View Full Version : World Bank whistle blower

8th July 2013, 18:15
Interesting times.

World Bank whistle blower comes forward with detailed information about the corruption in the world banking system. Claims that the furore over Snowden's whistle blowing is a distraction from the much more important revelations about the systematic take over of third world countries by the world banking system. Very interesting and hope to see this followed up properly to a conclusion that involves massive accountability and lynchings.


Another conspiracy comes true ;)

8th July 2013, 18:20
Of course it's corrupt, as the Jews are behind it.

8th July 2013, 18:28
Of course it's corrupt, as the Jews are behind it.

Actually no. They are mixed races who are predominantly jewish but who are all zionists. Not all zonists are jews and only a minority of jews are zionists.

8th July 2013, 18:38
Chemtrails are real, maaaaan. Oh and fluoride is to control our minds

george formby
8th July 2013, 19:07
What a lovely pink dress. Fascinating. :love: Who would have thought you could get a twitcher over the World Bank..

8th July 2013, 21:20
Hardly surprising they want to claim, or re-claim the "3rd world" given that they understand where the money is going to be in the not too distant future
