushing in.Most people will tolerate a certain ammount of that but there is a limit.

Some "tolerate" nothing ... except recognition of their own importance ... Some of them are cage pilots too ...

7th March 2012, 22:21


lol piss off :bs: ill push in where ever the fuck i want, bastards lol

7th March 2012, 22:23
lol piss off :bs: ill push in where ever the fuck i want, bastards lol

It's your party, you can cry if you want to.

7th March 2012, 22:25
What IS it with Red cars???


:violin: carry one whining we are listening :nya: let it all out...

7th March 2012, 22:33
lol piss off :bs: ill push in where ever the fuck i want, bastards lol

You whinge on here when somebody cuts you off ... I can imagine the rant when they knock you off the bike.

Probably get just as much sympathy ...

7th March 2012, 22:37
What IS it with Red cars???

Hardly worth getting upset over, was it?

7th March 2012, 22:52
...luck plays such a large part in preserving naive, prematurely confident riders...we all had to learn...some will not...with *half of the licensed drivers on the road seemingly not having the acquired skills to be there,* the odds shorten considerably...add to that the kiwi driving mentality...kiwi mentality...foreign intervention=short odds on surviving being a fuckwit on the road...but most do...

*this doesn't just mean car drivers*

7th March 2012, 23:17
...luck plays such a large part in preserving naive, prematurely confident riders...we all had to learn...some will not...

Correct ... luck often gets confused with skill though.

8th March 2012, 07:59
Hardly worth getting upset over, was it?

All in a days ride, this is the sigh gently in helmet to ones self kind of stuff.

8th March 2012, 08:25
All in a days ride, this is the sigh gently in helmet to ones self kind of stuff.

The things is Javawocky, that driver will carry on without learning anything. Maybe they didn't see you, or maybe they just didn't care but it's not good either way.

Ultimately, they end up knowing they can pull out on a biker (or anyone probably) with no consequences.

8th March 2012, 09:01
This happened to me the other day in Custom st: I stopped at a traffic light behind a car on the right lane. Didn't bother moving to the left lane or to the front even though the left lane was empty. I was in no rush and the bike was cold, that kind of feeling.:sleep:
A taxi stops on my left living a gap in front of him. I look at him and he tells me to pass in front. I say no with my head. I don't want to put in first and all that story. :sleep:
Then he insists with signs for me to go in front. I start to get a bit pissed:mad:, the lights were close to becoming green and so I put in first and I start to make my way between his front right bumper and the left rear bumper of the car in front. there was probably 1.5 meters. At that point he accelerates and closes the gap stopping 5cm from my left leg and beeping the horn, sarcastically smiling at the same time. Fucking bastard, just very lucky I was in my best mood, I could have stopped my bike and took his eyes off with my leatherman. Instead i went in front of him and waited for the lights to almost become red again before passing, leaving him there alone together with his stupidity thinking at how short is his dick. :mad::mad::mad:

8th March 2012, 11:11
What IS it with Red cars???
That is the road leading up to Paremoremo jail, so possibly visiting a less intelligent "resident"?

Big Dave
8th March 2012, 11:25
Only nerds say 'cage'.

8th March 2012, 18:54
Only nerds say 'cage'.

bugger, ill have to work on that, thanks man

8th March 2012, 19:12
Its not pushing in, i had to go round him cause he was blocking the way through so i could cruse down the line to the lights.

i didnt say you were pushin in,just givin a reason why people MAY get pissed off....

8th March 2012, 19:15
Only nerds say 'cage'.


... do you realise that nerd is a compliment?

Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

8th March 2012, 19:18

... do you realise that nerd is a compliment?

Nerds will one day rule the world... and they're about half way there already.

8th March 2012, 19:18

... do you realise that nerd is a compliment?

Yep ... it implies they have some intelligence ...

8th March 2012, 19:25
Nerds will one day rule the world... and they're about half way there already.

IQ can be measured ... intelligence cannot be .... Never confuse the two.

8th March 2012, 19:28
IQ can be measured ... intelligence cannot be .... Never confuse the two.

Oh I'm well aware of the difference (won't bore you with why) and that wasn't what I was talking about anyway.

8th March 2012, 19:38
Ok so let me relate something from the OTHER side of the coin.
Tonight I left my works car park at about 6pm, still quite heavy traffic, two lanes that about 1.25k up the road splits into a feed to SH2 and a local secondary major road. where I join it limit is 50kph, turning into 70kph at the cake tin. So mr GN250 rider comes past me in traffic, all nicely ATGATT, lane splitting traffic moving at 50kph approx. Lane splitting was simply sitting between the rows of cars at a constant speed roughly 15-20 kph faster. By the 70k mark he is weaving in and out of the 2 lanes, no indicators no rear observations. The 'weaving' consisted of diving in front of a car at roughly 70-75 k when the traffic flow was between 45-55k. He basically was cutting into the tiny gap that rush hour drivers might leave between cars, then diving across the nose of another to keep 'car length hopping' ... I was lane splitting at about 50kph, and brother he was leaving me behind. After joining the motorway it took me from the Aotea quay filter till the filter joining SH2 at Ngauranga heading towards the hutt valley to catch up.. (I'm on a 1700cc bike).. At 70k, mr GN250 was still car hopping with no rear observations or indicators and i'd estimate doing 90k's.

Sorry guys but that's the OTHER side of the coin and he was simply riding with a total disregard for safety or with any roadcraft. Any of the drivers he 'cut up' would they be unjustified in getting pissed, sounding horns, flipping the bird etc, etc??

8th March 2012, 19:49
People like that tend to learn their lessons the hard way, and by the sound of it that won't be far away. Hopefully they only hurt themselves.

8th March 2012, 19:54
Ok so let me relate something from the OTHER side of the coin.
Tonight I left my works car park at about 6pm ...

I hadn't realised GN250's were so awesome in ability ... I must get one ... :devil2:

There are none so fearless ... as the unknowing ... :lol:

The rider merely enhanced the existing rep ... of bikers as a whole. We must thank him. The increase in ACC levys are valid after all.

8th March 2012, 20:02
Im sure the OP appreciates all the trolling from all the keyboard warriors.
Of course you dont need to lane split, going by the amount of time spent posting condescending remarks, you have all the time in the world.

8th March 2012, 20:18
... going by the amount of time spent posting condescending remarks, you have all the time in the world.

Never a truer word was spoken. ALL the time in the world.

However ...

It is not untill you are lying on the tarmac bleeding ... do you realise how much time you had. But too often, there is only the realisation of how little time you have left ... and it is measured in hours ... at best.

8th March 2012, 20:47
Ok so let me relate something from the OTHER side of the coin.
Tonight I left my works car park at about 6pm, still quite heavy traffic, two lanes that about 1.25k up the road splits into a feed to SH2 and a local secondary major road. where I join it limit is 50kph, turning into 70kph at the cake tin. So mr GN250 rider comes past me in traffic, all nicely ATGATT, lane splitting traffic moving at 50kph approx. Lane splitting was simply sitting between the rows of cars at a constant speed roughly 15-20 kph faster. By the 70k mark he is weaving in and out of the 2 lanes, no indicators no rear observations. The 'weaving' consisted of diving in front of a car at roughly 70-75 k when the traffic flow was between 45-55k. He basically was cutting into the tiny gap that rush hour drivers might leave between cars, then diving across the nose of another to keep 'car length hopping' ... I was lane splitting at about 50kph, and brother he was leaving me behind. After joining the motorway it took me from the Aotea quay filter till the filter joining SH2 at Ngauranga heading towards the hutt valley to catch up.. (I'm on a 1700cc bike).. At 70k, mr GN250 was still car hopping with no rear observations or indicators and i'd estimate doing 90k's.

Sorry guys but that's the OTHER side of the coin and he was simply riding with a total disregard for safety or with any roadcraft. Any of the drivers he 'cut up' would they be unjustified in getting pissed, sounding horns, flipping the bird etc, etc??

No argument there, the vehicle drivers had every right to give the idiot rider a rark up.

The vulnerability of bikers when vehicles endanger them is fully understandable too. And yet, even using the horn appears to be deemed too dangerous for the biker even though it is the legal and most accepted method of sounding a warning. So at the end of the day, the non reaction just allows the vehicle driver to continue their bad behaviour. Nothing changes.

8th March 2012, 21:01
The cage pilot that takes the bisciut this week is the 4x4 driver who decided to overtake a semi around a blind left hand bend into the track of on coming traffic. This on SH39 near the Te awamutu turnoff. He had no way of seeing what was coming & relied on dumb luck. This time he got away with it:devil2:

Or was it the work ute that decided to overtake a truck & trailer into a blind left hand bend, nearly losing it into the hedge, all this just before another truck came round the bend & narrowly missed him. Some people are @ their best before sunrise :tugger:

8th March 2012, 21:03
Only nerds say 'cage'.

I fucken hate nerds, they got all the hot chicks and all the high paying jobs...

Incidentally, I hate cage drivers too! One of them once sprayed that party string stuff at me and it was a bitch to get off and another pretended to be a camel and spat a chunk of meat pie at me, found it on my jacket when I got home. They're all bastards, all I was doing was splitting past them in a 5 mile long queue... haha fuck em all!

8th March 2012, 21:13
I fucken hate nerds, they got all the hot chicks and all the high paying jobs...

Incidentally, I hate cage drivers too! One of them once sprayed that party string stuff at me and it was a bitch to get off and another pretended to be a camel and spat a chunk of meat pie at me, found it on my jacket when I got home. They're all bastards, all I was doing was splitting past them in a 5 mile long queue... haha fuck em all!

You could probably actually call me a nerd really, android developer and what not. but im married and broke so... lol

9th March 2012, 08:13
That is the road leading up to Paremoremo jail, so possibly visiting a less intelligent "resident"?

don't know about intelligent, in my case AGE was a factor. Before I lost my cool I saw the familiar purple and white glow of grey hair and realised they probably wouldn't even have heard me shouting at them.

22nd January 2013, 19:46
I see it sometimes where two lanes become one before the Terrace tunnel heading into Wellington in the mornings. See bikes split up to that point, and I wonder where they'll go if the cars do something "unexpected".

I struggle with this everyday in the evenings. So what do you do?

Same goes for going through the Mt Victoria Tunnel to Hataitai. Up to what point is lane-splitting tolerable to cars? How do you tell which ones are the nutters? I had somebody veer left to try to take me out/stop me getting ahead last week. I just gunned it and was gone out of his life.

That's why we ride bikes in rush hour isn't it?

What is 2 into 1 etiquette?

22nd January 2013, 21:02
Hardly worth getting upset over, was it?

He probably posted on his local forum about the "cager" (o0o im a nerd now) who almost killed him

23rd January 2013, 10:41
What is 2 into 1 etiquette?

Dont be in the middle when it merges. Not rocket science. Either find your own correct space, or move right and prepare to go around the right side of all the cars. Whichever you choose is often dictacted to by the particular road.

23rd January 2013, 11:50
Dont be in the middle when it merges. Not rocket science. Either find your own correct space, or move right and prepare to go around the right side of all the cars. Whichever you choose is often dictacted to by the particular road.

Thanks for that. Must say, have been going "left" quite often!

23rd January 2013, 16:00
Overtaking on the left is illegal unless the traffic is stationary or in the process of turning right.

24th January 2013, 08:10
Ok so let me relate something from the OTHER side of the coin.

And I must confess just this morning I had one of these "what the hell was I thinking" moments...
So if you have a friend in a yellow van or silver SUV who bitches about that stupid biker on Aro Valley road, that was me... :nono:

What's your most embarrassing "what was I thinking" moment?

James Deuce
24th January 2013, 08:23
What's your most embarrassing "what was I thinking" moment?
Creating a KB account.

24th January 2013, 09:01
Overtaking on the left is illegal unless the traffic is stationary or in the process of turning right.

You sure about that?

24th January 2013, 09:29
Quite sure.

24th January 2013, 09:37
How dare you bring facts in here Devil. Now how are we going to put ourselves in harm's way and then whinge about it when something happens!?

24th January 2013, 09:38
You sure about that?

It's why, when lane splitting, you ought to be * on the right side of the cars, and be to the left of the lane divider paint.

car car car car ->
bike ->
--- --- --- --- ---
car car car car ->
<- car
--- --- --- --- ---
<- car

(* reality (i.e. car position) often means we go over the lane divider, and end up to the left of cars...

car car car car ->
--- --- --- --- ---
bike ->
car car car car ->
<- car
--- --- --- --- ---
<- car


Shoulders are also off-limits. (And full of tyre stuffing stuff.)

James Deuce
24th January 2013, 10:45
It's why, when lane splitting, you ought to be * on the right side of the cars, and be to the left of the lane divider paint.

car car sheep car ->
bike -> V
--- --- --- --- ---
car car car car ->
<- car
--- --- --- --- ---
<- car

Shoulders are also off-limits. (And full of tyre stuffing stuff.)

And a $150 fine for using the "service lane" (shoulder) if you fail the attitude test.

Lane splitting should be treated as an overtake of each individual vehicle, with correct signalling and everything. Most cops know that this is silly and will only ping you if you are a danger to yourself or others, or doing something blatantly illegal. Overtake on the right. People should be driving to the left of their lane, however we all know that they don't. So be careful. Use your indicator around cops and slow down Rossi.

24th January 2013, 11:25
And a $150 fine for using the "service lane" (shoulder) if you fail the attitude test.

Lane splitting should be treated as an overtake of each individual vehicle, with correct signalling and everything. Most cops know that this is silly and will only ping you if you are a danger to yourself or others, or doing something blatantly illegal. Overtake on the right. People should be driving to the left of their lane, however we all know that they don't. So be careful. Use your indicator around cops and slow down Rossi.

Yep. I see a lot of lane-splitting bikes go down the length of the motorway with their left indicator on.

Small issue, but technically wrong.

24th January 2013, 12:47
OK. Anyone familiar with commuting into Wellington will know that, as you go into the Terrace Tunnel, traffic can back-up for 2kms+. Because of the way traffic merges, there’s not enough (safe) room to pass stationary cars on the right. I use the left shoulder regularly as it’s far safer. I copied this from other motorcyclists I watched do it.

Am I supposed to sit in the traffic and pass on the right when I can?

Who buys a motorcycle and sits in traffic? My bike really doesn't like pootling along with traffic either.

Defies logic if you ask me…..

24th January 2013, 12:57
OK. Anyone familiar with commuting into Wellington will know that, as you go into the Terrace Tunnel, traffic can back-up for 2kms+. Because of the way traffic merges, there’s not enough (safe) room to pass stationary cars on the right. I use the left shoulder regularly as it’s far safer. I copied this from other motorcyclists I watched do it.

Am I supposed to sit in the traffic and pass on the right when I can?

Who buys a motorcycle and sits in traffic? My bike really doesn't like pootling along with traffic either.

Defies logic if you ask me…..

What's technically legal and what people actually do are two different things.

(I've broken various laws at times, to do various things; I'd "happily" accept the fine if caught. My comments herein are just for edumacation. Just so if you get a ticket one day - you can't say you didn't know...)

24th January 2013, 13:45
Overtaking on the left is illegal unless the traffic is stationary or in the process of turning right.

Passing on the left (http://www.nzta.govt.nz/resources/roadcode/about-driving/passing.html)

You can only pass on the left when:
•there are two or more lanes on your side of the centre line and you are able to pass safely by using the left-hand lane
•you are directed to by a police officer
•the vehicle you are passing: ◦has stopped, or
◦is signalling a right turn, or
◦is turning right.

At all other times, when you are passing, you must pass on the right.

24th January 2013, 14:59
Passing on the left (http://www.nzta.govt.nz/resources/roadcode/about-driving/passing.html)

You can only pass on the left when:
•there are two or more lanes on your side of the centre line and you are able to pass safely by using the left-hand lane
•you are directed to by a police officer
•the vehicle you are passing: ◦has stopped, or
◦is signalling a right turn, or
◦is turning right.

At all other times, when you are passing, you must pass on the right.

Well aware. Context was single lane.

24th January 2013, 20:16
Well aware. Context was single lane.

Others were not and were questioning your statement. Hopefully well clarified now, eh?

25th January 2013, 08:12
Just... no.

25th January 2013, 12:16
The best defense is to ride the biggest badest looking bike, I once had a woman close the gap between me and a large truck in a stationary massive motorway logjam, I was lane splitting after getting the go ahead from a cop on the side of the road (I asked him) I took her front fender off with my boot and footpeg. I believe in carefully selected payback on cagers.