View Full Version : tougher penalties

30th July 2005, 15:34
just witnessed my first motorbike accident.
sittin at the lights when a guy on a ZXR250 rode past coming towards me. i turned round to see him go (im a big fan of ZXRs) when a cager pulled out from a give way without looking and nailed the biker in the side. the biker was ok, despite his leg bearing the full impact, whick took off the foot peg and his gear lever. faring took a fair bit of punishment too.

the part that ticks me off the most is that this could easily have been another fatality. if the biker had come off he would have slid straight into oncoming traffic, but as no-one was hurt the driver will be off with a slap on the wrist.

my vote would go to any government that would impose tougher penalties on the people at fault with incidents like this. suspending licences doesnt provide as much income as minor fines though. i guess i should keep dreaming...

30th July 2005, 15:38
you stayed around, or are going to report what you saw to the police. Helpful for the person that got hit if impatial witnesses do this as it will help him/her in a court claim or with insurance.

And if you report it they may get fined with failing to stop at least.

30th July 2005, 16:07
failing to give way, doesnt even incur demerit points, it sucks. I had a write off in a similar situation, and sinse I had no WOF, it cost me agrand to fix her car, and i was left wit a broken leg, dislocated thumb, and one excuisitly fucked VF 750.
the laws and penalties need to be revised, and anyone with organisation skolls to make something happen, has my support and assistance for anything I can do.

30th July 2005, 16:12
so you were not at fault but had to fix her shit? that seems a bit wrong aye

30th July 2005, 16:21
you stayed around, or are going to report what you saw to the police. Helpful for the person that got hit if impatial witnesses do this as it will help him/her in a court claim or with insurance.

And if you report it they may get fined with failing to stop at least.

first thing i did was fo a u turn to go see if the guy was ok. i stuck around until the police arrived and left my details with them.

30th July 2005, 16:23
But he was at fault! The heinous crime of no warrant! Therefore his bike was blatantly unsafe, a danger to all and sundry on the road and, therefore, he was a criminal of a higher order than some blind numbskull, whose actions actually caused an accident! By the law, his bike should not have been on the road!

More legal cocksucking!

30th July 2005, 16:40
But he was at fault! The heinous crime of no warrant! Therefore his bike was blatantly unsafe, a danger to all and sundry on the road and, therefore, he was a criminal of a higher order than some blind numbskull, whose actions actually caused an accident! By the law, his bike should not have been on the road!

More legal cocksucking!

but if someone smashes in to your bike while it is in a no parking space, they have to pay even though your bike should not be there.

This country needs some personal responsibility, if the lack of WOF contributed to the accident fair enough he had to pay, but for some person to use that for getting out of shit just aint on.

30th July 2005, 16:47
just got a call from the police asking for a statement. it was good to hear that the driver took full responsibility for the accident and is paying for towing and repair of the bike. the biker's leg got a thumbs up from a doctor aswell.
my hat goes off to him, he did damn well to stay up and keep control after a side impact.

30th July 2005, 17:26
glad to hear the biker is ok...amazed he didnt have some sort of damage to his leg...gonna have a wicked bruise though.

30th July 2005, 17:31
just got a call from the police asking for a statement. it was good to hear that the driver took full responsibility for the accident and is paying for towing and repair of the bike. the biker's leg got a thumbs up from a doctor aswell.
At least the driver was prepared to stand up and say it was his fault. Otherwise I think we should have a law that says "Right, now you go on the bike and I'll take the cage and we'll see how well you do under the same circumstances". :devil2:

my hat goes off to him, he did damn well to stay up and keep control after a side impact.

30th July 2005, 18:26
The entire legal system is a joke! Not just the road rules!
Unfortunately it’s the road rules we have to deal with every day.
A good friend of the family lost his leg just below the knee and a couple of fingers when happylittleblindoldbat lost control of her car while doing the speed limit caus "I was being pushed" buy the following traffic!
So the silly bitch admits she cant drive and nearly kills someone, so is punished by losing her licence for 6 MONTHS! And a fine of about a grand!
Legs and other limbs don’t grow back but he is happy he wasn’t in a car as he wouldn’t be here today.
So if you want to kill anyone just run them over!
You might have to walk for a year but the fine is a lot less than a contract hit!
So what was the excuse for today’s misadventure?
If you utter those words you should have your licence suspended for a year on that alone!

