View Full Version : A Wee Problem

7th September 2005, 16:02
While the new garage is being built the bike is in the carport under a plastic bike cover.

The problem is a neighbourhood dog is relieving himself on the plastic cover.

The smell is hellish and the whole experience of taking the cover off and on is quite revolting.

Any one else have/had this problem and any suggestions (non violent please) on how to make the plasticy smell of the cover not so attractive to my peeing friend?


7th September 2005, 16:05
Get some citronella oil, and spray that on there.

7th September 2005, 16:08
Heard of a shot gun?

7th September 2005, 16:09
Non violant method is to use pepper and even the citronella oil works good until it rains

7th September 2005, 16:09
Get some citronella oil, and spray that on there.
Will that work with cats too?

7th September 2005, 16:11
Those pet electic fences aint that expensive, rig it so the fucka pisses on it...he wont be back, and i wouldnt class it as violent...

7th September 2005, 16:14
animals (cats and dogs) also hate the smell of pepper....

Also if you see the dog or cat doing it, have a jolly good water gun and aim and fire at it... it will stop the critters coming back.

another way is rig up a small electical current so that when they are peeing against the plastic they get a small shock.... they wont do it again.
oh you said non violent.

Ummmm why not speak to the dog owner and get them to tie the dog up... so that it doesnt wander all over your section.... as dogs aren't meant to wander off their own properties.

Big Dave
7th September 2005, 16:17
(non violent please)

I'd kick the bastard's arse - you'd only have to do it twice too - but that doesn't qualify.
Put the hose on it, then citronella next.

7th September 2005, 16:19
The problem is I have never even seen a dog in the carport. The sneaky bugger does it when we are out.

Will try the citronella.

7th September 2005, 16:20
Swift boot up thier arse usually cures it. As non violent as you want it to be cause they are still alive and relatively (sp) healthy afterwards.

7th September 2005, 16:22
Will that work with cats too?

Yup cats don't like citronella oil. If it is your cat spraying inside cause it is stressed/marking its territory the best thing is Feliway. Go into a vet clinic & get some info about it.

As for dogs I've seen Citronella in natural flea treatments & kennel cleaners so I don't know if it is a deterrent but anything is worth a go.
Skunk off might work it is used to keep dogs off gardens and is in garden centres, vet clinics & maybe in supermarkets. I'm not sure how it works but I've heard people say it works in the garden.
Cleaning the cover with jiff and disinfectant really helps kill the smell of pee.
Good luck

7th September 2005, 16:24
Can you buy that orange plastic fencing stuff and put that around your carport... sure its a pain to have to untie it... but after a while you will find a quick and easy way of undoing it real quick. that would also keep the buggar out.

Or call the dog rangers, they can do a drive by and maybe catch the mutt.
Then the owners will have to pay a hefty fine to get their mutt back. They will soon learn to keep the dog in its own section.
The dog rangers can also give you a cage to catch the dog in....
the rangers come and collect dog and cage..

7th September 2005, 16:31
Cleaning the cover with jiff and disinfectant really helps kill the smell of pee.
The trouble is, if you just clean the cover, some of the smell may linger (dog's noses are millions of times more sensitive than ours), so the dog will just pee on it again. Don't clean it with anything with ammonia in it, as that will make animals more likely to pee on it.
I suggested citronella, as I knew it worked with cats, so figured dogs would be the same. The trick is to use something that dogs don't like the smell of. Eau de cats arse, mayhap? I dunno...

Mental Trousers
7th September 2005, 16:35
Piss in the bottle of a water pistol and next time the dog does it, squirt him with it and send him smelling like your bike cover.

7th September 2005, 16:38
Catch it, take it to the pound. If the owner can't control their dog they don't deserve to own it.

7th September 2005, 17:14
A squirt of turps on the dog's arse will soon stop it peeing on your bike cover - and it is quite amusing to watch as it runs along then drops its arse on the ground trying to wipe it off! Not that I have ever done anything so cruel... :rofl:

7th September 2005, 17:47
Do what a friend and I have done. Catch the bastard in a trap of some sort. Cover him in waste oil and send him home. They dont come back

7th September 2005, 17:59
Mothballs. But first you have to catch the moths.... :motu:

Seriously, mothballs do work, haven't had any problem with critturs pee-ing on my H-Ds wheels since I started leaving a few mothballs scattered near them.

Big Dave
7th September 2005, 18:04
Mothballs. But first you have to catch the moths.... :motu:

Why do moths fly with their legs apart?
Seen the size of moth balls.

7th September 2005, 18:10

Also if you see the dog or cat doing it, have a jolly good water gun and aim and fire at it... it will stop the critters coming back.


We tried water with my cat to keep it off mums leather couch..

The cat managed to turn it into a game and absolutely loved having water squirted at him...

eventually he decided claws and leather couch were a good mix :oi-grr:

7th September 2005, 20:00
Follow the dog home and then reciprocate on its owner's car...

7th September 2005, 20:28
The trouble is, if you just clean the cover, some of the smell may linger (dog's noses are millions of times more sensitive than ours), so the dog will just pee on it again. Don't clean it with anything with ammonia in it, as that will make animals more likely to pee on it.
I suggested citronella, as I knew it worked with cats, so figured dogs would be the same. The trick is to use something that dogs don't like the smell of. Eau de cats arse, mayhap? I dunno...

Vinegar works quite well, it neutralises the urea/ammonia and the cats/dogs don't like the smell of it.

7th September 2005, 20:48
Why do moths fly with their legs apart?
Seen the size of moth balls.
:rofl: thats funy

7th September 2005, 21:51
Follow the dog home and then reciprocate on its owner's car...

Oh so subtle :rofl: :clap:

8th September 2005, 06:20
seriously now if this doesnt work nothing will go to:

8th September 2005, 07:53
You violent individual :devil2: I like your thinking

8th September 2005, 08:07
go take a shit on the owners cars bonnet.

8th September 2005, 12:20
Maybe you could put some food there once or twice.
I don't think cats / dogs like pissing where they eat. Hopefully the dog will remember not to piss there when you don't put food out anymore.

8th September 2005, 12:32
Heard of a shot gun?

Now thats just excessive, you'd have the armed offender squad 'round & everything, & shotgun ammo is expensive...

Far better off to use a silenced .22. :devil2:
Then chuck the carcass on the road & run over it so no one suspects anything.

Not that I would know... :whistle:


8th September 2005, 13:59
Vicks chest rub - the smelly one. Rub it on the cover. Dog's hate it. Or and Citrus based things, as my steamed fellow KB member has just instinuflated.

8th September 2005, 14:02
Vicks chest rub - the smelly one. Rub it on the cover. Dog's hate it. Or and Citrus based things, as my steamed fellow KB member has just instinuflated.

You having trouble with your english lately? :chase: :hitcher: :ride:

8th September 2005, 14:04
The problem is I have never even seen a dog in the carport. The sneaky bugger does it when we are out.

Will try the citronella.

I'm picking its cats! They reek. (And for some reason, love spraying against plastic...) Don't blame the dog, get one! Should fix the cats...our foxie does, but he leaves our cats alone...

8th September 2005, 14:05
You having trouble with your english lately? :chase: :hitcher: :ride:
the rope must of sliped off your head iv got another for you

8th September 2005, 14:07
the rope must of sliped off your head iv got another for you

Go Go crazy illiterate boy

8th September 2005, 14:07
A squirt of turps on the dog's arse will soon stop it peeing on your bike cover - and it is quite amusing to watch as it runs along then drops its arse on the ground trying to wipe it off! Not that I have ever done anything so cruel... :rofl:

Ha ha ha ha ha............is funny, isn't it....back legs are both behind its ears, front legs going for it as fast forward as possible...the gravel rash must be a pain in the...oh yeah, ARSE...!!!

8th September 2005, 16:54
You having trouble with your english lately? :chase: :hitcher: :ride:

No mour than usual.

Maybe I'm Hitcher baiting.......

And it's English - with a capital EEE. :motu:

8th September 2005, 20:45
No mour than usual.

Maybe I'm Hitcher baiting...
And you are, after all, a master baiter...

8th September 2005, 21:14
I'm picking its cats! They reek. (And for some reason, love spraying against plastic...) Don't blame the dog, get one! Should fix the cats...our foxie does, but he leaves our cats alone...
You could be right about the cats. I've noticed noticed the neighbours cat hanging around lately. Pity my Jack Russell is behind a fence in the backyard or she would cheerfully sort it out. I thought it was a dog because the spray seemed really high up on the cover but maybe a cat could pee that high, filthy bugger.

I'll still try the citronella and pepper and see if that works.
