View Full Version : First ride in two weeks

Road kill
22nd June 2013, 14:49
Started work at 6:00am today,beautifull weather an got off early.

Go home wrestle/wheel bike out the back door while doing my best not to sit on my arse in the sea of mud which has resently become my back yard.

Not long after that I drop into Sawmill gully traveling at about 120kph and straight into a hail shower complete with huge juicy sized rain drops also traveling at a fairly high rate of knots.

Get wet.

Enter left hander that has tiny ripples in it and she steps out a little at the rear,just enough to make me refocus.:eek5:

Get rained on several more times,have a few more slippery moments which is now pissing me off because it shouldn't be happening.

The suspension on my bike is crap and it showed today.
Now I'm used to the bike I'm finding I can't safely ride it anywhere near it's potentual because the handling is off.

Not far from home on an up hill left hander that flattens out at the top there is a 1" deep dip 4" wide right across the road where a cable or something was put under the road.

Hit that at 120k and she holds the line perfectly but I get a jar up my back that really hurts.

I've been given an estimate around $2400 to fix the vague front end and rigid back end.

Gotta get her handling as well as she can be made to.

Will involve lots of work and parts , I'm hoping to get it done before summer.

Other than that,the perfect short ride today.:drool:

22nd June 2013, 14:56
Any ride I get back home without crashing or getting ticketed is the "perfect" ride to me.

22nd June 2013, 21:29
Any ride I get back home without crashing or getting ticketed is the "perfect" ride to me.

When people ask me if I had a good ride thats exactly what I say!

23rd June 2013, 18:40
Took the sidecar out for a wee run yesterday. Had a great ride.

24th June 2013, 15:43
Yeah, had my first leisure outing on two wheels yesterday as well...bliss :yes: