View Full Version : Central America?

21st August 2013, 20:47

Heading for Central America in November for a three month solo tour.

Would like to ask

* any experiences/ ideas/ tips you could pass on to me

* Any experience with Bajaj Boxer 150 bike ? Want to get bike that blends in with locals and this seems a good compromse. Bit reluctant to try chinese bikes.

* any riders planning to go there at tis time let me know. we could meet for a beer!



22nd August 2013, 12:19

Heading for Central America in November for a three month solo tour.

Would like to ask

* any experiences/ ideas/ tips you could pass on to me

* Any experience with Bajaj Boxer 150 bike ? Want to get bike that blends in with locals and this seems a good compromse. Bit reluctant to try chinese bikes.

* any riders planning to go there at tis time let me know. we could meet for a beer!



Yeah here's a tip. TAKE A GUN AND KNOW HOW TO USE IT.

22nd August 2013, 19:46
Yeah here's a tip. TAKE A GUN AND KNOW HOW TO USE IT.

Yes I have given the violence and instability aspect thought. Really you can just dwell on this and you would never move outside your front door, let alone ride a bike!

I' m a fairly experienced traveler and will take the advice offered by MFAT and avoid troubled areas. When I rode my pushbike and camped through Bulgaria and Romania the biggest problem was feral dogs.No fun waking up in the morning to see a pack of five or six dogs slavering ,watching your every move and only thin lycra bike pants protecting the family jewels. But a well aimed rock and a smack on the nose to the alpha dog with a bike pump worked wonders. My worst experience was in Romania in broad daylight on a busy street when a Junkie with a knife tried to pinch my bike. Foolishly rather than let him have it I hit him with my water bottle and he dropped everything and ran.

On my trips I only take what I can afford to lose. I guess collateral damage is a threat but then so is crossing the street

On this trip I will stay in small hotels and anyone who wanders the streets after dark anywhere is raising the odds. So will be avoidiing that, travelling only by day and choosing my hotel from a long list of bike friendly venues that the HUBB website promotes

Rather be out and doing it and being careful than sitting at home , living life vicariously and ruing what I could have done.

thanks for the tip


22nd August 2013, 20:40
Have a browse through this thread
Andi (monstaman here on k.b.) is there as I type. I'm sure he'd be happy to answer questions. There's lots of info in the thread. Have a good trip :D

23rd August 2013, 05:17
Tis true what plum sezz.... I never carry more than about $50 on me
if I loose it,, so what.
I have done quite a bit of travelling too
manily asia.. like the heat.. and the seafood.....
have just returned from the philippenes....
that a mad pad... but very nice
stayed in a place called milando
it was meant to be a dangerous outfit...
but to tell ya the truth ,,, I haven't run into any trouble anywhere
I found most people are fine if you treat them ok
a lot of people live on a batter system there
I had an old lady. with 2 teeth.. I would give her breakfast.. and she would do my washing for me
haha.. I better go to sleep
but lots of stories to share

motogpwerks Chris
23rd August 2013, 09:37
That sounds like a good trip ,Mexico and other close countries aren't that bad unless your on the border off the U.S or decide to go on a field trip to look at poppy fields.

-A good GPS due to the road conditions and the lack off good roads
-two fake rolex's (watches) just in case you have a problem with border crossings handing over a $20 rolex will get you through most situations.
-portable water bottle with a water filter,in case you get stuck and need to drink from the tap water
-No photos off your family,just in case someone goes through your stuff and decide that your worth something to someone.
-motorcycle quick fix tire repair kit (must buy that in N.Z) as you will be fixing tires at some point
-good zip ties (3m only)
-lock wire,and pilers
-Spend two weeks before trip drinking 2-3L off water a day so you can have a routine before heading to a warm/humidity area
-for your final Destination,make a photo copy off your passport and sent your self $200 to that hotel for them to hold it till your arrive.This will be your lifeline,in case you need to pay someone to get you there to the hotel due to having lost your I.d/ money.

these are some important things...

When it comes to carrying a side arm in situations that need some form off force the side arm will have to be visable for easy access which means your atacker knows you have it so good chance he has a bigger one or more off them! so not a good idea

23rd August 2013, 20:32
That sounds like a good trip ,Mexico and other close countries aren't that bad unless your on the border off the U.S or decide to go on a field trip to look at poppy fields.

-A good GPS due to the road conditions and the lack off good roads
-two fake rolex's (watches) just in case you have a problem with border crossings handing over a $20 rolex will get you through most situations.
-portable water bottle with a water filter,in case you get stuck and need to drink from the tap water
-No photos off your family,just in case someone goes through your stuff and decide that your worth something to someone.
-motorcycle quick fix tire repair kit (must buy that in N.Z) as you will be fixing tires at some point
-good zip ties (3m only)
-lock wire,and pilers
-Spend two weeks before trip drinking 2-3L off water a day so you can have a routine before heading to a warm/humidity area
-for your final Destination,make a photo copy off your passport and sent your self $200 to that hotel for them to hold it till your arrive.This will be your lifeline,in case you need to pay someone to get you there to the hotel due to having lost your I.d/ money.

these are some important things...

When it comes to carrying a side arm in situations that need some form off force the side arm will have to be visable for easy access which means your atacker knows you have it so good chance he has a bigger one or more off them! so not a good idea

Thanks, great tips here
