View Full Version : Lanesplitting fees

11th August 2005, 10:12
Well, got my first ticket yesterday from a couple of undies on the North-Western. Undertaking, $150 bucks. Lucky? my wife dinged someones car the other day and that cost more or she woulda had me. The cop was nice (not nice enough to let me off) and said that they were looking at stopping overtaking in the same lane on the right! WTF? Do the government have shares in a caryard or what? Any news from the resident constabulary would be sweet. He congratulated me for having my "L" plate on and avoiding a $400 fine, I was thinking of taking it off too, not now! I asked him about what he woould do if a lerner was staying with the traffic but exceeding 70k's on a L plate, he said that they like to see traffic flowing and that is out of the terms of my licence. I do over 70 all the time but pick the slowest of the lanes available and cross my fingers and toes. PS. who are the guys with the mohawk and the fluffy ears on the NWern?

11th August 2005, 10:29
what speed was the other traffic doing when you got stopped?

sux btw..

Lou Girardin
11th August 2005, 10:34
and said that they were looking at stopping overtaking in the same lane on the right! WTF? ?

Bullshit! If they do that they that may as well close most roads down. They'll grind to a halt anyway.
Why don't these idiots just write the ticket and stay away from social commentary.

11th August 2005, 10:36
That really sux....

Undertaking, $150 bucks

IF you were on the left lane or middle lane, splitting on the Right Hand Side of that lane, that would be overtaking wouldn't it?

11th August 2005, 10:45
PS. who are the guys with the mohawk and the fluffy ears on the NWern?

thats me Brian.. i wear a black Mohawk .. my bike pic is on my profile.. ive passed you a few times

11th August 2005, 10:54
Saw you and the mobile disco this am Sarge, hope the lucky hairdoo does the trick. Funny though, Passing on the right is ok, the left isn't? More room, more safer for me. The traffic was rolling, like 20-30 and I was doing 45ish at the time.

11th August 2005, 11:02
Saw you and the mobile disco this am Sarge, hope the lucky hairdoo does the trick. Funny though, Passing on the right is ok, the left isn't? More room, more safer for me. The traffic was rolling, like 20-30 and I was doing 45ish at the time.

the Popo actually gave me a compliment on the helmet...lol :Punk:

thread on the Subj:


11th August 2005, 21:53
$150, Lets see, I save 1/2 an hour twice a day, that 5 hours a week, 240 hours a year, or 10 days, thats two working weeks, I earn more than $75 a week so I'll keep doing it!

11th August 2005, 22:01
$150, Lets see, I save 1/2 an hour twice a day, that 5 hours a week, 240 hours a year, or 10 days, thats two working weeks, I earn more than $75 a week so I'll keep doing it!

Only problem is that you run out of points....

11th August 2005, 22:12
Only problem is that you run out of points....
no points for this heinous crime

11th August 2005, 22:14
Please excuse my ignorance but I'm from another island down south, and we don't have them big fancy motorways.. but are you not allowed to ride between cars on the motorway?? when I was in europe, people would actually use their mirrors, see you coming and make room for motorcyclists to get through. Found it quite handy in them 5 o'clock traffic jams on the motorways in Rotterdam.

11th August 2005, 23:39
Please excuse my ignorance but I'm from another island down south, and we don't have them big fancy motorways.. but are you not allowed to ride between cars on the motorway?? when I was in europe, people would actually use their mirrors, see you coming and make room for motorcyclists to get through. Found it quite handy in them 5 o'clock traffic jams on the motorways in Rotterdam.
yes, you see up here the motorists actually do the opposite and think they are funny trying to block your path... on the other hand, Crashe, Nakid and I had one fella on SH1 just about drive off the road in a huge swerve to give some space.

Regularly cars will suddenly move over in their lane to block you, but there are two sides to every lane :rofl: :devil2:

12th August 2005, 07:43
Hmmm, me thinks they want to make overtaking illegal, wrong they are

12th August 2005, 07:56
Brian - Were you using your indicator while you did the lane split? I am told that although lane splitting is a gray area, to be indicating right shows you are overtaking the right car, not undertaking the left car.

Lou Girardin
12th August 2005, 08:08
Brian - Were you using your indicator while you did the lane split? I am told that although lane splitting is a gray area, to be indicating right shows you are overtaking the right car, not undertaking the left car.

Indicating means nothing, it depends on your position in relation to the car/s and lane divider.

12th August 2005, 08:32
I was stopped by a cop some time ago, and luckily he stopped another guy on a bike at the same time and just gave us a warning but he told us that to do it legaly you need to be on the right hand side of a car but in the same lane, as soon as you cross the line you are undertaking the car on your right, however he also said that if the traffic is stationary then you can move through it freely.

12th August 2005, 09:19
Quote; Brian - Were you using your indicator while you did the lane split? I am told that although lane splitting is a gray area, to be indicating right shows you are overtaking the right car, not undertaking the left car.

I was indicating but was on the left of the cars I was sharing the lane with. If I was on their right and stayed in the lane it would have been cool. I recon the fast lane should be a toll lane and free for bikes. They will never build a cost effective motorway when usage has such aggressive peaks. It's not a grey area, overtaking in the same lane, even if there are yellow lines is ok as long as it is safe, ie there is room and you don't freak the guy out. You must indicate, pass on the right and not cross the yellow line. With white lines, once you cross the line, you are changing lanes not passing so you can't continue on to pass the vehicles in that lane on thier left. I figured they had my plate so I stopped and was well behaved, he did ask why I didn't just do that swerving thing bikes do and indicate each swerve. I just smiled and wondered where swervey things are in the road code.

12th August 2005, 09:24
This is what I do (http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showpost.php?p=153758&postcount=11) since I've been riding, and never had a prob. I also ride past cops all the time..

12th August 2005, 09:56
Some of the cops are as anal as the new policies introduced by the Labour party. We have record numbers of violent robberies and drug problems in NZ while we debate about the legality of overtaking on the left or right lanes?

The cops should get their priorities right.

Time for the Minister and Commissioner of Police to step down !

12th August 2005, 10:09
Those of you that have been to parts of Asia would know what it is like with all those scooters. All getting to the front and taking off in a cloud of smoke. I found it quite entertaining. Quite a sight.

12th August 2005, 10:12
Those of you that have been to parts of Asia would know what it is like with all those scooters. All getting to the front and taking off in a cloud of smoke. I found it quite entertaining. Quite a sight.

Except the times where one fella falls over and you have a huge pile up. That is even funnier to watch!

12th August 2005, 10:30
The cops should get their priorities right.
But they have!
Consider: "If you're prepared to speed, you're prepared to kill."
Therefore, speeding is a serious crime, akin to murder. And by association, other driving-related crimes are also serious. Lanesplitting is probably as bad then as say, paedophilia, rape, or aggravated assault. This is borne out by the amount of police attention these serious vehicular crimes are receiving, and the penalties they attract.

So, obviously it's us, the general motoring public who are in the wrong, not the pollies or police. We need to change out attitudes, and if we can't, we should at least save the understaffed, overworked police some time and money by dobbing each other (and ourselves, if necessary) in, so that don't have to waste resources going out to catch us in the act. :whistle:

12th August 2005, 10:56
good thread, better than some of the lane splitting ones.
I split exactly the same as BrianGB most of the time and I constantly scan for odd antenna or real cops. I will often pull into traffic if I see one. pretend that I was just overtaking someone or something. but on the NW between the fast lane and the second fastest lane where most of the lane splitting happens, there is heaps more room on the right lane because the cages have nothing on the other side.

are they saying the would rather us ride down the right hand land of the fast lane (IE practically the median bit)

I really must curb me splitting enthusiam though, I'm gonna get a good slap soon if I keep this up.

no demerit points though?

