View Full Version : Talking to yourself

30th July 2013, 07:10
Anyone here talk to themselves like this when riding. I do sometimes, but as in some of the comments I find it can also be distracting. I do like to sing out loud on the bike though, gives the farmers something to laugh at as you cruise on by.:weird:


30th July 2013, 07:53
I don't have conversations but I do make relevant comments about the weeather, some pedestrians (attractive female type generally), and other road users' awful driving. And yes, when feeling good I sing to myself.

30th July 2013, 08:43
Yes I do and usually I give myself good advice...things like "I bet that car is going to swing into my lane and cut me off "
and when it does and I avoid it I might say to myself "Fuck I,m good."...:laugh:

30th July 2013, 08:46
I have to talk to myself. No other bastard ever listens...

The Reibz
30th July 2013, 08:47
Depends how many beers I have had before riding...

30th July 2013, 09:16
If I talk to myself I generally get into an argument.

Big Dave
30th July 2013, 09:26
It's called 'thinking'.

30th July 2013, 09:40
Sometimes. I can see how being able to give a complete running commentary would be a valuable skill for Police Officers.

I guess the woowoo bit is that you are bringing some of your unconscious observations to the attention of your conscious mind, which must help. As the article stated this is likely to be very tiring until one is well accomplished at it.

How many of you speak aloud when reading to yourself? I can't remember which primer I was in when I moved past that. Reading without speaking allows you to read and process information much faster.

I've been on a few driving/riding courses and they have all been excellent. Some of the techniques work less well once off the track and into traffic though. I will make an effort to try this one and see how it goes.

30th July 2013, 09:45
If I talk to myself I generally get into an argument.

...and I always win.

30th July 2013, 10:07
I don't need to talk to myself...there's enough voices in my head discussing any number of inane things already :innocent::blink:

30th July 2013, 10:10
If I talk to myself I generally get into an argument.

Yea this ^; me, myself, I & self have an agreement to keep quiet when in/on vehicles as we can only see an argument while operating said vehicle ending badly for all involved.

30th July 2013, 10:33
I always talk to myself, mostly while I'm on the bike or working, but mostly during sex...."go you good thing!":woohoo:

30th July 2013, 10:51
You fuckers are all as mad as I am, you have no idea how good that makes me feel. Fucken nutters.:laugh::laugh:

30th July 2013, 11:11
I used to sing to myself the first few times when riding through the rain to calm my nerves (about riding through the wet) but now I don't need to...

"Singing in the rain, just riding in the rain., what a glorious feeling, I'm biking again..."

30th July 2013, 11:13
I once caught myself talking to my cat whilst riding home from work one night (the cat was at home at the time so I've no idea why I was trying to talk to it).

30th July 2013, 11:22
I do when I'm racing. Things like "get the fuck out of the way you raving poolick!!"

F5 Dave
30th July 2013, 15:20
I once caught myself talking to my cat whilst riding home from work one night (the cat was at home at the time so I've no idea why I was trying to talk to it).
Bluetooth helmet mounted phone huh? Quite a trick for Mr Tibbs to answer the phone without opposable thumbs.

Bring me some fish you lanky monkey.

30th July 2013, 15:41
Which one of us would you like to talk to?

Road kill
30th July 2013, 18:41
I talk to myself all the time,sometimes just in my head other times out loud.
I try to discuss the situation with myself as much as possible.

It's just a part of living consciously instead of sub consciously like a lot of people do for most of their lives.

It's often said that talking about things can make them better or easier to work out,so when it comes to "you" then who better to talk it out with than your self ?

I'm not fuckin' nuts,it just looks that way.:laugh:

30th July 2013, 19:16
It's just a part of living consciously instead of sub consciously like a lot of people do for most of their lives.

Fuckin AMEN.:Punk::Punk:

30th July 2013, 20:00
Of course I do, it's the only way I can have an intelligent conversation

30th July 2013, 20:11
I was once singing away to myself at the top of my lungs on a trip back to Wellington from Whakatane. With ear plugs and wind noise you don't really hear yourself that well anyway. So going through a small town I continued my somewhat un-melodius singing, stopped at an intersection to let some pedestrians through and wondered why they were staring at me... Then it dawned on me and my song stuttered down to silence.
The worst part is that this was the song.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/F_RXq7T9p6s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

30th July 2013, 20:22
I was once singing away to myself at the top of my lungs on a trip back to Wellington from Whakatane. With ear plugs and wind noise you don't really hear yourself that well anyway. So going through a small town I continued my somewhat un-melodius singing, stopped at an intersection to let some pedestrians through and wondered why they were staring at me... Then it dawned on me and my song stuttered down to silence.
The worst part is that this was the song.

Been there, done that ... different song though.

30th July 2013, 21:06
Been there, done that ... different song though.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/XH2wGpl7UG4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

30th July 2013, 21:42
The worst part is that this was the song.

You sick fucker.:sick:

30th July 2013, 21:47
I do when I'm racing. Things like "get the fuck out of the way you raving poolick!!"

The onboard camera caught me politely suggesting at the top of my voice, to the backmarker that kindly inserted himself between me and the RSV4 I was trying to pass at the hairpin, last lap and nearly outa chances, that he might like to go away and resemble girlie parts somewhere else........ Makes me wonder if anyone else can actually hear you, could be embarrasing.:facepalm:

30th July 2013, 21:49
The onboard camera caught me politely suggesting at the top of my voice, to the backmarker that kindly inserted himself between me and the RSV4 I was trying to pass at the hairpin, last lap and nearly outa chances, that he might like to go away and resemble girlie parts somewhere else........ Makes me wonder if anyone else can actually hear you, could be embarrasing.:facepalm:

Lol. I hear ya as it were...

31st July 2013, 08:37
Bluetooth helmet mounted phone huh? Quite a trick for Mr Tibbs to answer the phone without opposable thumbs.

Bring me some fish you lanky monkey.

Mr Tibbs could step on the speaker phone button...

I got home one day to find my cat sitting on the recliner chair watching the TV - which she must have turned on by stepping on the remote button I presume...

F5 Dave
31st July 2013, 11:53
Our cat used to like sitting ontop of the Telly, an archaic Phillips with a switch on the top for program & volume which would turn it on. Often followed by an increase in volume, to unbearable.

First day we got our swishy new LCD (6yr old free from Dad, about a month ago) she tried to jump up not understanding it was coooonsiderably thinner. Oops, scrabble, embarrassed cat look. Could have been fodder for YouTube, but I'm not that sort of saddo (I'm another completely different kind of saddo).

31st July 2013, 17:54
I sometimes do. Last year on the way to the Burt we went from Queenstown to Invergiggle, as we rode through Athol I kept saying "Athol!" Then I got that song I'm an asshole! stuck in my head.:laugh: "I like parking in handicap spaces, watching handicaps pulling handicap faces... I'm an Athol!"
Also on the long boring ride to Wellington, we pass Pekapeka and say it over and over.

31st July 2013, 18:04
I sometimes do. Last year on the way to the Burt we went from Queenstown to Invergiggle, as we rode through Athol I kept saying "Athol!" Then I got that song I'm an asshole! stuck in my head.:laugh: "I like parking in handicap spaces, watching handicaps pulling handicap faces... I'm an Athol!"
Also on the long boring ride to Wellington, we pass Pekapeka and say it over and over.

I know an asshole in Athol, He has an awesome car collection though.:innocent:

Road kill
31st July 2013, 18:23
I sometimes do. Last year on the way to the Burt we went from Queenstown to Invergiggle, as we rode through Athol I kept saying "Athol!" Then I got that song I'm an asshole! stuck in my head.:laugh: "I like parking in handicap spaces, watching handicaps pulling handicap faces... I'm an Athol!"
Also on the long boring ride to Wellington, we pass Pekapeka and say it over and over.

Moblie meditation.
Use it and time slows down during periods of high performance.

31st July 2013, 19:57
Of course I talk to myself, :( Thats why I wear earplugs.

1st August 2013, 13:04
As promised, when I went for a ride, I tried this technique. Not only did it lead to two different arguments, one of the arguments resulted in violence. I may also now have two harassment cases pending. :laugh:

1st August 2013, 13:06
As promised, when I went for a ride, I tried this technique. Not only did it lead to two different arguments, one of the arguments resulted in violence. I may also now have two harassment cases pending. :laugh:

What, did you dob yourself in?:crazy: