View Full Version : '96 Yamaha Virago in Napier - can someone please take a look for me?

22nd August 2013, 18:24
Hey Guys,

Really interested in taking a look at This (http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=629931108&open_homes=&region=&district=) bike but being in auckland makes it a bit tough to test ride. Anyone willing to get in touch and see if it runs well etc?

If I come down to pick it up, beers/reparation can be provided!

Cheers in advance!


spanner spinner
23rd August 2013, 20:17
yep can do, I fix these things for a living so I hope I can give you a good run down of what the bikes like.

if you would arrange a time with the seller over this weekend I can drop round for a look. Best if you get hold of them and tell them that I will drop round to look at it.

PM me with contact details of the seller and your details I we can work out a time suitable to all parties.