View Full Version : Grrr Road Rage

7th August 2005, 20:00
I was testing out the route for the night ride next friday this afternoon. I was going along the road between albany and the shore, 2 lanes, several round-a-bouts. I indicated to move into the left lane and was about to do so when I noticed a cager accelerate and pull into the left lane in my rear view mirror which would have hit me. so of course I stayed in my lane, I later noticed him change lanes again infront of another car without indicating. I got a bit pissed off with him so I followed (only I indicated when I overtook vehicles :)) I managed to see him fail to indicate about 5 times on this road before stopping at the lights at northcross. I pulled up next to him and stared at him waiting for him to look so I could yell at him but he didnt. so I burned him off at the lights then slowed down to 40k or so (50k zone) as to get his attention. then at the right corner, I turned my head as to look at him. pointed at my eyes then pointed at my indicator, flicked him the birdie, indicated and turned into the corner.

this enraged this cager who on a single lane road near browns bay with limited visibilty and sharp corners pulled up BESIDE me on the wrong side of the road and had his daughter pull the finger back at me. I once again flicked them both the birdie then speed up so the fucker wouldnt kill himself or me. I realised that if could possibly escalate and get me knocked off so I went down the road ignoring him (he pulled back in behind me) I turned at the intersection (once again indicating when he didnt) and went down into browns bay where I lost him.

would you have done something similar or just let him be?
I felt absolutely sick after that

7th August 2005, 20:17
Err, cant vote as it depends on what they did and my presence of mind at the time.
Have developed a deep seated hatred toward people who don’t indicate tho...
Personally think good on ya, but many will disagree.
Would rant but dinners ready...

7th August 2005, 20:19
If someone is being a dick, their problem. Why make it mine? :weird:

7th August 2005, 20:20
Err, cant vote as it depends on what they did and my presence of mind at the time.
Have developed a deep seated hatred toward people who don’t indicate tho...
Personally think good on ya, but many will disagree.
Would rant but dinners ready...
yeah its true im proberly going to get a fair bit of flak for this. stooping to a cagers level and all that. but yeah I do have a strong distaste in my mouth when people dont indicate. especially 5 times in as many minutes.

7th August 2005, 20:25
Err, cant vote as it depends on what they did and my presence of mind at the time.
Have developed a deep seated hatred toward people who don’t indicate tho...O dear, so you think you would kill someone for not indicating then?? :nono:

7th August 2005, 20:27
O dear, so you think you would kill someone for not indicating then?? :nono:
Jumping to conclusions now Zed?

Personally I would have flipped the bird and knocked out a breaklight or mirror. Then if he followed me I'de pull over and tell him exactly why he is a fucktard.

7th August 2005, 20:29
Sad to say I indulge in a spot of "educating the idiots" myself. But things can escalate rather quickly.

Mrs VV was basically run off the road, after flipping the bird at an idiot who was actively blocking her attempts to overtake him. The guy went balistic.

I flashed my headlights at someone who continually changed lane and direction without indicating. He jumped out of his car at the next lights and tried to punch through the window at me.

Anyone belligerent enough to show complete disregard for fellow road-users, is unlikely to respond to any "education". Doesn't stop us trying though........

7th August 2005, 20:32
Jumping to conclusions now Zed?

Personally I would have flipped the bird and knocked out a breaklight or mirror. Then if he followed me I'de pull over and tell him exactly why he is a fucktard.

And cop a possible beating? :no:

7th August 2005, 20:34
And cop a possible beating? :no:
Hmm... ok amend that then.If the guy is bigger than me or seems to be the rough type then that I might not be able to bluff, I'll just keep riding and ignore him after knocking a light or mirror.

Drunken Monkey
7th August 2005, 20:35
Sad to say I indulge in a spot of "educating the idiots" myself. But things can escalate rather quickly.

Mrs VV was basically run off the road, after flipping the bird at an idiot who was actively blocking her attempts to overtake him. The guy went balistic.

I flashed my headlights at someone who continually changed lane and direction without indicating. He jumped out of his car at the next lights and tried to punch through the window at me.

Anyone belligerent enough to show complete disregard for fellow road-users, is unlikely to respond to any "education". Doesn't stop us trying though........

Indeed. Most of the fuck-tards who consistently drive like dick-weeds (I will forgive people a single mistake - everyone makes errors now and again) have no idea they're in the wrong, wouldn't give a shit if they were and are likely to escalate the situation further. If you're not prepared to execute them with extreme prejudice, then just leave them be.

7th August 2005, 20:36
Good on you pyrocam for caring :Punk:

I'm with you on that one, but(always a but :mad: ) I'm not going to put myself in that sort of danger, he\she maybe on P or something similar, twitch of the steering wheel and your injured or worse.

Use the police dobbin website if you get the plate No.

Thanks Pyrocam for doing the route and even in the rain. :yes:

7th August 2005, 20:38
He obviously doesnt know what a indicator is..

So next time open up his car door and snap it off telling him that since he doesnt use it then he wont need it in his car no more...

Isnt it great what he is teaching his young child thou... :oi-grr:

7th August 2005, 20:41
I was testing out the route for the night ride next friday this afternoon. I was going along the road between albany and the shore, 2 lanes, several round-a-bouts. I indicated to move into the left lane and was about to do so when I noticed a cager accelerate and pull into the left lane in my rear view mirror which would have hit me. so of course I stayed in my lane, I later noticed him change lanes again infront of another car without indicating. I got a bit pissed off with him so I followed (only I indicated when I overtook vehicles :)) I managed to see him fail to indicate about 5 times on this road before stopping at the lights at northcross. I pulled up next to him and stared at him waiting for him to look so I could yell at him but he didnt. so I burned him off at the lights then slowed down to 40k or so (50k zone) as to get his attention. then at the right corner, I turned my head as to look at him. pointed at my eyes then pointed at my indicator, flicked him the birdie, indicated and turned into the corner.

this enraged this cager who on a single lane road near browns bay with limited visibilty and sharp corners pulled up BESIDE me on the wrong side of the road and had his daughter pull the finger back at me. I once again flicked them both the birdie then speed up so the fucker wouldnt kill himself or me. I realised that if could possibly escalate and get me knocked off so I went down the road ignoring him (he pulled back in behind me) I turned at the intersection (once again indicating when he didnt) and went down into browns bay where I lost him.

would you have done something similar or just let him be?
I felt absolutely sick after thatI tell ya, this "flicking of the birdie" is going to get you into deep trouble one day! Other than baiting him with your hand gestures I think you did the right thing Pyro...sounds like he could have quite easily been coaxed into running you over! :mad:

7th August 2005, 20:52
dial 555, yeah I know, the police will probably be to busy, but that is one of the purposes the # was set up for & by getting all confrontational, one day you will pick the wrong psycho :calm:

7th August 2005, 20:52
The trouble with road rage is that you just don't know who the person is. I had an experience a few years ago where I pulled out from a driveway onto Great South Road in a cage, stacks of time, no problems etc. Guy driving along took exception to my pulling out (re-emphasise there was plenty of time to pull out), pulled up behind me, he then accelerated past, braked in front of me trying to get me to run in to the back of him, I managed to stop at which point he jumped out of his car, ran back to mine, tried to open the door which I had hurridly locked, and when he found he couldn't open it, he proceeded to kick in the door. I was so scared. He eventually stopped bashing my car and drove off.

