View Full Version : Sad P addicts and thier dealers

26th July 2005, 09:59
This weekend I went to a 30th birthday BBQ kinda thing, for a guy I used to flat-mate with about 3 years ago... We lived together for almost 2 years, and I can honestly say he is the best "male" friend I've ever had in NZ and generally a fantastic guy...

I lost contact with him for about a year after I moved out, then all contact was just via phone and texts... he texts me on Saturday and invites me to his birthday do, and I figured "why not".

I organised for him to pick Sam and I up (as Sam's bike is STILL in the damn shop) and we had no other way to get to his place out past Albany... and he was meant to bring us home when things died down...

At the BBQ there was your usual... alcohol... more alcohol... and more alcohol and so on...

Once all the family members leave the music goes up and the pot (weed) comes out and everyones having a smoke... thats fine... I've got nothing against alcohol (Had my first drink in 6 months :drinkup: ) and I've got nothing against pot smokers either

Then this random dodgy looking guy shows up and next thing they're all on the P :weird: :weird:

Sam and I were the only ones not smoking it... plenty of peer pressure... when did "No" start meaning "No, but ask again every 3 minutes incase I change my mind" :weird:

I've heard a lot about P, and it's been on the news heaps, but I've never actually been around people that smoke it (not that I know of), and I honestly don't get the point of taking it...

The "dealer" dude was like "Oh just try some it won't do anything" -- Then why take it????

That ruined the whole damn night... Poor Sam never left my side, she just sat there all wide eyed going "I don't like this... I wanna go home" and I don't blame her either...

Then whats worse... there were 2 little kids (a 3yo and a 2yo) there and they wouldn't go to sleep (Ok so the mother feed them about 5kg's of sugar during the course of the afternoon... so they were on a high of thier own :no: ) and when the P dude showed up (much to everyones delight) he had his little container with the P inside it... on the table... and Mr. 2yo picks up the container... and yes... puts it in his mouth... Sam and I were the only 2 people there that noticed... my first reaction "Holy fuck! someone grab that conatiner!!" and the dealer "oh it's ok it has the lid on" :weird:

When the hell did a kid with his mouth full of P in a container become alright? :mad:

It just amazes me how many people are using P, the affects it's having on thier lives and thier childrens lives. My once very high respect of my mate has gone down the toilet with his P addiction, along with everyone else at that BBQ.

Right of the Mr 2yo incident Sam and I thought "screw this" and went to bed amid all the music and talking and P use. Not the best night I've ever had nor something I ever wish to repeat... I can handle most drugs being taken around me... usually I just shrug it off and say "oh well thier choice not mine" and just continue with what I'm doing... but from now on if anyone starts smoking P around me I'm outta there... like a flash...

And whats more... that P dealer was a dodgy asshole... he heard me talking about bikes... and started telling me he could get me anything I wanted (not just bike related) for real cheap... like new tyres front and back for just $100 brand new, just he couldn't tell me where he got it from.... *cough* stolen goods *cough*

Whats the world coming to?

So yeah... thats one less friend I have... stolen by P :no:

26th July 2005, 10:04
I would have felt uncomfortable as well and wouldn't have hung around.
Sad all this drug use.

26th July 2005, 10:06
if the kids weren't involved in anyway, I would have said catch a cab home and forget about them. But since kids were putting containers of P in their mouths, I'd be calling the cops. There's no way in hell a kid should be in that environment. I'd make an excuse and leave by cab, and on the way, just call the cops in.. For the sake of the kids at least. They may blame you for it, but they can't prove anything..
Can't fukin understand people like that. They should all get high and see if they can fly off a tall cliff

26th July 2005, 10:15
I have posted this before but here goes......the short story.

My brother in law, best mate i have ever had is on the 'p' for two years, a company manager, a father of two.

On the 1st of december 2004 in the middle of the night he falls out of bed has a heart attack [brought on by the 'p' use] and dies in front of my sister.

He was 36 years old

Drugs are'nt smart and not funny

If anyone you know uses 'p' they need help.......the death of my brother in law broke a lot of hearts, he was truly a wonderfull man.Beleive me when i say you do not want to go thru the same thing....'p' kills people

R.I.P. Alistair

26th July 2005, 10:15
That is disgusting.
Would you dob in an arsehole doing 100kph up & down your residential street esp where there are kids playing? Bet you would. What's the difference? Dob them in. Who knows - it might just be doing them the biggest favour of their lives.

Str8 Jacket
26th July 2005, 10:17
Sounds like a cool party to me !! usually you got to pay heaps for P, what a guy laying down his stuff for everyone to enjoy fuck there is still some love left in the world :Punk:

Your a dick. :weird:

I have lost too many good mates and a b/f because to this shit. I have watched perfectly normal happy people turn into paranoid losers that have no hope, only a mind consuming addiction.
Yes, its your choice what you put into your body and believe me im no saint, I have "experimented" myself with many things.People think oh yea just this time, and then next week the same thing until it starts becoming a "habit" then it no longer becomes an option, it's like food you have to have it to get through the day. P dealers should be shot or tortured, pure and simple.

26th July 2005, 10:19
Sounds like a cool party to me !! usually you got to pay heaps for P, what a guy laying down his stuff for everyone to enjoy fuck there is still some love left in the world :Punk:

WTF? :mad:

and besides that did you not notice the word "dealer", I never mentioned free P.


Anyway... Yeah we considered catching a cab home, I'm not too sure why we didn't. We just ended up going to bed (with the door locked). I didn't even think to call the cops... I'm a bit afraid of angry P addicts/dealers and don't think I'd like to risk dobbing them in...

The line for me was the kid with a mouth full of P. I'm not sure exactly how P works, but I know it's not good... Can you overdose on P? I could just picture this little guy foaming at the mouth and clonking out... freaky shit...

I do know that after the mouthful of P incident the kids Ms. 3yo and Mr. 2yo were put to bed despite all the crying and screaming and tantrums... but hell... If I ever have kids they'll never see anything like that in my house... bad parenting is not an option

26th July 2005, 10:21
Sounds like a cool party to me !! usually you got to pay heaps for P, what a guy laying down his stuff for everyone to enjoy fuck there is still some love left in the world :Punk:

I hope you and I meet someday sunshine. Apology expected from you :mad:

Drugs are and never will be cool. Idiots use them because they have no way of knowing how to have real fun. I have been around pot smokers and I can say they just have a knck of pissing me off. I can understand someone who doesnt rely on it but maybe tried it once out of peer pressure but up theirs if they do it again

26th July 2005, 10:24
Oh Boo bloody Hoo, youre a dick

And you are a shit smelling smear on the underpants of society

26th July 2005, 10:25
Oh Boo bloody Hoo, youre a dick

Your the only dick round here... go smoke some P and chop your hand off twat...

and how come we can't give him anymore bad rep? Too much already?

26th July 2005, 10:29
Oh get over yourself mate drugs have been around for thousands of years and allways will be :motu:

Yea and so have arsewipes like yourselves, shit for brains. But you know what, its not my fault that you have an interest in screwing up your life. Hell, I bet you dont even ride a bike sunshine. But hey, who am I to judge?
I still know you are an arsehole and that there is a hell of a lot of people who agree with me. :motu:

26th July 2005, 10:30
Here's a thought. Since P is no doubt the worst drug out there, if the penalties for manufacture/supply were increased to mandatory life in prison (or death) & the penalties for using were increased to mandatory 10 years inside, I would think that that would put a big crimp in it's availability/use.

26th July 2005, 10:38
Here's a thought. Since P is no doubt the worst drug out there, if the penalties for manufacture/supply were increased to mandatory life in prison (or death) & the penalties for using were increased to mandatory 10 years inside, I would think that that would put a big crimp in it's availability/use.

Yeah that would work pretty good... NZ would be empty... I seriously couldn't believe it... By the time the dealer guy turned up there were about 20 people left at the BBQ (Including Me, Sam and those 2 kids) and I wouldn't have pinned any of them as P users... And Sam, Me and the 2 kids were the only ones who didn't smoke any...

It really wasn't a good feeling... Other than the kids, Sam and I were the two youngest people there (the rest were proberly between 26 and 35), and we were the only "not straight" people there as well... very intimidating and uncomfortable...

26th July 2005, 10:42
Oh get over yourself mate drugs have been around for thousands of years and allways will be :motu:
There's nothing wrong with the natural stuff, but when it comes to this chemical shit you can stick it! I've come close to losing one of my step son's over that P shit, and thank goodness he is better now. Does MONGREL stand for what you are, or what you want to be?

26th July 2005, 10:48
Prison aint that bad, where the fuck do you think I am now

Well you aint in prison sunshine. You'de have your head kicked in by now

26th July 2005, 10:50
Shows how sad some people's lives have become if they can't enjoy themselves without this kind of 'stimulation'. When I grew up you rarely even saw dope (and I'm not THAT old!) but nowadays P and all other forms of chemical drugs seem to be freely available.

I had a really good mate who couldn't even handle dope - he smoked it for years and became quite paranoid. When his wife left him he threatened to commit suicide and despite several of his 12 brothers and sisters (big family, so heaps of support) staying with him non-stop for three months, the day they all went home he gassed himself in the garage.

I like a drink but I have no time for drug users - especially not those who try to force others to take part or who are in action where there are children. P really has become an evil thing and I don't think the laws are able to cope with its increasing use.

26th July 2005, 10:57
Hahaha done some time have ya

He probably hasn't, but like me he may know some prison officers who would be willing to do him a favour and beat the crap out of a tosser like you. :motu:

26th July 2005, 11:00
Hahaha done some time have ya

Spent a few years in the Army, yes

26th July 2005, 11:01
He probably hasn't, but like me he may know some prison officers who would be willing to do him a favour and beat the crap out of a tosser like you. :motu:

Hehe, thanks beemer, yep I do know a couple

26th July 2005, 11:04
Heres hoping I need a good beating, I want to claim a bit more ACC money so I can buy me a new bike when I get out

The kind of beating I'm envisaging would not see you walking out of prison...

Big Dave
26th July 2005, 11:07
What's the best thing about a 'P' addiction? - Only 2 sleeps till Christmas.

A few years ago I would have left the room and not worried too much - their lives.
Now, after seeing some of those people's lives spin out of control like a slow motion bike wreck because of the shit - I would plan an intervention if they were close (the hippie and I have tossed a coin for that one), or if I didn't know them too well, give them a few verbal slaps as I storm out of their lives, calling them every stupid cunt under the sun, till they can prove they were off it. Once a junkie....

I'd hope that a slap now might serve them better than developing the 'gelatinous coridoors of mush', through what used to be their brain, that come with the habbit. It MELTS your brain - literally.

26th July 2005, 11:09
Wow you must be tuff then, but I meant in prison

So I can buy a new bike when I get out
Yea right, you mean waste money on drugs

Mate, prison is a walk in the park compared to what I did. Anyway, you must be young or shit scared because

1: you are just trolling, looking for bites and you are getting them from me
2: You are changing your location so no-one can find out where you are from
3: You have no self worth and yoiur mummy and daddy didnt love you as a child. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

26th July 2005, 11:21
Drugs themselves don't scare me, but our attitude as a community to them does.

There are some huge double standards in the way we deal with things that we put into our bodies:

Food and product labelling -- we get hung up on frivolous nonsense like "E" numbers, whether or not it contains GM, what country it came from and whether or not it was made by underage children in the third world to the point of hysteria.

"Recreational drugs" -- People seem to think "What harm does it do?" Even if it's sold by somebody who is dodgier than dodgy, and manufactured in a Taita garage by somebody who doesn't know the difference between alcohol and albumin or the boiling point of water.

OK, some of us may have casually huffed a bit of dac in our past. Youthful curiosity, too pissed to know any better, yada yada yada. But our world has moved on and the whole drug culture scene is incredibly insidious, sophisticated and organised now. And the selection of available drugs is mind-numbing in every sense of the word. Even the quality of common-or-garden dac has changed, given several decades of selection pressure and innovative plant breeding.

People who pimp drugs are criminals. If you associate with them, you condone their activities. They are destroying lives and families.

And people wonder why I am opposed to legalising cannibis and other "recreational" drugs (including "party" pills). I have drawn my line in the sand and I am standing firmly on my side of it.

26th July 2005, 11:22
Im your mate ,cool
re 1, yup
re 2, only once
re 3, ouch that hurt

you must be tuff alright, must be good knowing your a hardarse army combat trained killer riding around on ya girly bike.
I thought you might have been threatning me before with the prison guard thing I was really worried about it, honestly.
I thought I would have to say that I know more hardarses crims outside prison than you know prison guards inside though, luckily it didnt come to that. :grouphug:
We are all laughing. AT YOU not with you. Fuck-knuckle.

26th July 2005, 11:23
Im your mate ,cool
re 1, yup
re 2, only once
re 3, ouch that hurt

you must be tuff alright, must be good knowing your a hardarse army combat trained killer riding around on ya girly bike.
I thought you might have been threatning me before with the prison guard thing I was really worried about it, honestly.
I thought I would have to say that I know more hardarses crims outside prison than you know prison guards inside though, luckily it didnt come to that. :grouphug:

Aaaah shame, Im now worried by insults, and yes I ride a girly bike, I like it, it brings out my feminan side. And yes I do enjoy knowing Im a hardarse army killer. I once killed a defenseless little butterfly as it was trying to lay eggs in my eyes. I got the purple heart for that and gave me the key to New Zealand.
Im glad you know some hardarse crims as I was wondering if you were a social retard looking for some attention but I know that all the sex you get must make you walk funny. How does it feel being a bitch?
Im not really into group-hugs although I appriciate the gesture. Im not sure what sort of sexual perversion you were wanting by hugging us but hey, Im sure you swing both ways. By the way, whats your bunk-mates name?

26th July 2005, 11:26
Hey Placid. Since your exflatmate obviously thinks you are 'cool' with the P thing, what will you do when you are invited to the next one??

26th July 2005, 11:27
Went to a mate's birthday party - not at their place but one of their friend's place - took the kids with us, all was cool, a few drinkies, nothing outrageous - then some twat pulls out the dak and we bundled the kids into the car, bid our mates a hasty "adieu" and left. That kind of "passive smoking" I don't want my kids engaged in.

Won't even have my kids around dak, let alone hard drugs. The kids see us drink occasionally - moderate amounts, responsible behaviour etc - want them growing up knowing that you can hve a good time without being wasted.

26th July 2005, 11:30
Look MONGREL tosser, if you joined KB just to shit stir, then why dont you crawl under that tree you came from and pull yourself off.

26th July 2005, 11:37
Cant no trees

Well just pull yourself off then. We dont care about details cum-cwat

Lou Girardin
26th July 2005, 11:37
Here's a thought. Legalise everything. All the drugs you could want from a Pharmacy, E, P, Smack, you name it. Because it's made by a trusty multi-national it'll be quality controlled. Legalisation will kill the blackmarket (or at least make it less attractive).
The Govt will tax it to pay for medical costs. Overdoses will be infrequent because of known strengths and no impurities in the goods.
Because prohibition sure as hell hasn't worked.

Big Dave
26th July 2005, 11:46
I have drawn my line in the sand and I am standing firmly on my side of it.

I stand on the other side.
Prohibition of anything has never worked.
Make pot and other low grade recreational drugs government controlled - tax the daylights out of them and use what would be a huge revenue stream for education, councelling, anti drug propaganda, health support and all the other issues.

I also know I'm pissing in the wind - but there a millions incarcerated for drug offences. That plan's working perfectly.

The Dutch way seems to work.

26th July 2005, 11:47
Drugs themselves don't scare me, but our attitude as a community to them does.

There are some huge double standards in the way we deal with things that we put into our bodies:

Food and product labelling -- we get hung up on frivolous nonsense like "E" numbers, whether or not it contains GM, what country it came from and whether or not it was made by underage children in the third world to the point of hysteria.

"Recreational drugs" -- People seem to think "What harm does it do?" Even if it's sold by somebody who is dodgier than dodgy, and manufactured in a Taita garage by somebody who doesn't know the difference between alcohol and albumin or the boiling point of water.

OK, some of us may have casually huffed a bit of dac in our past. Youthful curiosity, too pissed to know any better, yada yada yada. But our world has moved on and the whole drug culture scene is incredibly insidious, sophisticated and organised now. And the selection of available drugs is mind-numbing in every sense of the word. Even the quality of common-or-garden dac has changed, given several decades of selection pressure and innovative plant breeding.

People who pimp drugs are criminals. If you associate with them, you condone their activities. They are destroying lives and families.

And people wonder why I am opposed to legalising cannibis and other "recreational" drugs (including "party" pills). I have drawn my line in the sand and I am standing firmly on my side of it.

You're not the only one on that side of the line

26th July 2005, 11:47
Here's a thought. Legalise everything. All the drugs you could want from a Pharmacy, E, P, Smack, you name it. Because it's made by a trusty multi-national it'll be quality controlled. Legalisation will kill the blackmarket (or at least make it less attractive).
The Govt will tax it to pay for medical costs. Overdoses will be infrequent because of known strengths and no impurities in the goods.
Because prohibition sure as hell hasn't worked.
Ah, I see you are a proponent of "Evolution in Action" - the really dumb ones get to remove themselves and their offspring from the gene pool :devil2:

I've got mates from the Netherlands who've gone back for a holiday and reckon the place has gone to shit from loosening the drug restrictions.

Prohibition of alcohol caused more problems where it was enacted than it solved - especially in the USA. There are major problems associated with prohibition of anything, but there are also problems with allowing them, too - gangs of organised criminals do not control the supply of alcohol in this country and war amongst themselves or with the police but we have alcoholism, drunken driving - causing deaths and maiming - alcohol-related abuse, suicide and a plethora of other problems.

Gangs do control drug supplies - and we have problems with gang crime in addition to the social problems of the drug (drug-induced assaults, theft to support the habit, suicides etc)

There is no solution - prohibit or permit, there will always be problems.

26th July 2005, 11:47
Here's a thought. Legalise everything. All the drugs you could want from a Pharmacy, E, P, Smack, you name it. Because it's made by a trusty multi-national it'll be quality controlled. Legalisation will kill the blackmarket (or at least make it less attractive).
The Govt will tax it to pay for medical costs. Overdoses will be infrequent because of known strengths and no impurities in the goods.
Because prohibition sure as hell hasn't worked.
I see the appeal. Was done with alcamahol in the 30's & we sure don't have any problems associated with that drug now. :devil2:

26th July 2005, 11:53
And people wonder why I am opposed to legalising cannibis and other "recreational" drugs (including "party" pills). I have drawn my line in the sand and I am standing firmly on my side of it.

until the tide comes up an washes it away.............

Big Dave
26th July 2005, 11:58
I've got mates from the Netherlands who've gone back for a holiday and reckon the place has gone to shit from loosening the drug restrictions.

And I have some who say the opposite.

26th July 2005, 12:03
Hey Placid. Since your exflatmate obviously thinks you are 'cool' with the P thing, what will you do when you are invited to the next one??

No, he knows I'm not into it, and he also knows I don't like it. When he picked us up to take us to the BBQ we were talking about clubbing and the conversation moved to a mate we both knew and he commented on how this guy now only goes clubbing when he takes P, and I stated that P users were dumb and screwing up thier lives... he went kinda quiet, but I didn't really notice it until thinking back...

Then when the P pipe was being passed around he gave me a sheepish look and said "I don't do this often" (Which I don't believe). Then the next day when he was taking us home he tried to touch on the subject... like I said I lived with him for 2 years so he knows without asking that I wouldn't be keen on that kinda thing.

I'll still see him now and then, and I'll try to talk him around to not smoking P again... but it's his choice... and I don't like forcing my opinions on people... and as far as this certain friend goes, he knows I don't agree with what he's doing, but he also knows that if he ever decides to sort his shit out I'll be there for him 100%

But as far as social gatherings go with him and his partner... that won't be happening again unless Sam and I both have our own transport and we're free to leave as soon as the dodgy stuff starts. But I doubt that will be often as Sam doesn't wanna have anything to do with him again... which is fair enough

26th July 2005, 12:17
No, he knows I'm not into it, and he also knows I don't like it. When he picked us up to take us to the BBQ we were talking about clubbing and the conversation moved to a mate we both knew and he commented on how this guy now only goes clubbing when he takes P, and I stated that P users were dumb and screwing up thier lives... he went kinda quiet, but I didn't really notice it until thinking back...

Then when the P pipe was being passed around he gave me a sheepish look and said "I don't do this often" (Which I don't believe). Then the next day when he was taking us home he tried to touch on the subject... like I said I lived with him for 2 years so he knows without asking that I wouldn't be keen on that kinda thing.

I'll still see him now and then, and I'll try to talk him around to not smoking P again... but it's his choice... and I don't like forcing my opinions on people... and as far as this certain friend goes, he knows I don't agree with what he's doing, but he also knows that if he ever decides to sort his shit out I'll be there for him 100%

But as far as social gatherings go with him and his partner... that won't be happening again unless Sam and I both have our own transport and we're free to leave as soon as the dodgy stuff starts. But I doubt that will be often as Sam doesn't wanna have anything to do with him again... which is fair enough

It was a loaded question I know, and 'I am not my brother's keeper' and all that. BUT as Hitcher said, this is a major social problem that won't go away until society actually gets involved with containing it. By saying nothing (as such) you lend tacit approval to continuation of the problem. A P house was discovered only 10 houses away from me in my street and none of us had any idea until it was busted. The house was so badly contaminated that it had to be pulled down. State house occupied by ex-con beneficiaries. WE ALL PAY over and over for that. Make a stand peoples.

26th July 2005, 12:34
It was a loaded question I know, and 'I am not my brother's keeper' and all that. BUT as Hitcher said, this is a major social problem that won't go away until society actually gets involved with containing it. By saying nothing (as such) you lend tacit approval to continuation of the problem. A P house was discovered only 10 houses away from me in my street and none of us had any idea until it was busted. The house was so badly contaminated that it had to be pulled down. State house occupied by ex-con beneficiaries. WE ALL PAY over and over for that. Make a stand peoples.

Yeah I know what your saying... Unfortunatly the whole "P is bad for you, you should stop" is about as effective as "Motorbikes are dangerous, they can kill you" (Just an example, I know the comparison is totally different). The sad fact is, with people who take P (and proberly most other bad things) can't be talked out of it, exspecially if it is addictive, I don't know how long my friend (not mentioning his name for my safety not his) has been using P, or how often he does it, but I'm sure he knows the dangers of taking it. He knows I don't approve, and if he still has some of the qualitys he used to have, then he'll also know that in future I won't be around him if he takes it, and that if it happens again chances are all contact will be cut and we won't talk anymore...

I'm guessing he has already lost a few friends because of it. Another mate of mine that I meet through him mentioned a while ago that they don't talk anymore because of something my P using friend was doing that he didn't like. At the time I thought he was talking about my P friends new girlfriend who he mentioned was a junkie... but I didn't think my friend was invloved with that...

I don't have an issue with all drugs... Alcohol (a drug in my eyes) is fine, marijuana is fine too. But all other drugs... are a HUGE no no in my books...

Lou Girardin
26th July 2005, 12:35
I see the appeal. Was done with alcamahol in the 30's & we sure don't have any problems associated with that drug now. :devil2:

Yeah yeah, I know. But prohibition didn't stop drinking. Did it?

26th July 2005, 12:59
Fancy invoking the Dutch to sink my argument! I am not sure as to whether their society is more enlightened or mature than ours. But ours is having difficulty coping with the onslaught of addictive, mind-altering substances. We have teenagers addicted to this shit. We have people significantly under the influence committing hienous murders. Sorry. I am afraid that I don't agree with the view that individuals have the right to choose and that our society should remove all controls.

26th July 2005, 13:04
Yeah I know what your saying... Unfortunatly the whole "P is bad for you, you should stop" is about as effective as "Motorbikes are dangerous, they can kill you" (Just an example, I know the comparison is totally different). The sad fact is, with people who take P (and proberly most other bad things) can't be talked out of it, exspecially if it is addictive,

I don't have an issue with all drugs... Alcohol (a drug in my eyes) is fine, marijuana is fine too. But all other drugs... are a HUGE no no in my books...
I am NOT suggesting that you give your friend a stern talking-to. P is an insidious, vile, lethal drug. It will not be stopped by being gentle & caring.

26th July 2005, 13:08
I think the best option concerning myself is to stop socialising with him... which is a shame because he is/was seriously one my best friends :( I guess I should just let it be and see what happens in the future...

Big Dave
26th July 2005, 13:09
Fancy invoking the Dutch to sink my argument! I am not sure as to whether their society is more enlightened or mature than ours. But ours is having difficulty coping with the onslaught of addictive, mind-altering substances. We have teenagers addicted to this shit. We have people significantly under the influence committing hienous murders. Sorry. I am afraid that I don't agree with the view that individuals have the right to choose and that our society should remove all controls.

I agree with you entirely on Class A's. My 'line' is just a bit further up the sand.

26th July 2005, 13:11
Sorry to hear the sad story about your in-law Six.

PF - You must have felt sooooo uncomfortable. I once left a party because some prat was smoking Heroin.

I'd never heard of 'P' before coming here. I'm not even sure if there's anything quite like it in the UK. Crack, angel dust etc yeah - but P - I don't think so. But from what I've heard it is evil shit, and should never be tried, even if you're sure it'll be "just the once". I was only told a story a week or so by a guy whose sister tried it, liked it, did some more, and within a week had stolen her fathers cash point card and cleaned out her bank account. She;s now on the run I think. Sad, so very sad.

Pot - ok, nothing wrong with pot IMO. Especially for a 'mature' individual who rarely drinks, may occasionaly have a smoke in order to relax, and holds down a decent job. :whistle:.

But P - evil, nasty. It's up there with heroin as the bottom of the barrel in terms of illegal drugs IMO, and appears to be used by a fked up circle of people, with far too many issues and liabilities for my liking

Big Dave
26th July 2005, 13:12
I guess I should just let it be and see what happens in the future...

Nothing good. If you care you could say something. Get some of the publicised medical facts about it and confront them with it.

26th July 2005, 13:19
If you care you could say something. Get some of the publicised medical facts about it and confront them with it.

ill assume you havnt tried to reason with someone craving... they wont listen. if you cant handle something like that mrs placidfemme, just fuck off, leave em to it. what people do in there own backyard , roof (WINJA), lounge is up to them. whether it is legal or ethical.

Big Dave
26th July 2005, 13:25
ill assume you havnt tried to reason with someone craving... they wont listen. if you cant handle something like that mrs placidfemme, just fuck off, leave em to it. what people do in there own backyard , roof (WINJA), lounge is up to them. whether it is legal or ethical.

Yeah - I have. Twice. One didn't do much good, he died, one did maybe start the process of snapping out of it.
I did qualify by saying 'if you care'. Otherwise I kind of agree with you - until they rob me or my family to pay for their habbit .

26th July 2005, 13:26
i had a good mate , got into smoking it , then got in with some dealers , then got busted with several bags of the stuff plus all the manufacturing gear at his house , he now has lost his job , most of his friends , his house and shortly his freedom , nothing good comes from that shit! end of story!

26th July 2005, 13:33
P gives, but it also takes away...

26th July 2005, 13:36
if you cant handle something like that mrs placidfemme, just fuck off, leave em to it. what people do in there own backyard , roof (WINJA), lounge is up to them. whether it is legal or ethical.

Thats Mr. to you

Anyway... I did handle it, I didn't give them any shit about it, just kept quiet and kept to myself. As mentioned as well, Sam and I didn't have any transport home, and being a Sunday night it was well after pay day and therefore didn't have the $50+ to catch a cab home, and even if I did have the funds the nearest ATM would have still been a good 40 minutes walk away, so when I'd had enough I went to bed.

26th July 2005, 13:37
I think the best option concerning myself is to stop socialising with him... which is a shame because he is/was seriously one my best friends :( I guess I should just let it be and see what happens in the future...
Years ago I tracked down a girl who was good friend of mine at school and found she was into pretty much every drug available at the time - speed, dak, coke, acid - anything that'd give her a buzz - and she had lost her "spark" - her eyes were dead and the only time I saw anything like an animated response from her in the time I was talking to her was when her dealer boyfriend mentioned "speed".

With great sadness I abandonned contact with her and counted her as lost - as lost as our mutual friend who was killed by a drunk driver.

'Tis a pity, she was a good friend and confidante, we once had a lot of trust in each other. After a few years of heavy drug use she was not recogniseable as the same person I knew at school.

She had the audacity to get all shocked that I had taken up smoking cigarettes - ooh no, she doesn't touch those evil things, they're dangerous - pass the acid tabs please...

26th July 2005, 13:38
Sheesh sounds like a horrible story to me, ya cant always pick who comes along to a party, I reckon mate you need some serious distance between these low lifes and yourself, god knows what sought of crapola you could get mixed up in.

Even by way of association you can be fucked over

26th July 2005, 13:44
Nothing good. If you care you could say something. Get some of the publicised medical facts about it and confront them with it.
Allready tried that approach on a couple of mates and they listen, but once you go away they just ignote it and carry on. It's just like when the Mormans come to your door and try preaching to you, do you want to know?

26th July 2005, 13:46
I think the best option concerning myself is to stop socialising with him... which is a shame because he is/was seriously one my best friends :( I guess I should just let it be and see what happens in the future...
That's what I say. Besides heaps of guys on here are perfectly willing to become your new best male friend.:yes::whistle:

26th July 2005, 13:48
Allready tried that approach on a couple of mates and they listen, but once you go away they just ignote it and carry on. It's just like when the Mormans come to your door and try preaching to you, do you want to know?

This is off topic... lol but I can't help it...

A mormon guy (there were two of them actually) came to our door about 4 years ago on mountain bikes... they knocked on the door, told my mom why they would like to speak to her... she invited them in... 3 hours later they left... and one was a new "re-born" christian... haha go mom!

26th July 2005, 13:50

I don't have an issue with all drugs... Alcohol (a drug in my eyes) is fine, marijuana is fine too. But all other drugs... are a HUGE no no in my books...

I wrote a long long post about this, but I've just deleted it. Other people have said it all.

FWIW, I agree Mr Giradin and Mr Hitcher. Both. Meaning, that the only effective way to control abuse of anything (alcohol, tobacco, P, heroin, whatever), is societal pressure. If everybody you know thinks that using X makes you a total loser dork and a social outcast, it's very unlikely you'll use it.

The prevalence of P and such like indicates that it's use is accepted by society.

And if society accepts use of X, laws banning it won't work. That's why prohibition failed. So best, as Mr Lou Giradin says, to legalise it and control it.

If society as a whole is willing to reject use of X , then outlaw it.

I fear that for the moment the use of P is not going to be stopped by laws. As you've seen, quite "ordinary", "nice" people apparently see nothing wrong in using it. Until that attitude changes (and every time someone "turns a blind eye" to its use, they reinforce the "It's OK" value), it'll be with us.

Disclosure of interest: Drink alcohol, don't smoke anything (mainly cos I tried and it did nothing for me). Never tried anything else never will. I'm with Sam, I'd have left the party immediately the P came out and explained why. That's my personal line in the sand. I'm an old nana.

26th July 2005, 13:55
As mentioned as well, Sam and I didn't have any transport home, and being a Sunday night it was well after pay day and therefore didn't have the $50+ to catch a cab home, and even if I did have the funds the nearest ATM would have still been a good 40 minutes walk away, so when I'd had enough I went to bed.


26th July 2005, 13:58
Disclosure of interest: Drink alcohol, don't smoke anything (mainly cos I tried and it did nothing for me). Never tried anything else never will. I'm with Sam, I'd have left the party immediately the P came out and explained why. That's my personal line in the sand. I'm an old nana.

Yeah, I agreed with Sam on the leaving thing... but as mentioned catching a cab wasn't an option so we left in the sense that we went to bed... this friend of mine lives out past Albany, near Riverhead, I'm not sure how the buses work out there, but the closest road where I knew there was a bus stop is State Highway 16 (or 17) that runs up past Albany Village... and thats a good 40 minute walk in the cold and dark... and drizzle... at about 1am Monday morning... not the best decision...

26th July 2005, 13:58

Thank you :)

26th July 2005, 14:11
If Strayjuliet or I lived in Aucks, we'd extend the same offer - no one should have to put up with a situation they don't feel comfortable with - especially to the point of having to lock the door to sleep.

26th July 2005, 14:15
If Strayjuliet or I lived in Aucks, we'd extend the same offer - no one should have to put up with a situation they don't feel comfortable with - especially to the point of having to lock the door to sleep.

Thank you too :) Yeah the locking the door thing was merely a precausion... because I've never smoked P I'm not 100% sure what it makes you feel... and of course all you hear from the media is this guy chopping off that chicks hand and this guy breaking into that house to steal this to buy P and so forth... so just incase... we locked the door... didn't have any hassles though...

26th July 2005, 14:19
Thank you too :) Yeah the locking the door thing was merely a precausion...
It's a precaution I'd take too - and also if alcohol was being consumed in excessive quantities by someone who is displaying a tendency to aggro with each subsequent drink.

I've heard of P-induced violence and I've seen alcohol induced violence first hand (and taken a few hits to the face because I couldn't get out of the fucking room in time) so I'd tend to be wary.

26th July 2005, 14:33
yep that was a suckie night. from what you had to say i give you credit for sticking out so long.
not a party i would like to go to. espically if a mate was meant to drop you off afterwards.

i have ditched a few past friends because of there drug habits. i don't wish to associate with them.

it's hard finding great friends.

26th July 2005, 14:34
They're the worst when coming off the shit. You don't want to anoye them as thats when they get violent.

26th July 2005, 14:35

totally agree keep a few numbers in ya phone.
if anyone needs a hand just give me a call.

soon as i figure out where to stick down my details.

don't we have a help listing or something in here?

26th July 2005, 15:08
I think we do have a help listing here dude, but it's more to do with bikes than social events. Maybe...

From my perspective, PF...man...that really sucks. I've been at parties where the few remaining people were me (on a few OH's) and a group on acid. They weren't much fun to hang out with so I went into town. I think you did the best thing you could have under the circumstances. I'm also really crap at phoning people at 1am to say, 'er, I seem to have made a grave mistake...could you possibly get out of your cozy warm bed and help?'!!!

With regards to legalising, you have to laugh a little. The dutch legalised cannabis and continue to learn four languages at school. We don't...we barely know how to utilise one effectively!! (sorry, an Eddieism escaped there!)

Seriously though, I, too, agree with both Hitcher and Lou. Legalising certain things would probably help. Our company does 'workplace drug testing' but honestly? Speaking to the toxicologists here, they wouldn't be able to tell you whether the amount of THC in someone's urine meant that they'd a) taken it at the weekend, b) smoked it passively in a closed room or c) were in any way affected at work during the week. Craziness - but there you have it. (ps...don't tell anyone I mentioned this!) And do you know how much the government spend cutting down plants last year - that they could spend otherwise (better roads, median strip for SH1 anyone?).

Some drugs, I'll steer well well well clear of: Heroin, P, PCP, Crack, Ice etc (I think Ice IS P...but could be wrong here) and that means getting the hell out of there as soon as someone else starts using. (even if that means going to bed, locking the door and not sleeping) On the other hand, party-pills, cocaine, weed and to some extent acid - I feel more comfortable with users of the above, as I know roughly what's likely to happen. Another thing is that if I'm staying straight - I want the users (of those drugs) to know that there is SOMEONE there who will attempt to talk them down if they start freaking out - which can happen in some circumstances.

I think education is a HUGE part of drug abuse (or rather - deciding NOT to abuse). My father sat me down at 15 and told me that he was going to assume I'd try drugs (as to assume the opposite is narrow minded), and to please do TWO things: 1. make sure SOMEONE nearby stays straight and can call an ambulance and 2. if I think i'm getting to liek it too much...tell him. I think these are wise things to say to reasonably well-behaved yet curious teenagers.

I don't think a blanket approach can be taken with drugs at all. I think drugs such as P need to have every measure taken to remove them. I think drugs such as cocaine are never going to go away (too good, apparently - and lets not forget it USED to be an ingredient in Coca Cola). I think children need to learn how to obtain natural highs (stop namby pambying them). I think teenagers need to learn that you cannot expect to have unprotected sex or use drugs without facing the possible consequences.

I have no fixed solutions to offer. Just to each individual: stay safe. And keep your children (those of others) safe too.

26th July 2005, 15:13
Yeah, I agreed with Sam on the leaving thing... but as mentioned catching a cab wasn't an option so we left in the sense that we went to bed... this friend of mine lives out past Albany, near Riverhead, I'm not sure how the buses work out there, but the closest road where I knew there was a bus stop is State Highway 16 (or 17) that runs up past Albany Village... and thats a good 40 minute walk in the cold and dark... and drizzle... at about 1am Monday morning... not the best decision...

Agreed, I'd consider saying "g'dnight" and going to another room as "leaving" - as in taking no further part.. Had the same issue once on a boat - hard to leave physically without a long swim .

26th July 2005, 16:27
Have just read this really sad thread. PF sorry you had to go through that, ain't life a bitch! BUT what about those kids? If society is to have any chance then we as a society need to look after our kids (wether they are physically ours or not) We have a duty to protect all children , sometimes from their very own parents. I think you should have rung the cops and got the whole place busted for the sake of a 2yo and a 3yo. They deserve a much better deal than anyone gave them. People who will allow kids to be anywhere near that stuff aren't people in my opinion- I dunno what you call them anymore, but certainly not people.

26th July 2005, 16:32
After all my shit-storming and piss taking, does anyone else notice that "Their" is spelt wrong on this thread?


Big Dave
26th July 2005, 17:24
After all my shit-storming and piss taking, does anyone else notice that "Their" is spelt wrong on this thread?


Stoned at the time?

26th July 2005, 17:27
After all my shit-storming and piss taking, does anyone else notice that "Their" is spelt wrong on this thread?


lol I always spell it wrong... It's just one of those words I don't get... isn't it:

i after e except after c?

So it's their? Not thier? hehe

*only comes onto KB at work so I deffinatly wasn't stoned at the time*

26th July 2005, 17:38
i after e except after c?

Nah - rule is I before E except after C. BUT if you are a bit anal & check thru the dictionary you will find that this rule is actually broken more than not. :whistle:

26th July 2005, 17:42
lol and funny enough English was my best subject at school haha so I used to avoid the words I wasn't sure on spelling... like thier or their...

26th July 2005, 17:53
Oh get over yourself mate drugs have been around for thousands of years and allways will be :motu:

So has bumping off effwits like you - just remember that sunshine. :weird:

26th July 2005, 18:05
So has bumping off effwits like you - just remember that sunshine. :weird:

He claimed he was in jail... I didn't know inmates got internet access... nice to see our hard earned tax money is going to the leasure of wankers like him..

26th July 2005, 18:10
Heres hoping I need a good beating, I want to claim a bit more ACC money so I can buy me a new bike when I get out

Dead people don't "get out" except in a cheap coffin. Loser.

Or troller????

26th July 2005, 18:10
So has bumping off effwits like you - just remember that sunshine. :weird:

Suddenly this post has taken a turn for the worse.


26th July 2005, 18:15
Dead people don't "get out" except in a cheap coffin. Loser.

Or troller????

When this passes as acceptable comment I think it is time for me to depart.

Ride safe guys.

I'm gone.


26th July 2005, 18:19
When this passes as acceptable comment I think it is time for me to depart.

Ride safe guys.

I'm gone.


Note the final comment SR, I only gave the 'expected' replies but summed it up with my last word.

No need top be so sensitive dude - or are YOU trolling too????

26th July 2005, 18:41
man i duno how long this is gonna be but some of you guys are seriously misinformed about a whole lot of shit
P is pure methamphetamine(no fucking idea how to spell it, not even gonna try but try say it it'll work :D) anyway, its only called 'P' here knowne as other shit else where
my personal theory is that when pure methamthetamine started becoming big enough to worry about, the police couldnt pronounce or couldnt be fucked naming it like project pure methamtheamine so they just said project P, thus media called it P, thus no other country not knowing what 'P' is thus proving how unedecuated our popualation is on drugs in general
new zealand has the HIGHEST cannabis arrest rate WORLDWIDE per capita whatever
man pretty much everyone has tried it, and even using it regulary doesnt impact, i get to work early every day and work until i go hard, when i get home why the fuck does it matter what i do to the boss and to the community whatever, because i am doing my share
its people who take harder drugs and cant go to work because they are fucked thus steal that are the losers
so please dont ever put marijuana users and P users in the same kinda category, its not the same
oh also loved the quote 'i dont take drugs but i do drink alcohol' or something similar
read your sentance again, alcohol is a drug and so is ciggarettes

26th July 2005, 18:49
There is totally a difference between P and pot... Thats why one is a Class A and the other isn't... (I dunno what class pot is but it's not an A class drug).

What you've described above is a functional druggie (usuing the term lightly don't take offense). Most P users would have to be employed... by the amount of cash that was being handled to the dealer (and from what I've heard) P is damn expensive... And what does it do? Kinda like speed? Take that $100 or whatever it is and buy 100 bottles of V... same buzz right?

To me pot is a controlable drug.... sick of being high? Eat something... or have a shower... with other drugs your under it's control until it's finished fucking your system... you can't control that.

*forgot my point* lol

*shuts up now*

26th July 2005, 18:57
Prison aint that bad, where the fuck do you think I am now
Sadly this guys has a point, if u just take away the prisoners, all u got left is a student hostel, where everything is free

26th July 2005, 18:58
Sadly this guys has a point, if u just take away the prisoners, all u got left is a student hostel, where everything is free
For the peaple staying there. Everyone else pays for it.

26th July 2005, 19:04
Oh and as for drug use.
I used to use drugs, but after my friend died, i went cold turkey. It worked cos i knew at the end of the day i could replace it with other things.
If u still need drugs, u must either a) ride like a nana, or b) own my nana's old bike.
A good comparisson is this, who is more exciting, Ghost Rider...........or some fu cked up guy staring at his hand on a couch

Big Dave
26th July 2005, 19:05
I'm also really crap at phoning people at 1am to say, 'er, I seem to have made a grave mistake...could you possibly get out of your cozy warm bed and help?'!!!

Speaking as a father and grandfather:
I would love my daughter to ring me up and say 'i have made a grave mistake' if she is somewhere and it goes sour - going and getting her would be absolutely no problem at all - She'd get a small lecture - but much prefer that to any imaginable consequences. Most parents would feel the same.

I've gone and got her when she's been shit faced drunk and always thanked her friends for ringing me too.

Paul in NZ
26th July 2005, 19:14
Wow - difficult post to read.... One thing you need to consider.

Some people could catch you and Sam snogging at the party where these kids were about and be equally horrified..... You might 'pervert' them.... Think thats unlikely? Then draw the 'sexual' line a little further up the beach until you get to Mr Capill rogering a 4 year old donkey up the bum on the bbq table.... Would seeing that pervert them?

What about an old Playboy magazine then?

So, the old argument of legalise it all and then tax the crap out of it... Won't work. Someone will always be prepared to pay the price and cross the line because it's the crossing of the line that gives them the kick!

There is a line, it's place varies but it never gets washed away!

To me, that line involves taste. (to place you in that situation was simple bad manners and the act of a poor host)

That line also involves a victim. Innocent people that pay the price for others decisions. You want to smoke P? Knock yourself out mate but if you commit a crime or hurt anyone because of it... You pay the price, just like you do if you speed! (little joke)

My opinion? We don't need it. There are a 1000 ways to get your kicks and we just don't need this. Dangerous stuff..... Choice is not an option here.

May as legalise flame throwers and handgrenades

Paul in NZ
26th July 2005, 19:17
Speaking as a father and grandfather:
I would love my daughter to ring me up and say 'i have made a grave mistake' if she is somewhere and it goes sour - going and getting her would be absolutely no problem at all - She'd get a small lecture - but much prefer that to any imaginable consequences. Most parents would feel the same.

I've gone and got her when she's been shit faced drunk and always thanked her friends for ringing me too.

It can get worse that that and I don't have your (erm) attributes.. Sometimes you can't get them out. You just get to pick up the pieces eh!

26th July 2005, 19:51
I stand on the other side.
Prohibition of anything has never worked.
Make pot and other low grade recreational drugs government controlled - tax the daylights out of them and use what would be a huge revenue stream for education, councelling, anti drug propaganda, health support and all the other issues.

I also know I'm pissing in the wind - but there a millions incarcerated for drug offences. That plan's working perfectly.

The Dutch way seems to work.

The onces who are incarcerated keep coming out and going back in because the sentencing is piss weak! New Zealand is poor when it comes to sentencing.

26th July 2005, 20:27
For ONLY those interested in what God has to say about DRUGS, go to 'Religious Ravings'. You have been warned, so don't complain.

26th July 2005, 20:28
And whats more... that P dealer was a dodgy asshole... he heard me talking about bikes... and started telling me he could get me anything I wanted (not just bike related) for real cheap... like new tyres front and back for just $100 brand new, just he couldn't tell me where he got it from.... *cough* stolen goods *cough*

Drugs and property crime, its all part of the same sewer!

Dob the pricks into CYF's they don't deserve to have kids and their brats would be better off without them.

26th July 2005, 20:30
Oh get over yourself mate drugs have been around for thousands of years and allways will be :motu:
And every once in a while they kill a loser like you, which is the sole positive aspect of drugs.

26th July 2005, 20:32
Prison aint that bad, where the fuck do you think I am now
Do you like playing mummies and daddies?

I bet you love sucking on mummies cock!

26th July 2005, 20:34
lol I always spell it wrong... It's just one of those words I don't get... isn't it:

i after e except after c?

So it's their? Not thier? hehe

*only comes onto KB at work so I deffinatly wasn't stoned at the time*
I before E, except after C, and before G (and in Feilding).

26th July 2005, 20:35
shit i get to see the result of smack adiction every day
P is worse it just fucks your head beyond a joke.
any one came into my house
carring this stuff would go out on a slate
(do not care how Hard they think they are)
Fuck you just have to see someone goes off
on this stuff in ED

26th July 2005, 20:36
Yeah yeah, I know. But prohibition didn't stop drinking. Did it?
Or speeding, I'm amazed you didn't put that in there too.

26th July 2005, 20:40
There is totally a difference between P and pot... Thats why one is a Class A and the other isn't... (I dunno what class pot is but it's not an A class drug).
Reefer is class C unless you are talking about oil, which is class B.

26th July 2005, 20:44
PF, you have my cellphone No. If you get into a situation like that again, give me a call and if I can I will come and get you. I have done it before and I will do it again.

I have very little time for drugs. I have worked in the mental health industry and have seen the link between drugs as "harmless" as pot and mental health problems.
If a person has a tendancy towards anxiety or depression, pot (most commonly used) will enhance that problem. That is where the trap of "it doesn't hurt me" catches people.
Everyone has a different chemical balance, drugs alter that balance.

I nearly lost my sister to dope/pot whatever you want to call it. She got some one time and started nailing her hand to a hunk of wood, another time she started cutting her arms with the kitchen knife. Each time she was on dope.

Why do you think they call it dope, dope.

I have been there both personally and vocationally and I have used it.

my 10 cents worth.

26th July 2005, 21:04
I before E, except after C, and before G (and in Feilding).

And weird . Which is weird.

26th July 2005, 21:33
A guy from the the Police computer forensics dept. came to one of my commercial law lectures a while back (about 2003 I think). He showed us some graphs of different kinds of crimes and their changes over the past 3 years. Certain violent crimes had gone up some incredible amount (2 or 3 times I think), which he said was almost certainly attributable to 'P'

Seriously bad shit. The better your ability to match fist 'n foot with teeth in this forsaken world, the better.

Paul in NZ
26th July 2005, 21:58
Or speeding, I'm amazed you didn't put that in there too.

Bwahaha... Yeah! That was my first thought too.. Bring back that fast safe joker...

27th July 2005, 07:15
Wow - difficult post to read.... One thing you need to consider.

Some people could catch you and Sam snogging at the party where these kids were about and be equally horrified..... You might 'pervert' them.... Think thats unlikely? Then draw the 'sexual' line a little further up the beach until you get to Mr Capill rogering a 4 year old donkey up the bum on the bbq table.... Would seeing that pervert them?

Just in respone to this... Sam and I don't do DPA (Public Displays of affection), for that exact reason. Just like we don't smoke around people who we know don't smoke... just like we don't swear infront of old people and the such...

We go out of our way to be considerate towards others... exspecially when we don't know the people that we are around... did anyone on the ride the other Sunday see Sam and I kiss? Or hold hands? Or even hug? No because we understand that people can't be accepting... not that I think being gay is anything like smoking P so it isn't even relavent... and if people think having gays/lesbians around children will make them gay then everyone is gay because everyone at some stage in thier life has been around a gay person weather they know it or not...

*doesn't even see the comparison between sexuality and P*

27th July 2005, 07:20
PF, you have my cellphone No. If you get into a situation like that again, give me a call and if I can I will come and get you. I have done it before and I will do it again.

Thank you raster :) But I don't plan on being in that situation again... from now on unless I have my own transport I won't be going to any partys/BBQ's... just not worth the hassle :no:

27th July 2005, 08:32
my 2nd best mate got stuck on it & bang! 1 broken home for his kid, his new mrs was on it & bang 2 broken homes for 2 kids, her ex (another mate) got busted with a lab in his boot & is about to go inside, a close family friend got busted with a 'golfball' in his pocket & is inside,his brother(a mate i've known from aged 2) is totally fucked on it, another very musically talented mate who was getting airtime on the radio has lost it, one of my best friend's brother(also a good mate) just had his promising career & last chance at a straight life collapsed & he's now back in the underworld(heavy shit), another good mate is stuck on it & had to sell his bike & car, another mate had to sell out of pauanui & now lives in a rented shed, another good mate is a chronic drunk as he traded in his drug addiction for alcohol as his only hope of survival, he's out of jail now but fucked & only surviving, my mums best friend's husband died from an OD, he killed his mates in a car smash, my good friend at school aged 13 died of an OD, a close mate was selling drugs to finance his habit, he was paying this chick in drugs for gangbangs with him & his dickhead mates I could go on and on and on but i won't...
if anyone on here is taking it, i urge them get help.
for the record, I do not take it.

27th July 2005, 09:26
my 2nd best mate got stuck on it & bang! 1 broken home for his kid, his new mrs was on it & bang 2 broken homes for 2 kids, her ex (another mate) got busted with a lab in his boot & is about to go inside, a close family friend got busted with a 'golfball' in his pocket & is inside,his brother(a mate i've known from aged 2) is totally fucked on it, another very musically talented mate who was getting airtime on the radio has lost it, one of my best friend's brother(also a good mate) just had his promising career & last chance at a straight life collapsed & he's now back in the underworld(heavy shit), another good mate is stuck on it & had to sell his bike & car, another mate had to sell out of pauanui & now lives in a rented shed, another good mate is a chronic drunk as he traded in his drug addiction for alcohol as his only hope of survival, he's out of jail now but fucked & only surviving, my mums best friend's husband died from an OD, he killed his mates in a car smash, my good friend at school aged 13 died of an OD, a close mate was selling drugs to finance his habit, he was paying this chick in drugs for gangbangs with him & his dickhead mates I could go on and on and on but i won't...
if anyone on here is taking it, i urge them get help.
for the record, I do not take it.

Association is dangerous too. Are you sure you are OK? (PT)

27th July 2005, 09:27
I before E, except after C, and before G (and in Feilding).
Feilding cricketers have a problem fielding :rofl:

27th July 2005, 09:32
You can't understand the situation until you either take it or support someone who did take it come off it, right through it, not just a supportive phone call every week, the rest of their life.

It is an insideous drug.

I wish that people could stop and understand that it is people like themselves who end up addicted to P. They have families, bikes, jobs, people who love them, kids, dreams.....

It is not a drug that only inmates and the scum of humanity use.

Visit Odyssey House.

27th July 2005, 09:42
Feilding cricketers have a problem fielding :rofl:

head spinning... must... walk.... away....


Lou Girardin
27th July 2005, 09:53
Or speeding, I'm amazed you didn't put that in there too.

Life is a wondrous thing Spud. Full of truly amazing events.

Paul in NZ
27th July 2005, 09:56
Just in respone to this... Sam and I don't do DPA (Public Displays of affection), for that exact reason. Just like we don't smoke around people who we know don't smoke... just like we don't swear infront of old people and the such...

We go out of our way to be considerate towards others... exspecially when we don't know the people that we are around... did anyone on the ride the other Sunday see Sam and I kiss? Or hold hands? Or even hug? No because we understand that people can't be accepting... not that I think being gay is anything like smoking P so it isn't even relavent... and if people think having gays/lesbians around children will make them gay then everyone is gay because everyone at some stage in thier life has been around a gay person weather they know it or not...

*doesn't even see the comparison between sexuality and P*

No no no... Drat.... (about 3am I woke up and though - hey I hope she does not misunderstand what I was saying)

I was not making a link between them OR having a go at you in any way!

What I was saying is you made a judgement of these people based on a combination of instinct, personal experience, the law and information recieved through the 'media'. With drugs, and sexuality, there is a sliding scale of acceptance (ie I'm on insulin and inject 5 times a day, some folk think it's gross to do it in public or to put non human stuff inside yourself etc).

Just like nearly every other facet of life we all have a level of tolerance along this line. That place varies for all of us and the law is usually a reflection of where joe average feels it should be drawn. In Holland (for example) enough people were convinced to shift the line to the outer limits.

So - realising that everyones PERSONAL limits will vary slightly we come down to the legal limit.

Wether you tolerate P use or not - it is seriously illegal. By inviting you there this person was involving you in a crime AND imposing his own limits on you. That is unacceptable....

The link I was trying to make was...

Graham Capill and his ilk usually regret being caught, not their actions. Their crime is to impose their twisted view on life on others and the choose people powerless to resist.

This person invited you and Sam and picked you up, thus you no longer had an easy option to leave. It's actually a very similar event?

Paul N

ps - I'm really horrified that you would choose not to indulge in a public display of affection. (yes my kids HATE it when Vicki and I do) As long as it is nothing crude and overtly sexual (usually designed to offend) and is genuine affection I say go for it.

27th July 2005, 09:58
No no no... Drat.... (about 3am I woke up and though - hey I hope she does not misunderstand what I was saying)

I was not making a link between them OR having a go at you in any way!

What I was saying is you made a judgement of these people based on a combination of instinct, personal experience, the law and information recieved through the 'media'. With drugs, and sexuality, there is a sliding scale of acceptance (ie I'm on insulin and inject 5 times a day, some folk think it's gross to do it in public or to put non human stuff inside yourself etc).

Just like nearly every other facet of life we all have a level of tolerance along this line. That place varies for all of us and the law is usually a reflection of where joe average feels it should be drawn. In Holland (for example) enough people were convinced to shift the line to the outer limits.

So - realising that everyones PERSONAL limits will vary slightly we come down to the legal limit.

Wether you tolerate P use or not - it is seriously illegal. By inviting you there this person was involving you in a crime AND imposing his own limits on you. That is unacceptable....

The link I was trying to make was...

Graham Capill and his ilk usually regret being caught, not their actions. Their crime is to impose their twisted view on life on others and the choose people powerless to resist.

This person invited you and Sam and picked you up, thus you no longer had an easy option to leave. It's actually a very similar event?

Paul N

Oh ok I see what your saying :)

Paul in NZ
27th July 2005, 10:00
Oh ok I see what your saying :)


Paul N

Lou Girardin
27th July 2005, 10:03
[QUOTE=Paul in NZ]Wow - difficult post to read.... One thing you need to consider.

Some people could catch you and Sam snogging at the party where these kids were about and be equally horrified..... You might 'pervert' them.... Think thats unlikely? Then draw the 'sexual' line a little further up the beach until you get to Mr Capill rogering a 4 year old donkey up the bum on the bbq table.... Would seeing that pervert them?

What about an old Playboy magazine then?


How did you turn a post on drugs into girl on girl sex and bestiality?
I want some of what you're using.

27th July 2005, 10:04

How did you turn a post on drugs into girl on girl sex and bestiality?
I want some of what you're using.

lol I'm sure it's not P :grouphug:

27th July 2005, 10:04
Association is dangerous too. Are you sure you are OK? (PT)

I am 1000% ok man, & thanks for asking. I have a pretty good idea where you're coming from. Me & my best mate are the survivors of another life most people have no idea about. We are rock soild individually & unshakable together. We don't even talk about it anymore. We've been through everything & come out the other side. I will never forget the things I've seen & the situations i've been in but we've pulled each other & ourselves through all the shit & will never go back to the crazy life. too many funerals, too many tragedies... life is too short.

Paul in NZ
27th July 2005, 10:29
How did you turn a post on drugs into girl on girl sex and bestiality?
I want some of what you're using.

All I'm using is my brain and my imagination Lou...

I can see how you could be envious.... (boom tish - pt)

Seriously - read my later post oh master of the devious turn in posts. Unfortunately (and this is a general appology to the universe) I do not and never have thought in straight lines. I make leaps and make obscure connections. It's both my biggest flaw and my greatest asset but it is damned annoying.

If you actually knew me in person I think you would temper things I may write with the knowledge that I do genuinely try to be a nice person and would never try to offend people. If I was to want to offend you, you would know it.


27th July 2005, 10:32
How did you turn a post on drugs into girl on girl sex and bestiality?
I want some of what you're using.

All I'm using is my brain and my imagination Lou...

I can see how you could be envious.... (boom tish - pt)

Seriously - read my later post oh master of the devious turn in posts. Unfortunately (and this is a general appology to the universe) I do not and never have thought in straight lines. I make leaps and make obscure connections. It's both my biggest flaw and my greatest asset but it is damned annoying.

If you actually knew me in person I think you would temper things I may write with the knowledge that I do genuinely try to be a nice person and would never try to offend people. If I was to want to offend you, you would know it.


You succeed. :yes:

27th July 2005, 10:41
I confess i dont have a problem with weed. But thats were it ends.

Mind you, I'm a boring fuck. I dont go clubbing, dont drink much at all, dont smoke anything. These are my decisions that are born from trail and error. I used to smoke, did for two years before quiting, have used marj. before and used to go clubbing, twice.

I have never tried anything harder than dope so cannot coment on their effects, what i can say though, i believe anyone who needs to take anything to get themselves through to day needs to take a long hard look at themselves. I can say this from experience because I suffer from depression.

PF as someone said earlier, if this happens again, call one of use. I would rather jump in my car and come and get you (or anyone on here) from Hamilton rather than read about you in tomorrows paper.

27th July 2005, 10:44
ps - I'm really horrified that you would choose not to indulge in a public display of affection. (yes my kids HATE it when Vicki and I do) As long as it is nothing crude and overtly sexual (usually designed to offend) and is genuine affection I say go for it.
Years ago when I was working for [Tertiary Education Provider] we had a lesbian couple who would arrive at work in the same car, give each other a "couple's kiss" (the quick peck of a couple who have been together for ages and routinely kiss to say "see ya after work") and head off to their respective departments for the day. We're not talking serious "pash" session with heaps of tongue and writhing sex-with-clothes-on hugs I've seen teens do on Victoria Street, here.

One of my workmates saw them and went on a rant to us about how disgusting it was that they kissed in public. "I said they're a couple of consenting adults who love each other, what's wrong with that?"

He replied "what about the kiddies seeing it?" and I replied "Dude, this is a tertiary level institution, the 'kiddies' have an average age of 40 and there's no one here under 18."

I have no problem seeing homosexual couples kiss in public - most those I've seen tone things down so as "not to offend" - most the straight couples I've seen have no such restriction and I get to see young people snogging in a nearly x-rated fashion all over the place - that doesn't worry me either but I think it is kind of strange that the public are willing to tolerate hetero guys groping their girlfriends boobs in public but get up in arms the minute a gay couple give each other a brief kiss.

Placid, I'm sad that you and Sam do not feel you can publically display your affection for one another by even holding hands.

I think NZ society needs to buck up its ideas - they're prepared to put up with escalating crime rates and do nothing about it but are ready and willing to crucify people for different sexuality, religion or political leanings. WTF is up with that?

It boils down to the Wiccan Rede's "an it harm none, do what you will." Personally I'd rather see a couple - any couple straight or gay - kissing in public than the P-head retard that sits out in Ward St from time to time, wasted off his face, behaving in a weird manner and terrifying the young office workers who congregate out there for a cigarette break. He's behaving in a harmful manner (when you get young women hightailing it out of the area for fear of their safety, that's harm) the couples cuddling while they have their tea break are not.

27th July 2005, 10:45
my 2nd best mate got stuck on it & bang! 1 broken home for his kid, his new mrs was on it & bang 2 broken homes for 2 kids, her ex (another mate) got busted with a lab in his boot & is about to go inside, a close family friend got busted with a 'golfball' in his pocket & is inside,his brother(a mate i've known from aged 2) is totally fucked on it, another very musically talented mate who was getting airtime on the radio has lost it, one of my best friend's brother(also a good mate) just had his promising career & last chance at a straight life collapsed & he's now back in the underworld(heavy shit), another good mate is stuck on it & had to sell his bike & car, another mate had to sell out of pauanui & now lives in a rented shed, another good mate is a chronic drunk as he traded in his drug addiction for alcohol as his only hope of survival, he's out of jail now but fucked & only surviving, my mums best friend's husband died from an OD, he killed his mates in a car smash, my good friend at school aged 13 died of an OD, a close mate was selling drugs to finance his habit, he was paying this chick in drugs for gangbangs with him & his dickhead mates I could go on and on and on but i won't...
if anyone on here is taking it, i urge them get help.
for the record, I do not take it.

Goodness gracious.

But, thing is, it's not really anything new. I can think of half a dozen folk that I went to school or uni with (and that's a few years ago!) that ended up either dead or in gaol because of drugs. Not P, which wasn't around then, but other stuff. And that's just the ones I know of, and ignoring those who just stuffed their lives up in less dramatic fashion.

Whether society has become more accepting of it , and whether it has become more prevalent or not, I'm not sure.

The one thing that I do know is constant, is human stupidity.

27th July 2005, 10:54
I'm with Paul and others-as long as you arent doing any all-but-shagging-on-the-spot type kissing, feel free to do as you please. You are both adults and I assume most of the people around were as well. And if its a drunken party, then I'm fairly confident in saying you wouldnt be the first to get up to monkey business under the influence.Sorry about the ranting, but small minded people annoy me.

27th July 2005, 10:56
just like we don't swear infront of old people and the such...

Darn it, how are we going to pick up the latest swear words if you do that ? :nono:

.. did anyone on the ride the other Sunday see Sam and I kiss? Or hold hands? Or even hug? No because we understand that people can't be accepting... ..

Genuine question - do you think that bikers would be likely to have a problem with that? I can think of one, maybe two people on the site that might openly disapprove, and one or two others who might tease you about it, but just because they are generally given to poking the borax. Not, mind you, that such gatherings are particulary conducive of amorousness in the first place :whistle:

27th July 2005, 10:58
.., a close family friend got busted with a 'golfball' in his pocket & is inside,...

What's a 'golfball' ? So often I am bemused at my own ignorance

27th July 2005, 11:00
What's a 'golfball' ? So often I am bemused at my own ignorance
It's the thing that ruins an otherwise lovely walk :devil2:

27th July 2005, 11:06
Goodness gracious.
But, thing is, it's not really anything new.

no it's definitely not new....

I can think of half a dozen folk that I went to school or uni with (and that's a few years ago!) that ended up either dead or in gaol because of drugs.

waste eh

Not P, which wasn't around then, but other stuff.

i first heard of P back in wgn around 1990

And that's just the ones I know of, and ignoring those who just stuffed their lives up in less dramatic fashion.

there is an endless trail of destruction 8-(

Whether society has become more accepting of it , and whether it has become more prevalent or not, I'm not sure.

I believe the media's lifted it's profile

The one thing that I do know is constant, is human stupidity.

i'm no psychologist(although i have built psycho-analytical software) but i believe the issues are more emotional than intellectual.
it's a lose lose situation 8-(

a golfball is just referring to the size of the 'rock'...(nice one MSTRS)

27th July 2005, 11:09
What's a 'golfball' ? So often I am bemused at my own ignorance

A severe medical condition which primarily affects the male of the species. See a doctor.

27th July 2005, 11:18
Placid, I'm sad that you and Sam do not feel you can publically display your affection for one another by even holding hands.

Thanks for that :)

Sam and I will hold hands when walking around town and stuff... we still get the odd verbal abuse thrown our way, and on a few occasions some random evangelist (sp) will spot us (even when not holding hands) and start screaming "look sinners" and other gay themed hell condemnation... but holding hands is the most we'll do in public. But when in groups of people (like at partys, clubs, rides e.t.c) where we around people that we know we will possibly be seeing again we hold back and are reserved until we know the people well enough to know that our safety isn't in jeopardy (sp) because of who we are.

I have friends that have been beaten up on K Rd for holding hands, others that have been followed and abused and had things thrown at them and the such... always best to play it safe...

I suppose the way we act in public is just a habit... even around my family, who are accepting towards Sam and mines relationship, the most we'd do is hold hands or sit next to each other... and one of the main reasons is because if people see physical contact between same sex partners they automatically think of sex (between the two same sex people) and judge your relationship on that basis... whereas sex is a part of the relationship it's not the most important part, and it stops them from seeing the other sides of the realtionship... two people in a happy, stable, loving and commited relationship...

*forgot my point again lol*

27th July 2005, 11:24
narrow minded people.
Its a shame that you and Sam (as well as any others in the same situation) have to bare the brunt of the mindless obsession that humans have to find a reason to be extremely shitty to one another.

Big Dave
27th July 2005, 11:25
did anyone on the ride the other Sunday see Sam and I kiss? Or hold hands? Or even hug?

No dammit, and I pay good money to watch that stuff!
Anybody gives you shit about it - I'll bounce them.

27th July 2005, 11:27
Yeah it is a shame, but its something we've learnt to live with... you wouldn't believe the extent it... it took us nearly 3 months to find a new place when we moved... so many landlords had that shocked look on thier faces when they realised that the "my partner" I mentioned on the phone was actually a "my lesbian partner" and from the word go where very off-ish and all to often we got the "sorry it's been taken" and seen the same place advertised for 2 more weeks afterwards... Once I even called the guy back when I saw his ad, and fooled him to thinking I was just another enquiry about the place, asked if it was still available and he said "yep no takers yet" then mentioned who I was... and got hung up on... still enjoyed catching him out though... lol

At least my work is gay friendly :)

27th July 2005, 11:28
i second that.

Paul in NZ
27th July 2005, 11:34
Well we are so far off topic now it does not really matter so...

Not showing affection in public is to me, maybe the thin end of the wedge as it were. It leads to a culture of covering things up and hiding stuff. IMHO Hiding stuff makes it easier for the cheaters, kiddie fiddlers and the wife bashers to get away with it.

I fell in love with Vicki the moment I saw her and 27 years on, I still get that feeling when I'm around her. We worked on that from the day we met and WTF should I be ashamed of that? Isn't that what we need a little more of?

Why can you get a course of recovering and coping with shit but not how to avoid it? I dunno...


Paul in NZ
27th July 2005, 11:37
What's a 'golfball' ? So often I am bemused at my own ignorance

Something 'boy' golfs are endowed with... Don't ask what the lady golfs are equipped with...

27th July 2005, 11:49
Once I even called the guy back when I saw his ad, and fooled him to thinking I was just another enquiry about the place, asked if it was still available and he said "yep no takers yet" then mentioned who I was... and got hung up on... still enjoyed catching him out though... lol
You got enough to do him for discrimination on grounds of sexuality (the anti-discrimination laws only catch the dumb ones) and you could push it in court and force him to let you rent the place - like you really want a narrow-minded retard as a landlord - can you say "flat inspection from Hell".

Makes you wonder what good the anti-discrimination laws are - smart people come up with a plausible excuse ("already taken", "there were others better suited to the job" etc) and the dumb ones who do get caught out or think it's perfectly acceptable to say "nah, we don't hire niggers here"... well, what does the law do? Force them to give you the job or whatever (they still hate gays/niggers/old farts/supralapsarians, now they have to see one every day and they're pissed off because they can't fire them - great work relationship, that one, just add shitty pay and long hours and it'd be "perfect") or fine them - the money goes to the court so the judges can buy more coke and 14-year-old asian boys. Gee, a winner all 'round.

Honestly, 'tis bad enough having random chance throw bigotted coworkers in your way without stupid laws that would put you into a situation you're better off out of - even if the money were fantastic, I'd tire quickly of a job where I was constantly being sneered at as a "Devil Worshipper" by an ignorant bigot who also is in charge of handing out work tasks and promotions - or "punishes" the transgressor by making the court system richer (thinking specifically of Labour Tribunal here who's options are get you the money they owe you (if any), get you your job back if unfairly sacked or make themselves rich by fining the SoBs who treated you like crap - no reparation for you).

27th July 2005, 12:02
You got enough to do him for discrimination on grounds of sexuality (the anti-discrimination laws only catch the dumb ones) and you could push it in court and force him to let you rent the place - like you really want a narrow-minded retard as a landlord - can you say "flat inspection from Hell".

Makes you wonder what good the anti-discrimination laws are - smart people come up with a plausible excuse ("already taken", "there were others better suited to the job" etc) and the dumb ones who do get caught out or think it's perfectly acceptable to say "nah, we don't hire niggers here"... well, what does the law do? Force them to give you the job or whatever (they still hate gays/niggers/old farts/supralapsarians, now they have to see one every day and they're pissed off because they can't fire them - great work relationship, that one, just add shitty pay and long hours and it'd be "perfect") or fine them - the money goes to the court so the judges can buy more coke and 14-year-old asian boys. Gee, a winner all 'round.

Honestly, 'tis bad enough having random chance throw bigotted coworkers in your way without stupid laws that would put you into a situation you're better off out of - even if the money were fantastic, I'd tire quickly of a job where I was constantly being sneered at as a "Devil Worshipper" by an ignorant bigot who also is in charge of handing out work tasks and promotions - or "punishes" the transgressor by making the court system richer (thinking specifically of Labour Tribunal here who's options are get you the money they owe you (if any), get you your job back if unfairly sacked or make themselves rich by fining the SoBs who treated you like crap - no reparation for you).

Yea to that. Reminds me of something I just thought of (imagine that). Society has become like an engine. Years ago 'someone' invented the perfect motor, then TheCommittee got ahold of it & added all these moving parts to 'make it better'. Sound familiar??

Big Dave
27th July 2005, 12:07
Something 'boy' golfs are endowed with... Don't ask what the lady golfs are equipped with...

Fair ways of course.

Lou Girardin
27th July 2005, 12:14

If you actually knew me in person I think you would temper things I may write with the knowledge that I do genuinely try to be a nice person and would never try to offend people. If I was to want to offend you, you would know it.


Not offended, curious.

27th July 2005, 12:29
Just a minor correction for those here stating that smoking cannabis in Holland is legal - it's not. The authorities tolerate the smoking of cannabis only in establishments that have clearly stated their intention to supply and host people smoking pot. It is therefore de-criminalised, meaning that you can still get arrested for smoking it on the street, or technically even in the coffee shop if the cops wanted to.

My experiences of visiting Amsterdam have all been excellent. By daytime visiting the wonderful galleries, museums and taking in canal boat trips. Then by evening joining the office workers, professionals, families, tourists and other locals having a chat over a coffee and a smoke. Then walking around the city where there are no longer pissed people looking for fights (as in all major cities), just stoned people giggling and enjoying themselves.

