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22nd March 2013, 11:01
... If youre on a main fucking road, and you want to turn fucking right, across fucking traffic, and there are fuckimg vehicles behind you, or youre likelyto impede fucking traddic PULL TO THE FUCKING LEFT AND WAIT UNTIL YOURE NOT GOING TO FUCK UP ANYONES DAY.
regards, considerate motherfuckers.

22nd March 2013, 11:06
So then they have to wait and check for both oncoming, and traffic behind before turning? :nya: Why not just pull to the center and let traffic behind go past on the left?

Yet another example of an outsider giving shit advice to people in our society :girlfight:

22nd March 2013, 11:11
Whilst I get the sentiment, you're not a member of this society so your opinion on how those that are conduct themselves is not relevant.

22nd March 2013, 11:12
So then they have to wait and check for both oncoming, and traffic behind before turning? :nya: Why not just pull to the center and let traffic behind go past on the left?

I dunno about the law now, but once upon a time it was NOT legal to wait in the middle of the road under those circumstances.

22nd March 2013, 11:25
Yet another example of an outsider giving shit advice to people in our society :girlfight:

Fairly sure it is a recommended thing to do, according to the NZ road code.

Go down to: Making a right turn from the left-hand side of the road.

22nd March 2013, 11:25
Used up all the green font colour have we?

Big Dave
22nd March 2013, 11:36
I don't care about traffic.

22nd March 2013, 11:38
Fairly sure it is a recommended thing to do, according to the NZ road code.

Go down to: Making a right turn from the left-hand side of the road.

"If there are other vehicles moving fast or following too closely, or if the road is narrow, it may be best to wait on the left-hand side of the road to make the turn, rather than stopping in the middle of the road and holding up traffic." Which is a fair call, but tbh, I'd slow down more if there was a car on the left indicating right, that I would to just pass them on the left.

Used up all the green font colour have we?

Too many people got into the habit of ignoring the green gibberish so he has gone 'undercover'?

22nd March 2013, 11:39
Please explain. What is this "traffic" you talk of? :whistle:

george formby
22nd March 2013, 11:41
Well yes. But. During the confusion of having to turn right do not indicate right & pull left leaving your indicator on. Seems to be the commonest way to do it but very confusing for me, following.

22nd March 2013, 11:43
... If youre on a main fucking road, and you want to turn fucking right, across fucking traffic, and there are fuckimg vehicles behind you, or youre likelyto impede fucking traddic PULL TO THE FUCKING LEFT AND WAIT UNTIL YOURE NOT GOING TO FUCK UP ANYONES DAY.
regards, considerate motherfuckers.

Someone's turned white hot! LOL

22nd March 2013, 11:45
Please explain. What is this "traffic" you talk of? :whistle:

Moving chicanes or some such things?

Big Dave
22nd March 2013, 11:47
Please explain. What is this "traffic" you talk of? :whistle:

You get it not long after Power and the Telephone. Those should be there this century. It's followed by tagging.

22nd March 2013, 12:12
Akzle for PM! It had to be said.

22nd March 2013, 12:55
I don't care about traffic.

You do if it's big and coming at you at 100kph ...

Akzle for PM! It had to be said.

Sorry - only members of our society can be PM ...

22nd March 2013, 13:11
Sorry - only members of our society can be PM ...

Oops, my bad!

22nd March 2013, 14:39
Akzle for PM! It had to be said.

Post Menstrual?

Disco Dan
22nd March 2013, 14:51
... If youre on a main fucking road, and you want to turn fucking right, across fucking traffic, and there are fuckimg vehicles behind you, or youre likelyto impede fucking traddic PULL TO THE FUCKING LEFT AND WAIT UNTIL YOURE NOT GOING TO FUCK UP ANYONES DAY.
regards, considerate motherfuckers.

Put simply... NO. You can fucking wait.

(You should be on a motorbike anyway you idiot so what's the problem? Or did you crash it on your driveway?)

22nd March 2013, 14:52
You do if it's big and coming at you at 100kph ...

Sorry - only members of our society can be PM ...

Doesn't apply to John Key. But then, he's PM of 'his' society, and most of us undesirables dont form part of his world.

22nd March 2013, 15:06
Put simply... NO. You can fucking wait.

(You should be on a motorbike anyway you idiot so what's the problem? Or did you crash it on your driveway?)


If by stopping in the middle of the road you're creating a danger for yourself or others then the sensible thing to do is pull over to the left and turn when it's clear.

22nd March 2013, 15:28
I fucking HATE cars that pull over to the left to wait for traffic - I'm NEVER sure they've seen me coming and I watch for that sudden turn in front of me ...

I hate it when I come around a corner and there's a car stopped on the left - what's the silly fucker going to do? Is it waiting to turn and go down that drive or side road? Is it going to pull out and go straight in front of me ... I never never trust the fuckers.

I love it once I'm passed them and still alive ...

22nd March 2013, 22:23
One of my clients in on a 100kph road, there is 400mm of seal to left of the road, a 8 foot ditch, then rising to a railway higher then the road. I don't like hanging my arse out in the middle of the road to to turn right into the drive due to obvious risks, however I gauge every situation as it appears to me, and everyone is welcome to choose the ditch if they choose.

22nd March 2013, 23:07
... If youre on a main fucking road, and you want to turn fucking right, across fucking traffic, and there are fuckimg vehicles behind you, or youre likelyto impede fucking traddic PULL TO THE FUCKING LEFT AND WAIT UNTIL YOURE NOT GOING TO FUCK UP ANYONES DAY.
regards, considerate motherfuckers.
Yeah, then sit there with your indicator on confusing everyone. Wankers.

23rd March 2013, 06:19
Please explain. What is this "traffic" you talk of? :whistle:
You've got some down your way if you look hard enough. It's that invisible stuff transported on the backs of electrons and EM waves that makes the interweb work.

schrodingers cat
23rd March 2013, 08:43
Actually, in more civilized countries with a higher standard of driving, the people in the oncoming lane often slow and flash their lights so as to assist the flow of traffic.
I'm guessing that they understand the advantages of co-operative behaviour (if I do it for them, they'll do it for me sometime)
In fairness it does require that you don't have your head firmly up your arse and can see beyond your own selfish needs.

The OP has demonstrated that he is in fact part of the problem. Me, me, me and 'fuck you jack'

23rd March 2013, 10:57
... If youre on a main fucking road, and you want to turn fucking right, across fucking traffic, and there are fuckimg vehicles behind you, or youre likelyto impede fucking traddic PULL TO THE FUCKING LEFT AND WAIT UNTIL YOURE NOT GOING TO FUCK UP ANYONES DAY.
regards, considerate motherfuckers.

Fucking, bad fucking day for your fucking ride was it ? Fuck that..

23rd March 2013, 14:21
I fucking HATE cars that pull over to the left to wait for traffic - I'm NEVER sure they've seen me coming and I watch for that sudden turn in front of me ...

Yeah, then sit there with your indicator on confusing everyone. Wankers.

Whether they are indicating or not, they should be treated in the same manner - as a hazard to be negotiated.

At least by indicating, they are giving you useful information about their intentions.

24th March 2013, 10:20
Actually, in more civilized countries with a higher standard of driving, the people in the oncoming lane often slow and flash their lights so as to assist the flow of traffic.
This is fine in heavy, slow moving traffic. On the open road when the traffic is flowing at 100k (or more) this is simply not practical and will more than likely add to the danger, not reduce it.

24th March 2013, 10:22
Whether they are indicating or not, they should be treated in the same manner - as a hazard to be negotiated.

At least by indicating, they are giving you useful information about their intentions.
This is why, when I pull left before turning right I keep my left indicator on until the traffic has passed and I'm ready to move right.

24th March 2013, 10:37
"If there are other vehicles moving fast or following too closely, or if the road is narrow, it may be best to wait on the left-hand side of the road to make the turn, rather than stopping in the middle of the road and holding up traffic." Which is a fair call, but tbh, I'd slow down more if there was a car on the left indicating right, that I would to just pass them on the left.

Also from the Road code ...

Making a right turn on a road with a centre line

In this situation:

slow down before you turn
check your mirrors and look over your right shoulder to check your blind spot
signal for at least three seconds
move towards to the centre line
turn when safe to a similar position in the road.

One would assume ... If ... in this case there was NOT enough room for vehicles to pass the offending vehicle on its LEFT ... there would be no room to park on the left of the road BEFORE turning right.

Unless of course ... the following vehicles didn't want to move off the tar seal to pass the turning vehicle.

24th March 2013, 17:54
Jeez you OK there Akz?
Now I'm sorry all of you Akzle lovers out there, but if you read it this way it'd be 100% right.

If you are on a rural/ main road ( not in town) and you wish to turn right.
You were ( can't say for sure it's still this way) supposed to indicate your intention to pull to the left.
Pull over on the left side/shoulder of the road.
Wait till the road was clear in both directions, indicate your intention to turn right and execute the turn.
Naturally, if there was no traffic a simple indicate ( who the hell is there to see it, BUTT) a right hand turn, move to the centre of the road, execute a right hand turn, no problem.
Wheres that old scumdog when ya need him?
Come on Akzle explain what kicked this one off.

24th March 2013, 22:44
I think you will find that the Traffic Regs were written to say that it was specifically not an offence to pull left before turning right, which has been carried over in to 2.5(3) of the Road User Rule which states -

A driver is not in breach of subclause (2) if the driver proves that, in the interests of safety, the driver moved as far as practicable to the left of the roadway on which the driver was travelling and slowed or stopped the vehicle in advance of the point where he or she intended to turn right until the roadway was clear of traffic turning right from the centre of the road and it was safe to turn.

Subclause 2 is the one that says you are supposed to move to the right which is the recommended practice. I can't believe that they used to promote what is being suggested here? It does sound very quaint though, is it based on some old canal boat legislation or something?

25th March 2013, 05:12
Sorry - only members of our society can be PM ...
sez who

(You should be on a motorbike anyway you idiot so what's the problem? Or did you crash it on your driveway?)
you have me confused with our africunt friend.

Come on Akzle explain what kicked this one off.

i've seen this manouvre 6 times in the last week, shockingly, twice that wasn't in auckland. and including a two storey bus. and this is on roads that have bays to the left of an intersection to facilitate just such a maneuver. when there's a queue of traffic following, and the guy in front pulls halfway left (as if to undertake) then decides he can't and so stops.... just fucks shit up, and is so easily avoidable if people drive would just drive properly.

25th March 2013, 06:17
and this is on roads that have bays to the left of an intersection to facilitate just such a maneuver.
Are you sure those bays aren't to facilitate the exact opposite?

25th March 2013, 08:07
Naturally, if there was no traffic a simple indicate ( who the hell is there to see it, BUTT)

This is another problem with kiwi drivers. You indicate to alert the vehicle that has not been seen.
With the piss-poor driving standards of NZ drivers, this ethic really needs to be reinforced.

25th March 2013, 09:48
and is so easily avoidable if people drive would just drive properly.

We would all be happier if everybody drove as per our society's legislation dictates .... :yes:

If it was convenient for them of course though ... ;)

25th March 2013, 10:48
At least by indicating, they are giving you useful information about their intentions.

That's not much help when the majority of drivers are incapable of using their indicators in accordance with the laws.

25th March 2013, 11:20
Are you sure those bays aren't to facilitate the exact opposite?
then why isn't there a flush median, and the lane painted into the bay, hmmmmm smartarse?

We would all be happier if everybody drove as per our society's legislation dictates .... :yes:

no. no i don't thinkso.
anyone who slows me down below 120 for any reason should be shot. :yes: using "it's the rules" as an excuse is just for pussies. :yes: and i don't believe courtesy is legislated :nono:
but if it needs to be, your society has bigger problems. :yes:

25th March 2013, 11:24
[COLOR="#139922"]anyone who slows me down below 120 for any reason should be shot.Nah bro, I'm pretty sure it's 55mph and under that it blows up...

25th March 2013, 11:33
Page A2 of Sunday Star-Times had a big feature about the "Killer trap at the roadside" ie gravel. People who have read that are even less likely to pull to the left ( "we're all going to die!")

Quote " The AAs ...Mike Noon, said many people didn't know how to drive on gravel".
Would have been more accurate if he just said many people didn't know how to drive, and left it at that.

25th March 2013, 11:35
then why isn't there a flush median, and the lane painted into the bay, hmmmmm smartarse?

Because of the number of dickheads that believe you aren't allowed to drive over those painted flush median strips ... and issues resulting from that ... some councils prefer to save the cost of that painting .. and let common sense apply. Sadly ... common sense is not as common as we ALL might wish.

no. no i don't thinkso.
anyone who slows me down below 120 for any reason should be shot. :yes: using "it's the rules" as an excuse is just for pussies. :yes: and i don't believe courtesy is legislated :nono:
but if it needs to be, your society has bigger problems. :yes:

If you were an accepted member of our society ... we might actually give a fuck about YOUR issue.

You're not (by your own admission) ... and so we don't.

But a big THANK YOU for the laughs you provided by telling us about it. Please continue to do so ...

25th March 2013, 11:40
That's not much help when the majority of drivers are incapable of using their indicators.

There ... fixed it for you ... :shutup:

25th March 2013, 12:18
Page A2 of Sunday Star-Times had a big feature about the "Killer trap at the roadside" ie gravel. People who have read that are even less likely to pull to the left ( "we're all going to die!")

Quote " The AAs ...Mike Noon, said many people didn't know how to drive on gravel".
Would have been more accurate if he just said many people didn't know how to drive, and left it at that.
had a good fucken laugh at that.

this is why all license test should be done on gravel. in a rear wheel drive. manual. and if you can't hold 10% of the speed limit, you fail. come back in 10 years and try again.

Because of the number of dickheads that believe you aren't allowed to drive over those painted flush median strips ... and issues resulting from that ...
they exist? haven't met em yet...paint, roadsigns, traffic lights, cops... they're all just polite suggestions, to be ignored if you don't feel like it.

If you were an accepted member of our society ... we might actually give a fuck about YOUR issue.

You're not (by your own admission) ... and so we don't.

But a big THANK YOU for the laughs you provided by telling us about it. Please continue to do so ...
oh i will.
but it's another item on my "why i don't want to be part of their society" list. of course, i have to keep a list, or else i might forget just how fucked up your shit is.
this isn't my issue. this is your society's issue, i don't see it getting better. i might piss and moan at some roading cunts to see if i can't get an ad campaign going. i know this whole "keep left" thing is new, and really really difficult to understand, but i think it's high time,

...so i'm going to go and smoke drugs.

25th March 2013, 12:20
Page A2 of Sunday Star-Times had a big feature about the "Killer trap at the roadside" ie gravel. People who have read that are even less likely to pull to the left ( "we're all going to die!")

Quote " The AAs ...Mike Noon, said many people didn't know how to drive on gravel".
Would have been more accurate if he just said many people didn't know how to drive, and left it at that.

Yeah, I read the stuff version of that. All the usual finger pointing and calling for median barriers etc.

However, I have read articles on skid training and defensive driving etc where they reckon the problem is skills are over emphasized and behaviour, attitudes, risk assessment and hazard perception aren't being taught enough.

25th March 2013, 12:20
...so i'm going to go and smoke drugs.

What a waste ...

25th March 2013, 13:22
this is why all license test should be done on gravel. in a rear wheel drive.

Where's the fun in that?

Putting the chains on the (rear) wheels, on the mountain road some years ago, we were amazed that a couple of wombles watched others putting chains on and proceeded to put theirs on the rear wheels... even though they had a front wheel drive car!

We didn't stay to see what they would do if a Subaru went past them without chains...

25th March 2013, 15:24
then why isn't there a flush median, and the lane painted into the bay, hmmmmm smartarse?
I imagine that some thieving local nicked them.

25th March 2013, 16:08
Putting the chains on the (rear) wheels, on the mountain road some years ago, we were amazed that a couple of wombles watched others putting chains on and proceeded to put theirs on the rear wheels... even though they had a front wheel drive car!

We didn't stay to see what they would do if a Subaru went past them without chains...

I see that quite a bit down here.

And I have seen a few Subaru's in a ditch too ... 4WD is good ... but not infallible. Gravity and the lawsw of physics ... win in the end.

25th March 2013, 17:21
I imagine that some thieving local nicked them.
fucken blacks. i knew it.

Gravity and the law of physics ... win in the end.
story of my life...