I managed to get his number plate and the police eventually tracked him down. The police recommended I didn't press charges because the guy was such a low life scumbag that it was probably more likely he would track me or my family down and do something stupid.

Nowadays I try to avoid that type of situation (although I think in this case there was not much I could have done to avoid it). It's just not worth the risk.

That's not to say that guys who are idiots don't piss me off on the road!

7th August 2005, 21:08
I managed to stop at which point he jumped out of his car, ran back to mine, tried to open the door which I had hurridly locked, and when he found he couldn't open it, he proceeded to kick in the door. I was so scared. He eventually stopped bashing my car and drove off.

when they run up to the drivers door, try putting full lefthand lock and flooring it in reverse :whistle: , usually makes people calm down a smidgeon when they think you'r willing to run them over (he/she will generally slide across the bonnet and land in a heap on the otherside and if your lucky they might hit their head on the way down :devil2: :devil2: )

generally I wont loose my cool when someone does something stupid on the road (just accelerate and pass them) unless they do something _really_ stupid combined with me being in a bad mood then generally the shit hits the fan :angry2: :angry2:

ps I in no way am liable for any charges laid against ones person for following my advice :whistle:

7th August 2005, 21:11
when they run up to the drivers door, try putting full lefthand lock and flooring it in reverse :whistle: , usually makes people calm down a smidgeon when they think you'r willing to run them over (he/she will generally slide across the bonnet and land in a heap on the otherside and if your lucky they might hit their head on the way down :devil2: :devil2: )


:rofl: :rofl: That's good advice, wish I'd known it at the time!

7th August 2005, 21:14
The police recommended I didn't press charges because the guy was such a low life scumbag that it was probably more likely he would track me or my family down and do something stupid.

More likely they wanted to avoid more paperwork.

7th August 2005, 21:17
More likely they wanted to avoid more paperwork.

That is always a possibility...

7th August 2005, 21:46
I don't bother with these idiots. I flick them whatever I want then OFF I GO...

Maybe we should have a weekend ride, with 40 or so bikes and teach a few cages a lesson?

7th August 2005, 23:00
I don't bother with these idiots. I flick them whatever I want then OFF I GO...

Maybe we should have a weekend ride, with 40 or so bikes and teach a few cages a lesson?

That's the best thing to do. Another would be to ride at a speed where you don't get overtaken too easily. This does not mean ride at mach 1, just be a bit dilligent.

FEINT we don't need 40 bikes about 5 or so would be enough, easier to dissappear later:whistle:

7th August 2005, 23:09
Hmm... ok amend that then.If the guy is bigger than me or seems to be the rough type then that I might not be able to bluff, I'll just keep riding and ignore him after knocking a light or mirror.

Until you come accross that little 4ft 6 geek with a 5th degree black belt in Ninjutsu...... trust me they do exist.

It's better to make sure you have an escape route and bugger off...... if you do give them a birdie and they catch up to you at traffic lights and approach you remember to take your keys out of the ignition just in case they attempt to pick it and throw it away, the key held between your fingers in a fist will make a good punching weapon - to be used ONLY in self defence, try to use an uppercut or straight punch don't swing......... well that's what I read somewhere..... don't know if it works in real life.

7th August 2005, 23:10
I usually only get pissed off if i'm in the cage, if some idiot wants to play when i'm on the bike i'll pull back or piss all over him, my life is worth more than getting into a fight with some guy at 100k's.

In the car on the other hand, if some fool wants to change lanes on top of me, or pull some other stupid move then he gets the horn, finger, fist and a bloody good yelling

7th August 2005, 23:32
I was testing out the route for the night ride next friday this afternoon. I was going along the road between albany and the shore, 2 lanes, several round-a-bouts. I indicated to move into the left lane and was about to do so when I noticed a cager accelerate and pull into the left lane in my rear view mirror which would have hit me. so of course I stayed in my lane, I later noticed him change lanes again infront of another car without indicating. I got a bit pissed off with him so I followed (only I indicated when I overtook vehicles :)) I managed to see him fail to indicate about 5 times on this road before stopping at the lights at northcross. I pulled up next to him and stared at him waiting for him to look so I could yell at him but he didnt. so I burned him off at the lights then slowed down to 40k or so (50k zone) as to get his attention. then at the right corner, I turned my head as to look at him. pointed at my eyes then pointed at my indicator, flicked him the birdie, indicated and turned into the corner.

this enraged this cager who on a single lane road near browns bay with limited visibilty and sharp corners pulled up BESIDE me on the wrong side of the road and had his daughter pull the finger back at me. I once again flicked them both the birdie then speed up so the fucker wouldnt kill himself or me. I realised that if could possibly escalate and get me knocked off so I went down the road ignoring him (he pulled back in behind me) I turned at the intersection (once again indicating when he didnt) and went down into browns bay where I lost him.

would you have done something similar or just let him be?
I felt absolutely sick after that

the indicating dont bother me too much.. just the U-Turns and tailgating..

i carry a tankbag full of used sparkplugs for the tailgaters and a pair of Fox Tracker boots and Ikon Titanium gloves for the u-turners...

i hate dickheads..

7th August 2005, 23:38
the indicating dont bother me too much.. just the U-Turns and tailgating..

i carry a tankbag full of used sparkplugs for the tailgaters and a pair of Fox Tracker boots and Ikon Titanium gloves for the u-turners...

i hate dickheads..

Hmm.... guess the commando training also helps:whistle:

7th August 2005, 23:45
The most I will do is look at them and shake my head to show disapproval. Getting upset doesn't help.

7th August 2005, 23:49
Tailgaiters, people who don't indicate, people who can't handle going anything less than 60kmh and people who don't leave enough room when passing bicycles annoy me... There is the odd occasion where I consider doing something/having a quiet word, but in most cases it isn't worth the bother of following them until they stop for long enough. I have noticed over the last couple of years that people are much less likely to be tolerant of people driving at 50-55 in a 50k zone, which leads to an increase in tailgaiting. Maybe a more European design of streets would help - just wide enough for 2 cars to squeeze past, places where doing 60/70k is unsafe rather than just illegal.

8th August 2005, 00:03
If he did something that would definitely draw a cop's attention,like driving on the wrong side of the road as you said.Go to the nearest cop shop and fill out a complaint form (you might even be able to do it on-line).
The least that will happen is that the cops will pay him a visit.
I have done this several times and the reports I've got back from the cops of the perps reaction when they get a visit six weeks later when they think they've got off scot free has been very gratifying :devil2:

8th August 2005, 00:07
Hmm.... guess the commando training also helps:whistle:

yea .. gawd forbid i ever have to put the kickstand down..on P or not... its gonna be ugly

8th August 2005, 10:08
Yeah i had just entered this 50zone after being in a 100zone and this lady pasted me on the left doing prob still doing 100! With my learner status in tow it gave me such a frite I almost came off! :mad:

I was gonna dob her in, but neva got round to it.

