View Full Version : Little Pipsons Round 1 Bikerider Summer Series.

20th October 2013, 18:40
Arrived at Manfeild about 8 for the first round of the Pacific Club series, it was a little bit cloudy but not too bad.

I went out for qualifying and just took it easy as the track was cold, so didn’t want to rush in to anything. The bike was sliding around a bit but I managed to get 6th.

Race 1
I got a pretty good start and was 5th going into turn 1 just behind Amy Vaculik-Hamilton. It didn’t take long for me to get past her and into 4th, but it wasn’t long before Amy and her dad George were right behind me. George managed to get past at point 4 by coming up on the inside, but was a bit too fast for the corner, so I had to sit up and we just touched which pushed me wide and let Amy past too. I managed to catch up and get past them both during the next lap. With it now being the last lap I managed to pull away and win by just over a second.

Race 2
I got another good start and was 4th into turn 1 and got out to a good lead but then I started having problems with the bikes power so I wasn’t able to maintain the lead and George caught up to me and just got past. I got a good drive out of the sweeper right in the slip stream, but he had a little wobble which made me let off the gas, otherwise I would have hit him. That slowed me down a bit so I went to the outside and it was very close to the line with George just beating me by 0.01 this left me in second.

Race 3
I got a good start and got up to 4th by turn 1. I was leading the 150s for a bit but George and Amy managed to get past, I tried to keep up with them for a bit but just couldn’t keep up with them after that with the bikes problems, so stayed 3rd for the whole race.

This gives me 67 points for the day and leaves me in 2nd place.

I would like to thank the PMCC for the loan of the bike and also thank you to Lindsay Ross.