View Full Version : An interesting Christchurch earthquakes moment for me

4th July 2012, 21:52
First let me say I've not been wallowing in the whole earthquake thing. Came to terms with it ages ago and moved on (apart from one bit involving being in the CTV building at 12.30 on 22 Feb...)

So today I went to the edge of the CBD for work for the first time since Feb 22 last year. I went to an Employment Law workshop held in a hotel conference room. For various reasons I took the car instead of the bike which is very unusual.

Before I left home this morning it occured to me that on 22 Feb last year I was also in the CBD to attend an Employment Law workshop held in a hotel conference room. For various reasons that day I also took the car.

The symmetry of the two days gave me a bit of a jolt.

At the lunchtime in today's workshop I took my camera and went for stroll around some of the blocks between Park Terrace and the Casino and checked out stuff I hadn't seen before.

On 22 Feb last year at 12.52 I was lucky enough to be in the open, having just crossed Latimer Square. Today I made sure I was well in the open standing on Park Terrace beside the Avon at the same time. Nothing happened ... not that I expected it to.

It's kind of a tidy way to lock away the intervening time between the two courses. Sort of like closing a chapter and now life will continue as it should have after that workshop on 22 Feb 2011.

Not making any point. Just sharing.