I even had a chat with a cop there on one of my visits. I asked him what it was like policing Amsterdam since the tolerance on using cannabis was introduced. He claimed that violent crime was now at an all time low, arrests and detection of class A drugs were up, but only due to the increase in resource now available to them as they could now concentrate on the harder drugs instead of "wasting our time with people smoking ganja".

27th July 2005, 12:31
Yeah it is a shame, but its something we've learnt to live with... you wouldn't believe the extent it... it took us nearly 3 months to find a new place when we moved... so many landlords had that shocked look on thier faces when they realised that the "my partner" I mentioned on the phone was actually a "my lesbian partner" and from the word go where very off-ish and all to often we got the "sorry it's been taken" and seen the same place advertised for 2 more weeks afterwards... Once I even called the guy back when I saw his ad, and fooled him to thinking I was just another enquiry about the place, asked if it was still available and he said "yep no takers yet" then mentioned who I was... and got hung up on... still enjoyed catching him out though... lol

At least my work is gay friendly :)

The more I learn about others - the more comfortable I am in myself, and with them.

From what I understand "coming out" must be BLOODY hard - and to anyone/everyone that's gone through it - I salute you.. big time!

I don't "understand" what it is to be gay - I'm not and I don't dare to presume to be able to relate to those feelings. From what I understand (and PF your email exemplifies it) it's amasing what prejudices are out there - either born of ignorance or religion.

To me they seem unreasonable.

I have a thing against overt PDA's anyway, be it by any couple (young, oldm black, white, gay or straight). If you want to be intimate - do it somewhere private.

A kiss on the cheek, holding hands or a hug for whatever reason... GO FOR IT.

A friend of mine once told me "What other people think of you is none of your business".

It's very true.

Paul in NZ
27th July 2005, 12:31
Fair ways of course.


Well you could have at least had the decency to set me up so I could have replied.. "Why a hole in one of course"

Sigh.... (pt)

27th July 2005, 12:33
Fair ways of course.

I like it!

This topic has definitely gone in all directions - but it's great, it's just like a rambling discussion at your mate's place!

I think the main reason some people don't like seeing gay people showing affection is probably because they aren't getting any themselves. Also, they have this weird notion that if they are the same sex as the gay person, that gay person will fancy them! Come on, do straight people think every person of the opposite sex fancies them? (Well, I know some guys who do...) No, so why should they assume that every gay person thinks they are desirable! Not being able to speak from experience, I would assume that gay people are just like straight people as far as what attracts them goes - they may like tall people, cuddly people, Asian people, funny people, quiet people - the only difference is, they are people of the same sex.

27th July 2005, 12:38
Just in respone to this... Sam and I don't do DPA (Public Displays of affection), for that exact reason. Just like we don't smoke around people who we know don't smoke... just like we don't swear infront of old people and the such...

We go out of our way to be considerate towards others... exspecially when we don't know the people that we are around... did anyone on the ride the other Sunday see Sam and I kiss? Or hold hands? Or even hug? No because we understand that people can't be accepting... not that I think being gay is anything like smoking P so it isn't even relavent... and if people think having gays/lesbians around children will make them gay then everyone is gay because everyone at some stage in thier life has been around a gay person weather they know it or not...

*doesn't even see the comparison between sexuality and P*
I read this and went OMG we have just got waaaay to PC
PF my advise to you would be if you love someone enough to want to hold hands the fucken do it.If you wanna hug do it.
There aint enough love out there as it is without putting provisos on it
Maybee Ive just got thick skin but I do what i wanna do and if people don't like it -stuff em they can look elsewhere.

27th July 2005, 12:43
A friend of mine once told me "What other people think of you is none of your business".

It's very true.

Thats a good one... and it's true... :yes:

Also, they have this weird notion that if they are the same sex as the gay person, that gay person will fancy them! Come on, do straight people think every person of the opposite sex fancies them? (Well, I know some guys who do...) No, so why should they assume that every gay person thinks they are desirable! Not being able to speak from experience, I would assume that gay people are just like straight people as far as what attracts them goes - they may like tall people, cuddly people, Asian people, funny people, quiet people - the only difference is, they are people of the same sex.

that is so true... so many women as soon as they notice/hear/realise that I'm gay they start to act all wierd as though I were going to hit on them... lol not very likely as I don't hit on anyone *is a shy little thing... really :love: *

And the worst is: "Do you think I'm hot?"

How do you answer that? If you say yes it's all "oh my god a lesbian likes me, eww don't hit on me" and if I say no its all "why not? Am I ugly?"

lol sometimes you just can't win... it's like the "does my ass look fat in this?" haha why yes it does!

27th July 2005, 12:45
.... ass......
Grrrr. Where is Hitcher when he's needed?

27th July 2005, 13:07
Not offended, curious.

Lou, you're meant to use the personals forum... 8-)

27th July 2005, 13:14
Grrrr. Where is Hitcher when he's needed?
Prolly hasn't run his daily search for "ass" yet... :devil2:

I can't understand people making assumptions that gays are out to jump their hetero bones - the whole "arse against the wall, guys, here comes Ramone" thing is stupid.

I've flatted with a bisexual guy and used to crash at a mates place when a gay friend of his also used to crash there (never felt the need to lock myself in the toilet, we we both aware of each others' respective sexual preferences and respected that - I also knew he had a boyfriend and I didn't automatically assume he'd find me attractive - I don't find every female attractive.) I've had a number of gay male workmates and people I met socially at friend's parties - none of us worried when they kissed their partners, either.

Favourite assumption story, though:

I don't generally do the club scene thing - something about noisy, excessively smoky places with drunk idiots trying to pick up jail-bait doesn't thrill me - but I will occasionally go to a club if invited by friends.

One day a lesbian friend of mine invited me out to her favourite club - of course it was a "gay bar". I accepted the invitation and off we went. We got to the club and the guy at the door looked at us, a male and a female together, and said "Umm, you do know what this place is, don't you?" :rofl:

As to the club - it was noisy and smoky, there were people making out at the tables etc. My friend vanished off for a while to go and chat with some of her other friends, leaving me alone at the table drinking and watching the crowd. Not one person tried to pick me up or even engage me in conversation.

So either I'm hideously ugly (I was once told by one of my gay friends, quite objectively and with no hint of a pick-up on his part, that I do look attractive) or I just didn't set off anyone's "gaydar" - I just look too "straight" in the sexual sense. (By other definitions of "straight", however...)

27th July 2005, 13:27
Yeah you can spot the straight people in gay bars a mile away lol Usually it's a straight couple looking to pick up an extra person for a "good time", no-one goes near them... and then you get the "fag hags" as in straight girls with gay male friends... generally the easiest way to spot the straight people in gay bars is that they kinda loko around at everyone and everything and every now and then you'll see a funny expression on thier face as they try to figure out if that 9 foot tall lady in the corner is actually a lady lol...

Sam and I used to do the clubbing thing religously... then it got to the point where there are so many drama's (you think that straight people thinking gay people are trying to pick them up is bad... in a gay bar you talk to anyone of the same sex and thier partner gets all agro and thinks your trying to steal thier partner... lol). So we stopped going clubbing... and also because our favourite club got burnt down... but yeah...

27th July 2005, 13:51
(you think that straight people thinking gay people are trying to pick them up is bad... in a gay bar you talk to anyone of the same sex and thier partner gets all agro and thinks your trying to steal thier partner... lol).
Mate, I know straight guys and girls who're like that if a member of the appropriate sex starts talking with their partners.

One chick we know flies off the handle if a female acquaintance calls her and says "I'm with [husband]" - "with" as in they are both at the same location - she instantly thinks the other woman means they're currently having sex and her husband has left her. Fuck being married to someone like that! Fortunately Juliet is quite comfortable with me chatting to other women - including ex-girlfriends with whom I have managed to maintain a friendship.

I've seen hetero guys get quite bolshy and possessive - full turkey strut behaviour - if they see their wives/gfs/fucks talking with another man. Been on the receiving end of that.

I don't think the gay community has got the monopoly on drama :devil2:

Paul in NZ
27th July 2005, 14:11
that is so true... so many women as soon as they notice/hear/realise that I'm gay they start to act all wierd as though I were going to hit on them... lol not very likely as I don't hit on anyone *is a shy little thing... really :love: *

And the worst is: "Do you think I'm hot?"

How do you answer that? If you say yes it's all "oh my god a lesbian likes me, eww don't hit on me" and if I say no its all "why not? Am I ugly?"

lol sometimes you just can't win... it's like the "does my ass look fat in this?" haha why yes it does!


All us guys have been throught THAT one... You are right, you can't win!

27th July 2005, 14:11
lol that is so true :)

27th July 2005, 14:18

All us guys have been throught THAT one... You are right, you can't win!

At the risk of sounding trite and all PC...

Talking with a couple of friends, the more I find out about Lesbians - the more I realise a lot of guys have a HELL of a lot in common.

Appreciating the female form. Appreciating women as attractive or not. As Paul points out the whole "so - do I look good in this, do you like me, am I ok" type of assurance seeking that comes from time to time needs to be handled with tact...

... and it can be a no win situation. (FYI I like to tell the truth when that happens... it either means they respect me for my opinion, or they don;t come back :-)

Anyhoo... time to shut up and do some more email

Big Dave
27th July 2005, 14:58
'Excuse me miss - would you like to dance?'
'No - certainly not!'
Ahh, perhaps you mis-heard me - I said 'your arse looks really big in those pants'.

(Works better with an Aussie accent.)

27th July 2005, 15:16
'Excuse me miss - would you like to dance?'
'No - certainly not!'
Ahh, perhaps you mis-heard me - I said 'your arse looks really big in those pants'.

(Works better with an Aussie accent.)
Better not tell my brother that one, he used to get enough hidings going up to chicks and saying "here's a joke that'll make you laugh your tits off - oh, I see you've heard it already."

Your line would get him killed.

27th July 2005, 15:16

Well you could have at least had the decency to set me up so I could have replied.. "Why a hole in one of course"

Sigh.... (pt)

Unless they are really big.

In which case its a golf cart.

Big Dave
27th July 2005, 15:22

Well you could have at least had the decency to set me up so I could have replied.. "Why a hole in one of course"

Sigh.... (pt)

What am I? - Morcambe & fuckin' Wise!
Sorry, didn't see it coming - will look harder next time.

27th July 2005, 15:48
PF if you wanna show affection in public go for it (within the bounds of common decency -of course). Our 14 yo is in a band - does pub gigs etc. Gets to see lots of drunks, stoners etc ( sure puts him off doing that). Lesbian couple snogging right in front of the stage-he never even realised that they were there. Mind you, we tend to be an affectionate household anyway, so maybe he didn't notice that it was a same sex thing.
Don't ever apologise for who you are!!!

27th July 2005, 15:49
Didn't we used to talk about motorcycles & suchlike before PF joined our ranks??

Lou Girardin
27th July 2005, 15:59
Lesbian couple snogging right in front of the stage-he never even realised that they were there. Mind you, we tend to be an affectionate household anyway, so maybe he didn't notice that it was a same sex thing.

Would you like to clarify?

27th July 2005, 16:00
Didn't we used to talk about motorcycles & suchlike before PF joined our ranks??

lol yeah but it's more fun now :)

Paul in NZ
27th July 2005, 16:05
What am I? - Morcambe & fuckin' Wise!
Sorry, didn't see it coming - will look harder next time.

No, thats the problem you are being morecombe and wise. One of us needs to be morecombe and one of us needs to be wise... Just like volleyball Some one sets it up and the other dude spikes it.

27th July 2005, 16:07
I'm with her - its good to have a bit of a ramble every now and then.

27th July 2005, 16:08
No, thats the problem you are being morecombe and wise. One of us needs to be morecombe and one of us needs to be wise... Just like volleyball Some one sets it up and the other dude spikes it.
Are either of you even remotely wise?

27th July 2005, 16:08
lol I'm just impressed my rant sparked a 12 page thread... thats a personal best from me hehe :)

Paul in NZ
27th July 2005, 16:09
Didn't we used to talk about motorcycles & suchlike before PF joined our ranks??

Nah! We used to talk about all those hot gay chicks that just needed to meet us good lookin' stud muffin guys really into leather... The motorbikes justified the leather and big mostaches (pt)

I think we are a bit too shy to bring that up anymore though... Oops!

Paul in NZ
27th July 2005, 16:10
Are either of you even remotely wise?

Like many people - the more remote (from the consequences) I am the wiser I become

27th July 2005, 16:14
Are either of you even remotely wise?


me either!

27th July 2005, 16:15
Are either of you even remotely wise?

Candy Bars!!!!! :rofl:

27th July 2005, 16:21
and big mostaches (pt)

I think we are a bit too shy to bring that up anymore though... Oops!
What about the beards too? Mandatory for 'proper' bikers

Big Dave
27th July 2005, 16:44
Like many people - the more remote (from the consequences) I am the wiser I become

I have 20/20 hindsight.

As for understanding comedy - I have treasured my copy of the 'Morey Amsterdam Joke Book' for 30 years.

(It was a running gag when I co-wrote some hokey ABC productions in the 80's.)

27th July 2005, 16:50
Would you like to clarify?
Don't know which bit you don't understand but here goes... Because he lives in an environment where it is normal to show love and affection he did not notice that the love and affection being shown was two people of the same sex, he saw it as love and affection between two people as opposed to two gay people

27th July 2005, 16:55
The motorbikes justified the leather and big mostaches (pt)

Bollocks! It's not a PT, it's true so nobody disillusion me please! :motu:

27th July 2005, 16:57
lol I'm just impressed my rant sparked a 12 page thread... thats a personal best from me hehe :)

Keep it going, you probably have opened a few eyes.

BTW I would rather share the company of a "queer" (either sex) that is cool, articulate and has a sense of humour than the company of a straight who is an arsehole and agro with no brain. :yes:

27th July 2005, 17:13
Keep it going, you probably have opened a few eyes.

BTW I would rather share the company of a "queer" (either sex) that is cool, articulate and has a sense of humour than the company of a straight who is an arsehole and agro with no brain. :yes:
How right you are. Have a Jim Beam on me :drinkup:

27th July 2005, 17:23
Keep it going, you probably have opened a few eyes.

BTW I would rather share the company of a "queer" (either sex) that is cool, articulate and has a sense of humour than the company of a straight who is an arsehole and agro with no brain. :yes:

I'm surprised a certain someone hasn't had a dig at the sexuality conversation... but then again he proberly has me on ignore so he can't even see this thread (is that how ignore works?) oh well :)

I'm more than happy to talk aboutmy sexuality if it helps people to open thier eyes and stop ebign so narrow minded...

