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15th June 2012, 18:55
why a dog sticks its head out the window


15th June 2012, 20:38


15th June 2012, 22:34
A real biker yes - but not wimps who wear a full face helmet, they haven't got a clue about the freedom of wind in the hair.

15th June 2012, 23:00
A real biker yes - but not wimps who wear a full face helmet, they haven't got a clue about the freedom of wind in the hair. ... or getting their chin grated down to the the jawbone as they slide up the road on it.

15th June 2012, 23:00


Hey Flip, nice to see you'll still be riding in 2031! I didn't know you had a camera that took pics in the future, cool!

15th June 2012, 23:02
... or getting their chin grated down to the the jawbone as they slide up the road on it.

Or having their eye taken out by a bee or having their teeth knocked out by just about anything. Ah, such freedom! :innocent:

16th June 2012, 07:25
Only Dogs and bikers?
Sky jumpers, para gliders, horse riders, convertible car drivers, Open cockpit airplane pilots,
Anyone who enjoys going at a pace faster than the wind.

All understand the "feel" of speed.
that sensation you can only get from the pressure of the air against your body,
The exhilaration of, know you are going faster than you could possibly ever run.
The buzz of the wind hard against your face,

Helmets are only there for protection against what you might meet at speed

A dog really understands this feeling, and enjoys it,
The good old honest loving dedicated "love life for what it is" dog.
Funny, most bikers are like this , Honest, loving , dedicated, "love life for what it is"
Bikers would have been the Horse riders of years past, the cavalry, the courier, the outlaw.
A section of human endeavor that discover there is something so much more than the daily grind.

16th June 2012, 08:06
Stupid dogs...they hate it when you blow in the their face yet they'll stick their head a car window.

16th June 2012, 20:53
Stupid dogs...they hate it when you blow in the their face yet they'll stick their head a car window.

I've always wondered what's up with that.

16th June 2012, 20:55
A dog has a sensitive nose,
think how bad a humans breath would smell to a dog

Fast Eddie
16th June 2012, 20:56
I've always wondered what's up with that.

haha same, i blow in my dogs face heaps, fuckng hates it. bite ya if ur close enough haha

Fast Eddie
16th June 2012, 20:57
A dog has a sensitive nose,
think how bad a humans breath would smell to a dog

lol na dogs love human breath

16th June 2012, 20:59
A real biker yes - but not wimps who wear a full face helmet, they haven't got a clue about the freedom of wind in the hair.

Got no hair to blow in the breeze, don't like that cheese grater effect if I hit the deck...so that fullface does me fine :niceone:

16th June 2012, 21:25

16th June 2012, 21:41
A dog has a sensitive nose,
think how bad a humans breath would smell to a dog

Dont think there was to much sensitive nose that day,bloody thing would have frozen. http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a92/tlme/firewood050.jpg

16th June 2012, 23:15
don't like that cheese grater effect if I hit the deck...

The voice of experience I expect - can we have photo's? I've crashed several times on the road without a helmet, and didn't find any cheese grater effects, spilled brains or other such - I just got up and jumped back on my bike. You're too scared to ride without a helmet.

17th June 2012, 01:05
I approve of this thread :ride:

17th June 2012, 01:19
<img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/18359_257410543128_2314115_n.jpg" />

17th June 2012, 16:53
The voice of experience I expect - can we have photo's? I've crashed several times on the road without a helmet, and didn't find any cheese grater effects, spilled brains or other such - I just got up and jumped back on my bike. You're too scared to ride without a helmet.

Not personally no, buddy of mine went face first into a powerpole with an openface. Not that it would have made a huge difference if it had been a fullface... My personal preference is a fullface, even though I've done enough dirt biking in my early years without a helmet. Try doing any serious kays on the open road without getting windburn :doh:

17th June 2012, 17:26
<img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/18359_257410543128_2314115_n.jpg" />

cool scooter