View Full Version : Your chance to get rid of me!

7th April 2013, 18:38
so i had this brilliant initiative. i want a bike and (most of) you want me to fuck off.

so. if i can get 20$ off everyone - i'll fuck off, and never come back, ever.

no more green

no more ranting

slightly more logic

just imagine how placid your KB experience will become.

(in fact, if i can get either 5k, or a not-shit bike off someone, i'll honor this.)

7th April 2013, 18:47

Who would we ridicule and despise if you weren't here???:(

7th April 2013, 18:52
you sound lonely.

7th April 2013, 18:52
I don't mind you at all, you seem OK to me. But then I don't let internet people's bother me...

7th April 2013, 18:56
mate, we put up with a lot worse than you over the years, you'll have to do better than that if you wanna hand out:lol:

7th April 2013, 18:58
Go find Skidmark - he will give you $20 for a handjob.

7th April 2013, 18:59
Hay Mods doesn't this count as a leaving thread?

7th April 2013, 19:01
Bank details?
are you going to pay for the lawyer to write up a legally binding contract?

7th April 2013, 19:08
Hay Mods doesn't this count as a leaving thread?:lol: :yes:

7th April 2013, 19:14
you sound lonely.
i am.

the other option is wait a week and i might just hang myself.

are you going to pay for the lawyer to write up a legally binding contract?
legally binding? nigger, are you new here? do you have any idea who i am?

you'd have my word. (and a handshake agreement, if you really wanted)

Hay Mods doesn't this count as a leaving thread?
no, fuck knuckle. give me 20$ and it might.

//damn. tough crowd huh.

7th April 2013, 19:15
My Dear Friend Mr Akzle,

My name is Mr. Johnson Emmanuel, I am a senior partner (Attorney) in the firm of Emmanuel Consults Inc: Private Investigators, Security Consultants and Financial Managers. We are conducting a standard process investigation/Recommendation on behalf of African Development Bank (ADB), The African Continental Banking Conglomerate.

This investigation involves a client who shares the same surname with you and also the circumstances surrounding investments made by this client at ADB Gold Account, the Private Banking arm of ADB. The ADB Private Banking client died intestate and nominated no successor in title over the investments made with the bank amounting to over US9.5 Million.

The essence of this communication with you is to request that you provide us information/comments on any or all of the four issues as regards nominating you to inherit the fund left behind by this client. You are therefore being contacted to be legally nominated as next of kin(inheritor) to this client after all enquiries and investigation has yielded results showing that there is no known next of kin. You are required therefore to answer this questions to enable us make our recommendation.

1-Are you aware of any relative/relation born on the 2nd of February 1951, who shares your same name whose last known contact address was West Africa?

2-Are you aware of any investment of considerable value made by such a person at the Private Banking Division of ADB Bank PLC?

3-Can you confirm your willingness to accept this inheritance if you are legally and legitimately nominated and approved to stand as inheritor to this huge investment in regards to the bank account with ADB?

4-Would you agree to donate part of this inheritance to charity if you are officially approved to stand as the inheritor? It is pertinent that you inform us ASAP whether or not you are familiar with this personality or and your interest towards the issues mentioned.

You must appreciate that we are constrained from providing you with more detailed information at this point. Please respond to this mail as soon as possible to afford us the opportunity to provide you with more information on this investigation and recommendation.
Thank you for accommodating our enquiry.

Mr. Johnson Emmanuel

7th April 2013, 19:15
i am.

the other option is wait a week and i might just hang myself.I am sure your kids won't appreciate that.

7th April 2013, 19:16
Go find Skidmark - he will give you $20 for a handjob.

or WINJA might snap it off for $20

7th April 2013, 19:16
Does this classify as a good bye thread?.. :rolleyes:

7th April 2013, 19:19
i am.

the other option is wait a week and i might just hang myself.

legally binding? nigger, are you new here? do you have any idea who i am?

you'd have my word. (and a handshake agreement, if you really wanted)

no, fuck knuckle. give me 20$ and it might.

//damn. tough crowd huh.

First off you said this
"so. if i can get 20$ off everyone - i'll fuck off, and never come back, ever. "
So technically it is a leaving thread.

Then you say you might leave or you might hang yourself, Now I would pay $20 to see that.

7th April 2013, 19:24
I will give you $20 to watch you hanging from the neck until dead, payable when youtube clip gets posted.:devil2::motu:

7th April 2013, 19:24
Best thread in ages. As fir the $20.00... :motu:

sidecar bob
7th April 2013, 19:28
Why the fuck would you pay some tool $20 to fuck off when you can just click ignore.

7th April 2013, 19:35
or you might hang yourself, Now I would pay $20 to see that.

That's about 3 years jail time under new laws. Don't drop the soap! :lol:

7th April 2013, 19:40
That's about 3 years jail time under new laws. Don't drop the soap! :lol:

As it hasn't even passed it's first reading so i'll take my chances.
And anyway, trying to remove abuse from forums is like trying to remove porn (or akzle)

7th April 2013, 19:42
And anyway, trying to remove abuse from forums is like trying to remove porn (or akzle)

You will never take our porn.


7th April 2013, 19:43
You will never take our porn.

He'd probably ban Christmas if he had half a chance.

7th April 2013, 19:50
When I win the snottery, the big win, I'll give you the Prila and will fund you per KB post for the rest of time.

7th April 2013, 19:52
so i had this brilliant initiative ....

We miss you already ...

7th April 2013, 20:14
Nah, you can't leave. You serve a purpose.

7th April 2013, 20:43
so i had this brilliant initiative. i want a bike and (most of) you want me to fuck off.

so. if i can get 20$ off everyone - i'll fuck off, and never come back, ever.

no more green

no more ranting

slightly more logic

just imagine how placid your KB experience will become.

(in fact, if i can get either 5k, or a not-shit bike off someone, i'll honor this.)

You're just a big tease...

7th April 2013, 20:49
Please don't leave.

There are sooooooooooo many retards yet to be baited.

Big Dave
7th April 2013, 20:51
Do you take Paypal?

7th April 2013, 20:53
Do you take Paypal?

more likely takes it up the ass..

7th April 2013, 21:03
It's a shame that there are no employers in your society. You could have done what we over here call "earning money" and paid for a new bike. Mine specifically but I spose for the sake of argument it could be another one.

7th April 2013, 21:06
(in fact, if i can get either 5k, or a not-shit bike off someone, i'll honor this.)
Tell ya what son, you raise $5k and I'll sell you this http://i1216.photobucket.com/albums/dd379/dirtydoogle/Image175.jpg and a bag of crisps.

7th April 2013, 21:12
What use is money to someone who isn't part of society?

Big Dave
7th April 2013, 21:18
That's not what they meant when they said he rode a 'waterbottle'.

7th April 2013, 21:32
Tell ya what son, you raise $5k and I'll sell you this and a bag of crisps.

You sorted out that steering geometry issue yet?

7th April 2013, 21:33
You sorted out that steering geometry issue yet?

Yup. I rode it better.

7th April 2013, 21:39
Bloody hell akzle, it looks like this capitalism lark isn't as easy as it looks from the outside, eh?

7th April 2013, 21:45
TAG: Look at me :banana:

Mental Trousers
7th April 2013, 21:47
I had my hopes up that this was a Goodbye KB thread :(

Big Dave
7th April 2013, 21:55
I had my hopes up that this was a Goodbye KB thread :(

Off you shoot. Come back when you can't stay so long.

7th April 2013, 22:00
The goodbyes are pork pies!

7th April 2013, 22:07
KB needs more people like Akzle.

7th April 2013, 22:08
KB needs more people like Akzle.

I don't think they exist to be honest.

7th April 2013, 22:48
Tell ya what son, you raise $5k and I'll sell you this....
I am guessing he meant NZ dollars not Italian Lire - looka at me, looka at me.

8th April 2013, 07:00
Troll is successful Troll... :lol:

8th April 2013, 07:22
When I win the snottery, the big win, I'll give you the Prila and will fund you per KB post for the rest of time.
ahem, i believe i said a not-shit bike :P

It's a shame that there are no employers in your society. You could have done what we over here call "earning money" and paid for a new bike. Mine specifically but I spose for the sake of argument it could be another one.

a fucking damn shame.
i can swing a hammer if you can pay in cash (or bikes)

or i need a bigger bathtub to cook up more meth...

8th April 2013, 07:47
I don't think they exist to be honest.

Which is a real shame.