8th August 2005, 10:52
I have been known to approach this sort of person after they stop & ask them how long they've had their cage. Cos it looks like they'll have to take it back to have the indicators repaired. Most have no idea what I'm on about. Lost in their own little world, they are.

8th August 2005, 11:02
the key held between your fingers in a fist will make a good punching weapon - to be used ONLY in self defence, try to use an uppercut or straight punch don't swing......... well that's what I read somewhere..... don't know if it works in real life.

The key also rips into your webbing between your fingers which hurts quite considerably, and takes ages to heal. Makes putting your motorcycle gloves on a huge effort in the morning. Apparently! :whistle:

8th August 2005, 11:19
I was in the car heading north along the Raumati Straights a few years ago when I came up behind a car towing a trailer. I pulled out and overtook him before the passing lanes ended, but the guy was obviously really irritated at being overtaken. Just past the first Raumati turn-off he pulled out on double yellow lines - TOWING A TRAILER! - and overtook me, pulling in sharply right in front of me, all the while waving his fist at me!

When we got to Coastlands the traffic was at a standstill and he got out of his car and came running back to my car. There were heaps of people around so I wound down the window and he yelled at me "don't you fucken overtake ME!" I said "you obviously have a problem with being overtaken by a woman" and he yelled "you got it, BITCH!" and ran back to his car!

I took down his number plate details and a description of the car and driver and reported it to the police. A few months later I got a letter saying that the driver had denied the incident and no further action would be taken.

So would I do a similar thing to pyrocam? You bet your arse! Not once has any complaint I've made to the police been actioned, so the only way to get through to these morons is to bring their deficiencies to their attention at the time. Yes, it is scary, and I don't do it to everyone who deserves it, but the feeling of satisfaction of making them aware they don't own the road is immense and very worthwhile!

Lou Girardin
8th August 2005, 11:53
I took down his number plate details and a description of the car and driver and reported it to the police. A few months later I got a letter saying that the driver had denied the incident and no further action would be taken.


This is why the *555 system is a waste of time. I had same the reaction to two complaints when I was driver testing, once I even had a witness present. Another time I even managed to get a cop to stop the moron, but still nothing was done.
In the MOT days, we investigated every complaint. There had to be serious mitigating factors to not charge the offender.
Funnily enough, I first met my ex-wife when I investigated a complaint she'd made.

8th August 2005, 12:14
[QUOTE=Lou Girardin]This is why the *555 system is a waste of time. I had same the reaction to two complaints when I was driver testing, once I even had a witness present. Another time I even managed to get a cop to stop the moron, but still nothing was done.
In the MOT days, we investigated every complaint. There had to be serious mitigating factors to not charge the offender.QUOTE]

Precisely - we reported a guy in a BMW who was overtaking on double yellow lines in the path of oncoming traffic at 4.30pm (in some instances forcing oncoming drivers in passing lanes to pull back into the inside lane). I was on the phone to *555 for 15 minutes, still getting the "we're sorry we can't answer your call" shit, when we came up to the lights at Paraparaumu and saw the moron turning off. I told my husband to drive around to the police station and I reported it in person, filled out the complaint form and my husband said he'd be a witness too. Action? Spoke to driver, slapped him on wrist with wet bus ticket, promised he won't do it again, sorted. We passed a cop while I was on the phone waiting to be connected, but he was too busy ticketing some poor bastard for speeding at the end of passing lanes to even notice the moron flying past him at a rate of knots.

I think the system is a waste of time - I don't know a single person who has reported an incident like this where the offending driver has been charged. I realise it is open to abuse, but surely they can investigate and work out whether the complaint is genuine or not? The police even said they had received other complaints about this guy in the BMW but obviously none of us were perceived as being trustworthy enough to believe.

8th August 2005, 12:16
If he did something that would definitely draw a cop's attention,like driving on the wrong side of the road as you said.Go to the nearest cop shop and fill out a complaint form (you might even be able to do it on-line).
The least that will happen is that the cops will pay him a visit.
I have done this several times and the reports I've got back from the cops of the perps reaction when they get a visit six weeks later when they think they've got off scot free has been very gratifying :devil2:

yeah I was pondering this. I mean whats he gonna do 'oh oh oh he pulled the finger at me I had a right to drive on the wrong side of the road to get my daughter to do it back to him, roads are for cars'

I mean fuck! come on, It was quite obvious (I thought) what I was signalling, what a complete spaz.

but I didnt grab the guys rego, once I felt in danger I didnt look at him and sped off (If I cant see him hes not there)

8th August 2005, 12:19
Precisely - we reported a guy in a BMW who was overtaking on double yellow lines in the path of oncoming traffic at 4.30pm (in some instances forcing oncoming drivers in passing lanes to pull back into the inside lane). I was on the phone to *555 for 15 minutes, still getting the "we're sorry we can't answer your call" shit, when we came up to the lights at Paraparaumu and saw the moron turning off. I told my husband to drive around to the police station and I reported it in person, filled out the complaint form and my husband said he'd be a witness too. Action? Spoke to driver, slapped him on wrist with wet bus ticket, promised he won't do it again, sorted. We passed a cop while I was on the phone waiting to be connected, but he was too busy ticketing some poor bastard for speeding at the end of passing lanes to even notice the moron flying past him at a rate of knots.

I think the system is a waste of time - I don't know a single person who has reported an incident like this where the offending driver has been charged. I realise it is open to abuse, but surely they can investigate and work out whether the complaint is genuine or not? The police even said they had received other complaints about this guy in the BMW but obviously none of us were perceived as being trustworthy enough to believe.

Im not a big fan of the whole 'taking the law into your own hands' thing and im sure many of out fellow KB'rs in the force would dissaprove (although Cheif wiggam would be most pleased)

we have enough people on the site with free motochek's. why not make a forum where senior members can post and view offending drivers details. and lets say you see that cage who drives in your area and your in the right mood you can go vigilante on their arse.

just practice covering your numberplate with your foot or making something with some cardboard and string :)

8th August 2005, 14:05
I generally belong to the school of the hit the horn, shake the fist, mime the five-knuckle-shuffle, flip the bird or, if it's only a mild annoyance, shake the forefinger at them in admonition.

A couple of times I've tried the "follow them wherever they go" routine and once I had to take evasive manoeuvres to avoid being run off the road by a gang member who took offence to me blasting him with my horn after he jammed on his brakes in front of me without warning.

When I was working at a previous place of employment, I took to having a cigarette break after work to give myself time to calm down before getting on the bike. This was because I left work after a particularly, shitty day, got on my bike, got cut off by some retarded cager and totally lost my rag. I was so busy shaking my fist and hurling imprecations and invective after him that I didn't pay attention to the road ahead and very nearly went up the arse of another car that was stopped at the lights.

I made a vow not to get on the bike in a shitty mood after that.