12th August 2005, 11:09
I'm new to this and not sure how to start a poll but I'd like to see how fast most people filter at in say stopped to 20-30k traffic. (Normal M'Way stop/ go style). I'm used to making gaps from cycle couriering but have to watch myself as I'm still getting used to motorbike controls. I don't go over 60 in stopped or slow traffic and join in if the boxes are doing 40+. Seems like lots of bikers see each other around commuting etc and if you see a KB'er with an L plate on and feel you could help their riding style, I for one am open to suggestions. Not F**'in dick go home, more the tips and pointers type. I'm stoked I found this site though, to everyone who was around at the start and/or is a long time contributor, good shit and keep it up. Oh yeah, no points off, sweet! One ticket every three weeks and riding is still cheaper than bussing from Whenuapai and takes a third of the time.

12th August 2005, 11:20
I'm new to this and not sure how to start a poll but I'd like to see how fast most people filter at in say stopped to 20-30k traffic. (Normal M'Way stop/ go style). I'm used to making gaps from cycle couriering but have to watch myself as I'm still getting used to motorbike controls. I don't go over 60 in stopped or slow traffic and join in if the boxes are doing 40+. Seems like lots of bikers see each other around commuting etc and if you see a KB'er with an L plate on and feel you could help their riding style, I for one am open to suggestions. Not F**'in dick go home, more the tips and pointers type. I'm stoked I found this site though, to everyone who was around at the start and/or is a long time contributor, good shit and keep it up. Oh yeah, no points off, sweet! One ticket every three weeks and riding is still cheaper than bussing from Whenuapai and takes a third of the time.

unfortuantly you cant add a poll to it. you would have to create a new thread and look for the checkbox 'post a poll with this thread'

then it wil take you to a new screen where you enter the poll options

12th August 2005, 11:22
I'm gonna do it, just cos I can.

12th August 2005, 11:31
meh, I've had too many people be twats and open their doors on me to try Lane splitting right now... perhaps when I'm more comfortable and in a hurry to get someplace I'd consider it.. but I'd rather not risk and entice the twats!

12th August 2005, 11:43
Poll; http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?t=15560

12th August 2005, 12:31
Time for the Minister and Commissioner of Police to step down !

Wow, what an unusual NZ attitude. Fire everyone when something isnt perfect :mad:

Lou Girardin
12th August 2005, 12:59
Wow, what an unusual NZ attitude. Fire everyone when something isnt perfect :mad:

Perfection is a remote dream with those two.
It actually shows the NZ propensity for whitewashing.

12th August 2005, 14:09
I understand (kind of) why these kind of rules are in place but they seem to be designed with "single carriageways" in mind. maybe an addition that allows "undertaking" when on a M'way etc up to, say 50k's?

2nd April 2006, 20:13
If you under take some,(especaily on a single lane road)aint they failing to keep as fair left as practical.

2nd April 2006, 20:48
Years ago when i had a bike and was returning from wellington after visiting my big bro, just south of Tokaroa around tar hill i came down a straight rapidly approaching a slower vehicle although not going over 100 kmph.
The car driver saw this and pulled over to the left to let me past, this was also on a bend, while overtaking him i never crossed the centre line and further down the road i was pulled over by a traffic officer, (shows how long ago this was) to be told that i had crossed the centre line and had also overtakin illegally, well i was about to argue the point when he also told me i was speeding( wasnt and the cage driver could have verified this )....cept for the prat wouldnt stop.
I then got a ticket for failing to keep to my lane and he said hed let me off the speeding one.....(man i wish i knew as much then as i do now) and that if i went up shwy 2 to auck then id be safe as all the other patrol cars would be on shwy 1, so i went hwy 1 and didnt see another cop till auck .
1. he would have to be the sharpest eyed officer in the country to be able to see the centre line at over 200 metres away and
2.I wonder if i`m suffering from this and have a case historically to take this to court to get compensation for an illegal issuing of a ticket considering he had no proof that i`d crossed the centre line.and
3. wonder if id get my money back ......with interest over 10 to 12 yrs id be able to help pay for some gear for my bike when i get it....

2nd April 2006, 20:56
you can 'undertake' on the motorway, as long as you are not sharing the lane of the car you're undertaking.

lanesplitting is perfectly legal. i can't understand how much commentary there is on here about it being a 'grey area' - it's very clear, as has been said in post #16 by damon.

2nd April 2006, 22:26
Has anybody claimed the car they're undertaking has actually failed to overtake them?