View Full Version : A dad and his son

17th June 2013, 04:50
This is a link to an old posting on the ADVrider forum. A lot of you may have read this, some wont have. It kind of bought back some memories to me. I just read the first page, some nice photos.


Here's a comment following the above posting. " I can't help putting my two cents in...
Whatever... whenever... busy or not busy... work schedule or no work schedule... make it a priority to see your son and spend some time with him... This is a one way "journey" with no looking back besides pictures and memories and there is nothing like the actual feeling of the "presence"... as tomorrow might never come... and then the regrets and inevitable guilts, founded or not founded, build up... Nothing... nothing is truly worth not spending time together... I know... I lost my only child, son, at the young age of 26, 17 month and 14 days ago... I will never get over it... I wish you both, and your daughter only one thing... much Health and Togetherness... we don't realize so many things till we loose what we have! The pictures are awsome... they sure choked me as in "my Life" that is all I have left...
Hope to see a ride report with you two together very soon...
Just "do it"!!!
Be well... Ara "

My son grew up riding behind me in the eighties. We were so close as a father / son. I wish we still had that same bond. Unfortunately, we have drifted apart since he grew into adulthood.

One sickening memory I have is returning from the last Castrol 6 hour meeting at Mansfield. Jason and I had been to an earlier race meeting there and the return trip was the same time of day, the same steady wet run up HW1. He was about 12 then. Just out of Turangi I came out of a corner and ' Wham' straight into a deep pothole. The bike took a hell of a whack. I kept it upright, wobble along a bit then realised, Jason was no longer on the back. God, I almost died with fear. I hit the brakes and pulled up as hard as I could. Got off, and no, he wasn't there. I was shaking like a leaf. Somehow I got back on and tore back up the road. Then I started thinking, 'He didn't come on this ride?' or did he?

Got back to the massive pothole, no cars pulled up, no sign of an accident. Stopped there and thought hard, No he had not come down on this ride. I could remember him in his yellow rain jacket standing by the bike at the Turangi sv stn. As I said, the time of day, the weather was just the same as our earlier trip.

It took a while to calm down and accept that Jason had not been on the back when I hit that pothole.

I have many happy memories of us together on rides but that time certainly shook me up for a while.