8th August 2005, 14:20
One of dad's suggestions was come up alongside them, signal them frantically and point at their rear wheel and make a wobbling motion with your hand. Get really frantic until they pull over to check it then you just continue on your way leaving them to get all paranoid on the roadside... :devil2:

8th August 2005, 14:25
One of dad's suggestions was come up alongside them, signal them frantically and point at their rear wheel and make a wobbling motion with your hand. Get really frantic until they pull over to check it then you just continue on your way leaving them to get all paranoid on the roadside... :devil2:

Me likes, me likes A LOT!!! :devil2:

8th August 2005, 14:34
Me likes, me likes A LOT!!! :devil2:
Dad had a lot of "dirty tricks" like that. Don't know how many of them he ever put into practice. I must try this some day when I have a decent sized bike. Shit normally happens to me when I'm on a little bike that has piss-all acceleration and damn-all top end while the perpetrator has just rocketed past me and is accelerating up the road. Never happens when I'm on a decent motorcycle that actually has a chance of catching up.

8th August 2005, 14:38
One of dad's suggestions was come up alongside them, signal them frantically and point at their rear wheel and make a wobbling motion with your hand. Get really frantic until they pull over to check it then you just continue on your way leaving them to get all paranoid on the roadside... :devil2:
Hmmm... missed the "get really frantic" on the first skim through. But I like it! It's in the same class as the "open the back door of people who piss you off when lane-splitting" idea. Inventive, probably effective, amusing, and bloody annoying to the other party without being illegal.

I've given up pointing out to people when they've got flat tyres, after being ignored a few times, and on the one occasion I was taken notice of, it made no difference. I was behind an Asian lady in a BMW one morning, and to one side, and I pointed out to her that her rear tyre had no air in it. She nodded at me, said, "OK - thank you!", then carried on driving. :weird: I guess she went, "Hmm.... I've no idea what to do about this, so I'll just pretend everything is OK, and carry on driving...."

As it turned out, we were going the same way, so I saw her complete nearly the whole of her trip, down Onewa Rd, over the Harbour Bridge, down Fanshawe St., and into the CBD. I was quite disheartened that nothing happened - I was sure the car was going to crash, overturn, go over the railing into the tide, or summat, but the tyre didn't even come off the rim.

So after several incidents since then, where I've been worried about people driving cars with no air in the tyre, pointed it out to them, and had them ignore it, I'll probably give up trying to be helpful.

I've been a road-rager / road ragereee a few times, but I'm beginning to think that apart from creative yet harmless ideas like Wolf's, it's best to defuse the situation, or try to take the moral high ground. You have no idea how the thing could escalate, whether the other party is a psycopath, on P, armed with a deadly weapon or whatever, and if you're on your bike, apart from having manoueverability and speed on your side (except in bad weather, perhaps), you're at a distinct disadvantage. Particularly if the other party decides to use their vehicle as a weapon. And if you're on your own, and they're not, you are probably disadvantaged if it turns messy, as you have no witnesses whereas they do.

8th August 2005, 14:52
I've been a road-rager / road ragereee a few times, but I'm beginning to think that apart from creative yet harmless ideas like Wolf's, it's best to defuse the situation, or try to take the moral high ground. You have no idea how the thing could escalate, whether the other party is a psycopath, on P, armed with a deadly weapon or whatever, and if you're on your bike, apart from having manoueverability and speed on your side (except in bad weather, perhaps), you're at a distinct disadvantage. Particularly if the other party decides to use their vehicle as a weapon. And if you're on your own, and they're not, you are probably disadvantaged if it turns messy, as you have no witnesses whereas they do.

Good words there!! :Punk:

8th August 2005, 15:03
You have no idea how the thing could escalate, whether the other party is a psycopath, on P, armed with a deadly weapon or whatever, and if you're on your bike, apart from having manoueverability and speed on your side (except in bad weather, perhaps), you're at a distinct disadvantage. Particularly if the other party decides to use their vehicle as a weapon. And if you're on your own, and they're not, you are probably disadvantaged if it turns messy, as you have no witnesses whereas they do.
True. Having had a real life game of "Car Wars" (TM) on a 50cc motorbike vs an enraged gang member in a car, I have no real desire for a repeat performance. I was just fortunate to have had two parents who were professional drivers who could tear apart those "action sequences" in movies and say "no, that's not what you do when someone tries to ram you", so I knew the correct response and got out of it but I was still terrified and there was still a lot of risk.

And that was a while back - people seem to be even more aggro these days and more inclined to take it out on you.

Edit: And if the other person is in a car, they are already armed with a deadly weapon - around one tonne of it...

8th August 2005, 15:59
- people seem to be even more aggro these days and more inclined to take it out on you.

So true, in the past if someone did something wrong like pull out without indicating or cut you off at a roundabout, if you tooted at them, they would more than likely look chastised and give a small wave of apology. Nowadays, even if they are in the wrong and their move is potentially dangerous, you are likely to get a shaken fist, angry tooting and a torrent of abuse. I was crossing with the lights one day and nearly got wiped out by a guy who hadn't given way - when I shook my finger at him, he revved the car, wound down his window and abused the shit out of ME! I got a guy in Wellington a beauty though - I was on a pedestrian crossing and he'd decided he wasn't stopping for me. Shouldn't have done that. I had a folded up umbrella, a big one. Made a very satisfying thwack on his bonnet as he went past!

I'm surprised at the age of people who respond aggressively too - it's not always the young hoons, it's often the middle-aged or retired drivers who should have some respect for other road users. I got stuck behind a guy doing 60kph on the open road once, and when I finally got past him he flashed his lights, blasted on the horn and shook his fist at me! I'm sorry, but when does travelling at 40kph less than the speed limit and holding up a stream of traffic give YOU the right to abuse ME!

8th August 2005, 16:06
...when I finally got past him he flashed his lights, blasted on the horn and shook his fist at me! I'm sorry, but when does travelling at 40kph less than the speed limit and holding up a stream of traffic give YOU the right to abuse ME!You violated his territory, his comfort zone, you ruined his buzz? You were in the wrong in his mind somehow? :weird:

I totally agree with you Wolf/Beemer, it's a lot worse than its ever been out there on the road...and some of us are the guilty ones unfortunately!

8th August 2005, 16:06
Look, guys - this is NOT an 'apples v apples' situation.

With the protection of a cage, a driver can make a zillion stupid mistakes that would probably end up getting a biker killed or injured ............. and BECAUSE [not particulary wanting to die] we are therefore more attuned to the road and conditions around us than they are [and they are, of course, a part of this scenario] we NOTICE their mistakes.

Be aware of it - live with it - get over it.
If you always EXPECT them to do something stupid then:-
a] most times you won't be dissappointed and
b] when it happens it WON'T give you such an adrenaline spike that you have to get angry to dissipate it.
IMHO the WORST thing is to get all choked up over something you can do nothing about to the point where it hijacks your attention and YOU make a mistake ..........

8th August 2005, 16:15
Look, guys - this is NOT an 'apples v apples' situation.

With the protection of a cage, a driver can make a zillion stupid mistakes that would probably end up getting a biker killed or injured ............. and BECAUSE [not particulary wanting to die] we are therefore more attuned to the road and conditions around us than they are [and they are, of course, a part of this scenario] we NOTICE their mistakes.

Be aware of it - live with it - get over it.
If you always EXPECT them to do something stupid then:-
a] most times you won't be dissappointed and
b] when it happens it WON'T give you such an adrenaline spike that you have to get angry to dissipate it.
IMHO the WORST thing is to get all choked up over something you can do nothing about to the point where it hijacks your attention and YOU make a mistake ..........

Most of the incidents where I see stupid things are in the car - for some reason I don't seem to see as much stupidity when on the bike - or perhaps I'm having too much fun to let it get to me!

I find yelling inside the helmet is a great release - no one can hear you and if you have a mirrored visor like mine, they can't see your lips moving either!

Lou Girardin
8th August 2005, 16:17
Look, guys - this is NOT an 'apples v apples' situation.

With the protection of a cage, a driver can make a zillion stupid mistakes that would probably end up getting a biker killed or injured ............. and BECAUSE [not particulary wanting to die] we are therefore more attuned to the road and conditions around us than they are [and they are, of course, a part of this scenario] we NOTICE their mistakes.


All the more reason to bring their stupidity home to them. A little fear, for their car or themselves, is a powerful motivator.

8th August 2005, 16:18
yes - but a biker is a biker, irrespective .........?

Most of the incidents where I see stupid things are in the car - for some reason I don't seem to see as much stupidity when on the bike - or perhaps I'm having too much fun to let it get to me!

I find yelling inside the helmet is a great release - no one can hear you and if you have a mirrored visor like mine, they can't see your lips moving either!

8th August 2005, 16:18
IMHO the WORST thing is to get all choked up over something you can do nothing about to the point where it hijacks your attention and YOU make a mistake ..........
Agreed - like the day I nearly clobbered an innocent car because I was ranting at another dickhead.

8th August 2005, 16:22
OK - i'll try Lou :confused:
*thinks ..... how can i look scarier? --- the height is ok, i can manage the tatts but..... growing a full beard could present a bit of a problem ....*
........... A little fear, for their car or themselves, is a powerful motivator.

8th August 2005, 16:23
...Be aware of it - live with it - get over it.
If you always EXPECT them to do something stupid then:-
a] most times you won't be dissappointed and
b] when it happens it WON'T give you such an adrenaline spike that you have to get angry to dissipate it.
IMHO the WORST thing is to get all choked up over something you can do nothing about to the point where it hijacks your attention and YOU make a mistake ..........Okay mstriumph, but I still find it very difficult to NOT get choked up when someone carelessly/dangerously/recklessly endangers my health and my property (bike), and possibly some other innocent party, a pedestrian or another vehicle maybe? I think those who drive like that deserve everything they get from enraged victims of their "stupidity"! :nono:

I heard of a situation where a couple of KBers were being baited by this Subaru which inloved some dangerous maneuvers by the car, so when the KBers finally passed it one of them smashed off the drivers side mirror! So no-one got seriously hurt and someone probably learned a lesson? They both broke the law though, yet only one of them got punnished lol!

8th August 2005, 16:25
I find yelling inside the helmet is a great release - no one can hear you and if you have a mirrored visor like mine, they can't see your lips moving either!Yeah but they can see the steam of your breath coming out the vents!! :lol:

8th August 2005, 16:26
So true, in the past if someone did something wrong like pull out without indicating or cut you off at a roundabout, if you tooted at them, they would more than likely look chastised and give a small wave of apology. Nowadays, even if they are in the wrong and their move is potentially dangerous, you are likely to get a shaken fist, angry tooting and a torrent of abuse. ..
I'm surprised at the age of people who respond aggressively too - it's not always the young hoons, it's often the middle-aged or retired drivers who should have some respect for other road users. I got stuck behind a guy doing 60kph on the open road once, and when I finally got past him he flashed his lights, blasted on the horn and shook his fist at me! I'm sorry, but when does travelling at 40kph less than the speed limit and holding up a stream of traffic give YOU the right to abuse ME!
I think this is indirectly related to the current slagging off of young drivers.

What I think is happening, is that traffic volumes have increased, and road speeds have increased with better roads (I know the speed limit has remained the same, and speeds on a given road may have dropped, but overall they are higher than 25 years ago, just because roads are now sealed, and less twisty) , and cars are capable of MUCH higher speeds than 25 years ago.

The overall effect of this is that a lot of older drivers are having trouble coping (I'm talking 40 - 70 year olds, not the real oldies). They feel intimidated, a bit frightened, it's not like it was when they got their licence 40 years ago, and they haven't updated their skills over the years. (Obviously, not all older drivers are thus : but not all older drivers are aggro either)

So they feel insecure on the road, and look for an excuse."It's those darn Asian drivers to blame" ; "it's those young drivers, should increase the age limit". And anyone who "pressures" them by pointing out their errors or inadequacies, they are angry at, because we don't like people reminding us of our insecurities.

8th August 2005, 16:27
growing a full beard could present a bit of a problem ....*
Anabolic Steroids - they do wonders for the Russian Womens' Weight-Lifting Team :devil2:

8th August 2005, 16:31
I got stuck behind a guy doing 60kph on the open road once, and when I finally got past him he flashed his lights, blasted on the horn and shook his fist at me! I'm sorry, but when does travelling at 40kph less than the speed limit and holding up a stream of traffic give YOU the right to abuse ME!

In that situation give a friendly wave back- and blow a kiss too, with a bit of luck he'll blow an artery, crash off the road and make the road a heap safer.

I often do that (but not the kiss bit) and it gets puzzled looks from the offended (offending?) driver. :weird:

Never needed to do that in my 'work' car, they never get rude at me when I'm in IT!! :no:

8th August 2005, 16:37
I think this is indirectly related to the current slagging off of young drivers.

The overall effect of this is that a lot of older drivers are having trouble coping (I'm talking 40 - 70 year olds, not the real oldies). They feel intimidated, a bit frightened, it's not like it was when they got their licence 40 years ago, and they haven't updated their skills over the years. (Obviously, not all older drivers are thus : but not all older drivers are aggro either)

THANK-YOU for putting me in my place, shit in 17-odd years I'll a 'real oldie', glad to know you don't think I'm there just yet!!

(Gives big sniff and stomps off in huff, hanging onto Zimmer-frame and bumping into various obvious-to-others objects while popping the odd heart-pill and fumbling for bi-focals and hearing aid....mutter-mutter-mutter bloody young whipper-snappers, I'd show them (if I could remember WHAT I was meant to be showing them) :mad:

8th August 2005, 17:30
The overall effect of this is that a lot of older drivers are having trouble coping (I'm talking 40 - 70 year olds, not the real oldies). They feel intimidated, a bit frightened, it's not like it was when they got their licence 40 years ago, and they haven't updated their skills over the years. (Obviously, not all older drivers are thus : but not all older drivers are aggro either).

Holy shit, I'm over 40, didn't realise that classed me as old! Bastard! I'll be keeping an eye out for you, sonny Jim!

I know what you mean though, the increasing volume of traffic makes many people nervous so they slow down, which only makes the situation worse as people tend to sit on their tail. And we know what happens next, don't we? Yes, as soon as they get to the passing lanes, they speed up because it's wider and they feel safer!

AAAGGGGHHH!!!!! I've just run my cursor over my green blips and found something horrible and grossly inaccurate! It says "Beemer is just really nice" - who the hell decided THAT! It's all lies!

8th August 2005, 17:41
Holy shit, I'm over 40, didn't realise that classed me as old! Bastard! I'll be keeping an eye out for you, sonny Jim!

I know what you mean though, the increasing volume of traffic makes many people nervous so they slow down, which only makes the situation worse as people tend to sit on their tail. And we know what happens next, don't we? Yes, as soon as they get to the passing lanes, they speed up because it's wider and they feel safer!

Need less to say (but I better say it anyway, before people get upset), it is hardly likely that anyone on this site would be in the "can't cope any more" category. Bikers , by necessity, keep up with the play. And our skills are constantly being upgraded. Cage drivers however, nowdays, just sit and push the pedal. Many drivers have LOST skills over the eyars, because their cars now are so easy to drive , technically, compared with the manual gearbox, no power anything , no synchro on first cars of 40 years ago.

And I'm older than any of you (almost - I think there are 4 KBers I know of older than me, might be a few others)

8th August 2005, 17:58
The key also rips into your webbing between your fingers which hurts quite considerably, and takes ages to heal. Makes putting your motorcycle gloves on a huge effort in the morning. Apparently! :whistle:

Well you are supposed to have your gloves on and the key wedged in as far as you can comfortably manage.

Anyway the best defence is to not be there in the first place. Use that throttle and your counter steering to get a few hundred meters between you in a few seconds. Such things are not worth losing any breath over.

8th August 2005, 17:58
Having spent a year living in California :weird: , I endeavour to stay as calm as possible when confronted with fools on the road. However, sometimes you find yourself in a situation where someone is really pissed at you, for reasons which may not be obvious to you (bad day, fight with the significant other etc etc).
In these situations I have discovered that the 'golden bullet' which will ward off (all nasties I've met) most physcopaths. I travel nearly everywhere with my digital stills/mpeg camera, bike and cage,(fits nicely in my pocket). If you start to take pictures, and they see this, you will find that most of the rage evaporates.
And if it doesn't, you have some lovely evidence for later. :Punk:
Also added bonus of humour to show friends

8th August 2005, 17:58
...............AAAGGGGHHH!!!!! I've just run my cursor over my green blips and found something horrible and grossly inaccurate! It says "Beemer is just really nice" - who the hell decided THAT! It's all lies!
Quick, let's all give Beemer some bad rep, he can't handle being nice! :devil2:

8th August 2005, 18:00
have put my pocket knife through a few cage walls at intersections in the past. idiots really piss me off!

8th August 2005, 18:15
Quick, let's all give Beemer some bad rep, he can't handle being nice! :devil2:

AAAGGGGHHH!!!! Beemer's a SHE - last time I looked anyways!

8th August 2005, 18:29
Having spent a year living in California :weird: , I endeavour to stay as calm as possible when confronted with fools on the road. However, sometimes you find yourself in a situation where someone is really pissed at you, for reasons which may not be obvious to you (bad day, fight with the significant other etc etc).
In these situations I have discovered that the 'golden bullet' which will ward off (all nasties I've met) most physcopaths. I travel nearly everywhere with my digital stills/mpeg camera, bike and cage,(fits nicely in my pocket). If you start to take pictures, and they see this, you will find that most of the rage evaporates.
And if it doesn't, you have some lovely evidence for later. :Punk:
Also added bonus of humour to show friends

I carry a camera too - one of those cheap disposables. It is very useful, and it is surprising how quickly a ranting dickhead will back off when he realises he's on film. And worst case I've experienced was one prat who grabbed the camera and smashed it and then drove off, thinking he'd done something really clever. Which is why I use cheap disposables.

8th August 2005, 19:16
(although Cheif wiggam would be most pleased)

c'mon people your not going to catch your criminals looking at your feet! get going now

another simpsons fan I see

8th August 2005, 19:23
Well you are supposed to have your gloves on and the key wedged in as far as you can comfortably manage.

Anyway the best defence is to not be there in the first place. Use that throttle and your counter steering to get a few hundred meters between you in a few seconds. Such things are not worth losing any breath over.

personally I'd rather use the carbon fibre knuckles on my gloves. Don't have to worry about loosing my m/bike key, but I totally agree about not being in the first place but sometimes it is outside of your control and the way I look at it is _most_ cage drivers who takes on a motorcyclist with a helmet, gloves and body armour on is gonna get whats coming to them (although you wouldn't be able to move around on the ground very fast but once you get in close enough you hold a distinct advantage)

8th August 2005, 19:28
And I'm older than any of you (almost - I think there are 4 KBers I know of older than me, might be a few others)

Hey, listen dude, I notice no Date of Birth on your public profile so how do we know if ANYBODY is older than you??? :rofl: :whistle: :wait:

8th August 2005, 19:31
Quick, let's all give Beemer some bad rep, he can't handle being nice! :devil2:

Aaarghh! Man you are SO cruel, Beemer is tzzzz! Like hot man, she's a chick!!!

Y'all are letting the good old Southern boys down with your lack of perception man!!

(notice how the consumtion of multiple bottles of Inner Circle (Bad Boys - Bad Boys....) 9% rum has improved my literary skills, eh??)

8th August 2005, 19:41
AAAGGGGHHH!!!! Beemer's a SHE - last time I looked anyways!
Oops, please accept my most humble apologies. I immediately assumed that anyone who is "just nice" must be one of us males........ :whistle:

8th August 2005, 19:43
.......(notice how the consumtion of multiple bottles of Inner Circle (Bad Boys - Bad Boys....) 9% rum has improved my literary skills, eh??)
On duty tonight? :rofl:

8th August 2005, 19:52
Holy shit, I'm over 40, didn't realise that classed me as old! Bastard! I'll be keeping an eye out for you, sonny Jim!ditto, ditto ....... take a number please!! :oi-grr:

AAAGGGGHHH!!!!! I've just run my cursor over my green blips and found something horrible and grossly inaccurate! It says "Beemer is just really nice" - who the hell decided THAT! It's all lies!]

..... but :confused: you ARE really nice? i mean, the oracle can't LIE??:laugh:

8th August 2005, 19:53
On duty tonight? :rofl:

Yup, me'nCheif Wigguns :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :whistle: both singing "bad-boys, bad-boys what ya goin' ta do when they come for you.." as we scholl a few more bottles of Inner Circle!~!!

8th August 2005, 20:01
.......... and you are ALSO on the list :oi-grr:
Oops, please accept my most humble apologies. I immediately assumed that anyone who is "just nice" must be one of us males........ :whistle:

8th August 2005, 20:06
until mebbe he grabs it from you and introduces it to your *insert Mr Hitcher's favourite word here*. :whistle:

In these situations I have discovered that the 'golden bullet' which will ward off (all nasties I've met) most physcopaths. I travel nearly everywhere with my digital stills/mpeg camera, bike and cage,(fits nicely in my pocket). If you start to take pictures, and they see this, you will find that most of the rage evaporates..........

8th August 2005, 22:16
O dear, so you think you would kill someone for not indicating then?? :nono:
Better them than me!
No, I wouldn’t kill anyone for not indicating! Maim? Maybe, but not kill...
The disposable camera is a good idea, stops nutters and is brilliant at accidents!
Don’t use your key as brass knuckles! It is coincided as an improvised weapon and you will get a visit from the men with the hats!
IF you find your self in a situation like this its hands at shoulder height, palms facing out as a sign of "Ok, I'm sorry, clam down." If this doesn’t work your in a prime place to block any punchers that come at you and witnesses will be saying "They where backing off when that guy went to hit them."
So it looks good for you!
Looks can be VERY deceiving, I had a sparing match with a girl in our club one day, she’s about 5'5" aprox 60-65kg, kicked my ass all over the room!
Another guy with 7 years of Karate couldn’t touch me! Big bugger too! (too scared to stand still!)
But the general rule is "The bigger they are, the harder they punch you in the face."
If you come home seething about ANYTHING do what I do and hang a kick bag somewhere, best stress relief there is!
Have kicked a few cars tho… Not to mention the mirrors I have removed… It is fun isn’t it! :devil2:

8th August 2005, 22:42
I carry a camera too - one of those cheap disposables. It is very useful, and it is surprising how quickly a ranting dickhead will back off when he realises he's on film. And worst case I've experienced was one prat who grabbed the camera and smashed it and then drove off, thinking he'd done something really clever. Which is why I use cheap disposables.

How do you manage to pull that out when you're riding along? I don't really get anywhere when I try to undo my zips with gloves on.
It would make for some funny pics if you did manage to shoot a few photos. (Think startled driver with a WTF look on their face)

8th August 2005, 22:43
How do you manage to pull that out when you're riding along? I don't really get anywhere when I try to undo my zips with gloves on.
It would make for some funny pics if you did manage to shoot a few photos. (Think startled driver with a WTF look on their face)
Carry a Pillion. Then you don't have to wory about it.

8th August 2005, 22:47
Nothing better than a *'get-out-of-jail-free' card when approaching a ding-bat that thinks he has done nothing wrong after cutting you off!!

No need for cameras.knuckle-dusters then.
Just wait until I get a Fazer!!!

*Only fully qualified members get one!!!

8th August 2005, 22:49
The most I will do is look at them and shake my head to show disapproval. Getting upset doesn't help.
Shaking your head at someone in parts of Auckland will probably get you killed....... :whistle:

8th August 2005, 22:58
How do you manage to pull that out when you're riding along? I don't really get anywhere when I try to undo my zips with gloves on.
It would make for some funny pics if you did manage to shoot a few photos. (Think startled driver with a WTF look on their face)
Velcro strip on the Whale dashboard. Li'l Ratty I carry it in my jacket pocket, has big dome down pocket, I can get it out with summer gloves on. Leather jacket or winter gloves is problematic.

Can't aim very well but most of the time, general direction is enough

8th August 2005, 22:58
Shaking your head at someone in parts of Auckland will probably get you killed....... :whistle:

Luckily for you ya don't live in Auckland then Mr Wobbly-head then ???

Just kidding!! :rofl:

8th August 2005, 23:02
Velcro strip on the Whale dashboard. Li'l Ratty I carry it in my jacket pocket, has big dome down pocket, I can get it out with summer gloves on. Leather jacket or winter gloves is problematic.

Can't aim very well but most of the time, general direction is enough

Leave it hanging from the zip on my jacket (you know, the one with tassles) and surprisingly enough I managed to take some good pics while riding.
Especially when coming through the Lindis on the way back from the Hokitika rally in January.

If you're a pistol shooter it helps your 'instinctive' aim.

8th August 2005, 23:06
Luckily for you ya don't live in Auckland then Mr Wobbly-head then ???

Just kidding!! :rofl:
Yeah - and Gore.......

8th August 2005, 23:20
Yeah - and Gore.......

Don't even TALK about my town then!!

The Gorons would just think you were agreeing with them!!

8th August 2005, 23:43
Leave it hanging from the zip on my jacket (you know, the one with tassles) and surprisingly enough I managed to take some good pics while riding.
Especially when coming through the Lindis on the way back from the Hokitika rally in January.

If you're a pistol shooter it helps your 'instinctive' aim.
just goes to show what an erroneous impression you can get on here ------ never woulda imagined you with tassles mr scumdog :oi-grr:

8th August 2005, 23:45
just goes to show what an erroneous impression you can get on here ------ never woulda imagined you with tassles mr scumdog :oi-grr:
You're right, I would have thought rainbow streamers of his grips would be more his style.:rofl:


8th August 2005, 23:50
just goes to show what an erroneous impression you can get on here ------ never woulda imagined you with tassles mr scumdog :oi-grr:

Harley -conchos-tassles-chrome-black leather, aren't they synonamous(sp)

Pray tell me how you DID imagine me???

9th August 2005, 00:29
Just wait until I get a Fazer!!!

*Only fully qualified members get one!!!
dude ... i saw that on the news tonight ..i wanna be a test target :kick:
(long story.. bar i used to work in.. bouncers all carried the handheld 50k watt ones.. we'd get pissed after work and hit each other with them to see who could stay standing the longest..) :Punk:

9th August 2005, 01:17
dude ... i saw that on the news tonight ..i wanna be a test target :kick:
(long story.. bar i used to work in.. bouncers all carried the handheld 50k watt ones.. we'd get pissed after work and hit each other with them to see who could stay standing the longest..) :Punk:

No offence shag but back then they were most likely the old pre-metric ones, now you can use 'em to weld the Titanic back together!! :rofl:

9th August 2005, 01:19
(long story.. bar i used to work in.. bouncers all carried the handheld 50k watt ones.. we'd get pissed after work and hit each other with them to see who could stay standing the longest..) :Punk:

Oh really?? That is like you know, hello, so cool, like you know, like they do in like that movie ahyee brro.... Exit Wounds ahyee??


9th August 2005, 01:22
Oh really?? That is like you know, hello, so cool, like you know, like they do in like that movie ahyee brro.... Exit Wounds ahyee??


You SEEM more pissed than I am!! And making more sense! :weird:

9th August 2005, 01:45
wasn't that you i just saw on the drinking thread??? :whistle:
You SEEM more pissed than I am!! And making more sense! :weird:

9th August 2005, 01:51
wasn't that you i just saw on the drinking thread??? :whistle:

You, young lady, are FAR too alert for this time in the morning (NZ time).

Go to bed ( and hopefully alone and cold!!)

9th August 2005, 01:55
You SEEM more pissed than I am!! And making more sense! :weird:

I'm not intoxicated, I was trying my best to portray an enthused juvenile. I'm one of those rare boring people who don't drink alcohol/coffee/V/Red Bull, smoke or do drugs.

