View Full Version : My mother is copying me

20th September 2013, 20:17
My old man used to ride before I came along. When I was a young'n, he commuted, from a small town in the middle of nowhere, to Napier for work daily on his Daytona 1200.

After I got my license my dads interest in bikes kicked back up. This time round he is getting his license and using my now redundant KLX300 to go through his L's and R's.

My mum decided to tag along to his basic handling certificate (with my little brother). She passed and sat her theory test within the week. My brother and dad are yet to sit their theory tests.

My mum was just getting it because she could, but after doing the basic handling, she had so much fun she's looking for a scorpio or gn250 (she can't get onto the KLX... vertically challenged). She has a 2 piece leather set that fits her and a helmet.

She used to pillion with my dad, has swung on a sidecar (speedway) and even had a go on a push bike jump I built one arvo (long story short, she broke her ribs and it was hilarious).

I think She's actually going to start riding but only commuting around town. I think me and the old man will go for rides to Burt Munro etc when he gets a bigger bike. But my mum will be stuck in the van or plane to escort my 9 year old sister (which is a saving grace. "slow down!" "Don't go around corners so fast, I can't keep up" etc. Will hopefully not ruin the lunch stops).

20th September 2013, 21:31
thats awesome, go mum :niceone:, klx will make it down for the burt, a guy last year rode a suzy 250 down from auck and competed in every event on it that he was elligible for then rode it home, gonna be a good burt this year, hopefuuly not so much of a challenge getting from invers to the rally site

20th September 2013, 22:27
A family that rides together, stays together! :niceone:

20th September 2013, 22:50
You laughed at your mum breaking her ribs?
Cold as ice baby.

Good luck to her!

21st September 2013, 07:38
Could this be the first ''Mother/Son'' combo on a L's Angel's ride? :confused:

21st September 2013, 08:16
Hehe...is that the Brady Bunch muic I hear in the background?

Good on yiz!

21st September 2013, 10:41
Could this be the first ''Mother/Son'' combo on a L's Angel's ride? :confused:

Na I'll make sure no one can babysit those weekends haha.

24th September 2013, 07:30
Na I'll make sure no one can babysit those weekends haha.

Awww you big meanie.

Is she going to become a mod on KB? "Hayden stop posting all that rubbish, and mind your language"

Just found out that my work mates mum rides a busa. To me thats a totally awesomely cool mum!!

24th September 2013, 08:06
Its bloody awesome that nearly your entire family is riding now. Won't be long until the little one will want a kiddies bike, though. (There are pink ones, I have seen them :D)

I've got a GN that needs to go, with heated hand grips and a screen... :)

24th September 2013, 08:22
A family that rides together, stays together! :niceone:

...unless one turns left while the others carry on...

24th September 2013, 11:48
Its bloody awesome that nearly your entire family is riding now. Won't be long until the little one will want a kiddies bike, though. (There are pink ones, I have seen them :D)

I've got a GN that needs to go, with heated hand grips and a screen... :)

Little one already has a (blue) peewee50 and has raced a 125cc junior speedway bike *proud face*

Awww you big meanie.

Is she going to become a mod on KB? "Hayden stop posting all that rubbish, and mind your language"

Just found out that my work mates mum rides a busa. To me thats a totally awesomely cool mum!!

Let's hope she doesn't! She's more likely to abuse people on here.

In other news, she knows a friend of a friends relations friend who has a bike for sale. So I went with her to check out the bike with her. She told me it was an '08 CRF250 and he wanted $3,500 for it. That was a bargain price. Turns out it was a CBF250... close but still horribly wrong. I think she's after a scorpio or gn250 because even the CBF was a bit too big for her to be comfy (stubby little legs... it's genetic).