30th July 2005, 19:00
But he was at fault! The heinous crime of no warrant! Therefore his bike was blatantly unsafe, a danger to all and sundry on the road and, therefore, he was a criminal of a higher order than some blind numbskull, whose actions actually caused an accident! By the law, his bike should not have been on the road!

More legal cocksucking!

An expired WOF would have had absolutely no bearing on any Police finding as to fault. If she failed to give way then she would have been found to be at fault and liable for all cost regardless of the status of his wof. I think theres a bit more to it than hes lettin on somehow.

30th July 2005, 20:26
failing to give way, doesnt even incur demerit points, it sucks. I had a write off in a similar situation, and sinse I had no WOF, it cost me agrand to fix her car, and i was left wit a broken leg, dislocated thumb, and one excuisitly fucked VF 750.
the laws and penalties need to be revised, and anyone with organisation skolls to make something happen, has my support and assistance for anything I can do.

Sorry, maybe I read this wrong. But you want someone to get done for failing to give way to someone using a vehicle that legally wasnt allowed to be on the road ?

I cant see the logic in that.

However, I agree with the intention of the post in that someone pulling a dangerous maneuver (eg failing to give way) should cop a penalty for it.

30th July 2005, 20:35
Sorry, maybe I read this wrong. But you want someone to get done for failing to give way to someone using a vehicle that legally wasnt allowed to be on the road ?

I cant see the logic in that.

However, I agree with the intention of the post in that someone pulling a dangerous maneuver (eg failing to give way) should cop a penalty for it.

So, because it doesn't have a warrent of fitness you can run it over. :whistle:

I think you'll find the fault doesn't change with lack of warrent, but many insurance Co.s use it as an out.

30th July 2005, 20:39
But he was at fault! The heinous crime of no warrant! Therefore his bike was blatantly unsafe, a danger to all and sundry on the road and, therefore, he was a criminal of a higher order than some blind numbskull, whose actions actually caused an accident! By the law, his bike should not have been on the road!

More legal cocksucking!
It cost him $$$$ because without a WOF you have no insurance. But this assumes that he was actually at fault because of some failing on his part other than an expired WOF. If there was no fault on him the other drivers insurance should have covered the damage to both vehicles, if in fact they were at fault.

Where vehicle one has no WOF but is in the right and is hit by vehicle two that failed to give way but is fully legal the blame for the crash does not shift to vehicle one simply because they have not got a WOF.

30th July 2005, 21:10
I almost T-boned two cars the over day on the same road. They were turning into the right lane from the left hand side and drove halfway across the left hand lane before they looked in my direction and stopped. I was expecting it so nothing happened but drivers discard precautions to try get to work 5 minutes earlier.

31st July 2005, 09:24
Sorry, maybe I read this wrong. But you want someone to get done for failing to give way to someone using a vehicle that legally wasnt allowed to be on the road ?

I cant see the logic in that.

However, I agree with the intention of the post in that someone pulling a dangerous maneuver (eg failing to give way) should cop a penalty for it.

If the lack of a wof contributed to the crash then fair nuff. But if it was for (for example)a missing taillight, and the prang happens in braod daylight why should the rider be punished?

gixxer rider
31st July 2005, 10:14
just got a call from the police asking for a statement. it was good to hear that the driver took full responsibility for the accident and is paying for towing and repair of the bike. the biker's leg got a thumbs up from a doctor aswell.
my hat goes off to him, he did damn well to stay up and keep control after a side impact.
I also am glad to hear the biker is ok.Just because he has no wof does not give him the right to throw the give way rule out the window (aleast he owned up to his shit)
People should look at those signs at intersections etc LOOK OUT FOR MOTORBIKES