But I make up for it every weekend on either Scenic Drive, SH22, SH25, SH16, or some other road:ride:

Bbuuut eef uuy wnat me to tipy ike ayh drank pursen E ges E cam du et.

Lou Girardin
9th August 2005, 08:51
Just wait until I get a Fazer!!!

*Only fully qualified members get one!!!

What the hell do you want a Yamaha for?

9th August 2005, 08:55
What the hell do you want a Yamaha for?

Very droll Lou!! :rofl: :motu:

Maybe to throw at offenders?? There has to be SOME use for them :Pokey: :laugh: :wait:

9th August 2005, 11:58
Hey, listen dude, I notice no Date of Birth on your public profile
That's because the server rejected 1066 as the birth year :devil2:

9th August 2005, 12:14
I know what you mean though, the increasing volume of traffic makes many people nervous so they slow down, which only makes the situation worse as people tend to sit on their tail. And we know what happens next, don't we? Yes, as soon as they get to the passing lanes, they speed up because it's wider and they feel safer!Is that what you reckon? :rofl:
No, it's because they don't want to be overtaken!

9th August 2005, 13:39
That's because the server rejected 1066 as the birth year :devil2:

Older far


Ixion was the ancestor of the Centaurs of Earth. He ruled parts of Thessaly in the late 14th Century B.C. He had married Dia, a Thracian princess, but had neglected to pay the required bride price to her father, King Eioneus who then stole Ixion’s mares as revenge. Feigning a sign of peace, Ixion welcomed Eioneus to his homeland but only to murder him. Dia, who had mothered the demi-god Peirithous by Zeus, requested that Zeus purify her husband of the murder. Once Ixion realized that Zeus had seduced his wife, he demanded Zeus’ wife Hera in return. Zeus instead sent the cloud-goddess Nephele to bed with Ixion and she conceived him, Centaurus, ancestor of the centaurs of Earth. After death, Ixion was bound to a flailing wheel for eternity.

The hassles that bloody cloud caused me! And that prat Eioneus deserved all he got. I've had a bad press, it's all a beatup, everybody just listens to that bastidge Zeus.

9th August 2005, 13:45
After death, Ixion was bound to a flailing wheel for eternity.
So is the "flailing wheel" the White Whale, or Lil Ratty?
And you've got some exlaining to do, Mister. You never told us you were a freakin zombie! (I'm sure there's some rule somewhere about "no zombies on Kiwi Biker"...)

9th August 2005, 17:08
really not too fond of all those women being chattelized [yes, Mr Hitcher - i did just make that one up, sir ...... good, isn't it?] .....
I mean being 'stolen' here and 'demanded' there and 'sent to breed with' the other ....

i mean ......WAT ABOUT FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION?????? :crybaby:

Older far ..........................
The hassles that bloody cloud caused me! And that prat Eioneus deserved all he got. I've had a bad press, it's all a beatup, everybody just listens to that bastidge Zeus.

... and ........... :confused: if you and whatsherface are responsible for centaurs [halfhorses] then does that make you responsible for quarterhorses, too?? :unsure:??

9th August 2005, 17:15
.... you are just a big MEANIE ......:bleh:
You, young lady, are FAR too alert for this time in the morning (NZ time).

Go to bed ( and hopefully alone and cold!!)

Lou Girardin
9th August 2005, 17:17
At least Ixion wasn't around when homosexuality became the norm in Greece.
Women for breeding, boys for pleasure.

9th August 2005, 17:18

9th August 2005, 17:43
actually, think that quote was
"A woman for breeding, a boy for pleasure and a melon for delight" :o
At least Ixion wasn't around when homosexuality became the norm in Greece.
Women for breeding, boys for pleasure.

9th August 2005, 18:20
At least Ixion wasn't around when homosexuality became the norm in Greece.
Women for breeding, boys for pleasure.

And a goat for sex....so I have heard.

10th August 2005, 00:03
..weeeeeell - loud an uncouth, of course .....an mebbe big an sorta scary all in black leather? :unsure:
Harley -conchos-tassles-chrome-black leather, aren't they synonamous(sp)

Pray tell me how you DID imagine me???

Lou Girardin
10th August 2005, 08:19
And a goat for sex....so I have heard.

The rumours are true then, there is a third sex in the south.

10th August 2005, 10:00
The rumours are true then, there is a third sex in the south.

Sure, like we're anywhere near Greece!!!!

Might be the Riviera of the South but I don't think they're near each other.

10th August 2005, 17:34
I was testing out the route for the night ride next friday this afternoon. I was going along the road between albany and the shore, 2 lanes, several round-a-bouts. I indicated to move into the left lane and was about to do so when I noticed a cager accelerate and pull into the left lane in my rear view mirror which would have hit me. so of course I stayed in my lane, I later noticed him change lanes again infront of another car without indicating. I got a bit pissed off with him so I followed (only I indicated when I overtook vehicles :)) I managed to see him fail to indicate about 5 times on this road before stopping at the lights at northcross. I pulled up next to him and stared at him waiting for him to look so I could yell at him but he didnt. so I burned him off at the lights then slowed down to 40k or so (50k zone) as to get his attention. then at the right corner, I turned my head as to look at him. pointed at my eyes then pointed at my indicator, flicked him the birdie, indicated and turned into the corner.

this enraged this cager who on a single lane road near browns bay with limited visibilty and sharp corners pulled up BESIDE me on the wrong side of the road and had his daughter pull the finger back at me. I once again flicked them both the birdie then speed up so the fucker wouldnt kill himself or me. I realised that if could possibly escalate and get me knocked off so I went down the road ignoring him (he pulled back in behind me) I turned at the intersection (once again indicating when he didnt) and went down into browns bay where I lost him.

would you have done something similar or just let him be?
I felt absolutely sick after that
i would have kicked his fucken wing mirror off and ramed it up his daughters arss and kicked him in the cock and pissed on him i hate cages

10th August 2005, 17:37
i would have kicked his fucken wing mirror off and ramed it up his daughters arss and kicked him in the cock and pissed on him i hate cages
But the daughter didn't do anything...

why not re word it to say " shove the mirror up the eye of his cock then kick him in the cock"

10th August 2005, 18:03
But the daughter didn't do anything...

why not re word it to say " shove the mirror up the eye of his cock then kick him in the cock"

yeah she did.
the bitch pulled the finger at me

while they were driving next to me in the wrong lane... on a twistie road
just above the speed limit


oh now look youve got me started again

10th August 2005, 18:05
yeah she did.
the bitch pulled the finger at me

while they were driving next to me in the wrong lane... on a twistie road
just above the speed limit


oh now look youve got me started again
:no: Sorry!....

10th August 2005, 19:43
But the daughter didn't do anything...

why not re word it to say " shove the mirror up the eye of his cock then kick him in the cock"
get your glasses kleened hahahahahah :rofl:

11th August 2005, 15:03
:no: Sorry!....
no its ok.
im better now :ride:

29th August 2005, 22:17
Just about been knocked off by cars that didnt see me or forgot to indicate so many times that I just assume all car drivers are tossers and avoid them like the plauge. People in Suvs and big cars like commodores and falcons are by far the worst at it :motu: