View Full Version : I need a favour from someone in Wellington...

El Dopa
5th August 2005, 19:46
I need a favour from a nice, kind person in the Wellington area.

My bike just failed its WOF, the main reason being that the bottom of the fuel tank is a delicate lacework of holes held together by rust, and when the mechanic looked at it funny, it pissed out 5 litres of fuel on the nice clean workshop floor.

By happy coincidence, buckets 'n' bits in Lower Hutt have one for the exact same model that is apparently in good condition, apart from a slight dent.

The price is right, but I'd like an 'eyes-on' independent opinion on the quality before I pay for it.

Soooo, is anyone down there willing and able to drop into buckets 'n' bits and have a look at this tank for me? Preferably this weekend? I'd be very grateful.

Drop me a PM if you're able to help me out.

My bike is a Honda VTZ 250. they should have a tank for the exact model.

Paul in NZ
5th August 2005, 20:16
Maybe monday arvo or tuesday OK?

5th August 2005, 20:32
They're not normally open on Saturdays....

El Dopa
5th August 2005, 20:36
Maybe monday arvo or tuesday OK?

Would be much appreciated, if it's not going to put you out too much. It's waited this long, another day or two won't hurt.

6th August 2005, 18:36
Deja vu all over again! Some time ago there was a KB thread relating to a guy in Canada who wanted this very tank, from this wrecker. Same question "could someone have a look. etc.." I went in there (B'n'B) and recieved a solid earful of abuse.
The guy wouldn't let me look at it as it was already boxed for shipment - but apparently it IS a good tank.

El Dopa
6th August 2005, 19:27
Deja vu all over again! Some time ago there was a KB thread relating to a guy in Canada who wanted this very tank, from this wrecker. Same question "could someone have a look. etc.." I went in there (B'n'B) and recieved a solid earful of abuse.
The guy wouldn't let me look at it as it was already boxed for shipment - but apparently it IS a good tank.

Yeah, but he lived in Canada, and the abuse related to shipping overseas, if I recall correctly. I just want the tank checked before paying to ship to Auckland. I've not (yet) made any commitment to buy.