View Full Version : Terrorism

2nd August 2005, 04:12
I dont know if this is the best place but what the hell.

Terrorism, what has it done to the world - what is the future holding for us all, are we screwed right and royally or is there a gleem of hope at the end of the gloomy tunnel?

James Deuce
2nd August 2005, 05:00
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Thus it has always been.

Joan of Arc - Saviour of France, Terrorist in the eyes of the Church.

Che Guevara - Scourge of Imperialist and post-imperialist governments, Hero of peasants.

Alexander the Great - Hero of Greece, Destroyer of the Status Quo in the Middle East.

Tui Moment:

None of them did it for the money. Yeah Right.

2nd August 2005, 06:19
The difference is, Joan and Alex were seen coming; modern terrorists hide in the shadows and give their victims no hope of defense.
Interestingly, the western world thrives on terrorism in spite of the "war on terror" and suchlike. Every day we gobble up what the media delivers and express shock and disgust over the actions of these freedom fighters, yet the one thing terrorism needs to survive is publicity. Remove the media coverage (yes, I know it's virtually impossible due to the internet) and terrorism, as we now know it, will vanish. will it happen? :no: :no: :no:

2nd August 2005, 07:34
How about a bikes for bombs program? :yes:

James Deuce
2nd August 2005, 08:17
The difference is, Joan and Alex were seen coming; modern terrorists hide in the shadows and give their victims no hope of defense.
Interestingly, the western world thrives on terrorism in spite of the "war on terror" and suchlike. Every day we gobble up what the media delivers and express shock and disgust over the actions of these freedom fighters, yet the one thing terrorism needs to survive is publicity. Remove the media coverage (yes, I know it's virtually impossible due to the internet) and terrorism, as we now know it, will vanish. will it happen? :no: :no: :no:

Neither of them were "seen" to be threats by the very people they triumphed over.

The rest of your point bears thinking about though.

2nd August 2005, 09:50
*wonders why there is 3 of these threads*

2nd August 2005, 10:09
looks like the ramblings of a shift worker with too much time to think !. (been there done that)

I personally don't feel screwed by it ,life goes on , too many other things to think about such as tyre choices , what bike to get next , how's the family getting along etc. Terroist want to put the fear into people so they stop living. Is the world screwed ?, no more than usual . I like the idea of bombs for bikes though , would give some of these terroist , freedom fighters something real to believe in. As they say , avoid talking about politics and religon and the world would be a better place.

Lou Girardin
2nd August 2005, 12:30
Europe survived the terrrorists of the 60's and 70's, they'll survive this time too.
Just because Amerika has it's first serious attack and they go into palpitations about it doesn't mean that it's the end of the world.
Stop reading papers and watching TV and it'll all be fine.

2nd August 2005, 13:57
Try carrying your own bomb. What would be the odds of there being two bombs in the same place at the same time?

2nd August 2005, 14:29
The difference is, Joan and Alex were seen coming;
Wow, didn't know they had porno's back in those days.....

As you were.

2nd August 2005, 14:35
Try carrying your own bomb. What would be the odds of there being two bombs in the same place at the same time?
It seems to happen quite a lot.
How many organisations claimed responsibilty for the London bombs, maybe they were all telling the truth?

2nd August 2005, 15:34
Some would say there is more to this "terrorism" than one would think..

2nd August 2005, 15:46
:ar15: Then how about people whom ride bomb of bikes??? :doh: