View Full Version : The Principle

10th April 2014, 10:28
Oh dear... this should be fun (not on KB though).


Ender EnZed
10th April 2014, 11:31
Load of shit.

The "principle" here is the Corpernican principle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copernican_principle) which is that the Earth is not in a central, specially favored position in the universe. This film argues the opposite.

The dude who made it is a holocaust denying American Catholic named Robert Sungenis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Sungenis) with a "Ph.D" in Religious Studies from an unaccredited distance "university" in Vanuatu. He self published his bullshit back in the 80s in a book titled "Galileo Was Wrong: The Church Was Right".

He's managed to mislead some actual scientists in order to get them on camera and then proceeded to manipulate their words so that it sounds like they support his view. They don't.

There is a non zero probability that Earth is in a special place in the universe. But it is vanishingly small and you would have to be an absolute fuckwit to buy into any of this shit after even the briefest of considerations.

10th April 2014, 11:40
Load of shit.

The "principle" here is the Corpernican principle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copernican_principle) which is that the Earth is not in a central, specially favored position in the universe. This film argues the opposite.

The dude who made it is a holocaust denying American Catholic named Robert Sungenis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Sungenis) with a "Ph.D" in Religious Studies from an unaccredited distance "university" in Vanuatu. He self published his bullshit back in the 80s in a book titled "Galileo Was Wrong: The Church Was Right".

He's managed to mislead some actual scientists in order to get them on camera and then proceeded to manipulate their words so that it sounds like they support his view. They don't.

There is a non zero probability that Earth is in a special place in the universe. But it is vanishingly small and you would have to be an absolute fuckwit to buy into any of this shit after even the briefest of considerations.


Solid hits, should sink this bitch down to pink hell any minute now.

10th April 2014, 12:19
Whats God been up since he created the Universe?

10th April 2014, 12:23
Whats God been up since he created the Universe?

Enjoying the floor show?


10th April 2014, 12:37
He self published his bullshit back in the 80s in a book titled "Galileo Was Wrong: The Church Was Right".

The title is such a mis-understanding of what the Church said about Galileo's work that it demonstrates to me the complete idiocy of his work ..

James Deuce
10th April 2014, 12:54
Kate Mulgrew moved rapidly to distance herself from this utter BullShit too.

Best thing you can do if you know someone who supports this geocentric nonsense is to simply not engage about it. Don't discuss, don't engage, you aren't going to change their "mind" (though it would be a stretch to imagine that a geocentrist even has one) and they will Gish Gallop you to an early grave.

James Deuce
10th April 2014, 12:56
Whats God been up since he created the Universe?

"She", you idiot. Wear gumboots and carry a lightning rod. Please note people, it's a "lightning" rod, not a "lightening" rod. The concept of a "lightening rod" makes my brain fire off in so many directions at once that I can't form a coherent position on what one may actually be.

10th April 2014, 13:00
Load of shit.

The "principle" here is the Corpernican principle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copernican_principle) which is that the Earth is not in a central, specially favored position in the universe. This film argues the opposite.

The dude who made it is a holocaust denying American Catholic named Robert Sungenis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Sungenis) with a "Ph.D" in Religious Studies from an unaccredited distance "university" in Vanuatu. He self published his bullshit back in the 80s in a book titled "Galileo Was Wrong: The Church Was Right".

He's managed to mislead some actual scientists in order to get them on camera and then proceeded to manipulate their words so that it sounds like they support his view. They don't.

There is a non zero probability that Earth is in a special place in the universe. But it is vanishingly small and you would have to be an absolute fuckwit to buy into any of this shit after even the briefest of considerations.

Things change. I see no reason why science can't revisit what it knows where new information becomes available... after all the guys being interviewed aren't first year physics students. It'll be interesting to see why their minds are changing.

James Deuce
10th April 2014, 13:04
Things change. I see no reason why science can't revisit what it knows where new information becomes available... after all the guys being interviewed aren't first year physics students. It'll be interesting to see why their minds are changing.

Too late, they're all distancing themselves from being involved. They've been edited to support this crackpot's theory. BTW, you are doing yourself a massive disservice to equate bullshit with science.

Ender EnZed
10th April 2014, 13:15
Things change. I see no reason why science can't revisit what it knows where new information becomes available...

That's pretty much the definition of science. This film is not science, it's just being portrayed to seem that way to people who don't know any better.

after all the guys being interviewed aren't first year physics students. It'll be interesting to see why their minds are changing.

Their comments have been taken out of context and manipulated by a religious nutcase. They are not geocentrists.

10th April 2014, 13:20
Too late, they're all distancing themselves from being involved. They've been edited to support this crackpot's theory. BTW, you are doing yourself a massive disservice to equate bullshit with science.

I have an open mind and realise that knowledge changes with successive "discoveries". It may well be BULLSHIT, but a BIG question rears its ugly head: Why would these people of high standing in the physics community be interviewed offering such "insane" theories? The retraction is easy to understand as it'll affect their budgets etc... however the reason for standing up in the first place?

I'll wait to see what they have to say when the doco comes out before writing it off by citing what is currently accepted as scientific fact/theory. Things change and the amount of shit we don't know anything about is likely exponentially larger than that which we do.

Big Dave
10th April 2014, 13:21
Of course the Earth is the centre of the universe. I'm on it.

10th April 2014, 13:23
Enjoying the floor show?


What's the point if you're the choreographer, and set designer, and director, and producer.... and audience?

10th April 2014, 13:23
That's pretty much the definition of science. This film is not science, it's just being portrayed to seem that way to people who don't know any better.

Their comments have been taken out of context and manipulated by a religious nutcase. They are not geocentrists.

I'll wait and see. We're all spinning around something.

10th April 2014, 13:24
Poor old Kate Mulgrew had to issue a statement saying "Oh Crikey, I had no idea I was involved in ths bollocks, sorry guys, and Star Trek fans."

10th April 2014, 13:24
I'll wait and see. We're all spinning around something.

Dude, do you even cosmology?

10th April 2014, 13:34
Dude, do you even cosmology?

No, I'm a programmer.

10th April 2014, 13:37
Whats God been up since he created the Universe?

:psst: Keep it dark but seeing as you asked ... I have been relaxing out here in "God's own" logging onto KB and checking on my work from time to time! :blip:

10th April 2014, 13:40
"She", you idiot. Wear gumboots and carry a lightning rod. Please note people, it's a "lightning" rod, not a "lightening" rod. The concept of a "lightening rod" makes my brain fire off in so many directions at once that I can't form a coherent position on what one may actually be.

And that's why so many of the Irish Round Towers have no cap as they were hit by lightning.God could have been a woman is there looked to be a fair bit of multitasking involved.
Anyways back to changing bullet points to tick boxes .....

10th April 2014, 14:06
"She", you idiot. Wear gumboots and carry a lightning rod. Please note people, it's a "lightning" rod, not a "lightening" rod. The concept of a "lightening rod" makes my brain fire off in so many directions at once that I can't form a coherent position on what one may actually be.

Perhaps it is a rod used to lighten a dark place? Or a shorter form of enlightening rod, as in, we need a stout rod to forcibly enlighten these muppets who produced such drivel that is in no way representative of the viewpoints of those 'interviewed'.

10th April 2014, 14:09
No, I'm a programmer.


bool answer = mashman.cosmology.get();


10th April 2014, 14:27

bool answer = mashman.cosmology.get();


Cannot implicitly convert type string to bool

10th April 2014, 14:31
Cannot implicitly convert type string to bool

I you're not storing it as a bool, you should at least have an overloaded return type for the get() function.


10th April 2014, 14:36
I you're not storing it as a bool, you should at least have an overloaded return type for the get() function.

Overloaded get functions are unnecessary. You should have used a property instead.

10th April 2014, 14:45
Ha sukaz I aint seen da principel snce I dropt owt

10th April 2014, 14:46
Overloaded get functions are unnecessary. You should have used a property instead.

It's all geek to me

10th April 2014, 14:52
Overloaded get functions are unnecessary. You should have used a property instead.

I had the return type as bool, don't come complaining to me cos your one returned a string...

some say we may be getting off topic, but a geocentrist would say as long as it is still about me, we're absolutely on topic :shifty: right?

Speaking of unfortunate strings...


10th April 2014, 15:19
It's all geek to me

Beware of Geeks bearing gifs ...

10th April 2014, 15:27
Beware of Geeks bearing gifs ...

makes Franken sense.;)

Ender EnZed
10th April 2014, 16:04
It may well be BULLSHIT, but a BIG question rears its ugly head: Why would these people of high standing in the physics community be interviewed offering such "insane" theories?

Why indeed? Why would respected scientists air their new, groundbreaking theories with massive implications for mankind in the form of a dramatised feature film made by a totally unqualified man known to have long standing views in contradiction with the scientific community?

Answer: They didn't say anything "insane" or wildly controversial to the interviewer, the footage was edited to distort the meaning of what they said.

10th April 2014, 16:18
It's all geek to me

The geeks shall inherit the Earth.

I had the return type as bool, don't come complaining to me cos your one returned a string...

some say we may be getting off topic, but a geocentrist would say as long as it is still about me, we're absolutely on topic :shifty: right?

Speaking of unfortunate strings...

Yeah, but you used a get function to return it which was 6 characters more than required and the answer that was going to be returned was a string. At least you could test and convert the string to see if it "contained" boolean value.

:killingme... I'm not a geocentrist, I reckon the movie will have more than the geocentrist position in it (contrary to populist belief), but I'm used to people making up their own KB version so didn't feel the need to point it out earlier.

bwaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaa... can't have been a string theorist

10th April 2014, 16:22
Why indeed? Why would respected scientists air their new, groundbreaking theories with massive implications for mankind in the form of a dramatised feature film made by a totally unqualified man known to have long standing views in contradiction with the scientific community?

Answer: They didn't say anything "insane" or wildly controversial to the interviewer, the footage was edited to distort the meaning of what they said.

:rofl: that wasn't sarcasm was it.

Or the footage will be placed in context re: as deniers discussing the "inexplicable" and an explanation being put forwards. Dunno, but it looks interesting to me.

10th April 2014, 16:26
Yeah, but you used a get function to return it which was 6 characters more than required and the answer that was going to be returned was a string. At least you could test and convert the string to see if it "contained" boolean value.

:killingme... I'm not a geocentrist, I reckon the movie will have more than the geocentrist position in it (contrary to populist belief), but I'm used to people making up their own KB version so didn't feel the need to point it out earlier.

bwaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaa... can't have been a string theorist

Get function is for compatibility, all the checks are in it, as opposed to parameters which can go awry if looked up when they shouldn't be. Code autocomplete and highlighting are wonderful things to prevent type mismatches and overshortening of function calls :yes:

I don't, it'll have other shit but will only be used to validate the geocentrist positions, like all those guys who have been misquoted.

Some strings should stay raveled.

Big Dave
10th April 2014, 16:34
'Those are my principles. If you don't like them....I have others.' - Marx, G.

10th April 2014, 16:41
Get function is for compatibility, all the checks are in it, as opposed to parameters which can go awry if looked up when they shouldn't be. Code autocomplete and highlighting are wonderful things to prevent type mismatches and overshortening of function calls :yes:

I don't, it'll have other shit but will only be used to validate the geocentrist positions, like all those guys who have been misquoted.

Some strings should stay raveled.

Strings and booleans are different types across languages? What parameters, neither of us used any. Gotta say though, intellisense and keyword colouring is great for readability and you can make some exceptionally gaudy colour schemes. Tis when my colour deafness comes into it's own :laugh:.

I misquoted no one. You'd be best staying with strings if your logic is that screwy.

They could stick a bead on the end and shove it up their a....... well, it'd prevent string fallout.

10th April 2014, 16:45
Strings and booleans are different types across languages? What parameters, neither of us used any. Gotta say though, intellisense and keyword colouring is great for readability and you can make some exceptionally gaudy colour schemes. Tis when my colour deafness comes into it's own :laugh:.

I misquoted no one. You'd be best staying with strings if your logic is that screwy.

They could stick a bead on the end and shove it up their a....... well, it'd prevent string fallout.

Mostly, sometimes not though, like xml, though not a programming language persay, still a language; which is really handy for changing/reading values out of the program you're working on.

Unless you made the vid, I didn't say you did.

10th April 2014, 17:26
Mostly, sometimes not though, like xml, though not a programming language persay, still a language; which is really handy for changing/reading values out of the program you're working on.

Unless you made the vid, I didn't say you did.

XML, pft, it's a pseudo-database at best and all but died when XSL(T) left the building. However I was proficient with it in the late 90's and the two worked really well together. Aye, it's a config file now. If you open up an SSIS package in IE you'll note that the entire thing is XML. Quite cool for ignoring the eccentricities of the MS IDE and building much smarter tools :yes:. Alas, very few places can afford the R&D in order to turn their square wheels into round wheels, heh.

And I should bloody well hope not too.

10th April 2014, 22:42
We're all spinning around something.
Look at you in your hot pants.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/qaGS3Uts704" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

10th April 2014, 23:24
Look at you in your hot pants.

I'd happily squeeze into those hot pants. I believe she's lookin too.

10th April 2014, 23:38

Everyone knows that America is at the centre of the universe! Bwahahahahahaha!

Even aliens know it, that's why they always land in and attack America! :lol: