View Full Version : World peace: NZ leads the way

3rd June 2013, 19:18
Hope Oxfam NZ dont bother looking over their shoulders to see how many other countries are following.


At least 50 countries are required to sign before it is ratified. Neither the US or Russian govt's have committed themselves to signing up.

" The treaty covers battle tanks. armoured combat vehicles, large—calibre
artillery systems. combat aircraft. attack helicopters. warships. missiles
and missile launchers, and small arms and light weapons
It prohibits states that ratify it from transfering conventional weapons if
they violate arms embargoes or if they promote acts of genocide, crimes
against humanity or war crimes The treaty also prohibits the export of
conventional arms if they could be used in attacks on civilians or civilian
buildings such as schools and hospitals.
In considering whether to authorize the export of arms, a country must
evaluate whether the weapons would be used to violate International
human rights laws oi- employed by terrorists or organized crime A
country must also determine whether the weapons would contribute to or
undermine peace and security
In addition, the treaty requires countnes to take measures to prevent the
diversion of conventional weapons to the illicit market."

3rd June 2013, 19:39
I hope they printed it on toilet paper so that it can be a useful piece of paper some day.

3rd June 2013, 20:56
It would be worthless on loo paper. The people in charge of 'wars' and associated battle gear would spend more time looking at the shape and colour of their shit that reading any of that treaty.

World peace is a waste of time - as a race we are simply not designed that way.

3rd June 2013, 21:16
In addition, the treaty requires countnes to take measures to prevent the
diversion of conventional weapons to the illicit market."

So, control documentation? Like an end use certificate? Like almost every government on the planet currently uses?

How is yet another arms trading treaty going to make a difference?

4th June 2013, 10:49
Here's an extract from Wikepedia on the treaty. Appears that the NRA see this as an attack on them. amongst others. Also the UN sec general has said that the Russian, Chinese, French, Arabic and a few others have text inaccruracies which will give them an 'out'.


4th June 2013, 11:11
OK ... Way to Go GodZone (now .. we need to be careful what we do with a lot of leftover Skyhawks) ...

4th June 2013, 11:47
World peace is a waste of time - as a race we are simply not designed that way.

So you're black then?

4th June 2013, 13:07
So you're black then?


So, you're ignorant then?

4th June 2013, 14:18
I think our suicide, cannabis, cancer's, education and social problems statistics may indicate otherwise:girlfight:

4th June 2013, 14:20

So, you're ignorant then?

Enlighten me.

4th June 2013, 16:05
Enlighten me.

You've just done that yourself... if you care to notice that is. You're welcome.

4th June 2013, 16:08
It would be worthless on loo paper. The people in charge of 'wars' and associated battle gear would spend more time looking at the shape and colour of their shit that reading any of that treaty.

World peace is a waste of time - as a race we are simply not designed that way.

Agree with the first bit. The people in charge can't afford for there to be peace.

But no, I have to disagree there, world peace isn't a waste of time, especially given that it is the minority in charge that are pushing their agenda. If we weren't designed to be peaceful, the entire world would be at war, but it isn't. So whilst not probable, it's definitely possible.

Road kill
4th June 2013, 17:02
So you're black then?

Why do you ask

Planning on killing him and stealing his country are you.

Oh sorry,,,that didn't work to well last time did it ?:clap:

4th June 2013, 18:28
Why do you ask

Planning on killing him and stealing his country are you.

Oh sorry,,,that didn't work to well last time did it ?:clap:

I wasn't thinking quite along those lines.