View Full Version : Riding to Nikau Cave and Cafe? A warning!

30th May 2013, 14:38
Rode out to Nikau Cafe yesterday, and a mate had a bit of an off on twilight rd on the way home - to the idiots who went flying about there on the R1, GSX and what ever.. geez man.. there was moss and slime everywhere!)

but anyway.. the road out to Nikau Cave was great, but there are a few sections now, that have just been re-laid, and there is loose grave everywhere. Also.. the road past the cafe has been mutilated by weather, and then by a bunch of large truck and trailers who are dropping gravel on it.
I'm not sure where the trucks are coming from, but they are every few mins, and they tend to cut the corners (and thus the surface gravel is not following the road, but the lines the trucks are taking). BECAREFUL! Someone's likely to hit one head on.

Also, to the member of the constabulary whom we have a good chat with out there.. it was good chatting with you! I ended up having friendly chats with 4 officers about bikes and riding in the course of the day (no illegal activites involved). Good to see so many who ride, and who care about us!

30th May 2013, 14:51
But, Twilight road is nowhere near Nikau Caves Café right? Just to clarify.

30th May 2013, 15:52
Correct.. accident was on twilight.. gravel and trucks on the road to Nikau - SH22 and Waitakaruru Valley Road.

I only mentioned Twilight because of the fools riding it at speed.. I spent like 2 hours on the side of the road there, about halfway up from Clevedon.. and You can hear people coming.. and you're looking at the moss and slime and slipping on it in your boots.. and thinking.. sheesh, the ambo might as well stay here..

30th May 2013, 16:36
There is always gravel on SH22 around that area and more often than not never signed and hard to see.

30th May 2013, 17:54
Yes, better to stay off SH22 and any side roads on a sports bike - stick to roads well travelled. There are some who think those roads are getting a bit tame now.

30th May 2013, 20:54
Twilight Road by Clevedon area?

And agree, best to stay off SH22. That road is bad.

1st June 2013, 14:19
Twilight Road by Clevedon area?

And agree, best to stay off SH22. That road is bad.

Yep, twilight rd in Clevedon..

SH22 is fine, its the Waikeretu Valley Road (the turn off from Sh22 to go to the Cafe) where it begins to get dangerous.

1st June 2013, 15:13
Yep, twilight rd in Clevedon..

SH22 is fine, its the Waikeretu Valley Road (the turn off from Sh22 to go to the Cafe) where it begins to get dangerous.
22 fine? Tui billboard! Unmarked roadworks, loose gravel, tar bleed, potholes and ripples. It's a real shame, it would be an epic road if it was kept in a semi-decent condition.

1st June 2013, 15:19
22 is fine. Just the dicks that think its a racetrack moan about what is a normal country road :rolleyes:

1st June 2013, 15:48
22 fine? Tui billboard! Unmarked roadworks, loose gravel, tar bleed, potholes and ripples. It's a real shame, it would be an epic road if it was kept in a semi-decent condition.

It seemed fine to me.. Only 2 roadworks, both with stop&go men on.. no worries..

22 is fine. Just the dicks that think its a racetrack moan about what is a normal country road :rolleyes:


1st June 2013, 16:27
I drove the port waikato-waikaretu rd few weeks ago and it was a gamble every corner with trucks coming the other way and if I had met them in a corner there was no way they'd have stopped in time. I think they count on that road being empty and if they crash it's not them getting killed anyway.
There's a small "mine" around there where they fill up with gravel, i guess that's why the road is all fucked up.

1st June 2013, 16:42
22 is fine. Just the dicks that think its a racetrack moan about what is a normal country road :rolleyes:
Better than fine. Mother's Day, they even had a gravel section, for those of us that like it.

Base course the whole road around Naike for a kilometre or so. Awesome stuff :lol:

1st June 2013, 17:50
I drove the port waikato-waikaretu rd few weeks ago and it was a gamble every corner with trucks coming the other way and if I had met them in a corner there was no way they'd have stopped in time. I think they count on that road being empty and if they crash it's not them getting killed anyway.
There's a small "mine" around there where they fill up with gravel, i guess that's why the road is all fucked up.