I used to be all secretive about my sexuality and only tell people that I had to tell... Then I started working for a childrens charity that worked in the field of suicide prevention (no not yellow ribbon) and it's amazing how many teens in NZ attempt to take thier lives... it's very sad... and one of the statistics were kids (teens) who were confused about thier sexuality and so they killed (or attempted to) themselves...

The problem with a closed minded community is that if a teen is confused about who they are, and they feel that everyone is against them, and that what they are feeling is a very bad thing... of course they're not going to ask for help... and the saddest part of it all...

More than three quaters of the teens that attempted to take thier own lives because they were confused (and all the emotions that come with dealing with your sexuality... will you be accepted? Are you going to hell? Will people still love you? Are you dirty and disgusting for thinking those thoughts? Will you loose your family e.t.c) those kids thats were confused and too scared to ask for help... and attempted to take thier own lives... weren't even gay... just confused. Peoples narrow mindedness is causing sadness to families, putting fear and hatred into the minds and hearts of people too scared to accept peoples different sexuality's.

I don't go out trying to "recruit" people for the queer army, but I won't ever turn my back on trying to open someones eyes that could help someone else later on.

*forgot my point again*

*shouldn't try to work, talk to the boss, while talking to Sam on the phone and type at the same time*


27th July 2005, 17:31
So has bumping off effwits like you - just remember that sunshine. :weird:

27th July 2005, 17:34

27th July 2005, 17:39

lol the Roof Painting camp that cures everything :)

Yeah I know, he's not the best option for a friend "anymore".

*wonders if I'd make any friends at the roof painting camp*

White trash
27th July 2005, 18:05

I'm fucken violent. You wanna see my hee-uge shoulder and biceps. I'm just looking for the next "victim" to bash.

27th July 2005, 18:11
I'm fucken violent. You wanna see my hee-uge shoulder and biceps. I'm just looking for the next "victim" to bash.
It's all those airborne steroids you've been inhaling around Riffy mate.

27th July 2005, 18:20
sooooooooo true - what you want to do with your own plumbing is your own business - and if other people want to get upset by a display of affection that's their problem, not yours.

If I were with someone I liked, I wouldn't think twice about hugging him in front of YOU .... so where's the difference?

Love is love .... and equality is meant to be just that .... go for it

I read this and went OMG we have just got waaaay to PC
PF my advise to you would be if you love someone enough to want to hold hands the fucken do it.If you wanna hug do it.
There aint enough love out there as it is without putting provisos on it
Maybee Ive just got thick skin but I do what i wanna do and if people don't like it -stuff em they can look elsewhere.

27th July 2005, 18:45
yeh P smokers 'generally' steal to suppor their shit
pot smokers pay way overpriced prices or grow it, tis the difference between weed and pretty much every other 'mainstream drug' whatever u wanna call it is that marijuana grows from a seed into the plant then the buds come whatever, NOTHING gets added it, its natural, would you eat a GE modified fish? i sure as hell wouldnt, i like my shit natural, unfucked with by man, the way things should be now, but wont ever be possibly, thats another thread another time:D probably a time soon though unless its properly stopped
when something like p is made man who knows what the fuck they put it in it
its a problem with buying weed, that it could be laced, another reason we should be able to grow it so we know whats in it, i doubt someone would put another drug in there tho, not really worth it
the other problem with buying it is that most of the dealer guys probably use that cash to fund other shit because they get so much from weed smokers for charging waaaaaay over what 'its worth' whatever
someone said this is a thread about open mindness before you say i hate drugs bla just actually read facts not bullshit about weed because more damage is done by getting caught with the drug than from smoking it
sorry if i went off topic i think i did

27th July 2005, 18:47
I'm fucken violent. You wanna see my hee-uge shoulder and biceps. I'm just looking for the next "victim" to bash.
Sorry Jimmy. we've seen your Hee uge shoulders and biceps...............

*wonders if I'd make any friends at the roof painting camp*
camp ones?

BTW I would rather share the company of a "queer" (either sex) that is cool, articulate and has a sense of humour than the company of a straight who is an arsehole and agro with no brain.
Get that man a case of Beam!~ :drinkup:

27th July 2005, 20:10
Hmmmm, hate to be the one to tell you this an all.
But,the weed that most people are smoking today is GE modified.
It's what's called a polyployd plant and has double chromisones(sp)?
Natural weed is a single chromisone plant and is called a diployed plant,and is the stuff the hippies were smoking 20-30 years ago.
Todays weed has been GE modified at the seed stage by being treated with a poision called "culturesene"(sp)again sorry.
This is where dack like Northern lights an skunk come from.
Weed didn't get seven times stronger in just 20odd years by it's self.
Your phonetics are great!


Are the right spellings.

While polyploid plants may have been dicked around with by people, they haven't been dicked with at a DNA molecular level, so aren't technically "genetically modified"; that is, their genetic code hasn't changed. While colchicine is highly poisonous, it's a natural product (just like hemlock is a natural source of poison). Treating marijuana seeds with colchicine increases the numbers of chromosomes they have. In marijuana's case, polyploiding increases the amount of THC a plant produces in its seeds. Clearly there is some appeal in this practice...

Polyploids can also be developed by simple plant selection. Most modern varieties of wheat, for example, are polyploid.

Big Dave
27th July 2005, 20:29
Clearly there is some appeal in this practice...


27th July 2005, 21:47
Treating marijuana seeds with colchicine increases the numbers of chromosomes they have. In marijuana's case, polyploiding increases the amount of THC a plant produces in its seeds. Clearly there is some appeal in this practice....

So- is that the only or main difference- just the amount of THC? I was having a chat with one of my best mates who is a psychiatric nurse and drugs outreach worker about this recently, and he has seen a large number of admissions of people with psychosis apparently brought on in susceptible individuals by smoking Skunk variants (as opposed to 'traditional' pot).

I think it's a mistake to treat any drug as harmless; we are all affected differently by substances. Asparin can be fatal to some people, after all.
I've seen the effects of various drugs on various people over the years, hard and soft (and really alcohol and nictone should be included in that category) and I've yet to see one that improves a person in the long term. Even pot can make people apathetic or paranoid.

I actually think there is a lot of sense in legalising them; I am sick of scumbags profiting from the situation as it stands- and let's not forget the unseen victims in the supply chain (cocaine and heroin farmworkers, mules, eastern european and thai 'sex slaves'). I lived in Amsterdam for two years from the age of 16 and saw a lot of things in that time; found dead bodies, saw a guy die of a speedball, saw people get so f*cked up on the stuff they actually agreed to do hardcore porn and then snuff movies just to support their habit. (Yes, they died- they thought the movie was going to be fake.)
Amsterdam was not then, and I doubt that it is now, some sort of Ideal, though it was a Mecca of sorts. It had a huge influx of tourists (drug and sex) being served by a huge service industry that ranged from the sanitised to the seriously sick. There were a lot of people who came as addicts because it was relatively easy to live as an addict there (I say relatively).
I suppose that if it were fully legalised in (for example) the UK, there would be a similar flood- for a while at least. Better heads than I know what the answer might be for that.
I have to say, that one of the things that I delighted in when in New Zealand was that you had nearly no heroin there at all; count your blessings, folks.
Sorry to ramble, just kinda happened... oh, and I'm not exactly an angel- this is a hobby horse, not a high horse!

27th July 2005, 23:04
..; found dead bodies, saw a guy die of a speedball, ..

Me edjumacation has obviously been sadly neglected. First golfballs that are rocks (still don't understand what that means), now speedballs.

WTF is a "speedball"

27th July 2005, 23:05
Sounds like these are friends not worth having, here's where they are heading, In three years time, both with probably have lost there jobs and will be sponging of family or friends, one of them will most likely end up doing time for drug related stuff, the kids will end up under the care of CYF who will find someone else to bring them up. (Hopefully other caring family members). The two year will be old enough to know things aren't right and wonders why the parents don't want them / love them enough to stop it. In the mean time the families around these to will go through a living hell as to what to do, they’ll end up paying the living expenses and legal bills for these two.

If you've got the time / energy, go around to your friends place when they aren't high. Explain that you've got some serious concerns for the kids and that they are being shocking parents. Ask them if they are capable of stopping the drugs and to seek help if they are not. The odd joint probably isn't an issue, but your friends have gone way past this point and are endangering kids. These people have sunk pretty low and it's only going to get worse.

27th July 2005, 23:06
So- is that the only or main difference- just the amount of THC? I was having a chat with one of my best mates who is a psychiatric nurse and drugs outreach worker about this recently, and he has seen a large number of admissions of people with psychosis apparently brought on in susceptible individuals by smoking Skunk variants (as opposed to 'traditional' pot).

I think it's a mistake to treat any drug as harmless; we are all affected differently by substances. Asparin can be fatal to some people, after all.
I've seen the effects of various drugs on various people over the years, hard and soft (and really alcohol and nictone should be included in that category) and I've yet to see one that improves a person in the long term. Even pot can make people apathetic or paranoid.

I actually think there is a lot of sense in legalising them; I am sick of scumbags profiting from the situation as it stands- and let's not forget the unseen victims in the supply chain (cocaine and heroin farmworkers, mules, eastern european and thai 'sex slaves'). I lived in Amsterdam for two years from the age of 16 and saw a lot of things in that time; found dead bodies, saw a guy die of a speedball, saw people get so f*cked up on the stuff they actually agreed to do hardcore porn and then snuff movies just to support their habit. (Yes, they died- they thought the movie was going to be fake.)
Amsterdam was not then, and I doubt that it is now, some sort of Ideal, though it was a Mecca of sorts. It had a huge influx of tourists (drug and sex) being served by a huge service industry that ranged from the sanitised to the seriously sick. There were a lot of people who came as addicts because it was relatively easy to live as an addict there (I say relatively).
I suppose that if it were fully legalised in (for example) the UK, there would be a similar flood- for a while at least. Better heads than I know what the answer might be for that.
I have to say, that one of the things that I delighted in when in New Zealand was that you had nearly no heroin there at all; count your blessings, folks.
Sorry to ramble, just kinda happened... oh, and I'm not exactly an angel- this is a hobby horse, not a high horse!
There is quite a bit of herion around, just the user base got smaller
cause of all the new drugs (and the habbit of users to OD)
I have had at least 3 close mates die from the stuff,
shit! i could right a book about how fucked up people get on this shit
(blakamin could help on this front as well)

Big Dave
28th July 2005, 00:03
Me edjumacation has obviously been sadly neglected. First golfballs that are rocks (still don't understand what that means), now speedballs.

WTF is a "speedball"

I don't know or care as long as it'a another name for fastball: The standard delivery of most pitchers. The good ones can also throw a 'curve ball', 'slider', 'sinker', 'spilt finger' and a 'change up'.

28th July 2005, 00:53
I don't know or care as long as it'a another name for fastball: The standard delivery of most pitchers. The good ones can also throw a 'curve ball', 'slider', 'sinker', 'spilt finger' and a 'change up'.

Uh, I somewhat doubt it, given the context

I lived in Amsterdam for two years from the age of 16 and saw a lot of things in that time; found dead bodies, saw a guy die of a speedball, saw people get so f*cked up on the stuff they actually agreed to do hardcore porn and then snuff movies just to support their habit. (Yes, they died- they thought the movie was going to be fake.)

Unless Ms Jazbug5 knew some very alternative baseball players, I thik the answer lies elsewhere.

I am consoled that I am not the only one thus ignorant. I suspect this may also me knowledge more honoured in the ignorance thereof.

Big Dave
28th July 2005, 00:59
Uh, I somewhat doubt it, given the context.

That was code for 'gnat-like attention span on this topic is exhausted'

28th July 2005, 01:10
Sounds like a cool party to me !! usually you got to pay heaps for P, what a guy laying down his stuff for everyone to enjoy fuck there is still some love left in the world :Punk:

28th July 2005, 01:14
There's nothing wrong with the natural stuff,?
Then why are all heavy/long term pot users fucked in the head?

28th July 2005, 01:25
That was code for 'gnat-like attention span on this topic is exhausted'

Google-fu to the rescue



A mixture of cocaine and heroin, injected intravenously
OR heroin and methamphetamine , ditto
OR heroin and ritalin, ditto

Nasty stuff - I regret that Ms Jazbug5 should have known of such things. I do not regret my innocence on such matters.

28th July 2005, 01:38
I wrote a long long post about this, but I've just deleted it. Other people have said it all.

FWIW, I agree Mr Giradin and Mr Hitcher. Both. Meaning, that the only effective way to control abuse of anything (alcohol, tobacco, P, heroin, whatever), is societal pressure. If everybody you know thinks that using X makes you a total loser dork and a social outcast, it's very unlikely you'll use it.

The prevalence of P and such like indicates that it's use is accepted by society.

And if society accepts use of X, laws banning it won't work. That's why prohibition failed. So best, as Mr Lou Giradin says, to legalise it and control it.

If society as a whole is willing to reject use of X , then outlaw it.

I fear that for the moment the use of P is not going to be stopped by laws. As you've seen, quite "ordinary", "nice" people apparently see nothing wrong in using it. Until that attitude changes (and every time someone "turns a blind eye" to its use, they reinforce the "It's OK" value), it'll be with us.

Disclosure of interest: Drink alcohol, don't smoke anything (mainly cos I tried and it did nothing for me). Never tried anything else never will. I'm with Sam, I'd have left the party immediately the P came out and explained why. That's my personal line in the sand. I'm an old nana.
Methamphetamine is a special case,due to it's ability to quickly induce psychosis,in mentally healthy users,that would be most unwise to legalise.
Heroin,by comparison,is benign and in countries that provide heroin for registered addicts,those addicts lead normal,productive lives.

28th July 2005, 07:53
Google-fu to the rescue



A mixture of cocaine and heroin, injected intravenously
OR heroin and methamphetamine , ditto
OR heroin and ritalin, ditto

Nasty stuff - I regret that Ms Jazbug5 should have known of such things. I so not regret my innocence on such matters.

Yeah... I also think a speedball might be thus:

At that party I also saw the dealer dude take a rollie paper (Zig Zag) and put some powder stuff in it and twist the paper and gave it to a guy to swallow... he also said "you can also sniff it". I don't know if it was speed... but could be similar to the term "Speedball" maybe?

28th July 2005, 07:58
If you've got the time / energy, go around to your friends place when they aren't high. Explain that you've got some serious concerns for the kids and that they are being shocking parents. Ask them if they are capable of stopping the drugs and to seek help if they are not. The odd joint probably isn't an issue, but your friends have gone way past this point and are endangering kids. These people have sunk pretty low and it's only going to get worse.

I could do that, but only with my friend. I've only ever meet his girlfriend and her two kids (Ms. 3yo and Mr. 2yo) twice, including Sunday night... so I don't really have the right to say anything to her... and I don't know her as a person... (And I don't honestly want to know either... she's rather scummy... I was really disapointed with her the first time I meet her because I knew my mate could do better...) but with my friend I could speak to him about it, he seems to have taken over the "daddy" role pretty well with the kids (I saw him looking after them and playing with them a lot more then I saw the mother doing it...). I know he won't flip out at me if I say anything regarding the P thing, but I don't know if I can trust what he says about it... like "ok I won't do it again" and the such...

28th July 2005, 08:33

If this gentlemen did half the stuff he claims to (the stuff that isnt contractitary) he wouldnt be in jail, he'd be dead.

28th July 2005, 08:38
If this gentlemen did half the stuff he claims to (the stuff that isnt contractitary) he wouldnt be in jail, he'd be dead.

He's not in jail... If you look in the Pointless Drivel section he created a thread called "WHORES" and states that he's just moved to Auckland and wants to know where he can cheap whores for about $80 (or $90??). He's just a shit stirrer.

28th July 2005, 09:56
He's not in jail... If you look in the Pointless Drivel section he created a thread called "WHORES" and states that he's just moved to Auckland and wants to know where he can cheap whores for about $80 (or $90??). He's just a shit stirrer.

Really? Did he find out whe.......er.......yeah, just a shit stirrer :yes:

28th July 2005, 10:06
Pretty incredible the double standards that some of you proclaim.


Alcohol and pot is ok but anything else is not....

You can lead a productive life on heroin but pot will fuck your head up....


Big Dave
28th July 2005, 10:19
Pretty incredible the double standards that some of you proclaim.
Alcohol and pot is ok but anything else is not....

That's because the stoner will crash on your lounge - the Junkie will eventually try and steal it.

28th July 2005, 10:26
That's because the stoner will crash on your lounge - the Junkie will eventually try and steal it.

Very good point... I know a LOT of stoners and I'm known to have the occasional smoke, and not one person I know, has ever lost thier job, lost thier family, been invloved in crime, theft, or been physically abusive... or even verbally abusive while stoned.

Also as far as I'm aware, pot doesn't cause a bad "come down", and unless your smoking it on a daily basis (like all day everyday) I've never meet a moody, depressed stoner...

Lou Girardin
28th July 2005, 10:34
Methamphetamine is a special case,due to it's ability to quickly induce psychosis,in mentally healthy users,that would be most unwise to legalise.
Heroin,by comparison,is benign and in countries that provide heroin for registered addicts,those addicts lead normal,productive lives.

Keith Richard puts his survival down to being able to afford good smack.

28th July 2005, 10:37
Also as far as I'm aware, pot doesn't cause a bad "come down", and unless your smoking it on a daily basis (like all day everyday) I've never meet a moody, depressed stoner...

Generally, I'd agree with most of what you're saying; pot smokers represent far less of a problem to society and other people. Mostly.
However, there are a number of people in psychiatric units who might never have had a schizophrenic episode had they not smoked it. I'd call that a hell of a comedown, myself! Most people, of course, do not have this happen, they smoke occasionally and not all day every day and suffer few ill effects. But every high comes with a price, in my opinion. We live in a world where we want everything with as little effort involved as possible, and that includes feeling good. Why work on yourself as a person when you can just pop a pill- whether prescribed by your doctor or by your friendly neighbourhood dealer? And who takes the trouble to find out exactly what they're taking first? The consumer society has turned us into passive consumers of all sorts of things...

28th July 2005, 10:59
Keith Richard puts his survival down to being able to afford good smack.

By the look of his face, he's had a few good smacks too!

28th July 2005, 11:02
Yeah being pshycotic (sp) and schizo is a hell of a come down... I've read about the effects in reports and in the paper. And in NZ there are a hell of a lot of people that smoke pot, I'd say that honestly out of every 10 people I know, at least 6 or 7 smoke pot on a regular basis. I was actually rather surpirsed at how many people do.

Pot is a lot more accepted than other drugs. Most people don't even class it as a drug. When I first started smoking pot, it was to help me sleep (I had major issues with something personal I'd rather not go into, that caused me to get bad nightmares every night) the first time I smoked pot, I had a perfect nights sleep... so I started smoking it more and more... then when we moved to NZ I didn't know anyone... and exspecially no-one who smoked pot, so I stopped smoking it on a regular basis (due to not knowing where to get it). Now on the rare occasion I do smoke it's when someone I know has some and offers...

I don't have an issue really with people who smoke pot (maybe because I do occasionally too), and to be honest I'd rather be around people who are stoned then people who are drunk...

28th July 2005, 11:17
Generally, I'd agree with most of what you're saying; pot smokers represent far less of a problem to society and other people. Mostly.
However, there are a number of people in psychiatric units who might never have had a schizophrenic episode had they not smoked it. I'd call that a hell of a comedown, myself! Most people, of course, do not have this happen, they smoke occasionally and not all day every day and suffer few ill effects. But every high comes with a price, in my opinion. We live in a world where we want everything with as little effort involved as possible, and that includes feeling good. Why work on yourself as a person when you can just pop a pill- whether prescribed by your doctor or by your friendly neighbourhood dealer? And who takes the trouble to find out exactly what they're taking first? The consumer society has turned us into passive consumers of all sorts of things...

Cheers JB. This is a point of interest for me.

[rant warning]
I like to think we survived (as a race) for a long time, eating whats available - reasonably straight from the ground or animal.

Then we discover we can alter and more powerfully control our environment, and bodies through the use of various substances. We learn to refine them and set about using them - combatting side effects with yet other concocted solutions.

We ignore the fact they're doing stuff to our bodies we don't like, and gloss over that there may be serious side effects later on.

We live for now - so who cares?

It's gotten to the point where we now have no say in many such checmicals going into us, and very little say in others. MSG (aka additive 621) in foods... the sparying of the apple moth, rampant use of anitbiotics, growth promoting substances... all obvious examples of what I'm talking about.

We THEN rely on science to come up with yet MORE discoveries to get us out of our predicaments, and more science to get us out of the predicaments caused by those discoveries and so one... ad naseum

(check - anyone still reading?)


Here's a novel idea... grow food slowly.. normally. Slow down - live and enjoy life (I think Frosty's sig sums it up best - go have a read).

Sure - if you NEED medicine, use it, but don't do it "just in case".

[rant over]


28th July 2005, 11:20
Amen, brother...

28th July 2005, 11:26
Pretty incredible the double standards that some of you proclaim.


Alcohol and pot is ok but anything else is not....


Yeah good call - I'm a hippo(crite). I drink alcohol and caffeine but pot, guarana (sp?), heroine, P, E, and every other damned letter can go int he bin as far as I'm concerned.

I high enough on life now... bugger doing anything more!


28th July 2005, 11:49
you lot know that the guru god of motorcycling, Keith Code, used to be a herioin addict?

28th July 2005, 11:51
you lot know that the guru god of motorcycling, Keith Code, used to be a herioin addict?

So now he's a methodone (sp) addict?

Don't they give that to herion addicts to get them off it... only problem is that they become addicted to that instead... but apparantly it's not as bad...

28th July 2005, 11:52
you lot know that the guru god of motorcycling, Keith Code, used to be a herioin addict?

Nope - but I respect him for his abilities to ride a bike... just wish he could do it "un aided"


28th July 2005, 11:56
Nope - but I respect him for his abilities to ride a bike... just wish he could do it "un aided"


Eh? Surely you don't think heroin or methadone constitutes some sort of performance enhancer? Last guy I knew who went bike riding off his face on gear (this was back in Scotland) forgot to wear his helmet and wrapped himself around a tree. Don't try THAT one at home, kids!

28th July 2005, 12:03
I had something to say back on page 11 but have since forgotten it.

For what it's worth: (feel free to skip to next person's message)

a) I was apparently hit (up)on by a lesbian chick in Pound over new years - only I'm so innocent I didn't notice. I thought we were just chatting...? (it was a bisexual friend who was there with me who pointed out the (un/dis/in)obvious when we went home)

b) One definition of drug is: a substance other than food intended to affect the structure or function of the body. Ipso facto: all drugs DO affect everyone who uses them - in some way (cellular is still an effect even if your nervous system doesn't register it in your cognitive mind). I'm full of sorrow for those of you who have had such horrible experiences, Jazbug, 750, and am a) amazed and b) glad that you feel comfortable enough to mention them here. (also to you PF - but I said that before)

c) I'm a very intuitive person, and rely on that intuition an awful lot (in regards to the way I read someone else's mood and respond accordingly). The only people who I can't "read" very well are those who are regular and high users (ha ha) of cannabis. What's with that?

d) PF - you go girl! (with regards to both far-reaching topic coverage and number of pages following off-mb-topic rant! Rispekt sistah!!!)


28th July 2005, 12:04
Drugs - everywhere.

I smoke cigarettes, occasionally drink alcohol, very rarely get drunk, drink heaps of caffeinated beverages - predominently coffee - drink V with its Taurine and Guarana but can't honestly say I feel any more alert or pepped up afterwards.

Yet, I don't like taking man-made medicines, cultured antibiotics etc whjen I'm sick. I have got to be pretty much in tears from a headache before I will take Panadol or Neurophen.

I tried pot when I was a teenager and didn't like the taste of it (I don't like whiskey, either and I've had friends cringe when they see me drink gin - "diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks"), have not and will not try "harder" drugs.

Do not like being out of control of myself, hence not getting drunk much these days.

Double standards? Most likely. Alcohol, caffeine and nicotine are all drugs, of which caffeine is arguably the least toxic or harmful (I won't go on at length but there's a great book called "Buzz" if anyone's interested in reading it. It explores the effects of both alcohol and caffeine and compares the former with other "recreational drugs")

I try to give up smoking and then slide back into it again because I enjoy it. Would rather sit down with a cigarette and a cup of coffee than drink most alcoholic beverages. Admittedly, the cigarette harms me possibly more than an alcoholic drink would, but if I had as many alcoholic drinks as I had cigarettes per day I would be unfit to work and would pose a serious risk to other people on the road.

Smoking is stupid and it harms me more than others (sorry, I don't buy into the PC bullshit that passive smokers are more at risk than someone actively sucking great gouts of smoke into their lungs in addition to "passively smoking" the unfiltered smoke from their own and other people's cigarettes) but to my mind, paying large amounts of money to criminals for home-made substances of unknown quality (like you can go to the Fair Trade people and say "my dealer sold me coke cut with powdered glass") that are known to cause psychotic outbursts (Angel Dust and P both qualify) is even stupider and more harmful all around.

28th July 2005, 12:14
However, there are a number of people in psychiatric units who might never have had a schizophrenic episode had they not smoked it.

i know one!

28th July 2005, 13:30
Eh? Surely you don't think heroin or methadone constitutes some sort of performance enhancer? Last guy I knew who went bike riding off his face on gear (this was back in Scotland) forgot to wear his helmet and wrapped himself around a tree. Don't try THAT one at home, kids!

No - you're right I don't... except possibly in his own mind.

Trees aren't very comfortable (or comforting). I have first hand experience of falling through a number of branches as a child - just after I was introduced to the concept of "don't climb on the rotten ones"

I learned that lesson really fast - accelerating at 9.81 m/s^2 in between hefty wooden "THWACK"s

28th July 2005, 14:27
i know one!
Lol Yea isn't he that guy that lives in your mirror?:whistle:

(PT, Sorry mate couldn't resist that one.)

28th July 2005, 14:29
Ok... I've tried not to ask... but I'm gonna anyway...


28th July 2005, 14:31
PT = piss take!

Yay!!!! I (newbie) answered PF's question (not a newbie)!:)

28th July 2005, 15:07
PT = piss take!

Yay!!!! I (newbie) answered PF's question (not a newbie)!:)

ahhhhh.... thank you :)

28th July 2005, 18:45
lots of good points either way, just hope people read it and take it in
that road sign joke was stupid, i bet only total squares would be like 'haha' sure you forget some shit but you think a whooooooole lot more than you dont
someone said dont take drugs, sort yaself out with them, weed makkkkkkkkes you think hardcore about stuff youve never even thought of for a second, most of it gets discarded as bullshit/unneccessary thus it gets forgotten, the other alternative is write it down, i try but some of it still slips
as long as you arent doing hardcore work your all good with memory

29th July 2005, 07:59
lots of good points either way, just hope people read it and take it in
that road sign joke was stupid, i bet only total squares would be like 'haha' sure you forget some shit but you think a whooooooole lot more than you dont
someone said dont take drugs, sort yaself out with them, weed makkkkkkkkes you think hardcore about stuff youve never even thought of for a second, most of it gets discarded as bullshit/unneccessary thus it gets forgotten, the other alternative is write it down, i try but some of it still slips
as long as you arent doing hardcore work your all good with memory

Yeah, when smoking it, it feels like your brain is moving at 200kph and your thinking all these great ideas... and 5 minuts later you don't remember them... but long term smoking of weed, does affect your memory (Not sure if it's short term or long term... but either way I'm sure it's not good)... but oh well... :Punk:

2nd August 2005, 01:10
Ok... I've tried not to ask... but I'm gonna anyway...

Now I understand...
Chrysler PT Cruiser
Thank you

2nd August 2005, 01:13
weed makkkkkkkkes you think hardcore about stuff youve never even thought of for a second,
Yeah,like why they are called fingers,but you've never seen them fing.Maaan

2nd August 2005, 01:29
Yeah,like why they are called fingers,but you've never seen them fing.Maaan
Ahem... If you're gonna steal a quote atleast get it right.

Dammit, why did I have to change my signiture today...

2nd August 2005, 01:55
--- i'm dangerous enough on adrenaline ............ :blink:
Yeah good call - I'm a hippo(crite). I drink alcohol and caffeine but pot, guarana (sp?), heroine, P, E, and every other damned letter can go int he bin as far as I'm concerned.

I high enough on life now... bugger doing anything more!


2nd August 2005, 06:46
Cant no trees
Must be - you just came down from 1 didn't you ? fuckhead