The trucks are re-laying the gravel that got washed away in the rain. We didnt go any further than the Cafe... although we would have, had there not been trucks anywhere - gone up to PW. I'm not 'fraid of gravel even on a sportsbike

1st June 2013, 20:30
Nah, SH22 is very bad, especially for bikes.
Road works, bumps mid corner, narrow road, blind corners, cows.
Best stay off it if you can.

1st June 2013, 20:42
Nah, SH22 is very bad, especially for bikes.
Road works, bumps mid corner, narrow road, blind corners, cows.
Best stay off it if you can.

we didnt really notice it... but then.. I was born and raised in the country

1st June 2013, 21:35
Uh,.... then why did you start a post about the dangers of road conditions on SH22 ?

1st June 2013, 22:44
Uh,.... then why did you start a post about the dangers of road conditions on SH22 ?

Because that's what most people call the route to Kikau Cave.. but in fact it is the bit between SH22 and Nikau Cave (Waikaretu Valley Rd) which is particularly bad at the moment.

2nd June 2013, 08:04
why include Nikau caves in heading. They got SFA to do with subject. do u work or a newspaper as your title has as much relevance of some headlines.

Sooner people start riding to the conditions less crashes there will be.

what else would you like to report. it might rain today

this thread is a total waste

nuke it

2nd June 2013, 09:14
why include Nikau caves in heading. They got SFA to do with subject. do u work or a newspaper as your title has as much relevance of some headlines.

Sooner people start riding to the conditions less crashes there will be.

what else would you like to report. it might rain today

this thread is a total waste

nuke it

a: because it is the road to Nikau Cave.. duh.
b: Radio/TV station.
c: I started the thread so its about what ever the hell I want it to be about.
d: idiot.

2nd June 2013, 09:50
a: because it is the road to Nikau Cave.. duh.
b: Radio/TV station.
c: I started the thread so its about what ever the hell I want it to be about.
d: idiot.

1a my point is that irresponsible titles like this can effect business's that have nothing to do with this. You called of titled thread "Warning Road to Nikau Caves"

but then its still a waste of a thread like warning everyone to slow down in the rain, ride to the conditions."


!c why not tell us about your like starting with your birth, may be more interesting

1d personal attack, thats mature

2nd June 2013, 13:07
1a my point is that irresponsible titles like this can effect business's that have nothing to do with this. You called of titled thread "Warning Road to Nikau Caves"

but then its still a waste of a thread like warning everyone to slow down in the rain, ride to the conditions."

Well if you're that concerned, we can ask the Admins to change the name to "Riding to Nikau Cave and Cafe? A warning!" Would that make you feel all warm and fuzzy?


!c why not tell us about your like starting with your birth, may be more interesting

You asked.. I didnt offer.

1d personal attack, thats mature
Pot, kettle, black.

2nd June 2013, 18:00
Well if you're that concerned, we can ask the Admins to change the name to "Riding to Nikau Cave and Cafe? A warning!" Would that make you feel all warm and fuzzy?

You asked.. I didnt offer.

Pot, kettle, black.

i did not call you any insulting names.

Now on a more important note "Warnng Mcdonalds Greenlane, life threatening, "watch out for the traffic lights outside this location they change from green to amber to red. "

2nd June 2013, 18:23
Like sands through an hour glass etc etc etc...

Sounds like a perfectly acceptable back country road.

2nd June 2013, 19:13
It was much better before they sealed the road down to Nikau Caves, now all sorts of idiots go down there. 22 is still fun though.

2nd June 2013, 23:25
Thanks to the admin for changing the name..

igor, there are more ways to be insulting than by calling names..

(and that was one..)

3rd June 2013, 12:23
22 is still fun though.

22 is shite. Best people stay away from it.
Utter shite. Never has a road been worse than that.

Definitely not suitable for bikes.

Don't encourage them, Motu.

3rd June 2013, 12:26
22 is still fun though.

Not as fun as a few laps of Twilight Road, it's fooken mint!

3rd June 2013, 13:03
22 is shite. Best people stay away from it.
Utter shite. Never has a road been worse than that.

Definitely not suitable for bikes.

Don't encourage them, Motu.

seein as I am possibly the most recent non-regular rider of the road, I found it perfectly fine. I didnt expect mint conditions. As long as you're not riding like a madman.. its perfectly reasonable.

3rd June 2013, 13:05
Not as fun as a few laps of Twilight Road, it's fooken mint!

Oh yes, totally agree.
Bikers should definitely go for Twilight Rd than SH22.

The more people staying off SH22 = the better.

3rd June 2013, 13:07
great, the fishy smelling bits have arrived.

3rd June 2013, 13:54
So your mate has an off while riding Twilight, a few other riders come through "at speed" but make it fine...and they're the fools getting attacked? Seems they were the ones riding to conditions AND ability to me.

3rd June 2013, 16:46
22 fine? Tui billboard! Unmarked roadworks, loose gravel, tar bleed, potholes and ripples. It's a real shame, it would be an epic road if it was kept in a semi-decent condition.

Sounds sweet!

3rd June 2013, 17:22
22 is fine. Just the dicks that think its a racetrack moan about what is a normal country road :rolleyes:

Wot 'e said. I've been up and down that road heaps of times and am yet to bust my neck. Matter of riding to conditions.

3rd June 2013, 18:12
So your mate has an off while riding Twilight, a few other riders come through "at speed" but make it fine...and they're the fools getting attacked? Seems they were the ones riding to conditions AND ability to me.

sure.. yes.. sounds awesome.

I live in the area - the police said they are picking someone up off the side of the road who was on a 1L sports bike every coupla weeks. In this case, the issue was an 89 year old gentleman in a landcruiser on the inside of a bend he should have been on the outside of.. Conditions had nothing to do with it.

3rd June 2013, 18:41
For the first time today I rode what is now the closest loop to home. Tuakau - Port waikato - Nikau Caves - back via SH22.

SH22 between the turn-off to the caves was sweet. Don't remember seeing any gravel. From 22 to the caves there was loose gravel on a lot of the corners on top of the seal.

However, by far the worst piece of road I rode today was a 13km stretch a little way on from Port Waikato. I never got above 70kph due to huge tyre trenches, rough repairs and a loose surface; hardly any of which was sigh-posted. That's what happens when you ride on gravel without the "appropriate" equipment. As others have said - ride to the conditions.

3rd June 2013, 20:08
For the first time today I rode what is now the closest loop to home. Tuakau - Port waikato - Nikau Caves - back via SH22.

SH22 between the turn-off to the caves was sweet. Don't remember seeing any gravel. From 22 to the caves there was loose gravel on a lot of the corners on top of the seal.

However, by far the worst piece of road I rode today was a 13km stretch a little way on from Port Waikato. I never got above 70kph due to huge tyre trenches, rough repairs and a loose surface; hardly any of which was sigh-posted. That's what happens when you ride on gravel without the "appropriate" equipment. As others have said - ride to the conditions.

That was my experience too - although, it was the trucks that were more dangerous.. if you follow the gravel free lines, chances are you'd find a truck in em.. :s

3rd June 2013, 20:16
That was my experience too - although, it was the trucks that were more dangerous.. if you follow the gravel free lines, chances are you'd find a truck in em.. :s
Of course, being a public holiday, that's one problem I didn't have.

3rd June 2013, 21:35
I love those roads to cruise on.... locals get sick of people using it s a race track.....

3rd June 2013, 23:15
sure.. yes.. sounds awesome.

I live in the area - the police said they are picking someone up off the side of the road who was on a 1L sports bike every coupla weeks. In this case, the issue was an 89 year old gentleman in a landcruiser on the inside of a bend he should have been on the outside of.. Conditions had nothing to do with it.

So do I, approximately 7 minutes drive away.

The howick, maraetai, clevedon, Kaiaua loop has always been a magnet for over ambitious noobs and idiot riders. FWIW...I crashed as a learner on twilight road being a dick on my 250 (racing another guy at night, in the rain with a tinted visor - darwin award goes to me). But going quickly or riding a 1lt sportsbike is NOT a precursor to crashing...a factor for sure, but then so are many other things.
I have had that instance of folks on my side of the road on that piece of road a few times, never fun. Hope your mate is ok...but point still stands re: the other group riding to conditions and abilities.

4th June 2013, 08:20
sure.. yes.. sounds awesome.

I live in the area - the police said they are picking someone up off the side of the road who was on a 1L sports bike every coupla weeks. In this case, the issue was an 89 year old gentleman in a landcruiser on the inside of a bend he should have been on the outside of.. Conditions had nothing to do with it.

It was 2 x R1's and 1 x GSXR. We were riding "to the conditions" and we were also aware you were going to be there as one of the R1's had been through earlier and seen your mates misfortune, so we were taking it easy, and if conditions had nothing to do with your mates off why did you raise them when mentioning those crazy naughty boys on sports bikes. It sounds from your entire story that you should probably worry about your own riding ability and ability to read the road instead of worrying about others.

P.S. The area where your mate was standing on the side of the road with you was on one of the tightest corners on Twilight, so definitely were not "flying".

4th June 2013, 17:47
The howick, maraetai, clevedon, Kaiaua loop has always been a magnet for over ambitious noobs and idiot riders.

Early '70's, that was me. Twilight Rd and West Rd unsealed, Skyhigh Rd unsealed. Gravel from Kawakawa Bay to Waitakaruru, gravel from Hunua to Mangatawhiri. I was a noob, and a complete and utter idiot, but learning my craft and having the time of my life. I was really disappointed to come back to Auckland in the mid '90's and find it all sealed....and that other people had invaded my paradise.

4th June 2013, 19:18
So do I, approximately 7 minutes drive away.

The howick, maraetai, clevedon, Kaiaua loop has always been a magnet for over ambitious noobs and idiot riders. FWIW...I crashed as a learner on twilight road being a dick on my 250 (racing another guy at night, in the rain with a tinted visor - darwin award goes to me). But going quickly or riding a 1lt sportsbike is NOT a precursor to crashing...a factor for sure, but then so are many other things.
I have had that instance of folks on my side of the road on that piece of road a few times, never fun. Hope your mate is ok...but point still stands re: the other group riding to conditions and abilities.

We've got more that 80 years riding between us, and 60 of that on the road (30 years each) - we were riding to the conditions.

It was 2 x R1's and 1 x GSXR. We were riding "to the conditions" and we were also aware you were going to be there as one of the R1's had been through earlier and seen your mates misfortune, so we were taking it easy, and if conditions had nothing to do with your mates off why did you raise them when mentioning those crazy naughty boys on sports bikes. It sounds from your entire story that you should probably worry about your own riding ability and ability to read the road instead of worrying about others.

P.S. The area where your mate was standing on the side of the road with you was on one of the tightest corners on Twilight, so definitely were not "flying".

We could only "hear" you because, as you say, you werent flying as you came around the corner.. However, there were 4 motorcyclists, 2 of whom were police, all looking at each other going "geez".
Apologies if it was all in our "minds".

4th June 2013, 19:50
Gotta love SH22, had a nice run over there on sunday, sure there was a bit of gravel around but there always is :msn-wink:
Not a road for the unwary though, nice technical parts with fast sweepers & enough going on to keep it interesting.
Road to Nikau caves is similar & well worth the trip out there for a coffee .

4th June 2013, 20:59
We've got more that 80 years riding between us, and 60 of that on the road (30 years each) - we were riding to the conditions.

We could only "hear" you because, as you say, you werent flying as you came around the corner.. However, there were 4 motorcyclists, 2 of whom were police, all looking at each other going "geez".
Apologies if it was all in our "minds".

So you can tell a bikes speed by the sound it makes.........you're good, what gears was I using as I came up the road? type of pipes? cat out? PC5 maybe? and for how long could you hear me, Clevedon, polo grounds, pub????

5th June 2013, 09:29
Early '70's, that was me. Twilight Rd and West Rd unsealed, Skyhigh Rd unsealed. Gravel from Kawakawa Bay to Waitakaruru, gravel from Hunua to Mangatawhiri. I was a noob, and a complete and utter idiot, but learning my craft and having the time of my life. I was really disappointed to come back to Auckland in the mid '90's and find it all sealed....and that other people had invaded my paradise.

Grandpa Motu:
We used to hack out way thru the bush, now they have gravel roads you get those dang horses and Cobb and Co wagons raising dust..... :rolleyes:

5th June 2013, 12:26
Grandpa Motu:

Rode over Klondyk Rd near Port waikato and a heap of gravel roads on the seaward side of SH22 down towards Nikau Caves last weekend on my CCM 604...nirvana. There's still lots of good gravel to ride on if your that way inclined :woohoo::yes: